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We look forward to having you enjoy your journey in ultimate satisfaction. "),s.a.createElement("img",{src:a(17),onClick:function(){return function(){var e=window.innerHeight;window.scroll({top:e,behavior:"smooth"})}()}})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicles-page-cards"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-card"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"vehicle-header"},"Luxury Vehicles For Hire"),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"vehicle-sub-header"},"Mercedes S Class Hire"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"The Mercedes S-Class symbolizes elegance and sophistication in the automotive world. The S-Class provides an excellent driving experience due to its exquisite appearance, cutting-edge technology, and superior comfort."),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"It's built to provide a calm haven for both drivers and passengers. The Mercedes S-Class is a harmonic blend of performance and richness, from the smooth performance of its powerful engines to the advanced safety features that define modern luxury. This way, it proves Mercedes-Benz's commitment to automotive excellence."),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"vehicle-sub-header"},"Audi A8 Hire"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"Audi A8 is a sophisticated and innovative luxury sedan with a sleek design featuring cutting-edge technology. It redefines everything we know about automotive excellence, providing a spectacular interior and comfortable ride."),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"From adaptive suspension to advanced driver assistance, Audi A8 shows us what it means to blend luxury and engineering mastery in one vehicle. That's why it's a great choice for a chauffeured experience."),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"vehicle-sub-header"},"BMW 7 Series Hire"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"A great choice for those who enjoy distinctive and elegant design, advanced technology, and exceptional performance. The BMW 7 series is a symbol of an excellently crafted interior by using premium materials."),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"Redefine the travel luxury with a vehicle that is committed to providing comfort and pleasure while travelling in the most exclusive way you can imagine."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stats"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a walking passenger with their luggage.",src:a(110)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Passengers: 3")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a luggage bag.",src:a(125)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Checked luggage: 1")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a hand held luggage bag.",src:a(126)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Hand luggage: 2")))),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Faded borderless image of a Mercedes S class, coming in focus on hover.",className:"vehicle-image",src:a(176)})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-card"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"vehicle-header"},"Premium MPV"),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"vehicle-sub-header"},"Mercedes V-Class"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"The Mercedes V-Class is recognized as the most popular luxury people carrier, offering multiple seating configurations. A distinctively stylish exterior packed with advanced technology, it delivers ultimate safety and comfort for up to 7 passengers. Perfect for meetings on the road, tours, events and airport transfers as well as everything in between. "),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"vehicle-sub-header"},"Mercedes V-Class Hire"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"Mercedes V-Class offers premium travel thanks to its interior and design. You can hire a chauffeur service for business trips, family outings, and special events. Whether for airport transfers, corporate events, or exploring the city, the Mercedes V-Class combines flexibility with sophistication for everyone, ensuring a secure journey for all occupants."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stats"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a walking passenger with their luggage.",src:a(110)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Passengers: 7")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a luggage bag.",src:a(125)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Checked luggage: 5")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a hand held luggage bag.",src:a(126)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Hand luggage: 4")))),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Faded borderless image of a Mercedes V class, coming in focus on hover.",className:"vehicle-image",src:a(177)})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-card"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"vehicle-header"},"Range Rover"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"Quintessentially British and at home in any surrounding while being elegant, discreet and stylish. The Range Rover Autobiography with extended rear legroom has become the vehicle of choice for the discerning passenger. Perfect for a shopping spree around London, a high-profile event, or even as your vehicle of choice to your private jet."),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"vehicle-sub-header"},"Range Rover Autobiography Hire"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"If you need reasons to hire a chauffeur driving Range Rover Autobiography edition, we have a few of them. It's one of the best vehicles featuring modern technologies but also off-road capabilities. That means you feel comfortable even w/hile travelling through challenging terrains. Still, you can hire this vehicle for urban explorations, as well as city excursions and several business occasions, enjoying the perfect and powerful performance on the streets."),s.a.createElement("span",{className:"vehicle-inquiry",id:"rover",onClick:function(e){return h(e)}},"Enquire for a tailor made quote ",s.a.createElement("img",{src:a(17)})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stats"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a walking passenger with their luggage.",src:a(110)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Passengers: 3")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a luggage bag.",src:a(125)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Checked luggage: 2")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a hand held luggage bag.",src:a(126)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Hand luggage: 3")))),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Faded borderless image of a Range Rover, coming in focus on hover.",className:"vehicle-image",src:a(178)})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-card"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"vehicle-header"},"Rolls Royce Ghost"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"The Rolls Royce Ghost is the ultimate luxury vehicle delivering at all times an unforgettable chauffeur driven experience. This vehicle is every bit as impressive on the exterior as well as the interior. Therefore, it is often the vehicle chosen for special occasions, weddings or lavish events. If you wish to make an impression and enjoy a ride that is totally unique, contact Simber for a tailor made quote specific to your requirements."),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"vehicle-sub-header"},"Rolls Royce Ghost Hire"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"Rolls Royce Ghost offers an unknown world of luxury and prestige, as well as automotive opulence, timeless design, and exceptional attention to detail. With its powerful engine and elegant interior, it's one of the safest vehicles to offer an exclusive ride to the passengers. So, whether it's for your wedding, honeymoon, or other event, you deserve to experience this excellence, making every moment worth the effort."),s.a.createElement("span",{className:"vehicle-inquiry",id:"royce",onClick:function(e){return h(e)}},"Enquire for a tailor made quote ",s.a.createElement("img",{src:a(17)})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stats"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a walking passenger with their luggage.",src:a(110)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Passengers: 3")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a luggage bag.",src:a(125)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Checked luggage: 1")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a hand held luggage bag.",src:a(126)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Hand luggage: 2")))),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Faded borderless image of a Rolls Royce Ghost, coming in focus on hover.",className:"vehicle-image",src:a(179)})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-card"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"vehicle-header"},"8 to 16 seater Premium Minibus"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"Simber can offer clients a number of Mercedes-Benz executive Minibuses which are available in various sizes; ranging from 8, 12 and 16 seaters. Perfect for transporting groups around the United Kingdom for corporate or social events, financial roadshows, sightseeing tours or special occasions. The Mercedes chauffeur driven minibuses are equipped with entertainment systems and comfortable leather seats making them a stylish and spacious option for your friends, family or business associates."),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"vehicle-sub-header"},"8 Seater Minibus"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"Elevate every group travel with exceptional spaciousness and comfort. These minibuses are designed for families or groups of friends but also for corporate teams on a trip together. With versatile seating configurations, everyone enjoys ample legroom and convenience."),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"From airport transfers to daily trips, the 8 Seater minibus offers a unique blend of style and practicality, ensuring a delightful journey. Every time you need safe and efficient group transportation, the 8 Seater minibus is here to meet all your requirements."),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"vehicle-sub-header"},"16 Seater Minibus Hire"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"vehicle-text"},"For even larger groups, we recommend the 16 Seater minibuses designed to provide enough space and comfort for every passenger. You can use it for corporate events because the advanced features and modern amenities provide convenience and safety for the whole group of passengers. Reach your preferred destination in style, even when you travel with friends and family, or maybe corporate partners or some special group of people by your side."),s.a.createElement("span",{className:"vehicle-inquiry",id:"minibus",onClick:function(e){return h(e)}},"Enquire for a tailor made quote ",s.a.createElement("img",{src:a(17)})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stats"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"vehicle-stat"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Pictogram showing a walking passenger with their luggage.",src:a(110)}),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Passengers: 10-16")))),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Faded borderless image of a Mercedes minibus, coming in focus on hover.",className:"vehicle-image",src:a(180)})))),s.a.createElement(ee,null))}a(753);var re=a(1190),ie=a(1174),se=a(1188),le=a(1189);a(754);function ce(e){return s.a.createElement(ie.a,{className:"faq-accordion",itemScope:!0,itemProp:"mainEntity",itemType:"https://schema.org/Question"},s.a.createElement(se.a,{expandIcon:s.a.createElement("img",{src:a(405)})},s.a.createElement("span",{className:"faq-header",itemProp:"name"},e.question)),s.a.createElement(le.a,{className:"faq-details",itemScope:!0,itemProp:"acceptedAnswer",itemType:"https://schema.org/Answer"},s.a.createElement("span",{className:"a-tag"},"A:"),s.a.createElement("span",{itemProp:"text"},e.answer.split("\n").map((function(e,t){return s.a.createElement("div",{className:t>0?"newline":"",key:t},e)})))))}var ue=a(31),he=a.n(ue);var de=function(){return Object(i.useEffect)((function(){he()(document).ready((function(){he()(".fadeHover").hover((function(){he()(".fadeHover").not(this).fadeTo("fast",.3)}),(function(){he()(".fadeHover").fadeTo("fast",1)}))}))})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"Immerse yourself in the unparalleled luxury of our corporate chauffeur services in London, and let Simber redefine your expectations of corporate transportation."}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"Corporate Chauffeur Service | Simber"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/corporate-chauffeur"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Corporate Chauffeur Service",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/corporate-chauffeur"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("img",{onClick:function(){return window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:"smooth"})},className:"top-img",src:a(47)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"corporate-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",{className:"details-header"},"London\u2019s Best Corporate Chauffeur Service"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Business meetings, corporate special events, and individual clients transportation? Not a problem! Simber is ready to accommodate all your specific corporate transfer requirements, offering a wide array of services for business occasions."),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Corporate Chauffeurs for Residential & International Business Travellers"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Experience luxury, comfort, and safety with our corporate chauffeur services in London and throughout the UK. Our licensed, professional chauffeurs ensure your peace of mind for a stress-free business trip, no matter your company's role."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"picture-section big"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"A man and a women waiting for their corporate booked chauffeur.",className:"",src:a(406)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h3",null," Chauffeurs for Business Travellers "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Whether you're on a business trip in London or across the UK, we're here to provide a chauffeur-driven business experience, taking you to meetings, conferences, or financial roadshows. Our corporate chauffeur service is here to cater to your logistical needs with a vast vehicle selection."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"You only need to enjoy the pleasant transportation experience while staying focused on your business matters."))),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Chauffeurs for Corporate Guests"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"When hosting business visitors in London, Simber handles their VIP transportation needs. Whether it's a day trip or a multi-day stay, our chauffeurs ensure a seamless experience from airport arrival to departure. Our all-inclusive corporate services offer transfers from and to meetings and conferences while you impress the business guests, leaving a lasting impression."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Inside of a large MPV ideal for corporate uses.",className:"large-image",src:a(407)}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Corporate Business Trips "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Company managers who need chauffeur services to handle transportation can always reach out to us and get a complete service. We specialize in corporate services for meetings, roadshows, conferences, PR events, airport transfers, and more."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"A partnership with Simber means an unmatched corporate event, discretion, and always accommodating your staff, guests, and business partners."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our fleet features vehicles that can accommodate passengers on your request - from exclusive Sedans to on-demand minibuses. Let us help you organize this business trip with you, so you can shine as a host."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Find out more about how to partner with us ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact",rel:"nofollow"},"here.")),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"A Wide Range of Vehicles for Corporate Transfers"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our chauffeur driven vehicles - including the stylish Mercedes E-Class and versatile Mercedes V-Class - are perfect for conferences. However, the elegant and comfortable Mercedes S-Class redefines luxury and aesthetics in corporate travelling. To view the full range of London VIP chauffeur driven vehicles please visit the ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/vehicles",rel:"nofollow"},"Vehicles Page")),s.a.createElement("p",null,"All vehicles are disinfected before and after each trip, ensuring your health and safety and a contactless journey are guaranteed. As you deal with the stress of your everyday job and tackle unexpected challenges, Simber offers you the space needed to relax in between meetings or before and after attendance of conferences."),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Corporate Transfers and Services for Business Meetings"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Hire a corporate chauffeur service for punctual arrivals, seamless travelling, and adapting to the local traffic laws and regulations. VIP chauffeurs for corporate purposes not only enhance your efficiency but boost your image, too."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Simber's corporate chauffeur services are tailor-made to your requirements and unique needs. With the extensive vehicle fleet, we can manage multiple requests from the same company, including:"),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Bespoke services when it comes to business meetings (taking you there and picking you up)"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Chauffeur services for corporate events of any kind"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Long-distance travelling for business purposes (for example, from London to any other UK destination, as well as taking you back to London)"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Transfers from and to airports or bus/train stations across London and the UK"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Other tailor-made offers on your request")),s.a.createElement("p",null,"With Simber by your side, you get the best from London corporate chauffeur services. All you have to do is enjoy the ride, handle some business calls, and never think about dealing with local traffic and laws alone."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"faq-section-header"},"Corporate Chauffeur FAQ"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"faq-wrapper",itemScope:!0,itemType:"https://schema.org/FAQPage"},s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How do I book a corporate chauffeur service?",answer:"You can book a corporate chauffeur London by filling out the automated booking form on the homepage. Simply, enter your pick up location, drop off location, choose a vehicle depending on your requirements and proceed to payment. Once this is done, you will receive a confirmation email, and then, prior to your journey, another mail will follow to confirm the driver\u2019s contact details. For hourly limo service London and more info, you can always call us on the phone."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"We travel on a regular basis, as opposed to constant payments do you offer memberships or subscriptions?",answer:"At Simber we offer packages which are tailored to your travel needs, these packages can include a combination of airport transfers, inner city rides, as well as hourly chauffeur hire and a chauffeur corporate hire.. We are also able to set up a business account for your chauffeured services for business and process all of your trips monthly keeping all trips under one roof."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How far in advance do I need to book?",answer:"At Simber which is a chauffeur service company, we have previously worked with telephone bookings with one-hour- notice. However, to guarantee availability we recommend that you make your booking as soon as you have confirmed your corporate VIP meetings / itinerary."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Will the chauffeur respect my privacy and confidentiality? ",answer:"All of the chauffeurs at our corporate chauffeur service London have put their chauffeur sign on non disclosure agreements, therefore, any conversations within the vehicle, stay in the vehicle."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What is the most popular chauffeur car for corporate clients?",answer:"The Mercedes S-Class is the most popular choice, the Mercedes E-Class saloon comes in a favourable second place, especially for short city trips. The Mercedes V-Class is the choice for meeting on the go, roadshows and conferences."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What is an executive business chauffeur service London?",answer:"UK VIP chauffeur services are entrusted to look after a diverse corporate clientele, delivering our continued exacting standards in discretion, precision and reliability and provide the executive chauffeur services. We also offer international chauffeur service."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Will I be notified when my car arrives?",answer:"Our executive chauffeur service London will notify you as soon as your vehicle arrives at the agreed pick up point, which will be about 10-15 minutes prior to your booking."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What is the difference between a taxi driver and a chauffeur?",answer:"Business chauffeur service provides first rate transportation services all year-round, at the same time they prioritise customer service and promote our professionally chauffeured services. Our chauffeur driven service wants what is best for our clients and follows the necessary steps to make travel an enjoyable experience. Also, our corporate chauffeured cars give all the comfort for a great ride."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Will the chauffeur talk to our clients or passengers?",answer:"At our chauffeuring company we have chauffeurs that are polite, professional and discreet. If the passenger or client would like to talk or ask questions then the chauffeur will happily engage and respond. We provide executive chauffeuring for all your needs with a business chauffeur London. Before booking online, make sure you have done a good chauffeur service reading of the things provided to make sure you have it all clear."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Will the chauffeur drive in excess of any speed limits?",answer:"Your chauffeur will always drive safely, responsibly and sensibly in accordance with road conditions, complying at all times with traffic and legal speed limits, so you won\u2019t have to worry in advance when you purchase your corporate event chauffeur hire."}))))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))};a(755);var pe=function(){return s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"About Simber Chauffeur Services"}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"About Simber Chauffeur Services | Simber"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/about"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(re.a,{className:"container about-text",maxWidth:"md"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"about-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content about-content"},s.a.createElement("h1",{className:"about-header"},"About Us"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"first-paragraph"},"We are Simber, your choice of London Chauffeur Company, offering the ultimate discreet executive and VIP chauffeur experience for residential and international clients. We pride ourselves in being able to successfully plan and execute complex transportation requirements. As well as offering a tailored chauffeur service to suit our client\u2019s needs, we offer a wide range of services that meet all your transportation needs."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"As a company, Simber saw the light of day when partners, Andras, Denis & Norbert joined forces to offer the travelers visiting London and the rest of the UK a new way of comfort and luxury during time of visit. Equipped with extensive experience, and the thirst for making a difference, we started a business that cares not only for our invaluable clients but also for our planet. We are eco-responsible and act. Simber offsets its carbon footprint by working together with Ecologi, our favorite climate change organization. We help fund the highest standard climate projects to accelerate our transition to a sustainable future by planting trees for every journey we undertake."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("a",{className:"primary-button",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk"},"book now")),s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"About Us",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/about"}],className:"second-paragraph"}),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"third-paragraph"},"We understand the importance of trust, discretion, safety, reliability and punctuality. Every client has different needs, we have a \u201ccan do\u201d attitude, a wealth of experience in the industry and are confident in our ability to provide you with the right service solution. At SIMBER we strive for service excellence and our clients to date continue to choose us as their transportation partner for this very reason, they entrust us with their family, business associates, staff members and guests making sure they always receive an unparalleled service that is prompt, safe and discreet. "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our professional, attentive, polite and discreet chauffeurs combined with a premium fleet of cars, aim to provide you with the most comfortable, luxurious and efficient service regardless of the occasion. All of the services we offer and more have helped us grow our business through constant satisfactory recommendations from our loyal clients. "),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"last-paragraph"},"With a premium selection of vehicles and outstanding service by London's best chauffeurs, SIMBER is your choice of comfortable luxury.")))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))};a(756);function me(){return s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"Discover the epitome of luxury airport transfers and make your reservation today. Trust us to provide a seamless, reliable, and unforgettable journey."}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"Airport Transfers in Complete Luxury and Comfort | Simber"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/airport-transfers"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Airport Transfers",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/airport-transfers"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"airport-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",null,"Luxury Airport Transfers"),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Luxury Airport Transfers London"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Looking for the most convenient London airport car service for seamless travelling? Simber offers you hassle-free VIP transfers with VIP airport transfer service - provided by a professional driver - ensuring your airport arrival or departure goes as smoothly as possible."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"As a luxury airport transfer service in London, we offer pick-ups and drop-offs from and to all major London or UK airports. Whether you arrive or depart at London City Airport, Gatwick, Heathrow, Stansted, Biggin Hill, Farnborough or London Luton Airport, Simber will handle the most stressful part of your journey."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Book your Airport transfer on ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk"},"Simber")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"UK London Airport Luxury Drop Off and Pick Up"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Your luxury travel experience starts once you arrive at some of the anticipated UK airports. Whether you choose a sedan or a luxury limo, you can expect these services:"),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Personal airport transfer by your Chauffeur at the airport terminal and transfer straight to the car, including",s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",{className:"sub-list-item"},"Heathrow Chauffeur Airport Transfers"),s.a.createElement("li",{className:"sub-list-item"},"London City Airport Transfers"),s.a.createElement("li",{className:"sub-list-item"},"Luton Airport Transfers"),s.a.createElement("li",{className:"sub-list-item"},"Gatwick Chauffeur Airport Transfers"),s.a.createElement("li",{className:"sub-list-item"},"Stansted Airport Transfers"),s.a.createElement("li",{className:"sub-list-item"},"Biggin Hill Airport Transfers"),s.a.createElement("li",{className:"sub-list-item"},"Farnborough Airport Transfers"))),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Assisting you with luggage or equipment from the terminal to the vehicle."),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Set of essentials in the car (water, mints, tissues, antibacterial gel, WiFi)"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Smooth contactless ride"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"One hour complimentary wait "),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Fixed pricing, including tolls and parking fees for one hour"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Flight monitoring to ensure you are met on time, regardless if your flight is delayed or early. ")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"picture-section"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Chauffeur placing passengers bag in the trunk at the airport while providing luxury airport transfer in London.",src:a(408)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Private Jet Airport London Transfer Services "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"We offer Meet and Greet London services directly from the plane for clients arriving with private jets at Farnborough Airport, London Biggin Hill, at Harrods Aviation or Signature Flight Support. With Simber, the minute you land you will receive friendly greetings and an exceptional service to remember."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"We'll also organise transfers to your hotel, business meetings or any other events in premium luxury and comfort. Plus, you will get a complimentary wait time for up to one hour, and flight monitoring just to make sure that you are picked up on time."))),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Departing from a London Airport "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Your luxury travel experience doesn't stop even when leaving London. Our London City airport transfer services are dedicated to the client's comfort even when travelling home, ensuring everything is taken care of. That's why we provide a variety of luxury transportation options tailored to your needs, like:"),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Picking you up from your prefered location "),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Assisting you with your luggage or equipment"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Additional stops to pick up friends, family, or colleagues (if you need this service, please specify the details in the booking form)"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Discreet, professional chauffeur driven service to your airport terminal of choice "),s.a.createElement("li",null,"While getting to the airport you can enjoy a seamless ride in a:",s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",{className:"sub-list-item"},"Luxury Mercedes S-Class"),s.a.createElement("li",{className:"sub-list-item"},"Spacious Mercedes V-Class"),s.a.createElement("li",{className:"sub-list-item"},"Elegant Range Rover Autobiography"),s.a.createElement("li",{className:"sub-list-item"},"Extravagant Rolls Royce Ghost "),s.a.createElement("li",{className:"sub-list-item"},"8 to 16 seater Mercedes-Benz Minibuses"))),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Set of essentials in the car (water, mints, tissues, antibacterial gel, WiFi)"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Smooth contactless ride")),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Luxury Airport Transport Vehicles"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"The advantage of hiring a chauffeur company to pick you up or drop you off at some London airports comes with various benefits. The extensive choice of exclusive and eco-friendly vehicles is one of them."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"While it seems like it's always a luxury airport limousine chauffeur service, we can ensure you that we also offer the following:",s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Beautiful and comfortable sedans"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Elegant electric and hybrid cars"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Premium MPV carriers"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Luxury cars with off-road capabilities"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Exclusive Minibuses for larger groups"))),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"picture-section"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Luxury airport transfers in London Your Chauffeur placing multiple bags in the back of an MPV.",src:a(409)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("p",null,"Each of these vehicle types comes with a beautiful interior, comfortable seats, and ambience lighting. "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our vehicles take you on a ride from any London airport to a specific London location or even to other UK cities on your request."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact",rel:"nofollow"},"Contact us")," with your request and we will organise additional services for you, your family or clients. "))),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Luxury Airport Transfer Prices"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"The luxury journey from the airport to any spot by choice depends on various factors. While we can't have a transparent list of the service prices, we can share what affects the price. That way, you can estimate what it takes to book an airport transfer in London."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"The specific airport in London"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"The distance between the airport and the drop-off location"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Whether you hire us for a few days or a week"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"The need for additional transfers while in London"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Special requests that aren't included in the basic package"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"The empty mileage if we need to pick you up from a city other than London"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Long-distance requests for UK-wide destinations"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Long-distance trips outside the UK, like France"))),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Anyway, you can use the form on our homepage to book the trip or talk to us directly for specific arrangements and complex trip requests so we can accommodate you. "),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"faq-section-header"},"London Airport Transfers FAQs"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"faq-wrapper",itemScope:!0,itemType:"https://schema.org/FAQPage"},s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How do I book an airport transfer and what information is required from me?",answer:"You can book a luxury airport transfer by filling out the automated booking form on the home page, simply enter your pick up location, drop off location, choose a vehicle depending on your requirements and proceed to payment. Once this is done you will receive a confirmation email confirming your trip, another email will follow prior to your journey to confirm the driver's contact details. Alternatively if you wish, you can call us to book or contact us via the contact form on the Contact us page with your requirements. Please make sure to include your flight number as well as the lead passengers name."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"I\u2019m not the one travelling, can I book an airport transfer on behalf of someone else?",answer:"Absolutely, all of our clients can book on behalf of family, friends, clients or business associates. If you're not the passenger simply add the lead passengers details & their contact number in the booking form. Once they arrive at the airport the chauffeur will greet them with a nameboard."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Which vehicles can I choose from and how much luggage can I fit?",answer:"Clients can choose from a number of luxury car transfers\u2019 vehicles which are listed on the Vehicles page including the amount of luggage each vehicle can fit, The vehicles include the executive Mercedes E Class, Luxury Mercedes S-Class and the extremely comfortable Mercedes V-Class. On request Simber can arrange a Range Rover Vogue, please contact us to request this vehicle."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Where will I meet the chauffeur at the airport?",answer:"One of the main benefits from the luxury car airport transfer is that your chauffeur will always wait for you in the arrivals hall upon landing with a name board. If you prefer being picked up from a specific meeting location within the terminal, please add this location or inform us by contacting us prior to your flight."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What if my flight is landing early or late, will my chauffeur be there? ",answer:"At Simber, we always track our clients' flight; therefore, regardless of whether you are landing early or are delayed we will always have the London airport chauffeur as well as an immaculate vehicle waiting for you. The best thing is that whether you need a Heathrow airport chauffeur transfers, airport transfer Heathrow to London, or any other, it doesn\u2019 matter, the chauffeur will wait for you."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"My flight has been cancelled, how do I inform you best?",answer:"Once we confirm a booking we allocate a chauffeur and vehicle for that particular journey, this cancels out any other bookings that chauffeur / vehicle would receive. We would therefore recommend that you either email us or call us as soon as you know your flight has been cancelled. Naturally, we would be delighted to reschedule your bookings with Simber."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Are tolls and parking included in the fare? ",answer:"All of our airport transfers include 1 hour of complimentary wait time, this includes tolls and parking charges. We do understand however that airports can sometimes be busier than usual and as our client it may take you longer than one hour to pass customs & baggage claim, therefore any additional costs incurred such as parking will be passed on at cost, additional waiting time will be charged in 15 minute intervals. Therefore, we cover a large field of expenses, and that\u2019s why we provide the best airport transfers London."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Do you provide car seats for children?",answer:"We provide child seats for children, these include baby seats, child seats and booster seats. Prior to confirming your booking please do add your child's age or the type of child seat required."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Do young children count as passengers? ",answer:"Regardless of age, the London chauffeur airport transfers count everyone in the vehicle as a passenger."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Can I book the same driver for other services? ",answer:"If you are satisfied with the level of executive airport transfers London service received, by all means, you may request the same chauffeur for other services, as long as the chauffeur is available and has not been pre booked or already requested by another client."}))))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))}a(757);function fe(){Object(i.useEffect)((function(){he()(document).ready((function(){he()(".fadeHover").hover((function(){he()(".fadeHover").not(this).fadeTo("fast",.3)}),(function(){he()(".fadeHover").fadeTo("fast",1)}))}))}));return s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"Simber ensures that your long distance journey starts and ends in a comfortable and luxurious setting with everything you need until reaching your destination."}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"Reliable Long Distance Chauffeur Services | Simber"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/long-distance-chauffeur"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Long Distance Chauffeur Service",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/long-distance-chauffeur"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("img",{onClick:function(){return window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:"smooth"})},className:"top-img",src:a(47)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"longdistance-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",null,"Long Distance Chauffeur Service London"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Enjoy a luxurious and comfortable long-distance journey with a professional chauffeur who will ensure your safety and comfort throughout. Travel in style, even when it takes hours to arrive at your destination."),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Travelling Lost Distance: Most Comfortable, Reliable, and Safest Chauffeur Service in London"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Start the long-distance ride in a luxurious and comfortable setting. Choose the best car for your long-distance driver service and enjoy the ultimate comfort and reliability. Our trusted long distance ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/"},"chauffeur services")," will make sure you have everything you need during your journey, including discretion and confidentiality."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"picture-section big"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Photo of the passenger space of an MPV.",src:a(410)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("p",null,"Simber takes you on a door-to-door journey, but you can focus on your business errands in the meantime, relax by watching a film, or listen to music. Our long-distance chauffeur company lets you enjoy the British sights through the car window, making the long hours short and pleasant."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Planning a long-distance trip within the UK or across Europe to France, Belgium, or beyond?"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"We got your back! We offer reliable and comfortable long-distance car services, taking the stress out of the journey. Whether you need a national long-distance chauffeur or a European chauffeur service, it's simple to hire us, no matter the destination."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"You simply need to email us your long-distance private car service details, including pickup and drop-off spots, dates, and preferred vehicle type. We'll handle all the logistics for you, so you only have to enjoy a smooth and safe ride."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Regardless of the destination, we will get you there."))),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Our Long-Distance London Chauffeur Service Includes"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"row-space-around longdistance-list"},s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Picking you up from your desired location with our long distance car service"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Assisting you with luggage or equipment"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Hassle-free transition via other cities or countries")),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Breaks and stops according to your needs or itinerary during your long distance car travel"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Comfortable ride with or without a pleasant conversation with the chauffeur (as you prefer)"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Safe arrival at the final destination with Simber\u2019s long distance ride service"))),s.a.createElement("p",null,"During long journeys, it is vital that you feel comfortable, relaxed and arrive safely and on time. With our patient and experienced long distance chauffeurs, your comfort and safety are our top priority. "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"If the journey is too long and you need to stay overnight at a hotel on the way to your final destination, your reliable chauffeur will be accommodated nearby so you can continue the distance trip without falling behind your schedule."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"To view the full range of any chauffeured vehicle please visit the ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/vehicles",rel:"nofollow"},"Vehicles Page")," "),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Photo of the back seat of a premium vehicle, confortable for long distance rides.",className:"large-image",src:a(411)}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Chauffeur Services for London Tourists"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"If you are travelling to London and would also like to explore the United Kingdom, our professional, knowledgeable and friendly Simber chauffeurs can take you and your family anywhere you want, taking stops on the way for sightseeing, lunches or taking beautiful photos. With Simber, you get a personalised long distance chauffeur service uk to and past historic landmarks. It is our aim that you, your family and friends enjoy your visit to the maximum. "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"A number of clients require long distance chauffeur service for their pets, therefore if you want to avoid the long restrictions process at airports, ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact",rel:"nofollow"},"contact Simber")," to organise your transport so that you and your pet can enjoy the ride you deserve in one of our premium comfortable long distance cars."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"faq-section-header"},"Long Distance Chauffeur FAQ"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"faq-wrapper",itemScope:!0,itemType:"https://schema.org/FAQPage"},s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"I\u2019m planning to travel to Europe, can you provide a chauffeured vehicle?",answer:"Our long distance chauffeur company Simber would be delighted to assist any of our clients with National and European chauffeured services. We are able to work with you and your itinerary, to coordinate bookings for the Eurotunnel le Shuttle or Ferry across the Channel as well as organise hotels for your chauffeur so that they are always in close proximity. Simber also offers you the possibility that the same chauffeur drives you until your return to the UK. Don't hesitate to contact us, to discuss your requirements."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Can you provide long distance chauffeur services for my family and our pet?",answer:"Absolutely. It would be an honour to drive you and your beloved companions on your car service for a long distance journey in a spacious Mercedes V class. At Simber, we offer pet friendly chauffeur services, which are reliable and professional. If in the event you require for your pet to go on a distance trip unaccompanied please let us know. Our comfort chauffeurs are fully licensed and insured to carry animals in their long distance vehicles so you can rest assured that the safety and wellbeing of your pet is our priority at all times. "}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Which vehicles can I choose from?",answer:"Clients can choose from a number of long distance vehicles which are listed on the Vehicles page including the amount of luggage each chauffeured vehicle can fit, The vehicles include the executive Mercedes E Class, Luxury Mercedes S-Class and the extremely comfortable Mercedes V-Class. On request, our long distance chauffeur company Simber can arrange a Range Rover Vogue. Please contact us to request this chauffeured vehicle."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How old are your vehicles? ",answer:"We operate with an updated fleet and it doesn't matter which long distance chauffeur car you choose, you should know that they are usually less than 4 years old."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Do you organise the whole long-distance journey? ",answer:"Yes, we do. Are you asking the question: Is there any long distance car service near me?\u2019\u2019. We can be at your service. We are also able to work with you according to your requirements to chauffeur plan the long distance journey with our long distance services. For safety reasons, be aware that the chauffeur will be required to take breaks during the journey. However, if there is somewhere special you would like to stop to take a photo or have lunch please don't hesitate to let us or your chauffeur know so that we can include your wish into the chauffeur plan. "}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Do you provide car seats for children? ",answer:"We provide car seats for children such as baby seats, child seats and booster seats. Prior to confirming your booking, please, add your child's age or the type of child seat required. "}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How much luggage will fit in the vehicle ? ",answer:"The amount of luggage will depend on the vehicle type, the Mercedes E-Class or similar saloons can fit two large suitcases, the Mercedes S-Class can fit one large suitcase and two small carry-ons, the Mercedes V-Class (MPV) can hold five large suitcases and four/five small carry-ons. Any of our long distance private car service has different space available. "}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Do your vehicles have on-board entertainment?",answer:"All of our cars for long distance offering chauffeured services are equipped with bluetooth, radio and CD players. If you wish to have your favourite radio station on, or make use of the bluetooth to listen to your playlist please let your reliable chauffeur know. The majority of our long distance car services also have DVD players and Wifi. If you have any special requests, please make sure to let us know in the booking form of our long distance chauffeur service uk."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Will I be able to eat and drink in the car?",answer:"Refreshments such as water and mints are provided as standard. Our comfort chauffeurs are all very friendly and welcoming and we understand that long distance journeys are no fun without a few snacks. However, please do note that we do not permit eating meals or drinking alcohol within our vehicles."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Can I smoke in the car?",answer:"All of the chauffeured car services are smoke-free, we will, however, happily accommodate any smoke breaks as requested. Our long distance limo service is open to your requirements. "}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How much does a chauffeur service cost?",answer:"The cost depends on the distance, type of vehicle,service type, and additional services like waiting time or special demands. Request a quote to get a tailored price matching your preferences."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What is chauffeur service?",answer:"A chauffeur service provides a professional driver who transports you in a luxurious vehicle. They cater to your needs, ensuring a comfortable and efficient journey."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How does a private chauffeur work?",answer:"Private chauffeur companies are employed directly by individuals or families. They handle transportation needs, schedule appointments, and maintain the vehicle."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How much do chauffeurs charge per mile?",answer:"It's not a common practice to charge by mile. Most chauffeur companies charge hourly or depending on the package. Ask for a quote if you have a specific requirement."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How much does it cost to hire a driver in the UK?",answer:"There is no fixed price, as it depends on the specific requirements and preferences the client may have, as well as the vehicle, distance, and additional assistance provided."}))))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))}a(758);function ye(){Object(i.useEffect)((function(){he()(document).ready((function(){he()(".fadeHover").hover((function(){he()(".fadeHover").not(this).fadeTo("fast",.3)}),(function(){he()(".fadeHover").fadeTo("fast",1)}))}))}));return s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"Welcome to Simber, your premier destination for event chauffeur services in London and the UK"}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"Event Chauffeur Services: Elevate Your Occasions with Unparalleled Luxury"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/events-chauffeurs"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Events Chauffeur Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/events-chauffeurs"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("img",{onClick:function(){return window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:"smooth"})},className:"top-img",src:a(47)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"event-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",null,"Events Chauffeur Services "),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Enjoy your journey in stylish and comfortable environment to & from events with Simber\u2019s exclusive event chauffeur services "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Simber prides itself on being able to provide highly ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/"},"professional chauffeur services")," for events within London or the UK. If you are taking part in an event or organizing one of your own and are in need of exclusive chauffeur transportation services, get in touch with Simber for the ultimate enjoyable and worry-free experience which will be provided to you and your guests. "),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Exclusive cars waiting for passengers in front of event hosting establishment.",className:"large-image",src:a(412)}),s.a.createElement("p",null,"In addition to being great drivers, our trusted event chauffeurs will be on hand to assist you and your guests with any personal belongings or equipment you may have. At Simber we are able to organize multiple vehicles, depending on the number of guests including other special requests you may have. In order to ensure all requirements are met, please use the ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact",rel:"nofollow"},"contact form here ")," to tell us all the details of your transport needs. If an event is taking place and a higher number of chauffeured vehicles are requested, Simber will provide a coordinator to lead the event chauffeur team as well as liaise with your representative and save you the hassle of logistics."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our range of vehicles include the stylish Mercedes E-Class, the ever so elegant Mercedes S-class as well as the reputable Mercedes V-class. The Mercedes V-Class is no ordinary multi-purpose vehicle. In fact, along with the Mercedes S-Class, it is the top favorite for clients traveling to events due to its ample space, style and outstanding comfort."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"If you want to make an impression at your event, Simber offers the elegant Range Rover Autobiography Long-Wheel as well as the extremely luxurious Rolls Royce Ghost. So, whether you need a sporting event chauffeur or a corporate event chauffeur hire, it doesn\u2019t matter, Simber always provides the best chauffeur vehicles. "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"For groups of 8 or more passengers traveling in the same vehicle Simber can provide chauffeur driven executive minibuses of all sizes to suit your requirements. Therefore, our event chauffeur service is always adapted to your needs!"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"picture-section big"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Photo of a horse race, showing three horses and their riders on the track.",src:a(413)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Visit Sports and Corporate Events with Simber "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Regardless of the number of passengers attending an event in London, or the rest of the UK, our chauffeurs will make sure you have a comfortable, stress-free journey and, most importantly, arrive on time. So, our event chauffeur London or one for any other event will always give you a smooth and safe ride. "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Take part in the biggest horse racing events UK like Horse Racing at Royal Ascot London in Windsor, London Fashion Week events, Formula One at Silverstone Circuit, Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon, Football at Wembley Stadium, Lord's Cricket Ground events, NFL London games, or travel to concerts hosted by the biggest music stars in premium luxury and style. For example, here you can see some top-rated events and chauffeur services "))),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"small"},"Royal Ascot Chauffeur Service"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Royal Ascot 2022 as every other year will provide the most unique event on the sporting calendar. When it comes to horse racing UK, this horse racing event is more than special. Queen Ann founded the Royal Ascot map by creating the Ascot Races in 1711. Therefore, with our horse racing chauffeur services you can enjoy the glamorous Race day and spend quality time with your family and friends."),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"small"},"Luxury Chauffeur Driven Cars For Wimbledon"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Another fantastic event for which you can use Wimbledon tennis chauffeur service and enjoy one of the biggest sporting events in the world. Since this is the most elegant tennis tournament ever, a luxurious chauffeur driven car for Wimbledon is what you need in order to arrive in style."),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"small"},"Luxury Chauffeur Services for London Fashion Week"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"London Fashion Week Chauffeur Services are also available for you, your family, and friends if you want to enjoy one of the most luxurious events in a luxurious way. Here arriving in style is even more important, and Simber can provide you with some of the best vehicles driven by the best chauffeurs for the London Fashion Week 2022, as well as any other in the future."),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"small"},"NFL London Games Event"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Hiring a chauffeur for NFL London will make everything a lot easier since these types of events are always accompanied by a large amount of people, enormous crowds, and driving, parking, and everything in between is extremely challenging. So, why bother when you can hire an event chauffeur and let them take care of everything. "),s.a.createElement("h3",{className:"small"},"Lords Cricket Ground Chauffeur"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Or maybe you are a fan of Lord's cricket ground, and Simber will once again provide you with the best possible event chauffeur services. As you can see, whether you like some of these fantastic events or live concerts, we will always provide you with luxurious vehicles driven by professional chauffeurs."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"You, your family, and friends will spend amazing and unforgettable time at your chosen event with Simber as your chauffeur-service provider partner. It is up to you to sit, relax and enjoy the excitement while our chauffeurs take care of the rest."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"faq-section-header"},"Event Chauffeur FAQ"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"faq-wrapper",itemScope:!0,itemType:"https://schema.org/FAQPage"},s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"I\u2019m planning a big event and need multiple vehicles, how do I get in touch? ",answer:"For any major or social events our advice is to complete our contact form on the Contact Us page describing your requirements in detail. We are always more than happy to assist you any way we can and a member of our team will be in touch to plan the finer details. For large events where there are a high number of chauffeured vehicles requested, Simber will provide a coordinator to lead the event chauffeur team as well as liaise with your representative and save you the hassle of logistics."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Can you arrange for our chauffeur to pick up my friends, prior to picking me up?",answer:"Yes of course, when confirming your booking please be sure to advise all of the pick up locations and times, and our events chauffeurs will pick up your friends. "}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Will my chauffeur wait for me during the entire event?",answer:"Your corporate events chauffeur will be at your disposal during the entire event, available to run an errand or transport guests, family or friends. The same goes for any other event, of course. "}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"I may need the chauffeur for a few extra hours, who do I contact?",answer:"Should the vehicle/s be required for additional time in general this is no problem, please communicate this with the chauffeur, the office or in the event that there are multiple vehicles on site please advise the Simber Coordinator. Please note that any excess time requested will be charged at the hourly rate which is divided in 15 minute intervals. "}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Is the price calculated per hour and is it fixed?",answer:"Event bookings are calculated on the length of time the chauffeur/vehicle is hired for the booking and our prices are fixed. However, should the booking exceed the agreed time please note that charges will apply at the chauffeur hourly rate which is divided in 15 minute intervals."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"When do I pay for my booking?",answer:"For all bookings such as social or corporate events including weddings we require a 25% deposit, with the remaining balance due 14 days prior to the booking."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Will the car have umbrellas available?",answer:"Rain or shine, we always have you covered. Together with the vehicle essentials, every chauffeur has an umbrella."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Do additional charges apply for holidays, Christmas. New Year's day or New Year's Eve?",answer:"Bookings carried out on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Eve (from 18:00) and all day New Years Day will be subject to an \u201cunsocial hours\u201d surcharge of 100% on all journeys."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What is your cancellation policy for major corporate or social events?",answer:"In the event that a major corporate or social event is cancelled within 21 days of the start of the booking hire, the 25% deposit taken will not be refunded. If within seven days of a major corporate or social event is cancelled by the client, the full booking amount will be charged."}))))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))}a(759);function ge(){return s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"Contact Simber for a short or long term chauffeur service on an \u201cAs directed\u201d basis when travelling to London or the UK. Comfort and luxury at all times."}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"Long or Short Term Transportation Services | Simber"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/long-term-chauffeur"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Long Term Chauffeur Hire",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/long-term-chauffeur"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("img",{onClick:function(){return window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:"smooth"})},className:"top-img",src:a(47)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"longterm-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",null,"Long Term London Chauffeur Hire "),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Don\u2019t Worry about the Chauffeur Transportation Services Regardless of the Duration of Your Stay"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Hire Simber\u2019s ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/"},"chauffeur service")," to enjoy the full scope of services according to your needs and time. We will make sure you are stylishly accompanied during any event of business or touristic nature during your visit in London."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Lets ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact",rel:"nofollow"},"discuss")," details."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"picture-section"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Buisnessman getting out of a car.",src:a(414)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Short or Long Term Chauffeur Service on an As Directed Basis"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Hire a Chauffeur driven service for a couple of hours, a few days, or even weeks on an \u201cAs Directed Basis\u201d and make the most of your travel to London or the rest of the United Kingdom (such as hiring a chauffeur Thames ditton)."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"The long transportation services include driving to preferred locations such as meetings, family events and dinners or sightseeing around London with a Simber chauffeur always on hand. Your event transportation london is at your disposal. In addition, your chauffeur will assist you with daily errands such as delivering important documents and files, booking appointments, restaurants, collecting shopping items or any other flexible errands on request."))),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Your chauffeuring services hire will be waiting outside your home or hotel waiting for your instructions on where to take you at any time. We will make sure you will never need to stress about getting to your preferred destination on time."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"We promise discretion, safety, reliability, consistency and one point of contact while maintaining dedicated chauffeurs availability."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Rely on us to take over the full responsibility of your transport needs while in London, regardless of the duration you will be needing our services. We can also provide long distance chauffeur service if you want to go outside of London."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Long or Short Term Chauffeur Services are suitable for "),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"row-space-around list"},s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Tourists"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Families"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Delegations")),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Executives/ Businessmen and Women"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Celebrities"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Athletes"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Production Teams"))),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Take a look at our ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/vehicles",rel:"nofollow"},"Fleet of Cars")," to choose your ride and get the best long distance chauffeur service or a short term one."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"picture-section"},s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Chauffeur opens the side of an MPV.",src:a(415)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our Chauffeurs will always drive you to your destination in accordance with road standards safety, using your most preferred route along the way or the best route to avoid traffic. We aim to satisfy your needs, earn your trust and offer you the ultimate professional service in the industry."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"With Simber, it doesn\u2019t matter if you need a personal chauffeur service or long term chauffeur service \u2013 we will deliver the superior long term personal driver you deserve."))),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"faq-section-header"},"Long Term Chauffeur FAQ"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"faq-wrapper",itemScope:!0,itemType:"https://schema.org/FAQPage"},s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Can I request a chauffeur I have previously used?",answer:"If you are satisfied with the level of transportation service London previously received, by all means, you may request the same chauffeur, as long as the chauffeur is available and has not been pre booked or already requested by another client."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"I require multiple vehicles for my immediate family, staff and security, how do I make a chauffeur booking?",answer:"As these bookings can sometimes become complex please contact us by email, phone or by completing our contact form. Once this has been received, together with your vehicle requirements, number of passengers, pick up locations, length of stay etc., we will be able to put together a tailor made quote and complete your daily booking chauffeur services and help you find your family chauffeur."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"When will I be provided with my chauffeur\u2019s name and contact details?",answer:"Once you have completed your booking you will receive two mails: one as a confirmation email, and another prior to the start of your journey to confirm your driver/s contact details. When booking a long term car hire for a few days or weeks we will always make sure the same driver will be with you until the end of your transportation needs."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Can I request my chauffeur to drive business partners, friends and family as well as myself?",answer:"On all bookings where the chauffeur is hired hourly, daily or weekly the chauffeur will be able to drive anyone you wish for him/her to do so. Your chauffeur is assigned on an As Directed basis and will listen and comply with your instructions for the hire term. Hire a london chauffeur and make your stay amazing."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"I\u2019m traveling to the UK on holiday and scheduled to visit multiple cities. Can I book a chauffeur from Simber and combine long distance journeys with this service?",answer:"Yes you can combine both transportation services London, many clients tend to do so for the same reasons when they hire a chauffeur. We are able to work with you and your itinerary, to coordinate multi-city visits, stops and sightseeing at the same time make sure that your assigned chauffeur's hotel is within close proximity in the event that he/she is required within short notice. Regardless of the length of your stay or any complex requirements please don't hesitate to contact us for a tailor made quote . You can hire a driver for long distance uk without any problems."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How much notice should I provide Simber prior to booking a chauffeur? ",answer:"At Simber we have previously taken bookings with one hours notice, however to guarantee availability we would recommend that you make your booking as soon as you have confirmed your travel arrangements. If you also want to know how much a chauffeur driving service is, please contact us. A chauffeur for hire is the best you can find at Simber."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Will my chauffeur drive responsibly and obey speed limits?",answer:"Your chauffeur will always drive safely, responsibly and sensibly in accordance with road conditions, complying at all times with traffic and legal speed limits. Even if you book long distance transportation services, you never have to worry about your safety."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Can I hire a chauffeur to drive my car?",answer:"Contact us at Simber with your chauffeur long distance query or any other needs you have and we will get back to you and plan everything."}))))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))}a(760);function we(){return s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"Make your special day even more memorable with our premium wedding chauffeur services in London and across the UK"}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"Premium Wedding Chauffeur Service in London and Across the UK"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/wedding-chauffeur"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Wedding Chauffeur Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/wedding-chauffeur"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("img",{onClick:function(){return window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:"smooth"})},className:"top-img",src:a(47)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"wedding-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",null,"Wedding Chauffeur Services "),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Relish Your Wedding with An Exceptional Wedding Chauffeur Service for You, Your Family and Friends "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Let ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/"},"Simber")," take care of your chauffeur wedding transportation needs with utter luxury and satisfaction. Our exquisite fleet of cars will add a special flair or refinement to your most special occasion while our kindest and finest Chauffeurs will ensure you glide smoothly and effortlessly throughout the day."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Lets ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact",rel:"nofollow"},"discuss")," details"),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Our Wedding Chauffeur London Services include "),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"A trusting, well presented wedding chauffeur"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Smooth and safe ride from and to any destination with our finest chauffeurs"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"A luxury chauffeured wedding car like Mercedes S-Class, Mercedes V-Class, or Mercedes E-Class decorated with coloured ribbons of your choice"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"A wedding service with a complimentary champagne on board for the bride and groom."),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Assistance with luggage of bride and groom for the honeymoon.")),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Hiring More than One Wedding Car "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"For your extended family or friends, we offer you the possibility to hire multiple chauffeur driven vehicles. Be sure to specify in the booking form how many passengers are to be using our chauffeur driven cars so that we can provide you with a lifetime-worth memory of exceptional chauffeured vehicles and services."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Wedding Chauffeured Cars in London "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/vehicles",rel:"nofollow"},"fleet of cars ")," include the breathtaking modern wedding cars such as Mercedes S Class perfect for the bride and groom, the stunning Mercedes E class as well as the spacious Mercedes V class that can comfortably transport up to 7 passengers and make your valued guests get to the venue in time before your arrival."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"If you would like to make an even bigger impression on your wedding day and feel like a celebrity, Simber offers the elegant Range Rover Autobiography Long-Wheel as well as the extravagant Rolls Royce Ghost. That\u2019s why our chauffeur driven wedding cars London wide are the perfect choice."),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Close-up of a newly wed couple riding in high class car.",className:"large-image",src:a(416)}),s.a.createElement("p",null,"In the event that you require groups of 8 or more to travel in the same wedding car London, Simber can offer chauffeur driven executive minibuses of all sizes to suit your requirements. "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"As you prepare to walk down the aisle with your life-time partner, let Simber take you and your loved ones to the celebration of your new life, in style, luxury and comfort with our chauffeur driven wedding cars."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"With Simber, your wedding car chauffeur transport from your home to the church and then to the reception venue will be smooth, worry-free and always on time. Let us handle any last-minute scheduling requests should they arise with your guests and their transportation needs by hiring us to look over the situation during the whole day. Our car hire wedding provides the whole package!"),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"faq-section-header"},"Wedding Chauffeur FAQ"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"faq-wrapper",itemScope:!0,itemType:"https://schema.org/FAQPage"},s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Do you offer alternative cars for the wedding reception?",answer:"Our fleet is described on our vehicles page, however, we understand that there may be some specific wedding cars for hire you would like to request for your wedding reception, hence, please contact us so we can work with our partners to source this vehicle for you."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Are wedding cars limited in the amount of trips they make for the wedding party?",answer:"Wedding cars and wedding drivers are not limited to the amount of trips they make as they are booked on a time basis, they are therefore at your disposal throughout the duration of your wedding. This time can be used for taking photos of your special day, transporting family or friends, or even asking your chauffeur to run a last minute errand. Should the vehicle/s be required for additional time in general this is no problem, any excess time requested will be charged at the hourly rate which is divided in 15 minute intervals."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Can I book several vehicles for my wedding guests?",answer:"Yes you can, feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements in detail. We are always more than happy to assist you any way we can. Our wedding chauffeurs will be happy to provide the best possible car service for wedding."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Can I choose the colour of the ribbons to go on the vehicles?",answer:"Yes, of course. Please, do let us know when you confirm your booking the colour of the ribbons you would like on the vehicles or exquisite bridal cars as it may be a colour that we need to order prior to your special day."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"We are having an amazing time, are the chauffeurs able to stay for a few extra hours on our special day?",answer:"Yes, they can, if the vehicle/s are required for an additional amount of time, there will be no problem to keep them for longer. However, any excess time requested will be charged at the hourly rate which is divided in 15 minute intervals. Nevertheless, your luxury chauffeur driven wedding car London will be at your service."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"I would love to recommend Simber, how do I do that?",answer:"You can share some photos of your special day on social media or provide our contact details to your family, friends or colleagues. We\u2019d also love a review from you sharing your experience with us from your wedding chauffeur car hire."}))))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))}a(761);function ve(){return s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"Embark on an extraordinary journey through this captivating city with our Private London Tours - where luxury meets discovery."}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"London Private Tours with Reliable Chauffeurs"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/private-tours"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Private Tours",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/private-tours"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("img",{onClick:function(){return window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:"smooth"})},className:"top-img",src:a(47)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"private-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",null,"Private Tours In London with Trusted Simber Chauffeurs"),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Simber\xb4s Executive Private Tours for a Complete London Experience"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Visit the most famous London landmarks, experience the English heritage and enjoy the breathtaking countryside with Simber. London is, without a doubt, one of the best places to visit in a lifetime. All of its history has shaped it to be one of the most interesting locations on the planet, while the modern spirit of the present makes it a cultural melting-pot of today. That is why it is visited by approximately 30 million tourists every year."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"If you have the chance to visit London or any other destination within the UK, do it in the most special way \u2013 with chauffeur tours of London & the UK. We can offer you a half day chauffeur tour, private London day tours, private day tours in another city or even a long distance tour."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk"},"Simber")," will put together an itinerary covering all of the desired destinations for you. Our goal is not only to provide a chauffeur driven service in a premium vehicle, but to provide you with the perfect London private tour to remember."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Lets ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact",rel:"nofollow"},"discuss")," details"),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"A photo of Windsor Castle, showing one of the possible prive tour destination",className:"large-image",src:a(417)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Popular Places to Visit on a Private Driven Tour in London"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Rather than a sightseeing trip by bus, enjoy a completely different luxurious experience with a premium vehicle, a professional London private chauffeur and reliable tours. See the Royal Windsor Castle with private tours in Windsor, fall in love with the vibrant city of Bath, or witness the mystery of Stonehenge. Take a trip to Oxford, Liverpool, or enjoy private chauffeur tours Manchester and feel the different vibes from these famous English cities."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"At Simber our famous Chauffeurs have local knowledge of historic places and landmarks and can bring you closer to their stories; however, if you want a professional private London tour guide who can add originality to your sightseeing experience, Simber can arrange one for you per request at an additional cost your preferred language (Chinese, Arabic, etc.)"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Simber Exceeds Your Expectations "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Not only do you get to see and experience London or any other location within the UK, but also you get to enjoy it in style, comfort, and luxury. Our fleet of cars includes the Mercedes S Class, Mercedes E Class, and Mercedes V Class and extraordinary service.To view the full range of chauffeur driven vehicles please visit our ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/vehicles",rel:"nofollow"},"Vehicles Page.")),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Each one of us, and most importantly, your private chauffeur London will make sure that your safety and comfort are a top priority while you are being entertained during your luxury london private tours by car. We are confident that your tourist thirst will be satisfied."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Suggested Tours "),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"5 Hour-Chauffeur Driven Tour in London "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"This is among the luxury day tours London option which is for everyone who wants to feel the magic of London in a glimpse. Even though it lasts *only* 5 hours, you get to choose which landmarks you want to see. We will happily make custom tours of London it to fit in your plans and we usually recommend that you choose three of London's most defining landmarks including"),s.a.createElement("ul",{className:"ticked-list"},s.a.createElement("li",null,"The beautiful St Paul\u2019s Cathedral,"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"The iconic Tower Bridge with the 1000 years old fortress the Tower of London"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"The London Eye"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Private tours of Tower of London"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Have a chauffeur city of westminster in the English Gothic masterpiece Westminster Palace and Westminster Abbey"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"And the most famous palace in the world, Buckingham Palace.")),s.a.createElement("p",null,"While touring around London if you decide to stop for a lunch or dinner break during your private tour of London, or to have a classic experience like a leisurely afternoon tea in a top hotel such as The Ritz, Claridge\u2019s or The Lanesborough we are more than happy to arrange an afternoon tea to remember on your behalf. Great luxury tours London right?"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Apart from arranging the tour, at Simber, we can assist you in purchasing the tickets for all of these incredible places so you avoid the hassle altogether. We\u2019d be happy to do it on your behalf so all you need to do is enjoy the chauffeur tours London hit option."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Price: ",s.a.createElement("span",{className:"tour-price"},"From \xa3300*")),s.a.createElement("p",null,"*Price based on Mercedes S-Class or V-Class booking."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Please ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact",rel:"nofollow"},"Contact us for a quote.")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"10 Hour-Chauffeur Driven Tour in London"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"This is the extended version of our first offer where we recommend you choose an additional 2 to the previously selected 3 landmarks to visit during the 10 hour time window. With this tour you get to see 5 amazing landmarks that witness the beauty of London. Let us note that you can choose more than 5 landmarks to visit; however, you should keep in mind that the optimal number is 5 landmarks as you will spend an hour or two exploring them from the inside as well."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"You can add dinner, lunch or an afternoon tea break as well. Alternatively, you may decide to do a shopping spree in Harrods, Fortnum & Mason and Selfridges. If you love the outdoors you may decide to take part in other activities like deer-spotting in Richmond park or take a relaxing walk in Kew Gardens while taking in the view of some of the most fabulous plants from around the world."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Price: ",s.a.createElement("span",{className:"tour-price"},"From \xa3600*")),s.a.createElement("p",null,"*Price based on Mercedes S-Class or V-Class booking."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Please ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact",rel:"nofollow"},"Contact us for a quote.")),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"A photo of Pultney Bridge, showing one of the possible prive tour destination",className:"large-image",src:a(418)}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Full Day Tour: Windsor - Stonehenge - Bath"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Visit one of England\u2019s most famous historical attractions in just one day with one of our private chauffeur tours to Windsor, Stonehenge, and Bath."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"This 12 hour-tour will give you enough time to enjoy the cobbled streets and cosy restaurants of the historical city of Windsor and will also take you on a tour in Queen Elizabeth II`s residence, the Windsor Castle and gardens. Our sightseeing service can make it all possible!"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"The next stop is Stonehenge, one of Europe's greatest prehistoric monuments, dating back about 5000 years and thought by some ancient societies to have healing properties."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Private tours of Bath from London are what comes next. Bath is the UNESCO World heritage city famous for its Roman-built baths, built in the first centuries of Roman Britain as a grand bathing and socializing complex."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"This city takes you back in time every step of the way as you admire the great examples of Georgian architecture such as the Royal Crescent or the famous Pulteney Bridge."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"The tour starts and ends in London."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Please ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact",rel:"nofollow"},"Contact us for a quote.")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"notice-card"},s.a.createElement("span",{className:"notice-header"},"An Important Note"),s.a.createElement("span",{className:"notice-text"},"As our tours are completely inspired by our clients\u2019 wishes and desires to visit a certain place, we want to note that if there is a place you want to visit and we haven\u2019t mentioned it as an option, please feel free to contact us with the details and we will tailor-made the sightseeing private tours. It\u2019ll be our pleasure to work according to your itinerary and make sure you have the best time while staying in London.")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"faq-section-header"},"Private Tours FAQ"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"faq-wrapper",itemScope:!0,itemType:"https://schema.org/FAQPage"},s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What should I bring with me?",answer:"There are essentials in each of our vehicles; water, mints, tissues, phone chargers and sanitiser gel. Some of our clients usually bring some snacks for the journey."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What is the departure point?",answer:"We will depart as per your request, stopping to pick up friends or family before or after is also no problem. Please let us know prior to confirming if there are any additional pickups you would like your chauffeur to make before collecting the lead passenger and starting the England private tours."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What\u2019s the duration of the tour?",answer:"The duration of your private tour London or another city depends on the tour chosen, in general, our half day London tour is four hours, a full day London tour is eight hours. For custom tours of the uk heading outside of London the duration will vary on the itinerary as well as the distance in general a chauffeur service Windsor, Bath and Stonehenge can take approximately ten hours."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Where is the finish point?",answer:"The finishing point is as per your request, stopping to drop off friends or family is no problem for our London tour chauffeurs. Please let us know prior to confirming if there are any additional drop offs you would like your chauffeur to make before dropping off the lead passenger."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Can I bring luggage with me?",answer:"Yes absolutely, you can bring luggage with you. Please don't forget to pack a camera to catch every amazing moment during your private sightseeing tour."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"I want to recommend Simber for Private Tour Chauffeur Service. How do I do that?",answer:"You can share some photos of your special day on social media or provide our contact details to your family, friends or colleagues. We\u2019d also appreciate it if you could leave us a review and share how your private chauffeur driven tours experience was, and you can also share that we offer custom tours of England for every taste."}))))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))}a(762);function be(){return s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"If you are going on a cruise holiday in the UK, let Simber take care of the logistics of your seaport transfer so you can enjoy the journey worry-free. "}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"Prompt and Reliable Seaport Transfers | Simber"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/seaport-transfers"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Seaport Transfers",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/seaport-transfers"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("img",{onClick:function(){return window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:"smooth"})},className:"top-img",src:a(47)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"seaport-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",null,"Seaport Transfers "),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Chauffeur Driven Transfers from and to UK Seaports "),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/"},"Simber")," offers you the best seaport chauffeur services from and to the UK's main ports and cruise terminals. With us, you can be assured your seaport transfer will be smooth, efficient, and in complete comfort and luxury."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our unrivalled professionalism and experience makes us aware how important this is for you, which is why we make sure you receive a seaport service that is second to none. Our team including our chauffeurs are attentive, discrete and welcoming. We are eager to satisfy your seaport transportation needs from the moment your flight arrives in London, to the day we drop you off at your cruise terminal or vice versa."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"You can begin your cruise holiday in style and never worry about getting to the preferred destination on time."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Regardless of whether you are travelling to and from Dover, Southampton, Harwich or any other UK port, you will get to your airport terminal or hotel in utter comfort."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"Photo of a parked MPV waiting for the passengers getting of their Cruse ship.",className:"large-image",src:a(419)}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Let Simber Handle the Logistics of your Seaport Transfer "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our fleet of vehicles include the comfortable saloon Mercedes E-Class, luxurious Mercedes S-Class, the spacious Mercedes V-Class which will comfortably accommodate up to seven passengers with plenty of space for the ever so important luggages."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Regardless of the luxury car hire you choose, or where the journey begins, you can be assured that while you relax and enjoy the scenic ride Simber will look after every need and ensure you arrive safely, on time and in style."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Chauffeur Driven Services for Your Entire Stay in London "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"In addition to seaport transfers london, Simber offers short or long term chauffeur hire. This service has been created for pure benefit to you, our clients. We handle all of your transportation needs while you enjoy your holiday in or around London, before or after your cruise. Your cruise port chauffeur won\u2019t let you down."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"A dedicated Simber Chauffeur will be on hand for your entire stay on an \u2018As Directed\u2019 basis, welcoming you at the airport, taking you to your hotel, chauffeuring you around London to visit popular tourist destinations, restaurants, bars, shopping or running flexible errands on request. Best of all, you can combine this service with ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/private-tours",rel:"nofollow"},"booking a private tour")," during your London stay."),s.a.createElement("img",{alt:"A large Cruise Ship passing under Tower Bridge.",className:"large-image",src:a(420)}),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our professional, attentive and discreet chauffeurs combined with a premium fleet of cars, aim to provide you with the most comfortable, luxurious and efficient service before or after your cruise. You can trust Simber to handle your transportation needs, while you relax and enjoy the holiday of a lifetime. Chauffeur services from Dover port are also available, so you won\u2019t have to worry about anything."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"With Simber, your cruise holiday starts or finishes on a high note."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"faq-section-header"},"Seaport Transfers FAQ"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"faq-wrapper",itemScope:!0,itemType:"https://schema.org/FAQPage"},s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Will my transfer be private or shared?",answer:"Your transfer with Simber will always be private unless otherwise requested."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What payment method do you accept?",answer:"We accept card payments from all debit and credit cards. When booking through the website, our payment merchant Stripe will handle the transaction, alternatively you can pay via a payment link. We are also able to set up a business account for you and process all of your trips monthly, please contact us for more details."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"I have a foldable wheelchair, what should I do?",answer:"Our Mercedes V-Class is able to accommodate your wheelchair as well as your luggage comfortably, our advice, though, is to make a note of this in your booking."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What is the latest time I can book?",answer:"At Simber we have previously taken bookings with one hours notice, however to guarantee availability we would recommend that you make your booking as soon as you have confirmed your travel arrangements."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Can I amend my booking?",answer:"Yes, you can amend your booking for your seaport transfer, please call or email us three hours prior to your agreed pick up / booking time, stating your booking reference as well as your requested amendments for port transfers or anything else."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"I forgot something in the car, what should I do?",answer:"In the first instance our advice is to call your seaport chauffeur as he/she may be nearby and able to return your item quickly. Alternatively please call us, let us know the item you have forgotten we will liaise with the chauffeur and have it be returned to our office or your home."}))))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))}a(763);var ke=a(145),Ee=a.n(ke);function xe(){var e=Object(i.useState)(!0),t=Object(q.a)(e,2),o=t[0],n=t[1],r=Object(i.useState)(!0),l=Object(q.a)(r,2),c=l[0],u=l[1],h=Object(i.useState)(1),d=Object(q.a)(h,2),p=d[0],m=d[1],f=Object(i.useState)(2),y=Object(q.a)(f,2),g=y[0],w=y[1],v=Object(i.useState)(3),b=Object(q.a)(v,2),k=b[0],E=b[1],x=void 0;Object(i.useEffect)((function(){c&&u(!1)}),[c]),Object(i.useEffect)((function(){var e,t;!c&&o&&(n(!1),window.scroll({top:0}),A(2));var r=document.getElementById("sm-images"),i=null!==(e=null===r||void 0===r?void 0:r.offsetWidth)&&void 0!==e?e:0;if(r.innerHTML="",i>=460){var s=Math.floor(i/138);s>17&&(s=17),s%2===0&&(s-=1);var l=Math.floor(s/2),u=function(){h=document.createElement("img");var 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5383",15,52),e.text("info@simber.co.uk",15,58);De()(e,{head:[["Date","From","Destination","Vehicle","Journey","Price"]],body:function(){for(var e=[],t=l.filter((function(e){return A.some((function(t){return t===e.id}))})),a=0;a=12?" pm":" am")),L&&s.a.createElement("input",{id:"date-picker",value:z,min:x().toISOString().substring(0,x().toISOString().length-5),onChange:function(e){return J(e.currentTarget.value)},className:"datepicker",type:"datetime-local"})),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:3,className:"header",item:!0},s.a.createElement("span",null,"Vehicle Type:")),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:9,className:"data",item:!0},s.a.createElement("span",null,1===(null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.carType)?"Luxury":"Seven seater")),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:3,className:"header",item:!0},s.a.createElement("span",null,"From:")),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:9,className:"data",item:!0},s.a.createElement("span",null,null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.origin)),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:3,className:"header",item:!0},(null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.rentType)===o.Oneway&&s.a.createElement("span",null,"Destination:"),(null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.rentType)===o.ByTheHour&&s.a.createElement("span",null,"Rent duration:")),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:9,className:"data",item:!0},(null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.rentType)===o.Oneway&&s.a.createElement("span",null,null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.destination),(null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.rentType)===o.ByTheHour&&s.a.createElement("span",null,null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.hours," hours")),(null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.preferences.some((function(e){return e.Value})))&&s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:3,className:"header",item:!0},s.a.createElement("span",null,"Selected Preferences:")),(null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.preferences.some((function(e){return e.Value})))&&s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:9,className:"data",item:!0},(null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.preferences.some((function(e){return e.Value})))&&s.a.createElement("div",{className:"preferences"},null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.preferences.map((function(e){return e.Value&&s.a.createElement("span",{id:"preference"+e.Id},e.Text+((null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.preferences.filter((function(e){return!0===e.Value})).indexOf(e))!==(null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.preferences.filter((function(e){return!0===e.Value})).length)-1?", ":""))})))),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:3,className:"header",item:!0},s.a.createElement("span",null,"Additional Travel Info:")),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:9,className:"data",item:!0},L&&s.a.createElement("div",{className:"comment-row"},s.a.createElement(Te.a,{value:_,onChange:function(e){_.length<100&&$(e.currentTarget.value)},className:"comment",label:"Comment",multiline:!0,rows:4,variant:"outlined"}),s.a.createElement("span",{className:"comment-length"},_.length+"/100")),L||s.a.createElement("span",{className:"comment"},null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.comment)),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:3,className:"header",item:!0},s.a.createElement("span",null,"Price:")),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:9,className:"data",item:!0},s.a.createElement("span",null,(null===A||void 0===A||null===(t=A.price)||void 0===t?void 0:t.toString())+" GBP")),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:3,className:"header",item:!0},s.a.createElement("span",null,"Reservation Status:")),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:9,className:"data",item:!0},(null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.status)&&n[null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.status]),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:3,className:"header",item:!0},s.a.createElement("span",null,"Discount Code")),s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{xs:9,className:"data",item:!0},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"discount-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("span",{className:"discount"},null!==(null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.discount)?null===A||void 0===A?void 0:A.discount:"No discount calculated."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"buttons"},!se||L||s.a.createElement("input",{type:"button",className:"cancel-button",value:"cancel booking",onClick:function(){return oe(!0)}}),!L&&se&&s.a.createElement("input",{type:"button",className:"pay-button",value:"edit booking",onClick:function(){return N(!0)}})),L&&s.a.createElement("input",{type:"button",className:"pay-button",value:"Apply changes",onClick:function(){return function(){if(new Date(z)\n

Those who work in corporate settings are already familiar with the concept of corporate retreats. It's usually a well-planned and structured event for the company employees - organized by the company. Most of the time, it is held away from the workplace - ideally in another city or town. Activities like team building, professional development, and strategic planning are an essential part of the corporate retreats.


Surely, there can be leisure activities like workshops, daily organized trips, and recreational sessions. These retreats can range from one-day events to multi-day retreats, depending on the company's objectives and budget.


Finding the right location for a corporate retreat is a challenge, but not impossible. Before spotting the best ones in the UK, we'll explain the most important aspects, as well as what makes the retreat different (and better) than the traditional business trips.


Popular Corporate Retreat Activities

\n \n

Company retreats have some elements in common:

  • Team building activities to improve communication, trust, and teamwork
  • \n
  • Workshops for skill development and industry-specific knowledge
  • \n
  • Strategic plans for the upcoming company activities
  • \n
  • Networking opportunities and improving professional relationships
  • \n
  • Recreation and leisure to promote mental health awareness
  • \n

Overall, corporate retreats provide a valuable opportunity for employees to recharge, bond with colleagues, gain new insights, and return to work with renewed energy and motivation.


Choosing the Right Location for Your Business Retreat


While choosing a corporate retreat location near London is a challenge, we also want to highlight that the choice depends on many factors like preferences, specific needs, and, surely, the agenda.


If you're all about the surroundings and experience, we have a few suggestions:

  • Historical and Stunning Places - To experience an authentic team-building retreat while surrounded by stunning UK architecture, choose locations like Cliveden House.
  • \n
  • Modern Experiences - London is full of coworking spaces that offer corporate retreat packages, including meeting rooms, break areas, and on-demand services like food, drinks, etc.
  • \n
  • Nature Getaways - The Elmley Reserve is an example of what a peaceful retreat should look like, including outdoor activities and nature reconnection for the whole team.
  • \n
  • Luxury Ideas for Retreat - At this point, you have so many choices like restaurants, hotels, shops, and complete retreat providers, near or far from London
  • \n
  • Creative Experiences - Museums and workshops are great for socializing and networking, and we highly recommend the River & Rowing Museum in London as a great retreat location.
  • \n

Cities and Locations For Your Upcoming Team Retreat


In this section, we'll focus more on the corporate retreat locations that offer many team-building opportunities. Their setting is more than relaxing and motivational, knowing that there is more than a meeting room and long planning sessions.


So, here are our recommendations:

  • Oxford - Easy to enjoy because of the prestigious university history, charming environment, and many conference facilities. The option for cultural excursion is a bonus.
  • \n
  • Cambridge - An attractive city with scenic river views, creating a perfect scene for team bonding activities.
  • \n
  • Windsor - This historic town can be a nice way to release your agenda for the corporate retreat, with so many facilities (modern and historical) to host the meetings.
  • \n
  • East London Tech City - The popular Silicon Roundabout is perfect for discovering corporate retreat venues while maintaining professionalism and a nice image.
  • \n
  • London Docklands - A modern waterfront location that offers contemporary options for corporate retreats. Book a conference space with a panoramic view, and enjoy the business meeting.
  • \n
  • Stratford City - This area offers modern corporate facilities, outdoor spaces, and shopping centers for all those who want to take a break and spend some money on nice things.
  • \n

Practical Tips on Hosting a Corporate Retreat

\n \n

It's not enough just to find the perfect location for your upcoming retreat. We suggest you plan the itinerary in advance to make sure it's still a retreat and not just a funny excursion for the others. While we believe that you have plenty of great ideas for a retreat, let's see what it takes to make it work.


1. Plan Early


When planning the retreat trip on time, you can secure the best venues, accommodations, and corporate transportation. Consider all the logistics, especially if you have international employees who need to come from different locations to London.


2. Set Clear Objectives


Define the corporate objectives so no one can avoid the agenda during the retreat. Surely, leisure activities should be incorporated to align with the objectives. The goal is to stay focused on the retreat's purpose- all the time.


3. Choose the Right Location


Use our ideas (or explore beyond them) to discover the perfect locations, conference rooms, and facilities for your upcoming meetings. Consider the transportation options too, to make sure everyone can arrive there.


4. Customize the Itinerary


Create a balance between business and leisure activities. Consider incorporating cultural experiences, outdoor adventures, and culinary delights to provide a memorable and enriching experience for attendees. Remember, corporate doesn't mean boring.


5. Provide Comfort and Convenience


All attendees must have access to comfortable accommodations, quality meals, and essential amenities. Cover these expenses because you shouldn't expect them to pay for the retreat essentials. Surely, they need to cover out-of-the-retreat expenses and activities that aren't part of the itinerary.




Organizing a successful corporate retreat in London or UK-wide requires planning, researching, and paying attention to details. The location is a key to success, especially when it offers all the amenities for a great retreat.


Surely, think about incorporating personalized transportation for those who come from foreign countries or distant cities. With strategic planning and executing the itinerary, you can leave a lasting impact on the employees.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Our guide will help you organize corporate and business trips by following the best practices for corporate travel management methods. Don't wait - read now.",metaTiltle:"Corporate Travel Management",date:new Date(2024,2,12),synopsis:"Travel management, in general, is the process of planning, organizing, and managing each aspect of every trip. While we all do that when going on a vacation, things may get a little different when the business aspect is added.",slug:"corporate travel management",titleFull:"What is Corporate Travel Management? A Complete Guide",details:'\n

Travel management, in general, is the process of planning, organizing, and managing each aspect of every trip. While we all do that when going on a vacation, things may get a little different when the business aspect is added.


Corporate travel management applies to all the trips and activities related specifically to the needs of business. It covers aspects like booking a private transportation company, hotels, and flights, but also managing travel budgets and ensuring all travellers are safe and secure on the road.


Travel Costs Explained

\n \n

Business trips include several activities and expenses that contribute to the total expense of the trip. Effective corporate travel management ensures all these expenses are optimized, i.e., no employee spends more than the budget allows on the mandatory aspects.


So, before going deeper into the topic, let\'s see what costs are usually included in travel expenses.

  • Hotel Stay - Accommodations are an essential part of the travel costs. The amount spent depends on the location, amenities, and days booked.
  • \n
  • Conferences and Trade Shows - Attending industry events usually involves registration fees, tickets, booth rentals, and additional travel expenses.
  • \n
  • Urgent Calls in Roaming - International business travels often include urgent calls made when roaming. This aspect surely adds more to the overall expense.
  • \n
  • Meeting Venues - Depending on the meeting type and size, renting a space for it may cost plenty of money, especially for big groups.
  • \n
  • Bars and Restaurants - Meals can largely increase travel expenses, especially in big and expensive cities. It usually includes client entertainment and team dinners, which surely adds to the total travel cost.
  • \n
  • Flights and Transportations - Planes, meet and greet, corporate chauffeuring, and local commuting surely make a huge difference when trying to figure out the trip budget.
  • \n

What to Consider in Corporate Travel Management?


The first thing to know is that corporate travel management is an ongoing strategy that helps you control the business\'s travelling expenses while ensuring everyone has enough of a budget to fulfil their obligations. While unpredictable expenses may appear (and you must predict that with the budget), here are the key aspects to consider when managing business travel:

  • Day-by-Day Itineraries - Usually, business trips come with an agenda to minimize wasted time and ensure efficient use of time and money.
  • \n
  • Various Transportation Options - From flights to private transfers, make sure you combine efficiency with costs for a seamless experience.
  • \n
  • Accommodation Prices - Negotiating corporate rates with hotels, rentals, and alternative lodging options. Ongoing partnership surely leads to savings.
  • \n
  • Meetings and Events - While virtual meetings save plenty of money, in-person meetings need more money management.
  • \n

All these aspects require dedication, planning, and precision. Business trips can easily exhaust a company\'s budget, so having a plan on how to manage corporate travel is important


How to Manage Corporate Trip Expenses?


Today, we\'re lucky to have technologies to manage corporate expenses. While there is no unified way to do that, here are some practical tips:

  • Invest in Travel Management Software - This way, you can track expenses and report them accordingly.
  • \n
  • Implement Easy Reporting Systems - The reporting systems can let every employee submit their claims with no administrative obstacles in the meantime.
  • \n
  • Outsourcing to Travel Agencies - A travel agency can alleviate the burden on internal labour while handling corporate trips professionally.
  • \n

Common Challenges in Corporate Travel Management

\n \n

While all your efforts to deliver a seamless experience to the employees, some challenges may prevent you from accomplishing that. Considering the challenges, you can easily control the whole process while handling them with care:

  • Budgetary Constraints - Balancing costs with quality can be a challenge, but with a proper management approach, you can deliver quality for a fair price.
  • \n
  • Compliance Issues - Staying true to the company travel policies and regulations is complex, especially when international trips occur. Make sure you follow the protocols while staying aware of the activities on the particular trip.
  • \n
  • Travel Safety and Security - Predicting health, safety, and security risks requires a more flexible budget, especially when the team travels to unfamiliar environments.
  • \n



Effective corporate travel management requires optimizing the resources and enhancing productivity while fostering growth. Having direct control over the costs can help you strategically plan the business trips while leveraging all the available tools and resources.


By understanding the various elements involved, businesses can develop and implement effective strategies to manage their corporate travel needs efficiently.

\n '},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"How do you make your business trip sustainable? Follow the best eco-friendly practices, and always take care of the environment around you, no matter where.",metaTiltle:"Sustainable Business Trips",date:new Date(2024,2,10),synopsis:"Business travel to the UK is both exciting and necessary. As you're excited about your upcoming trip, it's important to know that it comes with a huge eco-responsibility. Still, some switched habits can change the whole way you affect the environment while travelling for business. From encouraging others to use digital documents and tickets to embracing eco-friendly transportation options, it's on you to make the initial change.",slug:"sustainable business trips",titleFull:"Sustainable Business Trips: Eco-Travelling Tips for Visiting the UK",details:'\n

Business travel to the UK is both exciting and necessary. As you\'re excited about your upcoming trip, it\'s important to know that it comes with a huge eco-responsibility.


Still, some switched habits can change the whole way you affect the environment while travelling for business. From encouraging others to use digital documents and tickets to embracing eco-friendly transportation options, it\'s on you to make the initial change.


After that, everyone will follow your example and contribute to eco-friendly practices, even when travelling. So, here are some eco-travelling tips on how to be environmentally aware and sustainable during the business trips:

\n \n

1. Find a Green Accommodation


Many UK hotels offer eco-friendly accommodation for their guests. They come with amenities like energy-efficient lighting, food and plastic recycling programs, and locally sourced organic ingredients. By staying in green accommodations, you can support businesses that are committed to reducing their environmental impact. Also, you stay true to your eco-travelling practices while setting an example for all the others on the same business trip.


2. Use Sustainable Transportation


During business trips, relying on public transportation can be a game of chance. Still, hiring a chauffeur company may seem like a huge expense. The truth is that Simber aims to be eco-friendly by embracing electric vehicles to reduce the carbon footprint. As a bonus, our drivers will help you learn more about London and the surrounding neighbourhoods so you can have a great time with us.


3. Behave Appropriately in London


One way to make your trip eco-friendly and sustainable is to care for the environment yourself. That means always throwing the trash out in the containers and trash cans. Never, again, never leave your trash behind you. Even when organizing business event, always make sure you have a plan on how to manage the waste. That way, you\'re contributing to ecology awareness in general, as well as improving the conditions in the environment.


4. Go Paperless When Possible


Today, we have access to the Internet everywhere. Printing out documents and emails can stay in the past as long as you have a laptop and smartphone by your side. When on a business trip, you don\'t need to carry a stack of paper. Print out only the essential documents and keep the rest in digital format. That way, you reduce paper waste while keeping yourself well-organized all the time.


5. Support Local and Sustainable Dining


You can try to prioritize sustainable dining options like local restaurants that use locally sourced ingredients. That way, you support the local economy and contribute to reducing the carbon footprint caused by transporting food long distances. You can have plant-based meals that have a lower environmental impact or simply support less popular but local food places.


6. Pack Smart and Travel Light


Packing only the things you need is both convenient and environmentally friendly. When travelling with lighter luggage, our cars consume less fuel, making your whole trip eco-friendly. Also, follow these practical tips:

  • Pack clothes that can be matched to multiple outfits
  • \n
  • Use travel-size toiletries in reusable containers
  • \n
  • Have printed copies only for the necessary documents
  • \n

7. Invest in Sustainable Souvenirs

\n \n

Even local souvenirs can change the way you behave in the environment. Look for locally made crafts and artisan products. That way, you support eco-aware businesses that care for the environment. They don\'t produce items in industry settings but at home or at their shops. That way, they don\'t contribute to industry waste and air pollution.


8. Be an Example Your Business Partners Will Follow


It\'s easy to set an example that everyone will follow, especially your business partners, clients, and coworkers. Show them you\'re environmentally conscious during the meetings and events, encouraging them to do the same. Promote healthy habits, and try to make the most out of the capacities you have. In addition, you can join some eco programs to showcase your efforts and dedication to a clean environment.


How is Simber Doing That?


At Simber, we\'re completely aware that cars can largely contribute to air pollution. That\'s why we decided to go green and invest in electric vehicles that won\'t cause more pollution.


Additionally, we joined Ecologi\'s program. Roughly, they plant a tree for each of our completed trips. Use our example to learn how to contribute to eco-awareness, even when your business nature is not that sustainable. Every action you take counts, and it\'s worth the effort.




By following the eco-friendly tips and practices we shared, you can reduce your environmental impact when travelling for business. Even the smallest actions can make a big difference, especially if you\'re a responsible business traveller.


Make sure you stay true to your eco-travelling habits while adopting other sustainable practices. Being eco-conscious is cool, so set an example for your colleagues and encourage them to join you on the next eco trip. That way, you can transform the future of business travelling.




What is eco-travel?


Eco-travel is all the habits, practices, and choices we make during travelling so we can minimize the environmental impact. From supporting local communities to choosing eco-friendly accommodation and local transport to manage our waste - it all belongs to eco-travelling.


What does it mean to travel green for business?


Business trips are often huge, with plenty of waste during meetings and events. By switching your mindset and embracing eco-conscious habits, you can turn any business trip into a green one.


How to make sure you\'re all about environmentally friendly travelling?


Research eco-friendly options, such as green accommodation and local transportation. Pack light, choose plant-based meals, and be mindful of your waste disposal.


How do you hire a sustainable travel company?


Look for companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint. They might offer electric vehicles, utilize local resources, and support environmental initiatives - the way Simber does.

\n '},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"It's not easy to find time to relax during your UK business trip. But we have a few tips on how to do that without affecting the job schedule.",metaTiltle:"Relaxing During UK Business Trip",date:new Date(2024,2,5),synopsis:"Business trips can be exciting and pretty rewarding but also exhausting. The purpose of these trips is to meet with your coworkers, potential clients, and current partners while enhancing your overall business performance. That's why they're full of meetings, networking events, and tight schedules. So, here today, we have a few practical tips for relaxing while in London for a business trip. ",slug:"relaxing tips business trip",titleFull:"Tips to Relax in the Spare Time During Your UK Business Trips",details:"\n

Business trips can be exciting and pretty rewarding but also exhausting. The purpose of these trips is to meet with your coworkers, potential clients, and current partners while enhancing your overall business performance. That's why they're full of meetings, networking events, and tight schedules.


Many business travellers don't really have time to relax in the meantime. But in this blog post, you'll discover how important it is to have a few hours every day just for you. From handling the transportation challenges to considering the best hotel or rental around, there are so many factors that can help you find time to relax and rejuvenate between meetings.


So, here today, we have a few practical tips for relaxing while in London for a business trip.


Moments to Embrace the Outdoor Activities


Between all those meetings and events, we recommend you find some time and get away from the urban jungle. It's a nice way to breathe in some fresh air while exploring London's Hyde Park or Royal Botanic Gardens. Take some time to visit Paddington Green City Park and enjoy the greenery around you.


If you like this idea, here are some interesting activities to embrace:

  • Walk around the city and discover the shops, restaurants, and pubs
  • \n
  • Visit the London Zoo for a nice getaway from business
  • \n
  • Attend a Thames riverboat party in the night
  • \n
  • Have your coffee at some rooftop bar completely alone
  • \n
  • Take an open-top bus tour through the city
  • \n
  • Spend some time at the Borough Market
  • \n
  • Take a look around the Tower of London
  • \n
  • Visit the colourful Kew Gardens
  • \n

All these activities can be added to your spare moments in London between busy events and client meetings. Make sure you plan your days nicely because an hour spent in the park sometimes is better than a few hours of sleep in a darkened hotel room.


Enjoy the Local Delights


It's always important to eat well so you can handle the meetings like a champion. Food can be indeed a source of comfort, especially when dealing with business challenges. No matter if you enjoy the traditional fish and chips or have a rich English breakfast, the carbs will bring joy to your daily schedule.


It's true, British people aren't really popular for the local cuisine, but there are some specialities you need to try, like:

  • The excellent traditional beef stew
  • \n
  • A portion of Beef Wellington
  • \n
  • Sunday roast with Yorkshire pudding
  • \n
  • Caramel-flavoured sticky toffee pudding
  • \n
  • The savoury pie and mash (with meat or vegetarian)
  • \n
  • Banana and caramel Banoffee Pie
  • \n
  • Bangers (pork sausages) and mash
  • \n
  • Afternoon tea and all the delights with it
  • \n

Once you have enjoyed your meal, you can easily get back to the business tasks and complete them with elegance and dedication.


Minutes for Yourself

\n \n

No matter how many meetings you have in your schedule, you must appreciate the precious minutes you have in between. Try to practice the usual relaxation and mindfulness techniques so you can stay calm.


Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Visit a yoga class
  • \n
  • Attend a short meditation session
  • \n
  • Read your favourite book
  • \n
  • Listen to your favourite calming music
  • \n
  • Have a power nap
  • \n

Remember, you can't pour water out of an empty jar. So, use every minute you have to relax and come back to your senses. Business meetings are exhausting, and that's a fact. Talking to a lot of people while being under pressure takes its toll, so don't feel guilty if you decide to relax instead of going for a drink with your coworkers.


Appreciate Your Personal Time


Who says you can't combine business with leisure? You can book a day or two before the actual business trip so you can explore London or any other UK city on your schedule and arrangements.


Many visit beautiful cities and places but don't have time to enjoy them as they're on tight business schedules. So, why not arrive earlier, or stay a day more? That way, you can:

  • Explore the place at your own pace
  • \n
  • Go for a shopping and buy something nice
  • \n
  • Eat at the restaurants you want to visit
  • \n
  • Enjoy a spa treatment or visit a sauna
  • \n
  • Explore the local culture and history
  • \n

All these activities can be incorporated into your business trip with the sole purpose of enjoying the experience and relaxing.


Disconnect and Unplug In the Evenings


No matter how long you stay in London for business, there is one simple thing you can do to relax - unplug the electronic devices and turn off the internet access. It's easy to feel overwhelmed if you have a few meetings during the day and still receive email notifications once you're in bed.


Even though it's not quite possible to completely disconnect from the digital world, here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Inform the others that you can't attend all the casual events
  • \n
  • Clearly communicate the time you're available until
  • \n
  • Let the others know you'll respond to their messages next morning
  • \n
  • Highlight the importance of having some personal time
  • \n

In the meantime, you can sleep, have tea, or just vibe on the sounds of your favourite music.

\n \n

How Not to Be the Partybreaker?


Not every person is created equal to another. While some enjoy group activities and spending time with coworkers and clients, others need to relax and recharge their social batteries. But in groups, it's often difficult to explain that to others.


Sometimes, everyone expects you to be present at each party after the meeting, lunches, or coffee hours. The truth is, you don't have to be. Still, there is a risk of being labelled as a party breaker. So, here are some tips on how to deal with that:

  • Set clear boundaries and address the importance of \"me time\"
  • \n
  • Stay true to your habits and beliefs
  • \n
  • Encourage others to appreciate the spare time
  • \n
  • Highlight the beautiful things people can do when in London
  • \n
  • Remind them of the purpose of the business trip
  • \n

It seems like an impolite step to take, but only the boundaries will help you have time to relax and rest between business-related activities.


Final Words


Remember, the purpose of business trips is business. You can surely spend some hours relaxing and enjoying the silence alone. As an employee or even a manager, you aren't obligated to be at every party or out-of-work activity. That also means you don't have to push the others to join you in your preferred ways to spend your spare time.


The key is in the balance between privacy and business. Make sure you don't miss the mandatory meetings and events, and feel free to skip those with no value for you or the job in general.

\n\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"What does it take to effectively deal with the stress caused by London's traffic jams? Read our effective guide and make the best decision before the trip.",metaTiltle:"Navigating London\u2019s Traffic Jams",date:new Date(2024,1,29),synopsis:"As much as London is rich in nightlife, historical sites, and vibrant culture, the traffic is probably the least glamorous aspect of it. The streets are usually too busy to ride, but we all have things to do and finish daily. And it doesn't make the city less busy.",slug:"navigating london traffic",titleFull:"How to Prevent Stress While Navigating London's Traffic Jams?",details:"\n \n

As much as London is rich in nightlife, historical sites, and vibrant culture, the traffic is probably the least glamorous aspect of it. The streets are usually too busy to ride, but we all have things to do and finish daily. And it doesn't make the city less busy.


Now, imagine you're a London visitor who needs to spend time here, having some business meetings, or just a casual tourist experience. Surely, it's pretty stressful to navigate London's traffic jams for the locals, and it gets messier for the visitors who rent a car or decide to use public transportation.


Besides our private chauffeur services, we're offering practical tips to help everyone visiting London be comfortable with the traffic and manage the stress too. So, here are some practical tips:


Stay Informed with Traffic Updates

\n \n

To stay one step ahead of London's traffic chaos, you will need some real-time traffic updates. Platforms and apps providing live traffic information can help you plan your route and avoid busy spots.


To best track the London live traffic and get relevant traffic updates, consider using apps and platforms like 'Visit London' or 'AccessAble.' You can also rely on your private driver, knowing that they know how to avoid those traffic spots and get real-time traffic updates for London's roads.


Explore London's Low-Traffic Neighbourhoods


The low-traffic neighbourhoods in London can be a nice way to avoid congested areas, even when it means more kilometres. Central London is usually very busy, so alternative roads can be a nice solution if you want to explore more areas and corners without dealing with the transportation challenges.


You can either hit the road alone or let your chauffeur suggest a route. This way, you can discover charming places that aren't visible from the city's centre. So, low-traffic areas can be a great way to learn more about London and have fun while travelling.


Plan Your Commute During Off-Peak Hours


Timing is key when it comes to navigating London's traffic, so you must plan carefully. You should consider the area where you stay and where you need to be. That way, you can effectively check if there are traffic congestions in given periods and make decisions based on that.


It sounds great to schedule your commute during off-peak hours to avoid the rush. Central London traffic is usually at its peak during traditional rush hours, so plan your travel around these times if possible.


Embrace Comfort with Simber

\n \n

When travelling to London, it's important to avoid the traffic stress and improve the overall experience. Our service can transform your daily journey into a smooth experience. You're allowed to create a personal oasis during the trip and navigate the city like a pro - by relaxing in the backseat, listening to your favourite playlist, or even having a small talk with the driver about last-minute trip changes.


Traffic jams are terrible for London visitors, so Simber helps you always be one step ahead of all congestions during busy hours. Our chauffeurs leverage cutting-edge navigation apps equipped with real-time traffic updates, ensuring you arrive at your destination promptly.


Invest in Your Calm


With comfortable seats and always a clean interior, you can travel calmly, leaving the city's bustle behind you. Simber is your personal partner in travelling, helping you see the difference from the first time you hire us.


We are dedicated to personalized service, letting you avoid the traffic stress that usually comes when commuting through London.


Bonus tip: Even with a chauffeur by your side, London commuting can be really stressful. Our pro tip is to have a stress-busting kit, something like a captivating book, curate a calming playlist, or some mobile game to help you not think about cars and traffic. By doing that, you can transform London's traffic jams from daunting obstacles into small bumps on the road to urban adventure.




London's traffic and the stress it causes may make you think twice before booking those tickets for your adventure. It's true, if you aren't ready for a busy life, London can play with your nerves and sanity.


That's why we shared a few practical tips, as well as recommendations to ease the whole experience and hire a chauffeur company. Don't forget that London is not just a destination - it's an urban jungle you can get used to or let take your patience away. It's time to decide what path you'll take.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Tips and practical steps on choosing wedding venues in London or at some of the nearest locations. Follow this guide and make sure you have your dream wedding.",metaTiltle:"Choosing London Wedding Venues Guide",date:new Date(2024,1,12),synopsis:"Congratulations! You have decided to have your wedding in some of the most beautiful parts of London and the surrounding area. Indeed, there is no better option for a wedding anywhere in the world. Of course, planning such an event can be long, and the choice is quite large. That's why we decided to help you choose the perfect venue and the logistical details that will make your wedding like your dreams. And what do you need to achieve that? We will give you some tips.",slug:"london wedding venues",titleFull:"Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing a Wedding Venue In London",details:'\n

Congratulations! You have decided to have your wedding in some of the most beautiful parts of London and the surrounding area. Indeed, there is no better option for a wedding anywhere in the world. Of course, planning such an event can be long, and the choice is quite large. That\'s why we decided to help you choose the perfect venue and the logistical details that will make your wedding like your dreams. And what do you need to achieve that?


You just need to find time and look at the wedding venues in London and around that suit your style. Of course, you can also consider logistical options such as a wedding chauffeur, group transportation of the closest guests, decorating, decorations and setting up the hall according to your wishes and preferences.

\n \n

Yes, choosing a wedding venue in or close to London is daunting, but still a very exciting task. We\'re here to help you figure out the best way out while offering our transportation services. So, let\'s focus on the tips first:


Tips on Planning a London Wedding


London is an exceptional place to get married. Before diving into the step-by-step guide, we want to make sure you keep all the important tips in mind - from hiring a wedding car to deciding whether you need a big or small London wedding venue.


Budget and Style


The venue choice depends on your style, but even more important is the budget. Luckily, London offers so many great locations like historic churches, UK countryside barn-like restaurants, exclusive city halls, and even castles!

\n If the weather is on your side, you can even choose an outdoor venue. Still, the climate conditions are unpredictable most of the time, so we suggest deciding on indoor venues that fit your budget and style. As you suppose, remote venues are usually more affordable, with the exception of exclusive locations that may be even more expensive compared to the halls in London\'s centre.


Consider Your Guest List


The number of guests is important, but what is more important is if the venue is easily accessible to everyone. Surely, hiring an exclusive minibus chauffeur can handle some of the guests, but some will have to come themselves (by car or other transportation option they can afford).


Another concern is the venue\'s capacity. You don\'t need to book huge restaurants or halls knowing that you only have less than 50 guests. Also, don\'t try to save money on small venues by putting the tables too close. Remember, the more guests you have, the more space you need to accommodate them, and even plan details like dining, dancing, and overall comfort.


Location That Matters

\n \n

Central London is perfect for couples considering wedding venues in London. However, it comes at a cost, so make sure you research your options and compare quotes and prices before booking.


For a more relaxed atmosphere, consider venues in London suburbs or nearby towns. They potentially come at a lower cost or make the investment worth it because of the beautiful green spaces and natural stunning views.


Still, the most important thing is to make sure the venue is easy for guests to reach, no matter what kind of transportation they use.


Start the Search Early


London is a popular wedding location, so all the great venues are booked in advance - especially the weekend dates. So, we suggest to start searching one year earlier, if possible. That way, you can check on the available dates and schedule the wedding accordingly. Surely, you don\'t need to visit all the venues around. Shortlist the favourites and visit them in person. That way, you get a better image of the space, staff, vibe, and potential limitations.


Ask the Right Questions


Couples get so excited when looking for a venue they often forget to ask the most important questions. So, here are some of the questions to consider:

  • What is the capacity of the venue?
  • \n
  • Are there any restrictions on noise levels or music?
  • \n
  • What catering options are available?
  • \n
  • Are there any additional fees, such as corkage charges or service charges?
  • \n
  • What is the cancellation policy?
  • \n
  • Is the venue accessible by public transport?
  • \n
  • Are there enough parking spots for the guests?
  • \n
  • Does the venue collaborate with chauffeur VIP companies?
  • \n

We suggest even making a long list so you won\'t forget anything important. That way, you ensure the wedding day runs smoothly with no logistical or transportation issues at all.


5 Steps on Choosing a London Wedding Venue


Now, let\'s connect the dots and create an extensive guide on London wedding venues and the right way to choose the one!


1. Establish the Budget

\n \n

Take your time and check on how much you can afford for a wedding venue. We mentioned this element in the tips, too, but it\'s always the first step when planning such a huge thing as a wedding.


Consider venue rental costs, decorations, food, photography, and entertainment as an integral part of your wedding budget. This way, you will prevent falling in love with venues that are out of your reach for now.


2. Decide on the Style and Preferences


The next step is to define the style and atmosphere you prefer for the wedding day. That way, it becomes easier to decide on luxury venues in London or more remote options near the city. If you want a formal wedding, then classic restaurants and halls are great. Modern celebrations require more casual options, like clubs or remote private venues. Also, try to track the weather forecast to easily choose between indoor and outdoor options. Knowing your preferences will help you focus your search on venues that align with your vision.


3. Create the Guest List


Now that you know the venue capacity, it\'s time to create a guest list or trim down the initial draft. We are sure you have a rough estimate of the guest count, but sometimes, you\'ll have to make changes in order to accommodate them comfortably.


There is no right approach between choosing a venue and then creating a list or having the list and deciding on the venue accordingly. It\'s up to you to decide what works better, as long as there are no huge exceptions.


4. Research and Visit Potential Venues


This is the most exhausting part, but it\'s worth every minute invested in it. By looking at photos, you may not get the right idea of the venue. So, our suggestion is to never book a wedding venue, no matter whether it is near or far from London, before taking a look at it.


Once you have the favourite venues that match the style, budget, and guest count, pay a visit to each, if possible. That way, you get a more realistic image of the ambience and overall suitability. Make sure you ask the questions we mentioned in the tips section, or even come up with yours, to be aware of each potential drawback.


5. Consider Logistic and Amenities


When visiting the venues, evaluate the logistical aspects. Check if there are convenient transportation options for the guests, available parking facilities, or any restrictions related to your plans.


You can ask the hosts if there are some limitations regarding the services or if they offer a complete package for the wedding. Once you have all the information, you\'re ready to choose the right venue and have your dream wedding in London or in its surroundings. Remember, choosing a venue is personal. Explore your options, prioritize your needs, and trust your gut to find the perfect place to celebrate your London wedding!




What are the most popular wedding venues in London?


The Savoy 5-star hotel is the most popular for luxury weddings, as well as Hampton Court Palace near Richmond Park, the Tower of London, or even the Kew Gardens, surrounded by the beautiful botanical garden.


What are the best wedding venues near London?



  • Brinsop Court Manor House & Barn with a moat, woodlands, and a newly built barn
  • \n
  • Bredenbury Court Barns for a countryside charm with exposed beams and beautiful gardens.
  • \n
  • Dodford Manor is for those who like an elegant Georgian mansion surrounded by rolling hills.
  • \n
  • The Flitch House is a country escape with a spa, cinema, and stunning grounds.
  • \n


Small wedding venues or luxury wedding venues in London: What to choose?


Small venues are great for intimate weddings and smaller guest counts. For elegant and extravagant celebrations, we recommend booking an opulent venue or some exclusive hall that can accommodate all your guests.


How do you hire a chauffeur-driven wedding car in London?


You can simply contact Simber for a quote, as wedding transfers are a huge part of our services. You can choose a car type from our fleet and confirm the booking. We can accommodate your special requests at capacity and handle the logistic challenges for you.

\n '},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"People travel daily from the UK to France and back, or start their trip in France and go to the United Kingdom. Some use the Eurotunnel Le Shuttle, while others prefer the ferry. Both options are fine, depending on how fast the passenger needs to arrive at their destination and what type of travel they prefer.",metaTiltle:"Eurotunnel or Ferry: What's the Best Way to Travel from the UK to France?",date:new Date(2024,0,23),synopsis:"People travel daily from the UK to France and back, or start their trip in France and go to the United Kingdom. Some use the Eurotunnel Le Shuttle, while others prefer the ferry. Both options are fine, depending on how fast the passenger needs to arrive at their destination and what type of travel they prefer.",slug:"eurotunnel or ferry",titleFull:"Eurotunnel or Ferry: What's the Best Way to Travel from the UK to France?",details:'\n \n

People travel daily from the UK to France and back, or start their trip in France and go to the United Kingdom. Some use the Eurotunnel Le Shuttle, while others prefer the ferry. Both options are fine, depending on how fast the passenger needs to arrive at their destination and what type of travel they prefer.


Still, the age-old question for UK travellers is: tunnel or ferry?


Both options offer their unique charms and challenges, and the "best" choice ultimately depends on your priorities and preferences. But worry not, Simber\u2019s service is here to help you navigate the Channel crossing an easy task! We can take you to your chosen seaport or even provide a quick transfer to mainland France through the Le Shuttle.


But what would be the best way to arrive in France from the UK?


The Eurotunnel Advantage

\n \n

By using Eurotunnel Le Shuttle, you can arrive from the UK to France or back in merely 30 minutes. The advantages? There are many:

  • You can arrive from Folkestone to Calais 7in less than an hour
  • \n
  • Eurotunnel operates frequently, and it\'s very flexible, while ferries have fewer departures
  • \n
  • Le Shuttle is less affected by weather, so the risk of cancellation is smaller
  • \n
  • It\'s comfortable and convenient, as you stay in your vehicle all the time
  • \n
  • Concise schedule and quicker boarding
  • \n
  • No seasickness concerns because it\'s a fixed tunnel
  • \n
  • It\'s available for trucks and buses, too
  • \n

This is the ideal choice for those with tight schedules, families with restless kids, people who travel with their pets, or simply anyone who prefers a speedy, efficient transfer.


Ferry Fanatics: Embracing the Journey

\n \n

On the opposite side of those who prefer the Eurotunnel to France from the UK, there are people who want to enjoy the salty sea air and breathtaking views of Dover, Southampton, Harwich, and any other UK seaport. Luckily, Simber offers transfers to and from commercial UK seaports, so choosing a ferry shouldn\'t be a problem at all.


Ferries offer more than just transportation - they\'re an adventure in themselves. The trip may last longer, but you have more space to rest, have some snacks, or even enjoy the scenery around you. For those who have more time, taking a ferry to France from the UK can be an exceptional experience while travelling, which surely has some advantages like:

  • Not feeling trapped in the tunnel
  • \n
  • Pretty enjoyable trip to France
  • \n
  • Fresh air is available all the time
  • \n
  • No vehicles around you
  • \n
  • A chance to make friends with like-minds
  • \n

And more!


Beyond the Tunnel and Ferry: Simber\'s Secret Weapon


Now, here\'s where Simber comes in. We take the best of both worlds and transform your UK-to-France journey into a luxurious, stress-free experience.


Choose from comfortable private vehicles equipped with Wi-Fi, on-demand entertainment, and even refreshments, or even hire a minibus for family trips. Skip the queues, forget the parking struggles \u2013 simply relax and enjoy the ride as our friendly drivers whisk you across the Channel in style.


So, which option is right for you?


Consider your priorities:

  • Speed Demon: Choose Eurotunnel\'s Le Shuttle for the fastest crossing.
  • \n
  • Seafaring Soul: Opt for a ferry to savour the journey and enjoy the onboard amenities.
  • \n

But when considering the ultimate comfort, a private transfer to the seaports, or even from the UK to France through the Eurotunnel le Shuttle, is the best possible choice. You can also travel alone by driving to France from the UK, but you must consider the Eurotunnel crossing times when planning the trip.


Don\'t want to do it all alone? Let us take care of the travel logistics while you focus on planning your French adventure. Remember, the perfect Channel crossing is the one that meets your needs and desires. Simber is here to help you find it, so buckle up, bon voyage, and let\'s explore France together!




What is the departure point for Eurotunnel Le Shuttle in the UK?


The departure point is the Folkestone Terminal. It\'s easy to find it, as there are several signs that say "Eurotunnel Le Shuttle." The easiest way to access it is the M20 motorway at junction 11A.


Where does the Eurotunnel Le Shuttle arrive in France?


The Calais Terminal in France is the arrival point. It\'s located close to Calais. The same as the UK, there are signs that show you\'re on the right path to the Eurotunnel.


Is it necessary to make a reservation for Eurotunnel Le Shuttle?


It depends on the seasons and weekends. While it\'s recommended to note your arrival, sometimes you can casually pass through the tunnel.


Can pets be transported in the vehicle on Eurotunnel Le Shuttle?


Le Shuttle is one of the fastest and most convenient ways to travel with your pets. Still, they must be in a pet carrier. Bigger dogs must be on a leash and inside the vehicle.


What happens in case of delays or disruptions to the Eurotunnel service?


Le Shuttle disruptions happen rarely, but there are always real-time service updates on their website and mobile app. If something happens, they\'ll do everything to accommodate you on the next available service.


What are the main ferry routes from the UK to France?


There are a few ferry routes between the UK and France, including Dover to Calais (1.5 hours), Portsmouth to Caen (4 hours), Plymouth to Roscoff (5-6 hours), and Hull to Zeebrugge for those who need to travel to Belgium (7 hours).


How long does the ferry journey typically take?


Depending on the departure port and ferry operator, the trip can last from 1.5 hours to 7 hours.


Is it necessary to make a reservation for ferry travel?


Booking your ferry is a must, especially when you want to secure the ideal crossing time and cabin availability


Are there measures in place for passengers who may experience seasickness on ferries?


Most ferries will offer seasickness medication and cabins for those who feel unwell during the trip. Larger ferries are more stable, so if you suffer seasickness, consider choosing a ferry.


How does a chauffeur company help with UK to France trips?


Your chauffeur company will organize the trip in a way you won\'t have a chance to miss the Le Shuttle departure. Additionally, they\'re taking you to the exact seaport to start your ferry trip.


Can I use a chauffeur service when travelling to France?


In general, yes. Simber offers Le Shuttle transfers, taking you from London to any French spot you prefer, and we can also stay with you long-term to cover your departure to the UK.

\n '},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Discover the ultimate UK exclusive events, and make the experience even better by hiring a chauffeur company to take you on this adventure.",metaTiltle:"UK Exclusive Events",date:new Date(2024,0,10),synopsis:"The upcoming UK exclusive events promise excitement for all the adventurers who don't want to miss them. From airshows to horse races and iconic historical events - all these experiences are worth considering if you travel to the United Kingdom soon. But do you know that you can make the whole experience even better?",slug:"uk exclusive events",titleFull:"Upcoming UK Exclusive Events: Hire a Chauffeur Service to Take You There",details:"\n \n

The upcoming UK exclusive events promise excitement for all the adventurers who don't want to miss them. From airshows to horse races and iconic historical events - all these experiences are worth considering if you travel to the United Kingdom soon. But do you know that you can make the whole experience even better?


Forget about the stressful crowds navigating, logistics, and parking spots. Simber, with its long-distance events services, will make the whole adventure even more thrilling as you travel comfortably. So, what events can you visit this way? The list is pretty big, so let's start now:


Farnborough Airshow

\n \n

Farnborough Airshow is usually held in July. The upcoming 2024 is scheduled for 22-26 July at the Farnborough Airport in Farnborough, Hampshire, England. In the past, it was a week-long event with an exclusive program for trade visitors during the first five days, as well as the weekend public event. The organizers changed this format in 2020 for more convenient hosting.


If you want to skip the Farnborough Airshow parking struggles and arrive on time, make sure you hire us to whisk you through VIP entrances for a front-row seat. Never miss an opening time, and don't let anyone wait for you for more than ten seconds when attending this event.


RIAT Airshow


During the period between July 19 and July 21, UK visitors can attend another exclusive event, the RIAT Airshow. Each year, thousands of people come to RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire to attend one of the greatest airshows. Knowing that it's a busy event, planning ahead will help you avoid the crowds and travel comfortably with little to no delays.


The 2024 show theme will be the 50th F-16 Fighting Falcon anniversary, but the main theme of the event will be \u201cPushing the Boundaries in Air and Space\u201d. So, buckle up for an exhilarating extravaganza with breathtaking aerobatics, dazzling pyrotechnics, and military might on display. Since this is an important show for the world's military, it's expected to be pretty busy, even though public attendance is limited.


The Anniversary of D-Day

\n \n

Every 6th of June is important for the UK, as it's accompanied by many ceremonies and exclusive events in memory of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy. But the 6th of June 2024 is even more special because it's the 80th anniversary, so many people will be at the Normandy D-Day beaches to celebrate Europe's freedom.


You can pay your respects at this poignant anniversary, honouring the courage and sacrifice of those who liberated Europe. This year, many delegations and independent visitors are expected to attend this event, so make sure you choose your favourite vehicle from our fleet for extended exclusivity.

\n \n

Ascot Racecourse


In June, you can attend a very exclusive and glamorous event known as Royal Ascot or Ascot Racecourse. It's not only a horse race but also a fashion stage for the British elite and their friends from all over the world.


By hiring us, you won't have to deal with parking at Ascot Racecourse challenges, being able to enjoy the exclusivity of stylish arrival. Keep in mind that this was one of the late Queen Elizabeth II's favourite horse racing events, and you'll probably see many members of the royal family there.

\n \n

Cheltenham Racecourse


This exclusive event got its name from its location in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. It's usually held at Prestbury Park. So, if you're in the UK in March, you can plan on visiting this race, as the tickets are available for casual visitors too.


Feel the electric atmosphere of the Cheltenham Festival, where racing legends are made. Leave the stress of parking and crowds behind with Simber and focus on cheering on your favourites.




Simber can take you to another very exclusive event in the UK - the world's finest tennis battle! The first two weeks of July are reserved for the Wimbledon tennis tournament. It's probably the most popular and the oldest tennis championship in the world.


You can visit the daily tours or schedule a private tour with a group or individually. Casual visitors usually don't attend the matches since an opening-day ticket may cost thousands of dollars. Still, you can savour some seats for more affordable prices for the later events if you really want to and arrive with Simber's exclusive vehicle of your choice.


Beyond the Exclusive Events in the UK


Not a fan of large crowds, noisy parties, and other kinds of ceremonies? Don't worry because Simber is available for various services, from business trips to long-term hires for those with extended stays in London and the UK.


Our fleet of luxury vehicles and professional chauffeurs ensure you arrive relaxed, refreshed, and ready to make the most of every moment. It's time to embrace luxury and set yourself free from stress and travelling challenges. Let Simber become your trusted travel partner today for your VIP experiences.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Discover and experience the future of comfortable and luxury travel as Simber unveils the new Mercedes S580e S Class Hybrid Plug-In",metaTiltle:"Simber\u2019s New Mercedes S Class",date:new Date(2023,11,30),synopsis:"At Simber, we always try to provide the best possible chauffeur experience to any client. So, we're thrilled to announce the arrival of a revolutionary addition to our fleet: the Mercedes S580e S Class Hybrid Plug-In. This exceptional vehicle is a great example of luxury on the road with integrated high technology and, of course, sustainability, ensuring your journey is not just comfortable but also environmentally conscious.",slug:"mercedes sclass s580e vehicle fleet",titleFull:"The Ultimate Chauffeur Experience with Our New Mercedes S580e Hybrid Plug-In",details:"\n

At Simber, we always try to provide the best possible chauffeur experience to any client. So, we're thrilled to announce the arrival of a revolutionary addition to our fleet: the Mercedes S580e S Class Hybrid Plug-In.

\n \"New\n

This exceptional vehicle is a great example of luxury on the road with integrated high technology and, of course, sustainability, ensuring your journey is not just comfortable but also environmentally conscious.


The new 2023 Mercedes S580e Hybrid is available for every service Simber covers - from airport transfers to corporate chauffeur services and long-distance travel. So, make sure you book your next ride because the demand for this vehicle is huge.


Mercedes S Class S580e Hybrid Plug-In Basic Characteristics


The elegant exterior and luxury interior are accompanied by impressive physical characteristics. Some vehicle experts even compare this edition to the BMW i7 Series (which we also have in our fleet of vehicles).


So, here's what our clients get when hiring a Simber driver with the new vehicle:

  • The S580e has a combined 510 horsepower and 553 lb-ft (749.77 Newton meter) of torque
  • \n
  • It has an electric range of up to 90 km
  • \n
  • It can be charged in 2.5 hours with a level two charger
  • \n
  • The interior is luxurious and comfortable
  • \n
  • The infotainment system is easy to use
  • \n
  • The S580e is more fuel-efficient than the previous S Class editions
  • \n

Additionally, the interior comes with the most comfortable seats ever, advanced safety features, sophisticated looks, and an option to lower or increase the heating or ventilation. So, let's talk more about the benefits our clients have when using this particular vehicle for their chauffeur experience.

\n \"New\n

Unmatched Eco-Luxury for Each Chauffeur Service


The spacious and carefully crafted interior of the S580e showcases the attention paid to every detail, designed to pamper you in sustainable luxury. The comfortable leather seats, huge windows, ambient lighting, and climate control system create a haven of comfort and tranquillity - which is exactly what you need for your chauffeur rides.


Thrilling Performance Meets Efficiency


The Mercedes S Class S580e Hybrid Plug-In comes with a powerful hybrid engine, delivering a remarkable 510 horsepower and an electric-only range of up to 80 miles. That means you can experience the thrill of acceleration while embracing eco-conscious driving, maximizing both performance and environmental responsibility.


Advanced Technology for a Seamless Journey


The most recent S580e comes with an advanced set of technology features to help you stay connected and entertained during the whole ride. That way, your chauffeur can navigate effortlessly with intuitive navigation while you enjoy crystal-clear sound from the integrated 3D surround sound system or even stay productive with the Wi-Fi hotspot (in case you need to handle some meeting or respond to an email while travelling).


Uncompromising Safety and Security


Your safety is paramount at Simber - and that's a value we nurture from day one, for every client. The Mercedes S Class S580e Hybrid Plug-In is equipped with a comprehensive suite of safety features, including airbags, anti-lock brakes, traction control, and driver-assistance technologies, guaranteeing a worry-free journey. Once again, we prove that there is nothing more important than a client's safety when hiring us.


The Ideal Choice for Every Occasion


Whether you're seeking a luxurious airport transfer, a stylish arrival at your wedding, or a reliable chauffeur for business meetings, the recent 2023 Mercedes S580e Hybrid Plug-In sets the perfect stage. Its spacious interior, advanced technology, and unparalleled comfort elevate any occasion to an unforgettable experience while leaving a great impression all the time.


How Does the New Mercedes S Class S580e Enhance Our Service?


While we recommend each vehicle from our perfectly immaculate fleet, the newest addition to our fleet is great for relaxed journeys and extended trips. The engine is quiet, which means our clients may have a nap while travelling, respond to some work-related tasks, or simply enjoy the views around. That way, everyone arrives at their destination refreshed and ready to seize the day.


For Long-Distance Rides


Simber covers long-distance chauffeur services from London to other UK destinations and even to France, Monaco, or other European destinations. While long-distance trips can be exhausting, the new Mercedes S Class S580e helps you relax and enjoy the ride.


For Airport Transfers


While flights can be stressful and exhausting, airport transfers should be relaxed and comfortable. Our new vehicle, or each one available in the fleet, will make your experience much better, preventing the common travelling anxiety.


For Your Wedding Day


The S580s Hybrid Plug-In comes with a luxurious and elegant design, sophisticated details, and fine lines to enhance your overall romantic experience. That way, you can focus on celebrating your special day while experiencing a smooth ride to your wedding venue.


For Corporate Chauffeur Services


Travelling for work is stressful enough, but Simber's offer is here to ease the stress for you. Hire a corporate chauffeur with S580e so you can finish some brief tasks in the meantime or prepare better for the upcoming meeting.


The Simber Difference: Service Beyond Your Expectations

\n \"New\n

When you choose Simber, you choose more than just a chauffeur service. We set for nothing less than a perfect vehicle all the time. Our regular fleet upgrades only prove that you always get:

  • Highly trained and professional chauffeurs who are dedicated to providing the highest level of service and discretion.
  • \n
  • Impeccably maintained fleet, ensuring your safety and comfort during the trip.
  • \n
  • Support for different types of chauffeur service, depending on your specific needs.
  • \n
  • A friendly and knowledgeable team that is always available to assist you.
  • \n

So, why wait? Book your next eco-luxury journey with us and experience all the benefits we mentioned earlier in this article. Contact Simber today to book your next ride in the revolutionary Mercedes S580e S Class Hybrid Plug-In and experience the future of luxury travel.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Practical travelling tips and useful advice on how to overcome the fear of flying and prepare for the adventure of your lifetime.",metaTiltle:"Overcome Fear of Flying",date:new Date(2023,11,22),synopsis:"People who do not travel often may experience some fear, stress or anxiety associated with travel. When flying an aeroplane, these feelings can occur even if you have flown more than ten times. Of course, facing our fears can be stressful, but at some point, we must do it and make our daily activities easier.",slug:"overcome flying fear",titleFull:"How to Overcome Fear of Flying and Have a Safe and Calm Flight",details:"\n

People who do not travel often may experience some fear, stress or anxiety associated with travel. When flying an aeroplane, these feelings can occur even if you have flown more than ten times. Of course, facing our fears can be stressful, but at some point, we must do it and make our daily activities easier.


When a client needs to travel by plane, our airport transfer chauffeur can offer a comfortable journey to and from the airport. Thus, the passenger will not be exposed to stress before and after the flight. Although the goal is to overcome the fear, sometimes this is impossible. So, we'd like to share a few ways you can combat your fear of flying and make the whole experience more enjoyable for you.


Understand the Roots of Your Fear


The first step in overcoming the fear of flying is to understand where it comes from. Sometimes, it's tied to a fear of heights, accompanied by horror stories about turbulence and plane crashes.


So, let's first detect the phobia of flying and then share some tips on how to overcome that fear:

  • Fear of heights: The sensation of being suspended thousands of feet above the ground can trigger feelings of vertigo and helplessness.
  • \n
  • Fear of turbulence: Turbulence, though a natural phenomenon, can exacerbate anxiety due to its unpredictable nature and perceived loss of control.
  • \n
  • Fear of takeoff and landing: The initial ascent and final descent can be particularly stressful, as they involve rapid changes in altitude and a heightened sense of vulnerability.
  • \n
  • Fear of being trapped: The confined space of an aeroplane can induce claustrophobia, especially for those with a fear of enclosed spaces.
  • \n

How to Overcome the Fear of Flying?


In cases of extreme fear of flying, people are looking for alternative solutions to travel. Sometimes, that would be by train, car, or even with a cruiser when possible.


Still, there are some techniques a traveller can use to overcome these significant obstacles, such as:

  • Education and Understanding: Every traveller must be aware of the safety measures related to air travel. All these facts can ease anxiety a little and reduce irrational fears.
  • \n
  • Relaxation Techniques: Try to practice relaxation techniques and mindfulness exercises to calm the nervous system and easily deal with travel anxiety.
  • \n
  • Gradual Exposure: One of the best ways to overcome the fear of flying is to try to fly short distances first. That way, you can get used to the whole concept, and it would be easier for you to grasp it.
  • \n
  • Professional Assistance: Sometimes, when the anxiety persists, seek professional help. Facing your fears is not easy, but every step into overcoming them counts.
  • \n

How Common is Fear of Flying?


According to Better Health Channel, one in six people have a significant fear of flying, while one in five use medications to help them through a flight.


Remember, flying phobia is very common, even though many say they feel safer in the air than on a highway. Still, some people can't get used to the idea of travelling high in the sky, as they feel safer with the ground under their feet. In extreme cases, the fear is paralyzing and quite severe, with a risk of a nervous breakdown and anxiety attacks. In those cases, people should consider flying alternatives. Overcoming the fear of flying is not always possible, depending on the specific case.


How Chauffeur Services Can Help?


Your chauffeur service won't directly affect your fear of flying. Still, it helps you avoid the busy buses and metro stations by picking you up from home and taking you to the airport, or surely the other way too.


Remember, sometimes you can't avoid flying, especially when travelling for business or other short-term trips. Facing fear of flying may send shivers down your spine, so you deserve the best before stepping into the plane or leaving it after the trip.


Simber's service offers long-distance trips starting from London to many European destinations, including Monaco visits or daily trips to France. One of the ways to overcome the fear of flying is to use some more convenient solution like a bespoke chauffeur experience. But when it is not possible, we can handle the airport transfers to avoid the additional stress from public transport.


So, these are the benefits summarized:

  • Reduced stress with no need to deal with city commuting challenges, so you can relax and arrive at the airport feeling calm
  • \n
  • Saving time because tight time schedule contributes to more stress and fear of flying
  • \n
  • Door-to-door service for more convenient airport pick-ups and drop-offs
  • \n
  • Safe and reliable commuting, so you can feel relaxed when arriving at the airport
  • \n
  • Increased level of confidence and reliability, especially for those who suffer from travel anxiety in general
  • \n

As we said, chauffeur services won't directly address your phobia of flying but will offer unmatched convenience and safety before the flight.


What to Do When Flying is the Only Option?


Facing an extreme fear of flying, accompanied by being afraid of turbulence or being trapped in a plane, can seriously affect all your plans to discover new places and see new things. But sometimes, plane travel is the only option. For example, if you need to travel from London to some US location, you don't have many options. Besides planes, you can travel by cruiser, but that would take a lot more time than a flight.


So, here's what you can do before the flight:

  • Acknowledge your fear and don't try to suppress it - Hiding your emotions can make the situation worse. Instead, talk to someone you trust about your feelings or join a support group for people with aviophobia. You can even talk to your chauffeur if you decide to use airport transfers, so they can offer some support.
  • \n
  • Learn as much as you can about flying - That way, you understand the process, so it seems less intimidating. You can read books and articles and even watch videos of aeroplanes taking off and landing to know what to expect.
  • \n
  • Plan your trip carefully - Make sure you have enough time to get to the airport and check-in. Choose a seat that you feel comfortable in, and bring along distractions such as books, music, or movies.
  • \n
  • Practice relaxation techniques - There are so many resources online to help you practice being calm and relaxed. Learn some relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation to calm your nerves and reduce anxiety.
  • \n
  • Talk to your doctor - If you have an extreme case of aviophobia, you need to talk to someone who knows how to professionally deal with it. Your doctor may be able to prescribe medication or recommend other treatments to help you cope and overcome your fear of flying.
  • \n
\n \"Wing\n

Once you deal with these challenges, it's time to learn what to do during your flight:

  • Stay hydrated - Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight. Dehydration makes the anxiety symptoms worse, so dealing with the fear of flying becomes more difficult.
  • \n
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol - Caffeine and alcohol may cause more anxiety even when not flying. Stick to water or calming herbal teas when possible.
  • \n
  • Focus on your breathing - Take slow, deep breaths throughout your flight. That way, you calm your heart rate and reduce anxiety
  • \n
  • Distract yourself - Take some books, a music player, or watch some movies. Keep your mind occupied so you won't focus on flying too much.
  • \n
  • Talk to a flight attendant - It's always a good idea to talk to them when feeling overwhelmed by the experience. They are trained to deal with anxious passengers and know that overcoming the fear of flying is not the easiest thing for travellers.
  • \n

Based on that, we suggest you choose a direct flight when possible because they're less stressful. Depending on your fear, choose the seat. If you're afraid of heights, don't choose window seats. Still, they're a better choice if you have a fear of being trapped in a plane so you can know there is something outside.


Listen to calming music, visualize peaceful scenes, and remember - you're not alone in overcoming the fear of flying. By choosing airport transfers and the right coping mechanisms, you can deal with this fear successfully.


Overcoming the Fear of Flying: Our Opinion


All the tips and advice mentioned are relevant for every traveller, no matter the purpose of the trip. If you decide to hire a chauffeur for airport transfers, you surely can manage several aspects related to travelling anxiety and ongoing stress.


That way, you can focus on the flight and all the fear management tips we included in this blog post. As a result, you will feel better while flying, with a large chance to overcome the fear that holds you back from exploring the world and having great trips around.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Are you ready for a trip to Scotland while exploring the beauty of the long-distance travelling from London to your destination? Don't wait; start today.",metaTiltle:"Planning a Trip to Scotland",date:new Date(2023,10,22),synopsis:"A trip to Scotland from London is an exceptional way to experience the enchanting landscapes and vibrant culture around the UK. If you're looking for the ultimate luxury of travelling, a chauffeur-guided tour from London to Scotland is the answer. ",slug:"london to scotland trip",titleFull:"Planning a Trip to Scotland: Your Chauffeur-Guided Tour from London",details:"\n

A trip to Scotland from London is an exceptional way to experience the enchanting landscapes and vibrant culture around the UK. If you're looking for the ultimate luxury of travelling, a chauffeur-guided tour from London to Scotland is the answer.


Picture yourself gliding along the winding roads, admiring the breathtaking scenery in absolute style, as your private driver seamlessly handles the logistics of your trip to Scotland from London. Still, if you want to include bespoke itineraries for your perfect Scotland vacation, consider hiring a long-distance chauffeur to travel with an absolute style. One of the most popular long-distance requests is exploring Scotland with London as a starting point.


So, before sharing our tips for the ultimate Scotland chauffeur-driven tour, let's take a brief overview of the benefits of such a hire:


Benefits of Hiring a Long-Distance Chauffeur for a Trip to Scotland

\n \"Scottish\n

Chauffeur services help you enrich your trip to Scotland for an unforgettable experience by offering these benefits:


Unmatched Comfort and Convenience


As you travel in a luxurious vehicle, you can experience the best of the United Kingdom. Knowing that it takes up to eight hours to arrive in Edinburgh from London, you surely need the comfort chauffeur services offered for long-distance experiences. Professional services ensure your journey is not only seamless but also a perfect vacation from start to finish.


Bespoke Itineraries Just For You


Create your Scotland trip planner that aligns with all interests and desires. Want to skip the commercial places and explore something less exposed? No problem, your chauffeur will do that for you. Staying in one city for the whole day instead of a few places for an hour or two? You get it! Chauffeur companies are here to make your Scotland experience truly remarkable.


Professional and Personalized Service


Experienced chauffeurs know how to make your trip to Scotland an experience you won't ever forget. By your request, they can share their knowledge, tips, and recommendations. Also, they can keep quiet if you feel like sleeping or just calmly experiencing this adventure. Whether you need to be picked up from London's airports or love a private long-distance tour, every moment of your ride will be meticulously planned.


Things and Places to See in Scotland

\n \"Harry\n

Planning a trip to Scotland from London is a great way to decide what attractions you want to see. That way, you and your chauffeur won't be losing time on places and spots you don't want to see. But if you've never been to Scotland before and you need some planning tips, these are our recommendations:


Exploring Edinburgh


Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and attracts people with its historical charm mixed with the modern way of living. Experience the vibrant history while enjoying the captivating architecture, traditional pubs, and authentic local shops.

\n \"Edinburgh\n

But make sure not to miss:

  • Edinburgh Castle: A pinnacle of Scottish history, Edinburgh Castle offers panoramic views of the city and is a key stop on any Scotland chauffeur-driven tour.
  • \n
  • Royal Mile: Stroll along this historic street, immersing yourself in its unique shops, vibrant street performances, and the rich cultural tapestry of Scotland.
  • \n
  • Arthur's Seat: For breathtaking views of the city, embark on a hike up Arthur's Seat, an extinct volcano that dominates Edinburgh's skyline.
  • \n
  • Holyrood Palace: Or the Palace of Holyroodhouse. This is the official residence of the British monarch in Scotland and one of the most visited royal attractions in Edinburgh.
  • \n

And even more, especially if you use our long-distance travelling services.


Visiting Glasgow

\n \"Glasgow\n

Glasgow is indeed a fascinating city worth visiting. The architecture is similar to Edinburgh's, but the modern city is built around the industrial development heritage. Surely, there are many exceptional places to see and visit, including:

  • Glasgow Cathedral: A masterpiece of medieval architecture, this cathedral is a testament to Glasgow's ancient roots.
  • \n
  • Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum: Immerse yourself in art and history at this iconic museum, showcasing a diverse collection spanning centuries.
  • \n
  • Glasgow Science Centre: Perfect for family trips, this interactive science hub offers engaging exhibits for all ages.
  • \n

Narrowing down the Glasgow streets is an exceptional way to see exceptional pieces of Victorian Gothic architecture while also appreciating the city's industrial heritage.


The Lakes


We all know about Loch Ness, and it's surely an unusual experience for everyone who visits Scotland. But there are many more iconic lakes there to explore, so we prepared a nice list of beautiful and charming spots you shouldn't miss when planning a trip to Scotland from London.

  • Loch Ness: The most famous lake in Scotland, surrounded by the legends of the Loch Ness Monster. People are still looking to meet Nessie, and who knows, maybe you'll be the lucky one.
  • \n
  • Loch Morar: This is Scotland's deepest freshwater lake. It's an idyllic spot you'll be excited to visit and take beautiful photos there.
  • \n
  • Loch Lomond: Located in the Trossachs National Park, surrounded by oak woods, this lake is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Who knows, maybe you'll have an exciting encounter with the red deer that lives in the woods around Lomond.
  • \n
  • Lake Of Menteith: Scotts call it Loch Inchmahome. This is the only loch that is commonly referred to as a lake. It offers serene boat trips and a chance to explore the abundant wildlife from a safe distance.
  • \n

Scottish Whisky Experience


No trip to Scotland is complete without exploring the whisky culture. Private distillery tours, seamlessly integrated into your chauffeur-driven itinerary, let you experience the essence of Scottish craftsmanship. You can learn more about the process of whisky making, from selecting the finest ingredients to ageing in oak barrels and how it affects the aromas of your favourite drink.


More Scotland Tour Ideas


When it comes to your trip to Scotland, you aren't limited to the lakes, Edinburgh, and Glasgow only. Surely, there are many other places to visit, like:

  • Stirling Castle: A high spot in the city of Stirling, a perfect mix of history and various architectural styles, known to be Mary's, Queen of Scots, favourite residence.
  • \n
  • Glenfinnan Monument: If you feel like you're travelling to Hogwarts, you're right. The scenic National Trust for Scotland is located near Loch Shiel, and you can spot it in the Hogwarts Express, navigating scenes.
  • \n
  • Urquhart Castle: Located in Inverness, these ruins let you experience the glorious Scottish history right in your chest. And if you climb the Grant Tower, you'll get a picturesque view of Loch Ness from above.
  • \n
  • Culzean Castle: A beautiful cliff-top castle in Ayrshire that is, luckily, easily accessible, so you can include it in your chauffeur-driven London to Scotland trip.
  • \n
  • Clackmannanshire: A surprising scenic spot for everyone who wants a calm environment surrounded by forest and waterfalls.
  • \n
  • Balmoral Castle: No Scotland trip list is complete without this castle that Queen Victoria purchased. It belongs to the Royal Family these days. The Balmoral Castle became even more monumental in 2022 because of the Queen's passing there.
  • \n

Our Pro Tip: Remember to bring your camera and recharge your phone battery in the vehicle between visiting different spots.


Conclusion on Your Trip to Scotland Plans


Booking a London to Scotland Trip is the best gift you can give to yourself. You can even organize a family trip to Scotland using a long-distance chauffeur ride with a vehicle of your choice. Find your sweet Scotland spots, and plan your adventure on time. It's such a beautiful place to explore while enjoying the beautiful surroundings and breathtaking scenery.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"How do you ensure you get the ultimate corporate chauffeur experience in London? Make sure to follow our tips for the most convenient business trip.",metaTiltle:"Corporate Chauffeur Experience Tips",date:new Date(2023,10,12),synopsis:"If you travel often for business, you know that efficiency and luxury are no longer indulgences but crucial elements for corporate success. Business travellers often need a blend of convenience, punctuality, and comfort, as well as customization according to their needs. That's why the usual transportation options may not work well for them.On the other hand, corporate chauffeuring companies offer the best possible corporate chauffeur experience for anyone who needs a reliable solution for them or their important guests. Experienced chauffeurs know London's traffic too well, so they provide timely arrivals and stress-free commutes.",slug:"corporate chauffeur experience",titleFull:"How to Customize Your Corporate Chauffeur Experience in London",details:"\n

If you travel often for business, you know that efficiency and luxury are no longer indulgences but crucial elements for corporate success. Business travellers often need a blend of convenience, punctuality, and comfort, as well as customization according to their needs. That's why the usual transportation options may not work well for them.


On the other hand, corporate chauffeuring companies offer the best possible corporate chauffeur experience for anyone who needs a reliable solution for them or their important guests. Experienced chauffeurs know London's traffic too well, so they provide timely arrivals and stress-free commutes.


Also, corporate chauffeur services can be tailored to any client's specific needs and preferences to minimize travel disruptions and maximize productivity. As a business traveller, you can experience these types of customization and personalization for an enjoyable corporate experience:

\n \"Businasman\n

Choosing the Right Corporate Chauffeur Service


Selecting the ideal chauffeur company for corporate transportation has never been easier. When considering the advantages of hiring a corporate driver, you need to keep these things in mind:


Expertise and Experience


Reputable companies like Simber employ trained and experienced chauffeurs who know London's roads very well and know how to avoid the traffic. Also, they understand the city's landmarks and attractions, which means you can have a great time while going from one meeting to another.


Reliability and Punctuality


Professional chauffeurs are always punctual, even when it means arriving half an hour before the actual ride starts. Also, they maintain exceptional discretion and professionalism, understanding the importance of confidentiality when providing a corporate chauffeuring service.


Customization According to Your Needs


Simber, as a reputable corporate chauffeuring provider, offers a high degree of customization, following the client's specific requirements and preferences. Every client can choose a vehicle from our fleet, a preferred route, an ideal arrival time, and even a perfect location to be picked up or dropped off.


An Option for a Shared Corporate Ride


Our business clients can request a private service for an exclusive ride or a shared experience for two or more partners for more convenient arrivals.


For clients looking for privacy and confidentiality, we recommend one passenger per vehicle. But if you want to save more money, we also offer shared business rides for more than one person per vehicle. Our cars' capacities may vary, so check carefully before hiring us.


When choosing between a private and shared corporate chauffeur service, feel free to share your individual needs and preferences with us. If you require absolute privacy and flexibility, a private service is the best choice. If you are on a budget or are open to sharing the ride with coworkers or business partners, a shared service may be a suitable option.


Tailoring the Corporate Chauffeur Experience To All Your Needs


Simber will always go above and beyond to provide an exceptional and personalized business and corporate chauffeur experience for every client. We understand your business travel unique needs, and we're always happy to accommodate, offering flexibility and customization.


But what does it mean to be flexible and open to customize the experience? Our service includes:

  • Convenient pickups, as your private corporate driver can arrive at the exact location you provide and take you to your workspace or preferred destination
  • \n
  • Route optimization, especially if you're on a tight schedule or had an urgent change of plans
  • \n
  • Meeting the in-vehicle preferences like music choice, heating adjustment, or driving according to your driving speed preferences
  • \n
  • Productivity on the go, as our vehicles are comfortable enough for you to respond to urgent emails or handle some brief online meetings
  • \n
\n \"Inside\n

Corporate Car Hire Benefits for Business Travellers


As you suppose, the corporate car service comes with many benefits for any business traveller who visits London or has some job to do there. These benefits aren't limited only to the luxury of corporate chauffeured cars and how you arrive in style.


They also extend to:


Convenient Scheduling and Last-Minute Adjustments


Most corporate chauffeur services, including Simber, offer flexible scheduling options. We allow you to book your transportation in advance or at short notice. We offer flexibility to accommodate your travel needs, whether it's a one-time ride to a meeting or a multi-day itinerary with multiple destinations included.


We also understand that business schedules can change unexpectedly, affecting your corporate chauffeur experience. As reputable corporate chauffeur providers, we are prepared to make last-minute adjustments to your rides, ensuring that you are always promptly transported to your desired destinations.


Time-Conscious Drivers and Stress-Free Travel


Corporate chauffeurs are trained to be punctual and reliable, understanding the importance of urgency in the business world. So, you can be sure they already planned their routes, considering the traffic conditions and potential delays, to ensure that you arrive on time, no matter where you go.


As a result, you get a stress-free travel experience. With a corporate chauffeur by your side, you can easily deal with the challenge of navigating London's busy streets. Simber's chauffeur will handle the driving and logistics, allowing you to relax and focus on your work or meeting preparation.


Client-First Approach For Every Occasion


Corporate chauffeur services prioritize customer satisfaction, providing personalized attention to each business client. At Simber, we take the time to understand your individual needs and preferences and then tailor the service to meet your requirements. Our client's needs always go first. Every corporate client can get a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience while navigating through local streets, attractions, and historical sites. Who says the corporate chauffeur experience shouldn't be an enjoyable one?


Safety Measures and Vehicle Inspections


Before hiring, the chauffeur services always run background checks and training for the drivers. That way, every client gets a qualified and experienced chauffeur who cares for convenience, safety, and security. Additionally, we often run vehicle safety inspections to maintain the highest standards for corporate transportation. Our cars are equipped with the latest safety features while being maintained to ensure a safe and secure journey.


Always Perfectly Clean Vehicles


In addition to engine checks, we also offer an immaculate presentation. Our clients always travel with impeccably clean and well-maintained vehicles. The interior and exterior are carefully cleaned and polished to ensure a comfortable and luxurious travel experience for our corporate clients. A clean and presentable vehicle leaves a great first impression, no matter if you meet with clients, international coworkers, or business partners.


Cost-Value Balance


Clients are always worried about the price of the ultimate corporate chauffeur experience. Knowing that chauffeur companies offer all the things we already mentioned in this blog post, we are sure the price adjusts with the received value. Surely, every potential client can request a price estimation so they can learn more about the pricing models and received value. While the cost of corporate chauffeur services is higher than traditional transportation options, the value goes beyond mere transportation. The combination of convenience, punctuality, comfort, and customization will significantly enhance your business travel experience, making the cost true to the value.


Corporate Event Hire Vehicle Options


Corporate chauffeur companies can accommodate groups of any size or offer more than one vehicle per service. For example, Simber offers a variety of vehicles, from sedans and SUVs to vans and minibuses, to cater to every specific need our clients may have.


Simber\u2019s Final Thoughts


When hiring a reliable company, every business client can have the best corporate chauffeur experience. From punctuality to exceptional reliability, Simber offers top-notch services to each client, no matter if they go to corporate events or just need to meet with business partners in London.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Whether you need a long-distance England to Monaco trip or another distant destination chauffeuring - Simber is here to handle it best for you.",metaTiltle:"From England To Monaco Travelling",date:new Date(2023,9,25),synopsis:"Simber is well-known for its extensive chauffeur rides, welcoming clients from the UK, Europe, the US, Asia, and even worldwide on board. No matter if foreigners want to explore the UK countryside or locals need to travel from England to Monaco, we can handle all these challenges and offer convenient service with luxury vehicles for you!",slug:"england to monaco trips",titleFull:"From England To Monaco: Exploring the UK and Europe with Long-Distance Chauffeurs",details:"\n \"Monaco\n

Simber is well-known for its extensive chauffeur rides, welcoming clients from the UK, Europe, the US, Asia, and even worldwide on board. No matter if foreigners want to explore the UK countryside or locals need to travel from England to Monaco, we can handle all these challenges and offer convenient service with luxury vehicles for you!


Get inspired by our most recent exclusive long-distance rides. Thanks to our knowledgeable drivers, we successfully provided one long-distance trip through England and another one from London to Monaco.


Here's how it all went:


From the English Countryside to Monaco's Shores


At Simber, we had the pleasure of accomplishing very exciting long-distance hires, so we decided to talk more about them. That way, you can get an idea of how we accomplish distant destination trips while maintaining high-quality service all the time.


Travelling from London to Monaco

\n \"British\n

We had this client who needed a long-distance and long-term service from us. Our trip started picking up the client from London at 5 a.m. in order to catch the 7.35 Eurotunnel Le Shuttle train. It took us under the English Channel, so we could arrive in France in less than an hour.


Since we used our electric BMW i7, we used the time to charge the vehicle while enjoying a nice branch. Travelling from London to Monaco by car is a long and challenging process, so it took some time to ride through the excellent French motorways. We took a longer break in Dijon and planned the next stop in Avignon, which our client highly appreciated.


Knowing that the whole adventure can be quite long and challenging, Simber's team booked a night in Aix-en-Provence so we could have a good sleep before heading to Monaco the next morning. Even though we had only two hours to arrive in Monaco, we all needed the deserved rest so our clients could enjoy the breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Coast.


The next morning, we finally arrived in this small but beautiful country. Reaching this destination by car allowed us, and surely the client, to experience the advantage of sustainable travel and natural beauty along the way. With Simber, travelling from England to Monaco is a possible and exciting adventure.


To accomplish it, we estimated the London to Monaco driving time, as well as passing the Eurotunnel by car, while considering the road tolls and the need for comfort breaks. So, this route became one of the long-distance trips we are so proud of.


Our Journey from Somerset to The Lake District

\n \"Lake\n

While we handle UK-based client requests almost daily, we also often receive bookings from international clients who travel to Europe and need long-distance journey support. It's probably one of the most enjoyable things to do because we really love sharing our knowledge with them while showing the most beautiful parts of the UK and Europe.


So, our second story is about the long-distance client we had in September this year. We had the pleasure of covering a Somerset to The Lake District trip. To make this possible, our chauffeur went from London to Somerset the night before the trip so they could be completely ready for this journey. We met our client at their hotel.


We took quite a few breaks for both the driver and client to feel comfortable, stretch their legs, and have some food and coffee. At the client's request, our driver stopped at National Trust - Hill Top to explore the famous farmhouses and the breathtaking nature. Surely, a visit to Beatrix Potter's home is a must at this point. While there are so many places to visit in the Lake District, we recommend the beautiful cottages and Lake District waterfalls for the best UK experience.


How do we Make All These Long-Distance Requests Come True?

\n \"Chauffeur\n

While London to Monaco and Somerset to Lake District are among our favourite recent experiences, we have been providing similar chauffeur services for years.


Our goal is for every client to receive the most convenient service accompanied by our professional drivers. Surely, long-distance rides are great, but we also handle requests like business trips, daily excursions, airport transfers, and long-term chauffeuring.


To make these things possible, we pay attention to our vehicle fleet. We offer luxury and comfortable cars, vans, and minibuses for every service. Our goal is to take every client on an unforgettable ride, no matter if they need to travel from one UK end to another or just pass through one or two London neighbourhoods.


Simber is dedicated to professional service so the clients can reach many popular destinations by car. So, we are here to accommodate the UK and European long-distance trips in the best way a client can imagine.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"What does a day in the life of a professional chauffeur look like? What skills do they offer to the clients? Read more about our heroes' days.",metaTiltle:"One Professional Chauffeur's Day",date:new Date(2023,9,19),synopsis:"We've been talking a lot about how our passengers enjoy the ride with Simber's exclusive vehicles. But now, we're taking a different turn, discovering how a day in the life of a professional chauffeur goes. While we're going the extra mile to deliver memorable experiences to the clients, the people behind the wheel are responsible for the magic. Simber offers an array of services, including executive airport transfers, long-distance travelling, and corporate chauffeuring. But it all won't be possible without our professional chauffeurs. That's why we decided to share their story with you.",slug:"professional chauffeur day",titleFull:"Behind the Wheel: A Day in the Life of a Professional Chauffeur",details:"\n

We've been talking a lot about how our passengers enjoy the ride with Simber's exclusive vehicles. But now, we're taking a different turn, discovering how a day in the life of a professional chauffeur goes. While we're going the extra mile to deliver memorable experiences to the clients, the people behind the wheel are responsible for the magic.


Simber offers an array of services, including executive airport transfers, long-distance travelling, and corporate chauffeuring. But it all won't be possible without our professional chauffeurs. That's why we decided to share their story with you.

\n \"Chauffeur\n

The Role of a Professional Chauffeur


A professional chauffeur is a trained driver highly skilled in safe, comfortable, and luxurious transportation. They're responsible for providing:

  • Excellent customer service by being polite and attentive to passengers
  • \n
  • Vehicle maintenance when needed while being familiar with basic repairs
  • \n
  • Planning and navigating routes for the most efficient arrival to the passenger's destination
  • \n
  • Handling luggage to assist the client
  • \n

In general, a chauffeur will help every client to have a great experience while travelling any distance or occasion while respecting their boundaries and riding preferences.


What to Expect from a Professional Chauffeur?


Everyone can drive a car, but only the best professional drivers can offer exceptional service while meeting clients' special requirements. Their blend of skills includes:

  • Punctuality - Chauffeurs must be on time for all appointments and deliveries.
  • \n
  • Reliability - They must show up for work and complete their assignments on time and to the best of their ability.
  • \n
  • Discretion - Chauffeurs may often be transporting high-profile clients, so it is important for them to be discreet and maintain confidentiality.
  • \n
  • Professionalism - Experienced chauffeurs must dress professionally and behave in a courteous and respectful manner at all times.
  • \n
  • Knowledge of the local area - All drivers should be familiar with the geographic area in which they work, including local traffic patterns, road closures, and major attractions.
  • \n

Professional chauffeurs play an important role in providing safe, comfortable, and reliable transportation for a variety of clients. Their services often include picking up business executives from major airports, travelling with celebrities, and efficiently transporting tourists. They are usually the first and last person that a client sees when they are visiting a city or town, so it is important for them to make a positive impression.


Pre-Departure Preparations


Our professional drivers are dedicated to providing executive chauffeur services to every client who travels with us. It all starts a few hours before the arranged pickup time, as we always want to make sure the vehicle works properly, all the routes are checked, and all promised supplies are here.


In order to provide a safe and reliable journey, we plan on timing, check the weather forecast, and drive in a calm manner. By checking Google Street View and Google Earth, we get real-time updates on traffic challenges and access point availability, so the arrival and ride are completely smooth.


For example, when waiting for a client at an airport, we check on the parking, entrances, and routes so they can easily spot their driver and vehicle. Additionally, we consider and inform about potential traffic issues and consult with the client if they approve of taking an alternative route for convenient travel. Preparation is vital so the driver may ensure everything is fine, as long as it depends on us.


Working With Clients


Our professional chauffeur training includes so many aspects, like setting professional boundaries while meeting client expectations. That means the driver will always leave a good first impression, looking sharp and ready for the journey.


Professional chauffeurs work on their organisational skills and communication skills, too, while respecting clients' discretion. If you're in the mood for talking or joking, the driver will embrace that. But also, if you don't feel like talking or prefer travelling in complete silence, your personal chauffeur is here to meet your needs. With that said, knowing when to talk, joke, or be quiet is the key skill of a chauffeur. The goal is to make every client feel comfortable during the ride, no matter what.


Ensuring Passenger Safety and Comfort


When providing a chauffeur service, two things are top priority:

  • 1. Passengers must be safe and secure, and
  • \n
  • 2. Passengers must feel comfortable while travelling
  • \n

Every experienced chauffeur will confirm that driving techniques, a clean driving record, and a clean driving license are only a start in the whole journey. Additionally, the chauffeur is always familiar with the vehicle's safety features, like airbags and seatbelts, as well as what to do in case of emergency. Also, our drivers respect the speed limit and traffic laws, always aware of the surroundings while ready to react in specific situations.


When they see some vehicle that doesn't work smoothly, the professional chauffeurs report the issue, and Simber takes all the needed actions to fix it or replace it if the damage is huge. About overall hygiene, we respect strict cleaning protocols, which means you'll never get in a vehicle that wasn't completely cleaned and disinfected previously.


There are many additional things we do to ensure everyone is safe and secure, including:

  • Adjusting the temperature to the passenger's liking
  • \n
  • Adjusting the music and sound volume
  • \n
  • Creating a comfortable ambience with the available resources
  • \n
  • Offering refreshments like water and mints
  • \n
  • Entertainment, like music or movies
  • \n
  • Passengers are allowed to adjust the seats
  • \n
  • Taking breaks during long routes
  • \n

By treating the passengers with respect, every professional chauffeur improves their individual and company's reputation. That's the reason why many recurring customers ask for the very same driver who took them on a safe and comfortable journey the previous time.


Chauffeur's Personality Traits

\n \"Chauffer\n

For professional chauffeurs, driving abilities are a must. But personality traits are also crucial, especially when working with clients. In general, a chauffeur must be someone who is confident with their skills but also is easy to be around. Those who wait for their clients with a smile while reducing the small talk and focusing on meaningful discussions can easily become people's favourites.


And surely, knowing when to talk is another personality trait a great chauffeur has. Our drivers are trained to recognize if the client is willing to talk or if they should be silent and focus on the road completely. It's a small detail, but personality can make a significant change when it comes to the overall experience and clients' satisfaction.


How Many Clients Does a Driver Accept Daily?


The number of clients one person can handle mostly depends on the route length and the client's requirements. For a few short-term drives, one chauffeur can take a few tours per day as long as they're capable of delivering a comfortable and secure ride.


For long-term chauffeuring and long-distance tours, one chauffeur may be busy for a whole day or even more extended periods. Keep in mind that in order to deliver a completely safe and secure service, they must rest well. That way, Simber ensures the service is of the best quality without putting anyone at even the tiniest possible risk. So, this question doesn't have an exact answer, but it all depends on the current company's capacity.


How to Become a Professional Chauffeur?


Our drivers are completely trained and experienced enough to handle high-profile clients looking for a neat and convenient travel experience. So, if you're punctual, responsible, and professional while having a clean background and appropriate driver's license, you can become a professional chauffeur.


Every company has a strict protocol for hiring, but the basics are, as we said, responsibility and professionalism. Those qualities create a strong foundation for becoming a great chauffeur. Additionally, the candidate can be sent to more courses and training in order to grasp the concept of exclusivity and always focus on the client's needs.


Summarizing the Day of a Professional Chauffeur


When it comes to luxury transport services, professional chauffeur's day is full of tasks and challenges to complete. The first thing is getting familiar with the upcoming route and quick checks on the vehicle and needed supplies for a comfortable ride.


Now that you know more about the heroes behind the wheel, you are aware that the most responsible for delivering the promised service are these people, who meticulously prepare for every client, plan the route, and offer a smooth and stress-free ride. That's why Simber's clients are not treated like passengers but cherished guests who deserve the best from their journey.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Fleet vehicle maintenance and regular sanitization are our way to showcase professionalism, elegance, and dedication to a seamless travel experience.",metaTiltle:"Fleet Vehicle Maintenance and Hygiene",date:new Date(2023,9,9),synopsis:"When providing a chauffeur service for different purposes, vehicle quality is a top priority. What does it mean? We don't only add new great vehicles to our extensive fleet but also take care of the current ones. That includes regular fleet vehicle maintenance and even more regular cleaning and disinfection of the interior. Our goal, as always, is to provide a perfect ride for our clients, no matter if they travel for business, leisure, or some special private events. But how do we do that? Why do we pay so much attention to details, including keeping the vehicles immaculate?",slug:"fleet vehicle maintenance",titleFull:"Fleet Vehicle Maintenance and Elegance: How We Keep Our Cars Immaculate",details:"\n

When providing a chauffeur service for different purposes, vehicle quality is a top priority. What does it mean? We don't only add new great vehicles to our extensive fleet but also take care of the current ones. That includes regular fleet vehicle maintenance and even more regular cleaning and disinfection of the interior.


Our goal, as always, is to provide a perfect ride for our clients, no matter if they travel for business, leisure, or some special private events. But how do we do that? Why do we pay so much attention to details, including keeping the vehicles immaculate?


Our Fleet Maintenance Philosophy

\n \"Cleaning\n

In order to meet our clients' expectations and provide the best experience for them, we pay so much attention to keeping our vehicles perfectly clean and maintained. It's crucial for a chauffeur service to do that because it sets the right impression for the clients.


Imagine welcoming a passenger in a dirty vehicle that sounds like an old tractor! That's not the impression we want to leave since great client experience is what we aim for from the first day our business starts working. If we need to sum up our philosophy, it would be very simple. We don't set out for anything less than perfect, and we want to provide that to our clients.


Rigorous Cleaning, Sanitization, and Maintenance Protocols


Knowing that we offer long-distance trips to our clients, fleet vehicle maintenance is more than needed after the tour ends. While we have a very strict vehicle maintenance schedule, our goal is to ensure everything is right and perfect before using the same vehicle for the next client.


Besides the vehicle maintenance and repair, we also want our cars to be perfectly clean, with no dust or dirt on the surfaces. We understand how important hygiene and sanitization is for both us and our clients. We also follow a very strict sanitization protocol, which means every seat, surface, or vehicle accessory is perfectly cleaned between two chauffeuring services. Ultimately, our philosophy aligns perfectly with what our target clients expect from our service - a seamless journey in well-maintained and clean vehicles.


Meeting Clientelle's Expectations (And Even More)


When a potential client reaches out to us, we know we need to offer more than they expect. The initial expectation, as usual, is for us to be on time on every scheduled ride, help the passengers with their luggage, and offer a smooth and carefree experience. Our drivers are trained to avoid London's busy spots and traffic, being aware of the alternative routes.


And surely, clients expect a clean and well-maintained vehicle. But what they don't know is that we check all the cars from our fleet after the trip ends before welcoming the new client. Also, the interior is perfectly sanitized, so there is no need for anyone to worry about hygiene.


Regular Vehicle Inspection and Eco-Friendly Cleaning Practices


Once we are done with our previous client, we don't waste time! The used vehicle goes for a mechanical inspection in order to confirm everything is perfectly fine with it. We are committed to passenger safety and a carefree experience, so no one needs to worry about a vehicle's condition and interior cleanliness when hiring Simber for a chauffeur service of any kind.


And when it comes to cleaning, we are aware that the usual chemicals can be too harsh on the interior materials but also the environment. Following our company's philosophy, we think that our eco-friendly approach to vehicle cleaning only complements the luxury experience we provide to the clientele. The cleaning products our team uses are eco-friendly and non-toxic, so we can ensure every surface is clean without a risk of chemical damage. So, not only do we provide a seamless travelling experience, but we preserve the elegance of the interiors of our vehicles.


We Pay Attention to Exterior Detailing and Aesthetics Too


The vehicle's interior is the second most important impression our clients get. The very first one is the exterior, and we surely pay attention to details, making sure all surfaces are perfectly clean. So, when the client approaches us, they see a shiny and beautiful car to take them on an unforgettable journey. We believe that this way, we represent our brand in the best possible way but also keep our clients completely satisfied with the service they use.


Why Do We Do All Of This?


As said, our goal is to leave a great first impression but also let the clients do the same while travelling. So, regular inspections and maintenance are our top priority before taking in a new client. From checking fluid levels to inspecting tires, these routines allow us to fix tiny issues before they become huge problems. At the same time, we provide exceptional care for passengers' safety first and for the fleet's longevity for sure.


Addressing tiny mechanical issues on time is essential for proactive repairs and replacements. So, our clients will never experience worn-out tires, engine issues, or any other type of inconvenience.


As a result, we are allowed to continuously improve our current services and offer an even better experience for anyone who hires Simber. Providing such various offers of services is pretty demanding, as it's fleet vehicle maintenance. But things get much easier when we receive another 5-star review or heartwarming comment. That way, we know we are doing the right thing for both our company and our clients.


Conclusion on Fleet Vehicle Maintenance and Hygiene

\n \"Disinfecting\n

Keeping the vehicles immaculate is our top priority since the perfect service depends on it. When it comes to maintenance, we follow the manufacturer's guidelines, using original replacement parts. The cleaning is always on point, so we won't let any dust particles ruin your experience with us. In addition, our drivers are trained to handle every unpredictable situation that may arise during the ride in a professional manner that won't damage the overall client experience.


Taking all these measures shows we prioritize care and maintenance so we can provide the most enjoyable experience for our customers. That way, we showcase professionalism that improves the overall brand image, letting us become even better for future clients.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"It's time to pack your road trip essentials and let Simber take you on an unforgettable long-distance ride through the UK and even more, on your request.",metaTiltle:"Road Trip Essential for UK Travels",date:new Date(2023,9,5),synopsis:"Planning a long-distance adventure is never complete without the road trip essentials you need to bring with you. When planning a trip you know will last for more than just a few hours, it's crucial to determine what you'll need to pack and what travel essentials you need close to you.",slug:"uk road trip essentials",titleFull:"Road Trip Essentials: What to Bring on a Long-Distance Private Chauffeur Trip in the UK",details:"\n

Planning a long-distance adventure is never complete without the road trip essentials you need to bring with you. When planning a trip you know will last for more than just a few hours, it's crucial to determine what you'll need to pack and what travel essentials you need close to you.

\n \"Travelling\n

When travelling to London and planning a UK road trip, or even wider, you must focus on a few elements:

  • Always have your travel documents with you
  • \n
  • Save the reservations on your phone to access them offline
  • \n
  • Print out some of the vouchers or tickets just in case
  • \n
  • Confirm the tickets and chauffeur bookings on time
  • \n
  • Pack a bag with long road trip essentials (jacket, sleeping mask, snacks...)
  • \n
  • Always have some first aid supplies with you
  • \n
  • Provide emergency contact information
  • \n

Why? Because no matter how hard you're planning on these trips, you must remember long-distance travelling is quite challenging, especially for those who aren't used to the road trip concept.


But we can help with that by providing not only a long-distance chauffeur service but also this list of practical tips on packing your essentials and having them by your side through the whole road trip adventure.


1. Planning and Preparation


Become a great road trip planner by thinking about most of the things in advance instead of only letting things happen. Before leaving the house, you must have an idea of how the whole travel experience will go, even though you can't really plan every detail.


But you can surely spot the best airport to start your British road trip, research the routes, find the most convenient accommodations, spot the landmarks you want to see, and surely book your long-distance chauffeur right on time. You can also estimate travel times to each destination or even ask your chauffeur to help you with that part. As a result, you'll be perfectly prepared for the road trip.


2. Essential Documents


When planning a road trip in a foreign country, you must bring all the needed documents like your passport and proof of insurance. For the local adventurers, things are much easier, as they only need to have the reservations close to them, tickets, and other personal documents they need to bring. But international travellers who use a chauffeur service for their long-distance trips must have their visa and passport. Additionally, we recommend bringing a medical history record, especially if you have some chronic condition, as well as medicine recipes, just in case.


Road trips often last quite long, so you must be prepared for them. Also, if they include passing international borders, you need to check what you need for each country going through. Or even better, you can let us, your chauffeur company by choice, assist with that. Just mention the wanted route while booking, and we'll inform you about the technical details.


3. Comfort and Convenience Items


When packing your travel essentials bag, you need to think about what you would need to stay comfortable and calm during the road trip. Even though Simber's vehicles are exceptionally comfortable, you can always bring your travel pillow or the cosy blanket to keep you warm.


If you use some medication regularly, pack them up so you can take them on time. You're allowed to bring your snacks and a bottle of water. And while we have phone chargers available in every vehicle, you can always use yours if you prefer that way. As we offer onboard WiFi, your battery may need charging. Additionally, we offer refreshments, but as we said, you can bring your own water bottle if that's your preference.


4. Entertainment and Electronics


Long trips can be exhausting sometimes, so we recommend bringing in the necessary entertainment items. You can read books and magazines or even watch TV series or your favourite videos. And the best thing is that you have available chargers for your electronic devices. So, you only need to sit comfortably and let us handle the whole long-distance road trip plan for you.


5. Clothing and Personal Belongings

\n \"Levander\n

No matter how hard we try to follow the weather forecast and adapt to it, sometimes the conditions may surprise even the most experienced travellers. As we have many hours to travel, make sure your road trip essentials include a jacket or other clothing item you may need while onboard.


Additionally, you can bring in toiletries and medications or other personal items you may need while travelling. You can even discuss the thing with us, so we can help you with some of the essentials, if possible.


6. Safety and Emergency Supplies


Simber's vehicles are completely equipped with safety and emergency supplies, including a well-stocked first aid kit and roadside emergency kit. Also, our drivers are trained to handle emergencies like smaller vehicle failures, so we can ensure you're safe and comfortable all the time.


But if you have some personal supplies, like an additional safety belt, some medications, or personal things that make you feel more comfortable, you're free to pack them up with the rest of the road trip essentials.


7. Emergency Contact Information


We highly recommend maintaining a list of emergency contacts so we can act immediately if something happens. As we travel through many cities or even countries, sometimes, passengers may feel dizzy or disturbed, which is normal when travelling so long. So, make sure you add the emergency contact list to your road trip essentials checklist so we can handle every challenge together.


8. Miscellaneous Essentials


When travelling with family, always pay attention to the road trip essentials for kids. Sometimes, they require additional attention, so maybe you'll need to pack some toys or games to have them quiet and comfortable.


If you have your own reusable water bottle, you're free to use it instead of the bottles we provide. Take your camera with you as we pass through exceptional places that deserve to be captured forever. When travelling with friends, you can always play some games onboard or listen to music and watch movies - whatever makes you feel more comfortable.


9. Documents and Reservations

\n \"Landscape\n

We suggest keeping the travel insurance close to you, as well as the passport and other travel documents. Don't forget to print out the hotel reservations and attraction tickets if you plan on staying or visiting some local sites.


When it comes to road trip chauffeur services, you aren't limited by the size of your cabin bag, so you can bring in whatever makes your experience more comfortable. Important Note: You can combine different Simber offers, like airport pickup and long-distance service, or you can even add daily excursions or special event chauffeuring to that.


Final Thoughts on Road Trip Essentials


While the traditional definition of a road trip is more like driving alone and handling the challenges with no assistance, we redefine the idea of it, including a dash of luxury. Surely, you can sign up for an unforgettable experience through the picturesque landscapes of the UK and Europe with a private chauffeur by your side.


As a chauffeur company, we want to welcome the clients the best way possible by offering amenities and essentials for a comfortable ride. But surely, every client can bring in their belongings onboard, including the road trip essentials handbag or backpack, to ensure a worry-free ride. So, prioritize efficiently packing and including all the essential things that make your ride smooth and unforgettable, and let the adventure begin.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Holiday airport transfers for larger groups have never been easier. Hire a minibus chauffeur and have the time of your life in London and the UK.",metaTiltle:"Large Group Holiday Airport Transfers",date:new Date(2023,8,18),synopsis:"When travelling in a group, be it with friends or family, it is very important to ensure a comfortable trip above all else. And when you are good and comfortable, then you will certainly be able to share numerous experiences, jokes, and laughter and enjoy every moment together. And of course, when you travel locally, it would be easy to travel in groups. But what happens if you want to travel to London, for example? What solutions do you have?",slug:"group holiday airport transfers",titleFull:"Holiday Airport Transfers for Large Groups: Travelling Together Made Easy",details:"\n \"Travelling\n

When travelling in a group, be it with friends or family, it is very important to ensure a comfortable trip above all else. And when you are good and comfortable, then you will certainly be able to share numerous experiences, jokes, and laughter and enjoy every moment together. And of course, when you travel locally, it would be easy to travel in groups. But what happens if you want to travel to London, for example? What solutions do you have?


The first thing that comes to mind is minibus airport transfers because you stay together and organised during the trip. It's actually much easier than splitting into multiple taxis or travelling by train or bus. Therefore, luxury minibuses are perhaps the best solution if you are travelling by plane but want efficient holiday airport transfers for a calm experience without additional stress.


Coordinating a larger group of 8, 10 or even 12 passengers is not easy at all, which is why there are certain services, such as a minibus chauffeur, to help you with logistical planning and efficient transfer of your belongings.


Convenient Group Airport Transfer Services


When travelling in a group, whether for a vacation, family reunion, or for practical reasons to save on individual expenses, it's key to be comfortable and adapt to the situation. That would also mean that options like several taxis or the whole group in a public bus are not the best solution. Well, in such a case, Simber also offers minibus holiday airport transfers for those travelling in a group, for at least eight and at most 16 passengers - at your request.


The goal of this service is for every passenger to feel comfortable, to have enough space for luggage and still for the group to stay together for road trips, even if they are rides shorter than an hour.


The Luxury of Minibus Airport Transfers


For group airport transfers, minibus chauffeur hire is often the perfect solution. Whether you are travelling for a family event or celebration or to party with a larger group of friends, luxury and comfort are what you deserve. In fact, travelling by plane is quite stressful and what everyone needs is a vehicle that can accommodate a sufficient number of passengers, but also carry luggage without any problem. That way, everyone can enjoy the hours after landing stress-free.


Therefore, travelling in groups has never been easier whether you need holiday airport transfers, business rides, or wedding venue transportation. Simber can offer you a luxury minibus chauffeur service for your group, upon your request, in which you specify the exact number of passengers in the group. If necessary, other vehicles can be added, so the group can be divided if you have more than 16 passengers.


Benefits of Minibus Chauffeur Services


What everyone is interested in is whether there is a benefit from private minibus transportation from several aspects. Many are mostly concerned about the prices of the services, which become less important when we know the benefits. Well, therefore, you can count on:


Stress-Free Planning

\n \"Crowded\n

It's true! Planning group trips can be a tiring experience and cause conflicts of various types between travellers. That's why it needs to be as simple as possible, to avoid additional stress and tension between passengers. Therefore, we recommend early booking minibus chauffeur transfers to be there for you the moment you arrive.


Travel Together


If you rely on a train, bus, or even a taxi, you can easily be separated. And yet, when travelling in a group, you need to be together all the time. In fact, if you think about it, the price of a minibus hire can be quite adequate for the number of tickets you would buy or two or three taxis to get to wherever you need to be. With the help of business or holiday airport transfers by minibus, you can always be with each other, talk and not worry about travelling in different vehicles in a city you may not know very well.


No Parking Hassles


When you arrive at your destination, you don't have to worry about whether there's enough parking space and whether you're bothering anyone. The minibus chauffeur service eliminates all these worries, allowing you to focus on your stay, whether it's a vacation or other type of fun with family and friends.


Luxury Minibus Chauffeur: An Added Touch of Comfort


When talking about a minibus, many think of those old vehicles that we often see on the streets of any city worldwide. But with Simber, the situation is very different because our mission is to offer comfort, luxury and constant support to our customers.


Opting for a luxury minibus chauffeur adds an extra layer of comfort and style to your group travel experience. For starters, you have enough space in the vehicle to be comfortable without feeling any pressure that someone else needs more space. Each minibus is equipped with comfortable luxury seats, as well as additional amenities that can be added at your request. That way, you enjoy minibus holiday airport transfers, but also every other possible aspect of the trip, including the daily activities for which you hire our company.


What Can You Do With a Minibus Chauffeur Hire?


Our services are not limited to airport pickups and drop-offs. In fact, if you need assistance with great places in London or its surroundings, Simber can be your partner in all those activities. If you arrange with us and book a long-term minibus service, then we can take you on day tours around London and show you the best places to eat and relax.


Of course, we are here for you if you also need excursions outside London. All you have to do is plan if and how much transportation services you need during your stay in London. So, if you want to explore the hidden corners of the popular destinations and maybe some of the surrounding remote locations, specify it when you book, and we will confirm it for you.


Can I Book a Minibus Holiday Airport Transfer for a Large Group, and What is the Typical Seating Capacity?


Minibuses come in different capacities, but in general, you can fit up to 16 people in one vehicle. Some minibuses have capacity for 8, 10 or 12, and some for more. In order to avoid problems, when booking, it is mandatory to indicate the number of passengers in the group. In that way, we can ensure that we have a vehicle with that capacity or offer you additional vehicles according to the number of passengers.


Are Minibus Transfers Available At All Airports in London and the UK?


In London, you can book minibuses before arrival. Some companies have airport transportation daily. But since Simber is a luxury service company, you won't find us waiting for one of our vehicles to fill up so we can do the day tour. On the contrary, it is necessary to contact us at the moment when you have a certain number of passengers and date of arrival.


In such a case, the minibus comes to the airport where you will arrive and, of course, only transports your group without the option of additional passengers who are not part of the group, even if there is physical space in the vehicle. To book a minibus with Simber in another city, you need to specify it as a request in your booking form. Furthermore, we will let you know the capacity for that type of service, and we can agree on the details.


How Far in Advance Should I Book a Group Airport Transfer?


Our advice is - the sooner, the better. For example, if you receive an invitation to a wedding and you know the exact date, book immediately for that date so that we can provide the service you expect. Ideally, it would be a few weeks before arriving in London or the UK in general. That way, we can guarantee that you will get the service you expect, whether it's a family vacation, a wedding, or any other type of event you're travelling for.


Conclusion on Minibus Transfers for Various Occasions

\n \"London\n

The minibus is the perfect solution for group travel, but you need to book in time to get the best service. With incredible comfort and spaciousness, we guarantee you'll enjoy every moment of your trip, no matter what occasion you're in London for.


That's why we recommend that when travelling in a group, you consider the option of a private minibus. That's the only way you can reach a level of convenience and reliability that you certainly wouldn't have if you decided to use a taxi or any other form of public transportation.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"The earlier you book your airport transfer, the more flexible you are. Learn why we recommend pre-booking airport transfers for every client.",metaTiltle:"Pre-Booking Airport Transfers",date:new Date(2023,8,10),synopsis:"Travelling to the United Kingdom can be a pretty exciting adventure if you know how to navigate through busy cities and deal with their transportation system. One of the ways to enjoy your trip is to pre-book everything, from flights, hotels, and airport transfers to museums, historical attractions, and special tours you want to take.",slug:"pre booking airport transfers",titleFull:"The Benefits of Pre-Booking Airport Transfers for Your UK Trip",details:"\n \"Pre\n

Travelling to the United Kingdom can be a pretty exciting adventure if you know how to navigate through busy cities and deal with their transportation system. One of the ways to enjoy your trip is to pre-book everything, from flights, hotels, and airport transfers to museums, historical attractions, and special tours you want to take.


For efficient airport transfers in the UK, you need to know your arrival time and planned activities so we can offer our services as expected. We always suggest our potential clients pre-book their airport transfers so we can accomplish convenience and reliability at its finest.


But why book airport transfer online even months before the trip? Let's find out.


Convenience and Stress Reduction


Airport arrivals can be pretty overwhelming, especially if you travel to the UK for the first time. So, booking airport transfers in advance seems like a solution, right? Imagine navigating through crowded terminals and trying to figure out what bus or train to take to get to your destination. Pre-booking airport transfers eliminates all these stress factors.


So, when you pre-book airport transfer, you ensure someone will be waiting for you at the gate, helping you with the luggage, and ensuring your airport to hotel transfers go as smoothly as promised. That also means you don't need to wait for a taxi or negotiate fair prices with drivers who think tourists know nothing about the UK's taxi pricing.


With just a few clicks, you can secure your transportation in advance, so you can peacefully plan the whole trip without worrying about being late or trying to figure out public transportation schedules in an unfamiliar city.


Saving Time Even When Not in a Hurry

\n \"Busy\n

Time is precious, and we're all aware of that. Sometimes, you may travel on a tight schedule, but in other cases, you may have time to explore London and other UK cities on your own plan. Surely, when you book airport transfer to the hotel or preferred destination, time-saving is the main benefit you get.


Chauffeur companies know what route is the most optimal to save you time instead of travelling through busy streets and spending your precious minutes. This time-saving aspect is pretty beneficial if you plan on arriving somewhere in a given timeframe. So, you don't need to worry about delays since the pre-booked chauffeur services can efficiently help you manage your time and make the most of your UK stay.


Cost-Efficiency Even For Luxury Services


When booking airport transfers, you need to know that the service is more expensive compared to the price of a bus ticket or a train ride. But how does it come to be cost-efficient when you need to spend more money? If you compare the prices without keeping in mind what you get, surely you can't see the cost optimization.


Still, when you factor in the convenience, time savings, and reliability, it can actually save you money in the long run. Let's say taxi prices can be unpredictable, but you know the exact estimation at the pre-booking phase for your airport transfer. Also, you don't need to deal with bus or train schedules while trying to figure out your destination because early booking airport transfers means you only need to enter the address and be taken there.


Reliability and Safety: The Benefits of Early Booking Airport Transfers


Chauffeur companies offer seamless reliability and safety for the clients - and that's what we do, too. Our mission is for every passenger to feel comfortable and safe while using any of the offered services. So, if you pre-book your airport transfers with us, you can be sure reliability and convenience meet the highest standards.


As our client, you don't need to worry about any travel-related uncertainties. Your chauffeur will be there to provide a safe and comfortable journey from the airport to your destination, no matter if you need to go to your hotel, a business meeting, or a leisure spot.


How to Manage the Booking Process?


Booking an airport transfer with Simber is a simple and straightforward process. Whether you're landing at any of London's commercial airports or any other UK airport, you need to mention that in the booking form. Also, make sure you add all your requirements so we can inform you on time for our capacities for the given period.


Make sure you pre-book your airport transfer because sometimes the demand can be high, especially in peak seasons. So, when booking airport transfers, it's important to add the estimated arrival time, vehicle requirement, and the destination you need to arrive at. After that, it's all in our hands to meet and greet you, assist you if needed, and take you on an unforgettable journey in London, the surroundings, or other UK cities.


Are pre-booking Airport Transfers Only Available for Major UK Airports like Heathrow and Gatwick?


Simber's airport transfer services aren't limited to major airports only. You can often pre-book transfers for various airports in London and across the UK. It's a convenient option regardless of your destination within the UK. The only thing to keep in mind is to note where you arrive so we can effectively respond and confirm the service.


How Far in Advance Should I Book Airport Transfers for My UK Trip?


When we talk about pre-booking, it's advisable to consider booking airport transfers as far in advance as possible, especially if you travel during peak seasons. That means we recommend contacting us the moment you confirm your flight and hotel or accommodation. Booking ahead ensures you can get all the amenities you require, or let us meet your specific needs and preferences, as we are available with more vehicles and services.


Are There Options for Different Types of Vehicles When Pre-Booking Airport Transfers?


Our company offers a wide array of vehicles, including luxury sedans, SUVs, and even limousines. As you book early, you're able to choose the preferred vehicle, depending on your travel expectations and whether you travel solo or with a companion.


What Information to Provide in the Pre-Booking Form?


The mandatory information we require is your arrival at the airport, the estimated arrival time, trip duration, and preferred vehicle. Then, you'll need to enter your contact information so we can confirm your booking or contact you if some issues arise. Make sure you have your passport with you or a document to confirm your identity, as well as confirm the payment method and preferred currency.


Final Thoughts on Pre-Booking Airport Transfers

\n \"Women\n

Pre-booking anything eases your life and lets you plan every trip more conveniently. As you provide the needed information, your chauffeur service can confirm the schedule - so you're all set. Make sure you think about local transportation, too, especially if you don't want to deal with busy streets, volatile taxi prices, and messy public transport schedules.


Enjoy a seamless UK journey with Simber so you can plan ahead every minute of your adventure.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Discover how hiring airport business transfers lets you arrive in style for any corporate event or meeting you have in London or any other UK city.",metaTiltle:"Airport Business Transfers",date:new Date(2023,7,20),synopsis:"Modern business travellers who travel to London pay a lot of attention to details like efficiency and professionalism. For business purposes, every minute counts, so the trip from the airport to the destination must be so convenient and reliable, with no mistakes allowed in the meantime. The UK is a well-known business hub, so not only London but also cities like Manchester or Edinburgh are often a corporate choice for events or meetings.",slug:"airport business transfers",titleFull:"Best London Airport Business Transfers: Efficiency and Professionalism",details:"\n

Modern business travellers who travel to London pay a lot of attention to details like efficiency and professionalism. For business purposes, every minute counts, so the trip from the airport to the destination must be so convenient and reliable, with no mistakes allowed in the meantime. The UK is a well-known business hub, so not only London but also cities like Manchester or Edinburgh are often a corporate choice for events or meetings.


So, finding direct airport transfers to the preferred destination is a vital element of the overall experience. When hiring a chauffeur to pick you up from some UK airport, you're getting a productive trip and a tailored experience with all the essential features included.


Still, we can say that efficiency and professionalism are the top features you need to look for before hiring a business chauffeur for your corporate trip. Why? Let's find out!.


Efficiency: A Precious Commodity

\n \"buisiness\n

Being on time is essential for every serious business traveller. Airport transfers designed for this purpose are centred around time usage and avoiding unnecessary delays. So, from the moment you step off the plane, the business transfer providers will meet and greet you at the port, assist you with the luggage and take you to the preferred destination.


But it's up to you to book such a service on time while providing all the important details to minimize eventual delays.


Pre-Booking for Streamlined Arrivals


As a business traveller, you can enjoy a hassle-free transfer by pre-booking the business chauffeur service. It eliminates the need to wait for a taxi or search for transportation options upon landing. So, when you pre-book your chauffeur, you're ready to avoid all the hassles that cause stress and tiredness and arrive at the hotel or corporate venue on time.


Peace of Mind and Flexibility


Business chauffeur services take efficiency to the next level because travellers can be sure the vehicle will be right on time, at the exact place they're asking for. This feature not only provides peace of mind, knowing that transportation is en route, but also empowers travellers to adjust their schedule if there are any unexpected delays.


Knowledgeable Drivers: Navigating the Urban Jungle


When you go for a business chauffeur hire, you surely expect maximum productivity on the road. And guess what - you get it! Experienced drivers are aware of the local traffic struggles, and they know the shortcuts and alternative roads to provide efficient airport-to-destination business transfers. We are sure you like this aspect most since you don't have to worry about getting stuck in the London traffic and being late for an important meeting.


Professionalism: Making the Right Impression


So, you know why it's important to use efficient business transport solutions. But what about professionalism? Aren't the public transport options professional enough? Generally, there is nothing bad in using a taxi or bus to get to your company, hotel, or meeting hall. A professional airport transfer service ensures that this initial encounter leaves a positive and lasting impression.


Meet and Greet Services for a Personalized Welcome


As we said, private chauffeur companies may offer meet-and-greet services to their business clients upon arrival. Usually, the driver will hold a sign with the passenger's name, but sometimes you'll recognize each other at the gate. This way, all travellers feel valued and welcome in London or around the UK. This personalized touch reflects positively on both the transportation service and the traveller's company.


Impressive Fleet Presentation as Symbol of Quality and Prestige


Business chauffeur London companies offer a wide array of vehicles you can choose from. From limousines to luxury sedans or even minibuses for group business trips, you can choose the vehicle that makes you feel most comfortable and lets you arrive in style. Simber, as an airport transfer provider, offers a diverse and exclusive fleet to meet your preferences and specific business needs.


Punctuality to Build Trust and Respect

\n \"mercedes\n

At the top of the professionalism would be punctuality, building trust, and ensuring the company keeps its great reputation. Also, prompt pickups and drop-offs demonstrate exceptional respect for the traveller's time, schedule, and expectations. Companies providing any kind of business chauffeur service London should always stick to keeping promises and building trust. Besides, attention to detail, convenience, and reliance, largely contribute to a positive reputation for both transportation service and traveller's business organization.


What are Airport Transfers for Business Travellers?


Airport business transfers are a specialized service for people who travel to the UK for business purposes. As you suppose, they need fast and efficient service, so relying on public transport often is not the most convenient option. The role of chauffeur companies is to provide a hassle-free and seamless journey from the airport to the traveller's destination, such as a hotel, corporate office, or event venue.


The purpose of airport transfers is to meet unique needs while offering exceptional efficiency, comfort, convenience, and professionalism. They often include features such as pre-booking, real-time tracking, knowledgeable drivers, and meet-and-greet services, ensuring a smooth and productive transition from the airport to their business engagements.


What's the Cost of Business Airport Transfers?


There is no fixed cost for these services, and every traveller will get a price estimation when booking. It usually depends on many factors, like the airport location, the destination, the type of vehicle, and additional service requirements.


But one thing is for sure - no matter what services you include in your airport business transfer plan, you'll get even better ones. And surely cost can be a consideration for many. Still, if it's important for you to prioritize reliability and convenience, then the price is in the background plan.


When to Book Airport Chauffeur for my Business Trip?


The earlier you book this trip, the more personalization options you have. It's advisable to do that once you have your business travel plans confirmed. Booking early ensures the availability of the desired vehicle and allows you to take advantage of any early booking discounts or promotions. At the same time, you can have peace of mind that your transportation is well-organized, saving you stress and a hard time before you even arrive.


Conclusion on Airport Business Transfers in London and UK-Wide


In business travel, where efficiency and professionalism are key, airport transfers can make a big difference. A great airport transport service can help you arrive on time for every business occasion while making a good impression on your coworkers and clients.


At the same time, pre-booking ensures you always arrive and depart on time without worrying about public transportation. Trained drivers can help you navigate unfamiliar roads, easily getting you from the airport to the hotel and back. The great vehicle fleet showcases your dedication to the business.


Choosing a private chauffeur London company helps you make a good impression everywhere you arrive. We highly suggest you book the transfer in advance, especially if you travel during the UK's peak seasons. With a little planning, you can easily find a good airport transfer service that will make your business trip a success.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Travelling abroad? Embrace the art of travel etiquette and learn how to navigate diverse cultures with grace and respect. Travel in style!",metaTiltle:"Travel Etiquette Guide",date:new Date(2023,6,31),synopsis:"Travelling from and to the UK is an exciting experience for business travellers, tourists, casual adventurers, and many others who consider the UK a great destination. The art of travel etiquette goes beyond just knowing how to behave in a plane or taxi. It often includes respect for the different cultures and consideration for others' well-being during the trip.",slug:"travel etiquette",titleFull:"Travel Etiquette: The Dos and Don'ts",details:"\n

Travelling from and to the UK is an exciting experience for business travellers, tourists, casual adventurers, and many others who consider the UK a great destination. The art of travel etiquette goes beyond just knowing how to behave in a plane or taxi. It often includes respect for the different cultures and consideration for others' well-being during the trip.


In this article, we'll explore different etiquette tips, as well as essential safety tips to ensure you have a seamless journey, no matter if you use public transport or you choose private transfers to airport UK.


Understanding the Importance of Travel Etiquette

\n \"short\n

Let's see what it means to be respectful of some basic elements while fostering positive behaviour during your trip:


Do: Be polite with the other travellers. Everyone has something that bothers them during the flight, so there is no need to be judgemental about anything. By fostering a positive atmosphere, you make your travel experience better.


Don't: Never start a fight over a seat or things that shouldn't bother you personally. It's always better to note the flight attendants if something upsets you, so they can resolve the issue.


Do: Respect the cultures the same way you expect others to respect yours. That way, you showcase diversity appreciation.


Don't: Never judge someone because of their cultural background. Just leave the people to travel calmly, the same way you do.


Do: Reflect the best of Britain, as British people are known to be polite and respectful of others.

\n Don't: Avoid giving an attitude to people you don't even know. Be polite and kind, and you get all the services you request in the best possible manner.


Additionally, in order to have a hassle-free journey, you need to ensure all necessary travel documents are with you, including the passport and visa. Make verified copies and keep them safe, just in case. Also, check if you need some vaccines before travelling, and stay aware of health-related regulations all the time.


Always keep your luggage safe, but avoid carrying prohibited items. Stay safe, too, while using public transport, or hire a private chauffeur to enhance your experience. And surely, behave appropriately in public spaces, airports, and tourist attractions, following their rules and guidelines. That way, you ensure you have an unforgettable journey and a pleasant stay in the UK.


Airport Etiquette: Navigating Check-ins and Security with Respect


When it comes to air travel etiquette, there are some tips to follow, like arriving about half an hour earlier than initially planned, just in case. If you try to be punctual and measure the exact travel time, you may get late for the boarding. That's why we suggest arriving sometime earlier, so you have enough time to check in and locate your gate.


Next, familiarize yourself with the airport security rules and regulations, as for the amount of liquids you can bring with your hand luggage. Be cooperative to ensure a smoother security process. Also, be patient in queues, never try to cut the line, and respect the personal space of the other passengers. Treat the airport staff with politeness, and remain calm even in challenging situations.


While on board, lower the noise levels, use headphones, and talk to the other passengers without raising your voice. Before reclining your seat, check with the person behind you to ensure it won't disturb their comfort. Avoid prolonged occupancy in the lavatory, as there are other passengers who may need it. Finally, follow the crew instructions and cooperate with the flight attendants, as they are your safety and comfort while travelling.


Guidelines for Car Passenger Etiquette

\n \"Travel\n

If you decide to use private transport from or to the airport or during your UK stay, you can completely rely on the drivers and their assistance. Make sure you ask politely if you need more help. Always buckle up, as your safety mostly depends on you, and set an example for always wearing a seatbelt.


Even though communication is needed, make sure you respect the driver's focus, so don't distract them with loud noises. Their goal is to smoothly take you to your destination, and you shouldn't take that for granted. Instead, engage in pleasant and friendly conversations, and discuss the music preferences and temperature settings so everyone in the vehicle feels comfortable.


If you share a ride with other passengers, make sure you are aware of their sensitivities to smells and motions. Just be polite and well-behaved, and of course, set an example with that.


Useful Travel Etiquette Tips


As a traveller, you have to meet some of the following tips:


Maintain Cultural Awareness


Research and familiarize yourself with the local cultural rules and expectations. Avoid taboos and stereotypes, and always be respectful of different traditions. If you don't like something, just pass by it without arguing about what's right or wrong. Keep in mind that you're in a foreign country and avoid disrespectful behaviours - the same way you expect the tourists in your country will do.


Respect the Dress Code


When visiting religious objects, museums, or formal events, make sure you respect the dress code. There is nothing wrong with expressing your fashion style, but some conservative locations aren't the right place to do that.


Be Punctual and Considerate of Others' Time


When on organized tours, be respectful of the schedule, meeting points, and the time you have to explore some locations. Be adaptable in case of unexpected delays or several changes, especially when there is a logical explanation of why it happens.


Environmental Responsibility


Reduce the impact on the environment by minimizing waste and supporting eco-friendly initiatives during your trip. Always clean the trash behind you. Don't bring food in museums, and never touch paintings or sculptures in the galleries with bare hands.


Final Words on Travel Etiquette Rules


As the final call echoes through the airports' holes, it's time to embrace the rules for courteous behaviour during your journey, no matter if you travel to or from the UK. By understanding different sensitivities, you can navigate the trip with grace and respect.


There are many better things than being disrespectful about travel etiquette - so be compassionate and open-minded when discovering the world. That's how lasting memories are made, where you celebrate humanity by embracing kindness and respect.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Read our article and discover the top ten tips for smooth international airport arrivals to make your UK trip much more enjoyable and straightforward!",metaTiltle:"Ten Tips for Smooth International Airport Arrivals",date:new Date(2023,6,29),synopsis:"Navigating through a bustling airport, dealing with procedures, and collecting your luggage efficiently requires careful planning and organisation. Once you do so, you also have to get to the city, so that\u2019s why booking UK airport transfers is beneficial \u2013 you don\u2019t want to waste any more time!",slug:"smooth international airport arrivals",titleFull:"Top 10 Tips for Smooth International Arrivals at UK Airports",details:'\n Airport arrivals board closeup\n

Navigating through a bustling airport, dealing with procedures, and collecting your luggage efficiently requires careful planning and organisation. Once you do so, you also have to get to the city, so that\u2019s why booking UK airport transfers is beneficial \u2013 you don\u2019t want to waste any more time!


Whether you\u2019re a seasoned traveller or embarking on your first international journey, these invaluable tips will provide you with essential insights and practical advice to ensure a seamless arrival process. By following these top ten tips, you\u2019ll be able to streamline your arrival experience, compare airport transfers, minimise stress, and maximise the enjoyment of your international trip from the moment you step off the plane.


Let\u2019s dive in and discover the secrets to achieving a smooth international airport arrival and the best way to compare airport transfers.


Plan Ahead of Your Trip


To familiarise yourself with the arrival procedures of international arrivals UK, make sure to research the airport you will be landing at. Check the airport\u2019s site for information on baggage handling processes, customs, immigration, and all other crucial aspects. Understanding what you should expect upon arrival will help you and your friends streamline your arrival process.


In addition, if you know people who have had the experience of landing at the same airport, ask them about their experience and tips. Of course, never rely too much on their experience since that might be only their view.


Check Entry Requirements

\n Airport window from inside.\n

Before your London City airport arrivals UK, ensure you have all the necessary visas and documents needed for entry since it would be entirely pointless to arrive and couldn\u2019t be let inside the country.


Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay, but also ensure you have the necessary vaccination certificates and travel authorisations readily available. After Brexit, the United Kingdom has some different requirements for entrance into the country, so make sure you check entry requirements before you start travelling.


Pack Essentials in Carry-On


One important thing for international arrivals is to place important documents, such as your passport, travel itinerary, and hotel reservation, in your carry-on bag. This way, you\u2019ll have easy access to them during the arrival process. Additionally, pack any essential medications, a change of clothes, and personal hygiene items in case of delayed or lost baggage.


Remember, no matter how much you compare airport transfers from previous experience, having things in a carry-on is essential since delays often happen. Even though no one likes delays, they are undeniably more common in recent years, so make sure you\u2019re ready for such an obstacle.


Fill Out International Arrival Forms in Advance


Even though your final destination may be the United Kingdom, if you are changing flights and visiting other countries, make sure you fill out arrival forms in advance. Upon landing, many countries require travellers to fill out arrival forms, such as customs declarations or health questionnaires. To save time, download and complete these forms beforehand, ensuring you have all the necessary information at your fingertips. Also, check if these forms are necessary for the UK before you begin your journey. Moreover, it doesn\u2019t matter whether you are researching Heathrow international arrivals or international arrivals Gatwick since these rules apply to all airports.


Prepare for Immigration


After disembarking, follow the signs to immigration, and have your passport, arrival form, and supporting documents ready for inspection. Answer any questions asked by immigration officers honestly and confidently, and make sure that you have the necessary entry stamps or visas affixed to your passport before leaving the immigration area.


Be Aware of Customs Regulations


Make sure you read and know everything about the customs regulations since this is one of the most critical aspects of your travelling experience.


If you carry any restricted or prohibited items, declare them to customs officers. Be prepared for your luggage to be inspected, and always comply with their instructions. Also, don\u2019t argue if you are not 100% sure you are right since you can get in trouble for no reason.


On the other hand, if you know you aren\u2019t carrying any restricted or prohibited items, you have nothing to worry about!


Retrieve Checked Baggage


Proceed to the baggage claim area and identify the correct carousel for your flight. Keep your baggage tags handy to assist in locating your luggage. Once you retrieve your bags, double-check that they belong to you and are in good condition.


It doesn\u2019t matter whether you are part of international arrivals Heathrow or Gatwick airport international arrivals since you should always double-check that your bags belong to you to avoid taking someone else\u2019s bag or vice versa.


Also, if you realise you have taken another person\u2019s luggage or can\u2019t find your own, feel free to report it to track it down much faster. Don\u2019t compare airport transfers according to previous experiences since every trip is different, so ensure you have taken your luggage.


Currency Exchange


If you need local currency, and you already know you must have British pounds, locate a currency exchange counter or an ATM within the airport. Having some cash on hand for immediate expenses or small purchases is advisable.


Of course, you can always pay with a card, but it\u2019s helpful to have at least some cash with you if you encounter a problem with your card at any point during your stay. Fortunately, airports have ATMs where you can get your British pounds.


You won\u2019t need money for transportation since you have already booked your airport transfers with a professional chauffeur. However, you may want to buy something later with cash, so it\u2019s advisable to have some in your wallet.


Stay Alert and Secure


Airports have security and are arguably one of the most secure places on earth. If you compare airport transfers to any other transportation, it\u2019s undeniable that airports are much safer. However, indulging in Gatwick international arrivals or any other UK airport, make sure to remain vigilant while navigating through the airport and keep an eye on your surroundings and belongings at all times.


Furthermore, avoid displaying valuable items and keep your bags securely closed and in your possession. Moreover, stay alert of everyone around you and report any suspicious things or activities to airport security or staff personnel.


Language and Communication Options

\n Airport plane from front.\n

Last but not least, make sure you know at least a few basic phrases in English or carry translation applications to facilitate communication easily. Being able to ask for directions, communicate with airport staff, and answer customs questions is much easier if you know the language. If you don\u2019t know English, download a translation app that will enhance your arrival experience and help you feel more comfortable navigating the airport and reaching your desired destination.


These are the top ten tips for smooth international airport arrivals. Navigating through international airports can be a daunting experience, but with the right preparation and knowledge, you can ensure smooth and stress-free arrivals.


These ten tips serve as valuable guidelines to help you streamline your journey and make the most of your airport experience. Also, don\u2019t forget to hydrate yourself, visit all the London tourist attractions, and have a fantastic time!

\n '},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"In need of an airport transfer? Learn how chauffeur vs taxi driver compares when it comes to convenience and efficiency in travelling.",metaTiltle:"Airport Chauffeur vs Taxi Driver",date:new Date(2023,6,27),synopsis:"People who often travel to and from the UK are always seeking a convenient and reliable transport solution, asking themselves: airport chauffeur vs taxi driver - what to choose? Still, the answer is a seamless convenience through the whole trip. But sometimes, that convenience requires a lot of planning and relying on professional companies that offer airport chauffeuring and meet-and-greet services.",slug:"chauffeur vs taxi driver",titleFull:"Chauffeur vs Taxi Driver for Airport Transfers: Differences and Advantages",details:"\n

People who often travel to and from the UK are always seeking a convenient and reliable transport solution, asking themselves: airport chauffeur vs taxi driver - what to choose? Still, the answer is a seamless convenience through the whole trip. But sometimes, that convenience requires a lot of planning and relying on professional companies that offer airport chauffeuring and meet-and-greet services.


Even though the standard taxi service can be the first thing that comes to your mind, professional chauffeur companies give a completely new and modern way of how private British airport transfers work. And surely, these services are dedicated to the clients, as their goal is to provide seamless and convenient transportation for both visitors and UK residents.


As a result, the demand for personalized chauffeur service grows daily as the clients put their convenience and comfort first, even above the service's price.

\n \"taxis\n

Overview of Private Chauffeur Services for Airport Transfers


Private chauffeur service refers to the transportation you get from specialized companies that aim to ensure an enjoyable travel experience. The clients can relax, work, or simply indulge in their journey until they get to the airport or arrive from the airport to accommodation.


Unlike standard taxi services, chauffeurs cater to individual preferences and provide comfort, convenience, and luxury. One of the distinguishing features of private chauffeur services is the exclusivity they offer. Clients are treated as VIPs, which is not something the standard taxi service can provide. That means the client can choose the preferred temperature in the vehicle or favourite playlist or even take a specific route to avoid traffic and arrive at the airport on time.


One of the key advantages of private airport transfers is the convenience of door-to-door transportation. That means the clients are picked up from their homes, office, airport, or hotel and taken directly to their preferred destinations. And that's the main difference between chauffeur services who provide airport transportation and usual taxi companies.


Benefits of Hiring an Airport Chauffeur


When travelling to the UK, or from the UK to another destination, or even within the country, clients always look for a superior level of service, which is why they need to decide between a chauffeur vs taxi driver for this purpose. Going to the airport is stressful itself while checking on the passport, tickets, and luggage, and heavy traffic can make the situation worse.


So, here's what clients get when hiring a private company instead of taking a taxi to the airport:


Professionalism and Personalized Service


Local airport transfers provided by chauffeur companies always prioritize professionalism. Drivers are specially trained to provide superior service while taking care of clients' luggage, comfort, safety, navigation, and the journey in general.


Punctuality and Reliability


We all know time is essential when travelling. That's why airport chauffeur services are really punctual and reliable. With advanced flight tracking systems and real-time monitoring, chauffeurs are well-informed about any delays or schedule changes, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience. Also, they know the surroundings well and can take you to or from the airport through the fastest and less busy route.


Luxurious and Well-Maintained Vehicles


Compared to taxi services, chauffeur companies offer a luxurious and well-maintained fleet of vehicles for airport transfers. All vehicles, no matter if they're sedans, SUVs, or limousines, provide enough comfort and elegance. So, arriving or leaving the airport in such a vehicle adds prestige and sophistication to your travel experience.


Local Knowledge and Navigation


When travelling to the UK for the first time, clients aren't always familiar with the surroundings and may become overcharging victims if they don't choose their airport-to-accommodation transport properly. On the other hand, airport transfer drivers know the local area well, including the best routes and alternatives to avoid traffic congestion. The client gets a smooth journey, minimizing the travel time.


Stress-Free Travel Experience


If travelling involves airports and transportation, it becomes a stressful task we need to overcome. With an airport chauffeur service, you can leave all the worries behind you, such as finding a convenient taxi or dealing with traffic. The chauffeur takes care of all the logistics, allowing you to relax, focus on your journey, and arrive at your destination refreshed and ready.


Availability and Accessibility


When you rely on a taxi, you can call it the moment you arrive at the airport or take one from those available near the terminal. In general, it can be said that the taxi service is available 24/7 and it is an on-demand mode of transportation. On the other hand, when using a chauffeur service to and from the airport, you should remember that pre-booking is the recommended way of booking your transportation. Of course, it is up to you to judge what suits you better at the moment, but the fact is that the airport chauffeur service is better when it comes to less waiting, speed and flexibility.


The point of distinction?

\n \"taxis\n

From everything we have stated, it is easy to see the common features of both services when you need to arrive at the airport or from the airport to the hotel or home.


On the one hand, you have professional drivers whose goal is to provide an incredible travel experience to their customers. You can also often rely on their flexibility and commitment to customers, giving you personalized service, privacy, and discretion. Of course, taxi services are the more affordable option, which doesn't have these possibilities for customization, and privacy is quite limited. Additionally, you get a vehicle that can pick you up at the moment, and you don't have many options to choose from.


Chauffeur vs Taxi Driver Conclusion


When it comes to airport transfers, it is more than certain that local chauffeur companies offer a superior service compared to any other transportation solution. Their professionalism, punctuality, availability of vehicles, personalization and discretion are values that set a new standard in airport transportation solutions.


From the beginning of the trip to the very end, the customer can enjoy complete comfort without worrying about technical challenges or being stressed due to a rush. Therefore, consider your options and explore why airport transfers are a great solution if you have a busy schedule.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Discover how Simber's Gatwick Airport transfers will help you get most of your adventure without waiting in queues or dealing with the busy London streets. ",metaTiltle:"Stress-Free Gatwick Airport Transfers",date:new Date(2023,5,27),synopsis:"Planning a journey to or from London using Gatwick Airport? Look no further because we have a great guide on how to make the trip really comfortable and enjoyable. In this blog post, we'll explore the ultimate solution for effortless airport transfers: hiring a chauffeur company. Since Gatwick is located about 45km (28 miles) from London, passengers need some advanced solutions to get there on time for their flight.",slug:"gatwick airport transfers",titleFull:"Effortless Gatwick Airport Transfers: Why Hiring a Chauffeur is the Best Choice for the Travellers?",details:"\n

Planning a journey to or from London using Gatwick Airport? Look no further because we have a great guide on how to make the trip really comfortable and enjoyable. In this blog post, we'll explore the ultimate solution for effortless airport transfers: hiring a chauffeur company. Since Gatwick is located about 45km (28 miles) from London, passengers need some advanced solutions to get there on time for their flight.


When it comes to airport transfers from Gatwick to London and vice versa, hiring a chauffeur service provides a reliable and convenient option. This way, you avoid uncertainties of public transport. From the moment you step off the plane or leave your London home, a professional chauffeur will assist with your luggage and ensure a smooth journey with a luxurious vehicle.


You only need to sit back, relax, and enjoy the comfortable ride, no matter if you go for a business meeting, vacation, or just exploring the city. Plus, you can use the same service to pick you up when it's time to head back to Gatwick.


The Convenience of Gatwick Chauffeur Services


Gatwick airport transfers are probably the best way to prevent travel-related stress or at least control it. Using public transport in these cases can only worsen the situation, while the usual taxi may not be as reliable as the private and personalized transfers to Gatwick Airport.


So, what makes this option so convenient?


Time-Saving Transfers to Avoid Long Queues

\n \"Gatwick\n

When travelling, time is of the essence. Even though Gatwick is not as popular as Heathrow, many commercial and private flights are happening right there. That means the airport can get bustling with travellers, and you surely don't want to find yourself stuck there, no matter if you depart or arrive in London.


By pre-booking a chauffeur service, you can enjoy a prompt and efficient transfer, bypassing the potential delays and queues often associated with public transportation or traditional taxis. And by choosing Simber, you ensure you make the most of your journey, no matter the destination.


Stress-Free Travel and a Smooth Journey


Whether you've just had a long flight or you're just starting your journey, we are sure you don't want to deal with traffic and busy streets. By hiring Simber as a chauffeur to Gatwick Airport, or the other way back, you get the unique opportunity to relax while we take care of all the logistics.


The peace of mind that comes with having professionals by your side surely improves the overall experience, and you're ready for whatever awaits you in London or the travel destination.


Luxury and Comfort at Gatwick Airport


In this section, we'll delve into the benefit of using private Gatwick airport transfers and why every passenger must consider hiring a chauffeur company for a seamless journey.


Indulge in Luxurious and Stylish Transfers


When travelling, you shouldn't settle for ordinary and mediocre services. You deserve style and luxury, as Gatwick Airport private transfers ease the whole process and make you feel calm while travelling. With a wide selection of luxury vehicles, Simber allows you to make a grand entrance or departure from the airport.


You can choose any vehicle from our fleet, even the new hybrid BMW i7 or some limousine, and enjoy the sophisticated interior. That way, even the transportation to or from Gatwick becomes a memorable part of your overall travel experience.


Personalized Assistance and Door-to-Door Service


What people love most about Simber's Gatwick Airport transfers is the personalized approach for every client, according to the listed preferences in the booking form. Imagine being picked up from your desired location, whether it's your hotel, office, or home, and be seamlessly transported to Gatwick Airport, all without the hassle of parking or navigating through unfamiliar routes.


Our goal is to make every client's journey as convenient as possible, with professional drivers and the best vehicles, prioritizing your comfort and satisfaction.


How do we do that?


Upon arrival at Gatwick, your chauffeur will be there to greet you, assist with luggage, and escort you to the vehicle. This way, we eliminate all worries related to logistics and planning.


Expert Local Knowledge and Insider Tips

\n \"Airport\n

Driving and airport transfers Gatwick are our fields of expertise, but we surely can provide a lot more. Our drivers are incredibly seasoned professionals but also a source of local knowledge. Let's see how they can guide you on your Gatwick Airport transfers adventures:


The Best-Kept Secrets


Gatwick and its surrounding areas are great to discover, especially if you have some time until your departure or the flight is late. Your chauffeur can recommend a dining spot or a relaxing corner to help you make the most of your time there.


Efficient Routing to Avoid Traffic Congestion


For clients travelling from foreign countries, navigating through unfamiliar roads can be a huge source of stress. That's why Simber understands every traveller and their needs. Chauffeurs are not only skilled drivers but also familiar with the local roads and traffic patterns.


So, if you aren't sure about the transfers from London to Gatwick Airport (or vice versa), it's time to find your most loyal partner to rely on. As we provide a smooth and timely journey, we help you minimize the travel time and enjoy your destination promptly. The only thing you should do is to completely trust your assigned chauffeur, sit back and enjoy while they expertly navigate the roads.


Flexibility When Booking Your Airport Transfers Gatwick


One of the values we always hold onto is being available to clients' requirements, even when they are specific and initially difficult to handle. Our clients must know that they can list any demand while booking or simply contact us for an even more personalized approach.


Secure Your Chauffeur Service with an Easy Reservation


You don't need to make endless phone calls or wait in a long queue to book your Gatwick transfer service. As Simber embraces modern technology, you can book your transfer online, and we'll provide all the details related to your journey.


You can choose the arrival or departure time and even the preferred vehicle. Feel free to add more services we are able to cover. By taking advantage of booking, you can secure your Gatwick chauffeur service in advance, with no risk of settling for less than you imagined before.


This way, our Gatwick Airport transfers London give you peace of mind, as you can prepare for your adventure efficiently.


Flexible Schedule According to Your Needs


Travel plans can be unpredictable, no matter how hard you try to stick to the initial plan. Surely, it doesn't depend on you if the flight is delayed or there are some last-minute changes. But do you know what's best when you have a professional service for your Gatwick Airport transfers? We are flexible to meet your current needs while understanding the dynamic nature of travel.


So, whether you have an early morning departure or a late-night arrival, we adjust the schedule and provide reliable transportation when you need it most. Even when your plans change, you can simply reach out and inform us about the changes - we'll be happy to accommodate the arrangement.


This flexibility helps you manage the coordination stress while having ongoing support by your side, thanks to Simber and the seamless airport transfers London Gatwick services.


Our Thoughts on Gatwick Airport Transfers as Effortless and Luxury Choice


In summary, hiring a chauffeur service for your transfers to or from Gatwick Airport offers so many advantages, starting from pre-booking to dealing with queues and delays. Chauffeur companies such as Simber always provide a stress-free trip, allowing the client to relax in the calm of the comfortable backseat.


Additionally, our expertise helps you discover hidden gems even around busy airports, enriching your travel experience. Choosing a chauffeur service elevates your Gatwick Airport transfers to a seamless, luxurious, and personalized experience.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Are you a huge fan of F1 races and events like Ascot or Wimbledon? Do you want an unparalleled luxury experience accompanied by an out-of-this-world convenience while travelling to your favourite events, like Silverstone Grand Prix 2023 or even Hungary Grand Prix 2023 held in Budapest? Get ready because Simber got you covered.",metaTiltle:"VIP Grand Prix Chauffeur Service",date:new Date(2023,5,5),synopsis:"Convenience and luxury go hand in hand when it comes to quality chauffeur services. Our clients always seek a comfortable and smooth experience for their journeys, so ongoing investment in quality vehicles is a must for every serious company. A premium, well-maintained vehicle can elevate the entire chauffeur experience, and one such vehicle that perfectly fits the bill is the BMW i7. We can proudly confirm that the BMW i7 is already a part of the extensive vehicle fleet offered by Simber, which means any client can check its availability by the time they need our service.",slug:"grand prix chauffeur",titleFull:"The Ultimate Luxury Grand Prix Experience With Simber Chauffeur VIP Service",details:"\n \"Grand\n

Are you a huge fan of F1 races and events like Ascot or Wimbledon? Do you want an unparalleled luxury experience accompanied by an out-of-this-world convenience while travelling to your favourite events, like Silverstone Grand Prix 2023 or even Hungary Grand Prix 2023 held in Budapest? Get ready because Simber got you covered.


Why a Hassle-Free Experience?


We all know that these events make the traffic busy, as tourists come and attend their favourite races. And we must note, it's not that exciting to look for a parking spot, pay a lot for it, and then take public transport or a taxi to the venue. That's why Simber Chauffeur Service provides luxury transportation for everyone. From door-to-door service to personalized chauffeur assistance throughout the day, Simber is dedicated to delivering VIP treatment at its finest.


Avoiding the hassles means every attendee experiences the best possible experience, no matter where the race is held. So, even the Silverstone Grand Prix can be a great thing if you have a tailored transport service just for you.


But, let's see how to get most of it:


Simber Making Difference: Personalized Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs

\n \"Grand\n

What's the difference between a good and convenient chauffeur service and an exclusive one? The first ones provide really good service to any client by personalizing the whole experience. But exclusive ones understand the importance of the stress-free journey to and from any Grand Prix event, no matter if it's the Hungarian Grand Prix, the British one, or any other in Europe, like Monaco, Italy, Netherlands, etc.


Clients are picked up directly from their homes or hotel and chauffeured to the venue. After the event, we remain at their service, according to their requirements. This eliminates the chaos of exiting the venue and guarantees a seamless transition from the exhilarating event to the luxurious comfort of their private vehicle.


We are aware that events like F1 Grand Prix Budapest Hungary, and similar, may cause a traffic mess, so picking up the client from their location makes the whole thing much more bearable for them. It's the same for Silverstone Grand Prix - and you only need to book your service and let us handle the rest for you.


Unmatched VIP Convenience with a Dedicated Chauffeur for the Whole Day


We all know Grand Prix events cause bustling crowds around the cities. So, Simber recognized the need for a dedicated chauffeur who remains at the client's disposal throughout the whole day. That means we know exactly where we should be waiting for you, so you can focus on enjoying the event.


Having the transportation needs taken care of, you can set yourself free without any worry about the parking price, vehicle location, or anything similar to that. And we go the extra mile to treat our clients like VIPs during the Silverstone Grand Prix or Hungary Grand Prix events. As VIPs, clients can enjoy the luxury of direct access to prime locations, exclusive areas, and premium amenities, enhancing their overall event experience.


The Benefits of Choosing Simber for Your Ultimate VIP Grand Prix Experience


At Simber, we go above and beyond to provide the best possible VIP experience on clients' demands. With us, every client can unlock a range of exclusive benefits that will elevate any of the Grand Prix experiences (this year's and the ones that will come next).


So, if you're still unsure about Hungarian and Silverstone Grand Prix chauffeur service benefits, here are some of them:


Personalized Service for The Whole Day and Beyond

\n \"Grand\n

We understand the importance of being present at the beginning and the end of F1 Grand Prix events. As we said, our personalized service allows you to travel comfortably, ensuring a stress-free trip. To enhance the convenience and provide uninterrupted assistance, Simber assigns a dedicated chauffeur to clients attending the Grand Prix events.


So, as a client, you will have peace of mind knowing that someone is available to you all the time. As a result, you won't need to deal with the traffic and parking spots. The streets can be pretty busy, but you don't even need to worry, as that's something Simber will deal with for you.


An Exclusive Access to the Vehicle


Simber will always wait for you at a predefined location at your request. That means we can access some prime locations, exclusive areas, and even premium amenities for you. Clients can enjoy the luxury of direct access and privileged experiences that further enhance their overall event experience.


We Pay Attention to the Tiniest Details


Our goal is to provide impeccable service, so we pay attention to every detail, preventing eventual unpleasant experiences. Every driver is trained to deliver the highest standards of professionalism and discretion and accommodate special requests and individual preferences. So, if you have an idea on how to make your F1 Grand Prix Silverstone experience better, feel free to suggest it.


Long-Distance Chauffeuring as Our Expertise


As a chauffeur company, we provide various services, and the Grand Prix Silverstone is one of our favourites. But that's just a small part of what we do for our clients and long-distance trips. At some point, we decided to extend our services outside the UK so the Hungarian Grand Prix and other premium events get closer to our clients. So, by choosing us, you get the ultimate VIP Grand Prix experience, and we can help get it to extraordinary levels of luxury.


Final Words on F1 Grand Prix Chauffeur Services


For those seeking the ultimate Grand Prix experience, Simber Chauffeur Service offers VIP treatment that exceeds expectations. Personalized pick Silverstone F1 Grand Prix or the upcoming Hungarian Grand Prix 2023. And we aren't limited to these services only.


With allocated parking and exclusive access, Simber stands out as a trusted partner in delivering an unforgettable and stress-free Grand Prix experience. Get in touch anytime to get more information on how we can elevate your trip and provide the best possible service, no matter if you attend the Silverstone Grand Prix or any other similar event in Europe.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Read more about our most recent vehicle fleet addition - the elegant, sustainable and out-of-this-world BMW i7, and book it for your next London or UK trip.",metaTiltle:"Discovering the BMW i7",date:new Date(2023,4,30),synopsis:"Convenience and luxury go hand in hand when it comes to quality chauffeur services. Our clients always seek a comfortable and smooth experience for their journeys, so ongoing investment in quality vehicles is a must for every serious company. A premium, well-maintained vehicle can elevate the entire chauffeur experience, and one such vehicle that perfectly fits the bill is the BMW i7. We can proudly confirm that the BMW i7 is already a part of the extensive vehicle fleet offered by Simber, which means any client can check its availability by the time they need our service.",slug:"discovering bmw i7",titleFull:"Discovering the BMW i7: A Luxurious Electric Sedan for Chauffeur Services",details:"\n \"Bmw-i7.\"/\n

Convenience and luxury go hand in hand when it comes to quality chauffeur services. Our clients always seek a comfortable and smooth experience for their journeys, so ongoing investment in quality vehicles is a must for every serious company. A premium, well-maintained vehicle can elevate the entire chauffeur experience, and one such vehicle that perfectly fits the bill is the BMW i7.


We can proudly confirm that the BMW i7 is already a part of the extensive vehicle fleet offered by Simber, which means any client can check its availability by the time they need our service.


Until then, we want to share our story on how we spotted the new BMW i7 and how it became a part of our offer. Excited? We indeed are!


Why It's Essential to Have a Quality Vehicle for Chauffeur Service?


Offering a chauffeur service means we work with high-end, reputable clients who prefer comfort and speed over price. When they choose to hire a chauffeur, their goal is to have a smooth ride from start to finish.


Also, when a client hires a chauffeur service, they expect a high level of luxury and professionalism, and a quality vehicle provides that for sure. It's great to leave a first impression when travelling for corporate and private events.


A quality vehicle offers plush seating, ample legroom, and premium interior materials that enhance the overall travel experience. And it seems like the new BMW i7 checks all the boxes when it comes to comfortable travelling and a luxurious feeling.


Additionally, safety must be a top priority for any chauffeur service, and here at Simber, we always meet safety standards. Also, vehicles like the BMW i7 (and any other in our fleet) are completely equipped with advanced safety gear and even features like stability control and collision avoidance system, ensuring every passenger is safe and secure with us.


As a result, always aim for customer satisfaction and even try to make our service even better. Positive word-of-mouth recommendations also play a significant role in attracting new clients, so our goal stays the same - to always offer top-notch vehicles and convenient service to our customers.


How Likely Are the Clients to Choose Your Company if You Invest in New Car Releases?


When it comes to chauffeur services, comfort and convenience always come first. Sometimes that means you should stick to the best vehicles on the market, and sometimes you'll need to invest in some of the latest models that come with cutting-edge technology.


That's how the idea is to invest in the new BMW i7. We followed all the recommendations and reviewsand were really excited by the BMW i7 specs. Also, we're aware that many clients are looking for an exceptional and up-to-date travel experience. By incorporating new car releases into our fleet, we demonstrate a commitment, dedication, and surely care for our appreciated clients. And when we offer all these aspects, potential clients are more likely to choose a chauffeur company that reflects dedication, innovation, comfort, and style.


How Does the BMW i7 Fit the Mission of Every Chauffeur Company?

\n \"Bmw-i7\n

Every chauffeur company is different, but the ultimate mission is to provide an exceptional level of comfortable private transportation. So, it seems like the BMW i7 is a great fit, as it's a luxury electric sedan, making it an eco-friendly transfer solution in the first place.


Secondly, this car offers an exceptional level of comfort and luxury, which is a fundamental aspect of every chauffeur company's mission. From the BMW i7 interior design to its incredible exterior, it meets all the standards a great chauffeur company sets in the UK and worldwide.


We can say that since we have this vehicle in our fleet, we provide high-efficiency transport accompanied by a spacious interior, impressive features, and smooth acceleration. And our clients appreciate that for sure.


And finally, the new BMW i7 is a symbol of prestige and status, which we aim to provide to every client. As it became a part of our service, we cater to clients who appreciate exclusivity and elegance while travelling to London.


Why Choose the BMW i7 Within Simber?


Our fleet includes different vehicles, but the BMW i7 is different for many reasons. First, it sets new standards with its design, premium materials, and attention to detail. It provides a first-class experience for clients who seek the utmost comfort and opulence during their journeys.


We especially like the fact that it's an eco-friendly solution. As a company, we showcase a commitment to environmental responsibility, and surely many clients are on the same line. At the same time, the BMW i7 is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and advanced features, providing a seamless blend of luxury and innovation. These are the reasons why we decided to add the new i7 to our fleet. As a result, we get better customer satisfaction and great referrals from our previous clients.


Why do we Love the BMW i7?


We said the features and specs are great, but let's see what we love most.


The Exclusive BMW i7 Interior

\n \"Bmw-i7\n

Quality materials, great design, and exceptional comfort - that's what you can spot once you're in the car. The exclusive sedan comes with an iconic exterior design, too, with great attention to detail.


Still, we can confirm that the interior makes the vehicle one of the best on the market. The exceptional curved display gives you a BMW i7 cinema screen experience while you have complete control over what happens around you. And finally, the Panoramic glass sunroof provides enough natural light into the interior, while at night, you can turn on the calming ambience light effects for the client.


BMW's Recognizable Sustainability


The combination of raw materials in the battery makes the vehicle pretty efficient, and you can pass a larger part of the trip before charging. Additionally, interior parts are made of recycled materials, including the floor panelling. The manufacturers use fishing nets, recycled plastic and glass, and even cactus fibres to completely avoid synthetic materials.


Even car paint is sustainable, produced from raw materials and biological waste. BMW believes they'll reduce the usage of plastics or completely annulate it. And having such a vehicle in our fleet is a pleasure.


Performance and Comfort

\n \"Bmw-i7\n

The BMW i7 is an elegant and refined car providing a smooth drive, even though it's pretty heavy. Keep in mind that it's pretty long, like 5 metres, and it's still great for London or UK trips. It works perfectly in town, but also on the motorway. Our experience shows us that motorways are i7's natural habitat, making it perfect for long-distance arrangements. Even on a twisty road, the i7 shows a great capacity to handle the curves and stay fast and accurate all the time.


Our Final Thoughts on the BMW i7 Specifications and Features


While it's a great sedan, this vehicle is one of the best investments for our company. Not only we're able to land high-profile clients, but also we can provide an exceptional chauffeur service.


We put our customers and their needs first. That wouldn't be possible without an impressive vehicle fleet, so our BMW i7 is for clients who enjoy a smooth and comfortable ride while enjoying all the interior features of this car.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Discover the benefits of luxury airport transfers to Heathrow. Travel in style and comfort, no matter where you're coming from and where you plan on going.",metaTiltle:"Luxury Airport Transfers to Heathrow",date:new Date(2023,4,25),synopsis:"Travelling is always an exciting adventure, but navigating airports and transportation is indeed a daunting task. If you travel to London, you know the deal - checking on the flights, airports, and pickup options you have. Booking the tickets and transport on time helps you create a smooth and stress-free experience. Still, it's a challenge to spot the best service to pick you up from the airport and take you to the hotel or accommodation.",slug:"luxury airport transfer heathrow",titleFull:"Luxury Airport Transfers to Heathrow Made Easy: Expert Tips From Top Chauffeur Service",details:"\n \"Heathrow\n

Travelling is always an exciting adventure, but navigating airports and transportation is indeed a daunting task. If you travel to London, you know the deal - checking on the flights, airports, and pickup options you have. Booking the tickets and transport on time helps you create a smooth and stress-free experience. Still, it's a challenge to spot the best service to pick you up from the airport and take you to the hotel or accommodation.


That's why we decided to start a series of guides on how to avoid the challenges and mess caused by busy airports and the lack of public transport options. Today we're talking about the most popular London airport and the options you have for a luxury airport transfer Heathrow - from or to the airport, as well as in between the terminals.


Get to Know the Heathrow Terminals: Understand How Airport Transfers Work


Before booking a chauffeur service from or to Heathrow, you need to get familiar with different terminals. Many aren't aware that various airlines use different terminals in this large airport, and Terminal 5 is for British Airlines exclusively. So, if you use this airline, then a Heathrow terminal 5 arrivals pick up can be the service you're looking for.


Also, this airport has three other terminals - 2, 3, and 4. If you have a connection and need to go from one terminal to another, you can use the existing transfer options, or you can surely hire us to provide, let's say, a Heathrow terminal 3 pick up and take you to terminal 4. Our service doesn't stop there, as we provide chauffeur service from Heathrow airport to your hotel or accommodation, or even home, and it works the other way around too.


Why is it Essential to Know the Terminals?


Every terminal at Heathrow has a purpose or works with different airlines. You need to provide this detail as you book a Heathrow airport transfer. That way, you can get most of the chauffeur service, its convenience, and all the additional benefits for you.


Without this information, our drivers will have to guess where you will arrive or contact you upon arrival to get these details. That way, the purpose of chauffeuring is lost, and you won't get a complete service.


How to Ensure Your Luxury Transfer to Heathrow Airport Arrives on Time?


There are a few factors to consider, such as departure time and also, how far away from the airport you live or stay. When booking a chauffeur service to Heathrow airport, you need to provide all flight details, so the company can stay up-to-date with all the needed information. This includes your flight number, arrival or departure time, and terminal information.


This way, you can ask for several adjustments depending on flight delays or other factors that may affect your departure. Also, make sure you confirm the meeting point when booking, so the chauffeur can communicate with you regarding eventual issues. Surely you can ask for luggage assistance, as it's part of the complete service. You only need to plan adequate travel time, so we can have enough time to adjust to the traffic conditions and security checks and reach your terminal.


Why Should I Pre-Book My Airport Transfer to Heathrow?


To ensure a smooth experience, we recommend pre-booking a few days before the travel date. This way, you can choose your preferred vehicle from our fleet and even plan a short tour around London before arriving at the airport.


We successfully manage the short notice bookings too, but pre-booking gives you enough time and freedom to plan the trip without any delays and accidental issues.


Can I Book Transfers from Hotel to Airport?

\n \"Heathrow\n

For Simber, it doesn't matter where your starting point is. If you need a chauffeur to Heathrow airport, you get that. You can be at your home, office, or hotel - we'll come wherever you need us and help you comfortably travel to your destination. Surely, our service works both ways, as we can pick you up from any Heathrow terminal and take you to your hotel, accommodation, or any other location you provide to us.


Why is Chauffeur Service Better Than Any Other Type of Airport Transfer?


First, you get a personalized and reliable service according to your individual needs. You can mention your requirements while booking, so you can have a hassle-free experience. Another key benefit is the wide range of luxurious vehicles, like limousines, sedans, and even minibuses, for group travel.


And the best thing is that every driver is a local expert, who knows the area, and also can navigate through the busy streets and safely take you to the airport. Finally, when travelling to or from an airport, safety and security are a must. Chauffeur services prioritize clients' safety, and every driver is licensed and trained to provide exceptional transfer all the time. By choosing chauffeur service transfers Heathrow, you can relax and enjoy your ride, knowing that you are in safe hands.


Conclusion on Luxury Heathrow Airport Transfers


With all things said, we can conclude that it's essential to pre-book your chauffeur service to take you to Heathrow or pick you up from any of its terminals. Chauffeur services offer many advantages compared to other transport types, such as luxury vehicles, safe travel, and professionally trained drivers. Whether you're travelling from your hotel to the airport or vice versa, the chauffeur service will ensure a smooth and reliable journey.


With Simber, you can be confident your transfer will be a completely smooth and enjoyable part of your overall travel experience, no matter if you travel from or to London.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Planning a countryside trip soon? We got you! With a private chauffeur service and our top choices, you'll have the ultimate English countryside experience.",metaTiltle:"English Countryside Gems",date:new Date(2023,3,30),synopsis:"Have you ever watched a movie or series where the action takes place on the outskirts of England and wishes you could be there at least one day? These small countryside locations have picturesque villages, farms, and forests, but also beautiful nature, because of which you would not be able to resist the temptation to visit these places.",slug:"hidden gems of the english countryside",titleFull:"Discovering the Hidden Gems of the English Countryside",details:"\n \"English\n

Have you ever watched a movie or series where the action takes place on the outskirts of England and wishes you could be there at least one day? These small countryside locations have picturesque villages, farms, and forests, but also beautiful nature, because of which you would not be able to resist the temptation to visit these places.


It is interesting that people here still live a peaceful and traditional life. Whether you're heading to the Cotswolds, The Lake District or the Yorkshire Dales, we're sure you'll experience the best of rural England.


Therefore, if you are looking for an authentic private day trip to the English countryside, we are here to provide you with an experience you will remember forever. You can choose a place that is close to your city and enjoy a day trip. In addition, if you want a countryside day trip from London and back, you should hurry, because the demand for this type of service is growing daily.


If you like learning more about the rich history and culture of England and avoiding the city crowds, make time for a short (or longer) peaceful stay in the English countryside. We will give you some countryside trip ideas that you will surely enjoy.


Discover the Beauty of the Cotswolds

\n \"English\n

This is perhaps the most popular destination, with beautiful villages, medieval towns and huge churches. Most visitors are focused on them, but you can go a step further with your private day trip to the English countryside and visit Castle Combe Village, Cotswolds Falconry Centre, or Highgrove Gardens.


What Makes the Cotswolds Special?


This is a charming and authentic part, with lots of greenery and a typical English landscape. The whole part is very attractive and romantic, so honeymooners and photographers and artists who want to find inspiration in this part of England come here.


Hidden Nature Spots and Scenic Routes


Unsurprisingly, nature is perhaps the biggest trump card here. Many visitors are focused only on the settlements, but the Cotswold Hills offer beautiful panoramic views, and you may even encounter a fox or badger.


In addition, the Cotswold Way National Trail is a walking route through which you will discover hidden corners and lesser-known cultural attractions. On the very edge of the Cotswold hills, on the border between Oxfordshire and Warwickshire, you will find an attraction that looks a lot like Stonehenge - the Rollright Stones.


As you can imagine, the Cotswolds offer a truly rich countryside trip experience, so inviting us to be your partners in it all is worth inviting. Do you like the idea of visiting the Cotswolds and exploring the beautiful nature around you? Or maybe you want to stay in the villages and enjoy the recognizable English countryside views? No matter your preferences, you can always rely on private transport services and get the most out of this beautiful English countryside travel.


Exploring the Lesser-Known Areas of the Lake District


The Lake District is a popular region and a national park in England. Unlike the Cotswolds, it is a destination with many mountains and glacial lakes. When you arrive there, you will feel like a poet who has a great surge of creative inspiration, and this is not a joke at all. Many poets got ideas for their greatest works right here.


Some poets are called Lake Poets, including William Wordsworth, Beatrix Potter, and John Ruskin. They lived in the Lake District during the times they were most active, so if you have the urge to write a poem while there, this explains why it happens.


The Lake District is located in the North West of England and borders Manchester in the south. Tourists visit this place to get to know the spectacular scenery, rich culture, and history. Tourism is the main activity with the most jobs in this region.


When is the Best Time to Visit the Lake District?


The best part of the year is the months between May and September. But for true enthusiasts and lovers of nature tourism, this national park is beautiful on rainy days as well as in winter. Since it is a far destination from London, you have to plan well how you will travel. You have available public transport services, but of course, you also have our chauffeur company with which you can plan every activity in time.


Which Cities are Closest to the Lake District?


This trip to the countryside can start from any city you want. However, the closest cities to the Lake District are Manchester, Carlisle, and Lancaster. This means you can start your trip from any city that suits you and schedule a private airport transfer to the desired destination or the hotel.


If you like this information, it's time to prepare for an amazing trip to the most beautiful and still untouched natural surroundings.


Discovering the Tranquility of the North York Moors

\n \"English\n

We have another national park for you that is accessible all the time but is still up to four hours away from London. However, if you have your chauffeur partner by your side, travelling here will not be a problem or a challenge.


This is a great place with several breathtaking landscapes and beautiful moorland, making it great for outdoor activities. We recommend you visit it in late summer because the surroundings are painted in shades of pink and lilac.


Are There any Villages in the North York Moors?


While you're here, you can visit Whitby Beach, Thornton Dale, Robin Hood's Bay, Rosedale Abbey, Helmsley, etc. This countryside trip will be unforgettable for you because no matter where you visit, you will feel like you are in a fairy tale. To discover its beauty, you must prepare for an extraordinary adventure because this part of the UK is unlike anything you already know.


How Developed is Tourism There?


Since it is a national park, outdoor activities are the most represented. Visitors mostly like to walk or ride bicycles. There are several notable paths, such as Cleveland Way, Lyke Wake Walk, as well as White Rose Way.


Some visitors can also enjoy horseback riding as well as train transportation. And if the surroundings look familiar, the North York Moors has been the location of many films, including scenes from 'Harry Potter' and the film version of 'Downton Abbey.' This means you get a complete experience combining nature and film history - which makes this place great for visitors.


Discovering the Charming Corners of North Devon


North Devon is a coastal part of England and is known for its excellent paths for cyclists and pedestrians. Tourists mostly like to visit North Devon for its spectacular coastline and beaches but also to taste Devonshire cream tea. Of course, there's also South Devon, which is a quieter place and doesn't offer many options for adventure. North Devon has bigger beaches but also more waves. It may not be the best English countryside - but we promise it's one of the unique experiences you can have while exploring these parts of England.


What is North Devon Popular For?


North Devon is home to perhaps the most beautiful beaches in the UK. If you like Blue Flag beaches, rocky shores, and crystal clear water, then this might be the best place for you. The main town is Barnstaple. Here you will find a mix of tradition, but also restaurants, bars and shops. This part of the UK is also known for its beaches, but also for countryside trip options for you and your family. We recommend you visit Saunton Sands or Valley of the Rocks. Of course, with the right carrier by your side, you can enjoy the atmosphere of fishing villages and local farms.


Things to do in North Devon


North Devon is known for heavy rains a bigger part of the time. But instead of staying in your room, we suggest you go bowling, visit the Quince honey farm, or the Ilfracombe Aquarium. If you have time, you can visit the Milky Way Adventure Park, or even the Exmoor Zoological and Conservation Centre, to spend more of your spare time. And if it happens to go to North Devon District in April, include the Bluebell Days in your plan - it's such a beautiful experience.


The Picturesque Village of Alfriston, East Sussex


When looking for English countryside near London, Alfriston is a great place to start. It's located in East Sussex, an area known for its stunning landscapes and historical landmarks. Also, Alfriston is great for those who enjoy arts and culture. Plan your countryside trip around the Alfriston Festival, which attracts artists from across the UK.


This historical village is near the River Cuckmere in the South Downs National Park. We are sure you'll love the unique architecture and sightseeing, as we can surely take you on this trip and help you explore the surroundings.


Interesting Facts about Alfriston


Alfriston is one of the oldest villages in the UK, founded in the Saxon period. It was a Middle Age market town. The name 'Alfriston' dates from 1086. Until then, the place was known as Alvricestone. The oldest official document that mentions this place comes from France. The French authorities refer to this place as Alfrichestuna.


If you want to visit this place, don't miss the Star Inn and Alfriston Clergy House. The small town of Lewes is pretty close, so you can easily pay a visit. And if you want an authentic countryside trip experience, we can take you to Rye - one of the best-preserved English medieval towns.


Artistic Events in Alfriston

\n \"English\n

As we said, this is the place where most important art events happen. Always make sure you have a guide app with you because there is always something new and interesting to attend. No matter if you're local, a visitor, or a new resident, you can always have fun in Alfriston.


Explore the Shakespeare's Birthplace


Did you know that Stratford-upon-Avon is one of the most famous places in England, located between London and Birmingham? The reason for that is that the famous Shakespeare was born right there. But do you know that this is one of the most popular villages because of the unique appearance of the houses, but also the beautiful nature?


The famous river Avon flows here, after which a cosmetic brand got its name. As a visitor, you can explore all corners of this romantic place, which also has many museums, galleries and a rich cultural scene. Of course, don't forget to sit in a pub and enjoy a meal, feeling the authentic English tradition by your side.


Why is Stratford-upon-Avon a great place for you?


First of all, this charming town is close to London and Birmingham - two big UK cities. This makes it the perfect place for English countryside tours from London, whatever the time of year. Actually, you don't need much to visit this beautiful place.


It is enough to contact us and tell us the date and place of departure. The rest of the service is up to us. Although it's not far, we're sure you'll want to arrive comfortably in Stratford-upon-Avon. In fact, we make sure that the two-hour journey from London to Stratford-upon-Avon and back is as comfortable and flexible as possible, just the way you need it.


A Combination of Modern Life and Historical Adventure


Stratford-upon-Avon is what we call a perfect mix of a charming historic town and a rich cultural scene. People there combine the modern way of living with the authentic spirit of the Shakespearean connections. We are sure you'll enjoy this unique countryside visit because there is no reason at all to be disappointed in it.


How to Arrive at These Destinations?


Some of these countryside locations are pretty off-grid, and you'll need to plan your trip carefully. Most of the visitors are looking for chauffeur transfers as many of these locations are disconnected from commercial travel links.

\n \"imber\n

As our client, you get a vehicle and driver for multiple days. They can stay in a nearby hotel, to be available for you. So, feel free to plan your trip with us, no matter how far from each other are your favourite spots.


Final Thoughts on English Countryside Trips


If you liked the suggestions, you can always find a way and explore at least one area at a time. The English Countryside is a very underrated aspect of UK tourism, but we are happy to see this change in recent years. Many people are curious to explore UK beaches and extend their adventure beyond London.


And we must admit that the pleasure of taking you on such an adventure is a real honour. Choose any place you like. Focus on the things you want to see and explore, and we'll be here to make your stay in the UK as great as possible.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Want something more adventurous than London and big UK cities? This beachside guide will help you find the perfect destination, and we'll gladly take you there.",metaTiltle:"Beautiful Beaches in the UK",date:new Date(2023,3,27),synopsis:"Talking about UK holiday planning, not many people consider beachfront locations. But the UK is such a great place to enjoy the watersides and explore the most beautiful beaches and resorts. No matter if you're looking for a peaceful walk or spending time with your family, we suggest checking out the most beautiful beaches in UK.",slug:"beachfront destinations uk",titleFull:"The Best Beachfront Places to Visit in the UK",details:"\n

Talking about UK holiday planning, not many people consider beachfront locations. But the UK is such a great place to enjoy the watersides and explore the most beautiful beaches and resorts. No matter if you're looking for a peaceful walk or spending time with your family, we suggest checking out the most beautiful beaches in UK.

\n \"Beach\n

Start today because the beach private tours are something even UK residents go for during the warmer months. Many say the UK is the home of the finest European beaches, but you only need to learn how to spot them. Even though you may not consider the UK as the beachfront destination for your next holiday, you can surely book at least a weekend break at some of the best UK beaches around.


Where do People go to the Beach in England?


It may come as a surprise to learn that the UK indeed has some of the world's most beautiful beaches. From Cornwall to Sussex, you can book a personalized excursion using a custom long-distance chauffeur service for this purpose.


Dozens of beaches already have Blue Flag status, which means they are safe for a nice day trip or even a longer stay in one of the famous UK beachfront hotels or private accommodations. For anyone looking for a different adventure, we are ready to accept the challenge and offer you daily trips or long-term chauffeuring services. We have also selected for you some nice beaches in the UK where you could start your journeys, such as:


Fistral Beach


Fistral Beach is located in Cornwall, near the town of Newquay. This beach is famous for its surfing opportunities, especially for those who have the desire to fight the waves. And even if you are not a fan of surfing, you can always enjoy the view of the Atlantic.


Interestingly, the very name of the beach means foul water, which is a direct consequence of the waves and the opportunities for surfing. Therefore, if you are a fan of this sport, you can join several clubs that exist there or visit the North Fistral surf museum.


Whether you have your own surf equipment or rent it there, we can take you to your desired destination - the hotel or one of the famous UK beachfront rentals. So, are you ready to discover even more beautiful beaches in UK and grab your chance to go on a private tour alone or with your friends? Stay with us because Fistral Beach is only the beginning of your journey.


The next one is\u2026


Durdle Door


You've probably seen this one in the movies or in English postcards. It's not surprising Durdle Door is the most iconic landmark in Dorset, England. It's a limestone arch formed over thousands of years.The famous arch was formed by long mountain erosion. Of course, today, it is one of the most famous destinations that amaze every view of the coast. And the beach is great for swimming and sunbathing in the summer, especially if you like cooler water.


All around, you have hiking trails and walking paths, which offer a panoramic view of Durdle Door. Also, you can meet some of the unique wildlife, marine life, and even plant representatives. What is certain is that you will manage to take beautiful photos to remember forever this visit to perhaps the most famous sand beach in UK.


Bournemouth Beach


While in Dorset, don't miss Bournemouth Beach - the perfect place for a beach holiday UK experience. It is a spacious beach where you can enjoy the white sand and authentic beach huts along the coast.Although located in a relatively cold part of England, Bournemouth Beach has a somewhat unique microclimate and possibly the warmest water around, great for swimming. We would be delighted to take you on this trip, whether you are travelling alone, with a partner or with family.


Of course, we are sure you will enjoy various activities such as paddling, kayaking, climbing, and the interesting zipline. Don't forget to bring a camera, because you'll want to take as many photos as possible of this unique place.


Blackpool Sands


You can't expect sandy shores and a typical beach holiday from Blackpool Sands. But you'll be surprised how this beach in Devon looks like it's in the Mediterranean. The water is very clean and is great for those who like to snorkel. However, temperatures are suitable for these activities only for a short time during the year.


Blackpool Sands has also won awards for the cleanest beach in the UK. We can say that you can enjoy the surrounding restaurants and cafes and have a view you will surely never forget. Whether you're just travelling for a day or want to stay longer at one of the beachfront stays UK out there - you can always book an easy way to travel, with service to suit your needs.


Woolacombe Beach


Devon seems to offer beautiful beaches in the UK, which is why it made our list. But what can you expect from Woolacombe Beach?


It is an extremely wide beach that is well-equipped with restaurants, changing rooms, as well as bouncy castles. There is also a certain part of the beach that is suitable for walking with your dog. The rest is ideal for a family vacation or time to spend alone, away from the noise of big cities. Of course, don't miss Grunta Beach and Combesgate Beach, which you can only visit by walking. We don't promise you anything because you have to explore, see and feel this place yourself.


Brighton Beach

\n \"Beach\n

Looking for something close to London yet easily accessible and fun? Then Brighton Beach is the answer to all your questions, and you can easily arrive with our help. By picking up any point in London and Brighton Beach as your final destination, you can arrive at one of the most popular UK destinations for you.


When the weather is sunny, the scenery is amazing. In fact, regardless of the proximity to London, this beach is never too busy, even in the peak of the season. However, we must admit that the off-season has a special charm, as you can enjoy every moment without having to deal with large groups of people. We suggest you buy your portion of fish and chips and give yourself time to rest well.


Seven Sisters


If you are planning a wonderful beach holiday in the UK, Seven Sisters in Sussex is something you should not miss. The name of this coast is dedicated to seven cliff peaks, but it is also often associated with the constellation of the same name. It is believed that many writers got the inspiration for their works when they were resting by this beach.


It may not be ideal for swimming, but you can observe birds and animals, read a book or climb the surrounding hills. The interesting thing about this place is that you will be served food prepared from locally grown ingredients wherever you sit. It seems that Seven Sisters rightfully enjoys status as one of the most beautiful beaches in UK of all time.


Walberswick Beach


We do not forget the lovers of wild beaches either. Walberswick Beach is spacious, quiet and has plenty of grass. It is located in Suffolk by the River Blyth. Once you get there, you can get on the small ferry and cross the river, where you have excellent fish restaurants.


Additionally, Southwold is a nearby village where you have accommodation, pubs and restaurants. We are sure this is one of the most beautiful places you can visit for an authentic beachfront stays UK experience.




This list couldn't be complete without Porthcurno - a small beach in Cornwall with an amazing sense of seclusion and privacy. If you are the kind of person who enjoys clear and turquoise water and sunny days, then Porthcurno is just what you need. And do you know what makes this place special? If you hit the moment, you can see the beautiful dolphins swimming near you. And after you're done on the beach, you can visit the clifftop Minack Theater and enjoy the cultural program.


Whitby Beach


If we tried to describe this beach, we could not use enough words for its beauty. It is a very small place at the end of the North Yorkshire Moors, but the different colours and scenery make it well worth visiting. Nearby is Sandsend, a small village offering authentic British bars and pubs. In summer, you can enjoy donkey rides and colourful beach huts. Many of the visitors come for fossil hunting, but also for surfing. If all of this sounds appealing to you, we are here to organize and support your trip from the moment you set off until the day you want to return home.


Of course, these are not all the beaches worth visiting across the UK. Whether you are looking for something close to London or want further destinations, Simber offers you long-term and private transport services according to your needs.


As we said, maybe your first idea of a beach is not England or the whole of the UK, but exactly the beaches we mentioned are worth at least putting the country on your tourist radar. You may still have questions, so we will try to answer some of them:


Which is the Best Seaside Place in the UK?


Some beaches are located by the ocean, some by lakes or rivers, but if you are looking for a seaside location, then Blackpool, Bournemouth and Whitby should be a must on your visit list. We have already described some of these wonderful places worth visiting when you want a slightly different vacation than usual.


Of course, we can't objectively recommend one or two of the best beaches, but we can take you on one of these adventures to explore and find your favourite British beach. This task will not be difficult at all because wherever you go to the beachfront, you will surely enjoy what you see and feel.


What are the Most Visited Beachfront Places in the UK?


You have already received the answer to this question several times throughout the text, but we can still recall the beautiful Brighton and the popular Blackpool, but it is also worth mentioning St Ives in Cornwall with its harbour and white sand.


Attendance at these beautiful beaches in the UK often depends on weather conditions and popularity in a given season. Sometimes people are focused on one or two locations across the UK, while others want a more private and peaceful beachfront holidays UK experience.


Therefore, we can say that every place we mentioned at some point had more visitors than all the others. It's up to you to research exactly what you want from this experience and choose your favourite location.


How to get to Your Favourite UK Beach?


Most of the popular beaches are well connected to the rest of the country by road or rail lines. The choice of method depends on you and what you expect. If you want to arrive as soon as possible and have more time to enjoy the places that we have chosen for you, a chauffeur service may be exactly what you are looking for. That way, you get a specialised service for you, and you are not dependent on schedules that may not suit you.


The benefit of a quick and timely arrival, in your own space and comfort is just an additional reason to enjoy the trip and not worry about anything else. The chauffeur experience can also be booked in combination with chauffeur driver tours or even an airport transfer when arriving in London. Simply contact Simber for a quote.


Final Thoughts on Most Beautiful Beaches in the UK

\n \"Beach\n

If you had no idea where to travel before, we believe that we have now helped you with the combination of private transport and the selection of beaches worth visiting. It is up to you to decide which day suits you best and where you would like to travel. Of course, always keep in mind that these popular spots are surrounded by pubs and restaurants for an even more authentic beach-exploring experience. Your new UK adventure is waiting for you - and it's up to you to find your favourite date, find the best beachfront cottages UK and get rid of the burden of everyday life.


And we are here to be your partner during the whole process!

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Simber proudly announces the three most recent additions to our vehicle fleet. Check on the luxury vehicles that are now part of our regular client offer.",metaTiltle:"Our New Exclusive Vehicles",date:new Date(2023,2,30),synopsis:"As you know, Simber always cares about its customers and their comfort during the trip. Our goal is to provide a service that customers trust and always come back to us when they need transportation according to their preferences. That is why we regularly invest in new vehicles for our fleet. Meanwhile, the ones we already have are always regularly checked and in the best driving condition. We believe that many of you are already familiar with the current Simber fleet but also that you want to learn more about the new range of vehicles.",slug:"three new vehicles",titleFull:"Three Exclusive Vehicles Added to Simber\u2019s Fleet",details:"\n \"Luxury\n

As you know, Simber always cares about its customers and their comfort during the trip. Our goal is to provide a service that customers trust and always come back to us when they need transportation according to their preferences.


That is why we regularly invest in new vehicles for our fleet. Meanwhile, the ones we already have are always regularly checked and in the best driving condition. We believe that many of you are already familiar with the current Simber fleet but also that you want to learn more about the new range of vehicles.


With that, we ensure that every customer gets their best luxury vehicle, regardless of whether the goal is a business trip or a regular daily excursion. So, we are proud to represent our new additions: Mercedes-Benz S-Class, Mercedes-Benz Senzati Jet Class, and BMW i7.


And now, we will explain our choice in brief reviews:


Mercedes-Benz S-Class


The main features we appreciated a lot are the comfort and luxury this vehicle provides. Also, it's pretty easy for the driver to handle such a car. As always, Mercedes-Benz is defining the standards of luxury transport solutions.


The Mercedes Benz S Class interior was what grabbed our attention first - because that's what we offer to our customers. The comfortable seats, plenty of lounging space, and great support for the passenger's body.


As you suppose, the Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan provides recognizable luxurious features, advanced technology, and exceptional performance.


Why Choose S-Class?


The S-Class sedan editions are well-known for their safety features, including advanced driver assistance systems, such as lane departure warnings, adaptive cruise control, and automatic emergency braking. Even though these features may mean nothing to the passengers, they highly contribute to the convenience and speed of service.


That's why the S-Class is still one of the most popular luxury cars in the world. Because of its iconic status, we decided to add this vehicle to our fleet. Every client who chooses it gets exceptional comfort, seats that provide proper body support, and additional features that make the whole experience more convenient. If you like the idea of travelling with probably the best luxury vehicle in the world, you are at the right place.


Mercedes-Benz Senzati Jet Class


Senzati is a luxury Mercedes-Benz partner based in the United Kingdom. Their goal is to create sophisticated models of vehicles. That's how we decided to invest in the Mercedes-Benz Senzati Jet Class as a luxury conversion Mercedes V Class that is now available for our clients. It is a high-end, bespoke vehicle that is customized by the British luxury conversion company, Senzati, a Mercedes-Benz Partner.


The Senzati Jet Class is what we know as a luxury vehicle definition. The vehicle is designed to provide a luxurious and comfortable travel experience for our clients.


It comes with great features such as leather seating, reclining jet seats, heating and massage options, ambient lighting, and a premium sound system. Additionally, passengers can control the air conditioning also, and use the high-tech amenities, such as smart TV and applications such as Apple TV, and Netflix, the vehicle also comes fitted with the latest PlayStation 5! Let's not forget the privacy aspect of the curtains and privacy glass.


The Mercede Senzati Jet Class is pretty customizable, too, allowing us to create a vehicle that meets our client's specific needs and preferences. This VIP vehicle is quite unique, and we are proud to offer it to our clients who want stylish travelling options.


Bonus Features of Luxury Senzati Jet Class


We really liked the retractable tables and the option for the fridge. Imagine travelling in a luxury and spacious van while consuming your favourite champagne. You can put your laptop on the table or simply have some rest until you get to the preferred destination. We are here to offer that (and even more) with the help of this great vehicle.


BMW i7 (Electric)

\n \"Luxury\n

The BMW i7 was announced to be an all-electric version of the very popular 7-Series BMW limousines. The interior BMW i7 features include comfortable seats, footrests, advanced air conditioning for those who need it and an entertainment system like no other. For some, it's not the best luxury vehicle in the world, but it surely checks all the boxes when it comes to private chauffeuring solutions & new generation of driving electric vehicles.


The BMW i7 features two electric motors with a combined output of 536 hp and 549 Ib-ft of torque. It'll do 0 to 60 mph in 4.5 seconds with an estimated range of up to 300 miles on a full charge. The choice mostly depends on the customer's preferences because some of them prefer BMW over Mercedes-Benz (and we are here to provide all of that for you).


The new BMW i7 comes with a panoramic sunroof, voice control, automatic door closing, and quality leather seats. It follows the classic BMW design line, which means you'll immediately recognize the unique feeling once you get into the car. Surely, there are other luxury features like TV screens, touch commands, and ambient lighting.


Is the BMW i7 Interior Design Out-of-this-World?

\n \"Luxury\n

Sometimes people expect space shuttles, but the i7 BMW model comes with recognizable interior quality, just like every other model this company manufactures. The whole car looks very luxurious, but that's our perspective. That's why we add more vehicles to our fleet, so everyone can find their best luxury vehicle to travel with.


And we must highlight that the BMW i7 comes with advanced ventilation, ambient lighting in different colours, and even a heat massage option on the seats.What we really love is the fact that it is electric! This is an eco-friendly way to travel with guarantees for the safety of passengers at all times who are comfortable and in style. The interior is out-of-this-world, we are sure that whether you are a BMW fan or not, you will really enjoy your private trip win this car.


What Does Every Client Get For Sure?


Our goal is for everyone who works with us to find their best luxury vehicle and enjoy the trip. For some of our clients, it's not about the car, but the experience Simber offers to them. As a company also have services such as fast transport from one place to another, then meeting at the airport and transport to the hotel, transport for business events, as well as long-distance trips, in order to get to know London and its surroundings better.


Although the choice of vehicle depends on you, we guarantee that at any moment, you receive top service and trained drivers, as well as cooperation with a partner who is certified for this type of transportation.


Our Opinion on the Vehicle Fleet


We always consider that we choose the best for our current and future customers. We constantly aim for the highest quality of service so that every customer will recommend us or hire us again for their next trip.


Of course, we don't stop there. We are constantly researching the best vehicles to add to our offer. We believe that with what we have, we can provide the best service that the client expects from us.


Therefore, do not hesitate because your unique transportation with your best luxury vehicle is waiting for you and your London adventure.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"What are the best cities near London? And which cities far away from London should you add to your bucket list? Learn how to discover most of the UK with us.",metaTiltle:"Cities to Travel Long Distance",date:new Date(2023,2,28),synopsis:"Do you plan on staying in London longer than two weeks? Have you explored every corner of the city and are now looking for something more than that? Do you find travelling by bus or train exhausting, and you want something more convenient and reliable? ",slug:"visit uk top cities",titleFull:"Top UK Cities to Travel Long Distances During London stay",details:"\n

Do you plan on staying in London longer than two weeks? Have you explored every corner of the city and are now looking for something more than that? Do you find travelling by bus or train exhausting, and you want something more convenient and reliable?


Travelling long distances can be tiring, especially with uncomfortable public transport vehicles. No one wants to spend hours travelling from London to any other UK city and being uncomfortable all the way around. That's why you'll have to look for options that offer spacious seating, air conditioning, cushioned seats, and even refreshments.

\n \"Beatles\n

Additionally, choosing the best route is a challenge, too, especially if you are visiting the UK for the first time. If you plan some long distance travel UK during that period, you'll find our blog post very helpful. Today, we will be talking about the most anticipated road trips in the UK. You can focus your plans on the top UK cities to visit or explore your options for beachfront vacations, daily excursions, or a day well spent on shopping and good food.


And the best thing is that when you have a chauffeur company to rely on, you can visit any city you want, no matter how long it takes to get there.


Why Comfort over Expense While Visiting UK Cities?


The UK road trips can take longer than it seems while checking on the maps. Even though there are many UK cities close to London, many are pretty far away. Let's say you're looking for the best UK cities to visit for a weekend, and some of them are about two or three hours away from London (or any starting point). While aware of the preferred city's distance to London, you can consider using bus, train, rented car, or even better, chauffeur companies' services.


For the included cost, you are getting a comfortable ride without worrying about traffic rules, busy streets, and timing inconveniences. Not only will a comfortable vehicle make the journey more pleasant, but it can also impact your overall trip experience.


If you arrive at your destination fatigued and achy, you won't be able to enjoy the activities. You surely don't want, for example, the London to Edinburgh distance to stop you from exploring the city and having the time of your life there. That's why comfort and convenience are more important, especially when it comes to the best cities in the UK to visit.


Do you know? We can arrange a complete Eurovision-inspired experience for you, travelling from London to Liverpool in May 2023. But we don't stop there. No matter who wins, we can handle every Eurovision trip following years since we offer Europe-wide travelling options.


What are the Best Cities to Travel in the UK?


Creating a list of the top cities in the UK is a challenging task, but we did it for you. No matter if you love the fantastic views in London, a city break in Liverpool, exploring Manchester, or want to enjoy the beautiful views of Edinburgh or Glasgow - you can't go wrong with any choice. You can also explore the popular cities in Wales and Northern Ireland, discovering the shopping districts, markets, and beautiful corners.


So, here are some places to choose from:




The City of Liverpool is situated in North West England, and it's the fifth biggest city in the United Kingdom. As you suppose, it's popular because of the music, football, museums, architecture, and cuisine. People who live there claim it's the best UK city for quality living, even though it's classified as a metropolitan borough.


The city is well-connected to other cities by roads and railways, as well as the Port of Liverpool, Leeds and Liverpool Canal, and Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Additionally, people there are very proud to be the place where the Beatles were formed. Because of its musical background, in 2023, Liverpool was chosen to host the Eurovision festival on behalf of the 2022 winner Ukraine.




Manchester is a city of industrial heritage that was really important for the United Kingdom in the past. You'll probably find it on every top UK city to visit list, and it's indeed worth visiting. If you are based in London right now, you can arrange a long distance road trip, sit in the backseat, and get ready for Manchester. You can go and visit the Manchester Museum, the Trafford Centre mall, or enjoy the Asian-inspired Chinatown. You can then visit Heaton Park or even the Science and Industry Museum to discover the unique industrial wonders of Manchester.

\n \"Autumn\n

Don't miss the parties in the evenings, even if you aren't that much into clubbing. No matter if you travel for business or leisure, you deserve the best chauffeur service to take you on this ultimate long-distance UK trip.




Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and one of the most anticipated cities in the whole UK. If you plan on visiting Scotland and staying relaxed all the time, you need to hire a driver for long distance UK destinations to rely on. And surely you shouldn't miss Edinburgh, even though there are many great cities to visit around.

\n \"Edinburgh\n

The city of Edinburgh is most famous for the popular Edinburgh Castle, the National Museum of Scotland, the Royal Botanic Gardens, and the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. It's probably one of the most expensive cities to visit, so we are sure you need the best transport support possible. Choosing a top chauffeur service while planning to travel long distance is one of the best things you can do for yourself.


Surely Edinburgh is among the top UK cities to visit, and you can even plan on visiting Loch Ness while there. Many visitors plan on seeing the lake, and that's why private transport can be the best option to avoid crowded buses and unreliable taxi services.




Bath is one of the best cities to visit in the UK, especially if you love music, theatre, and other types of cultural events. And if you ever think about the name of the city, you can easily conclude that it's somehow related to baths and spa centres. And you are completely right because it was specially built by the Romans to be their relaxation city. That's why you need to visit the Roman Baths.


Additionally, you can enjoy well-preserved hot springs or even go for a more luxurious experience in the Thermae Bath Spa. Bath is among the top UK cities to visit for sure, no matter if you travel alone or you want to spend more time with your family somewhere in the UK.




Oxford is an essential city for UK history, and it's worth visiting if you want to discover more about its historical value. One of the most popular things to see is the University of Oxford, the one providing the popular dictionary we fill up with new words every year. Additionally, the city is known for its libraries and historic buildings. It's the best place to start discovering Oxfordshire, go shopping, or just enjoy authentic architecture.


Oxford is so well-connected to London, and it would only take you one hour and 30 minutes roundly to get there, especially if you decide on using private long-distance transportation. So, if you're looking for cities close to London UK, this one is worth considering.




If you want to experience the authentic Belfast spirit, you must start planning today, so you won't miss anything. So, the first question you may have is if it's possible to travel by car. Surely, but you'll need a ferry to get there. And that won't be an issue for us to handle for you.


Since it's a pretty long trip from London to Belfast, you can rest on the backseat, or even split the travelling into half, and have a sleep somewhere in between. Our goal is to provide the best possible service according to the client's needs, and we are glad to help you feel comfortable travelling to Belfast.


Surely, it's one of the top UK cities to visit, with a rich history and tradition. Additionally, you can find inexpensive hotels and accommodations to stay. The city is more affordable compared to the British mainland due to its remote location. At some point, Belfast was one of the cities with the lowest cost of living and higher life quality. Even if you decide to move there, we're here to help you with your plans.



\n \"Norwich\n

Norwich is a great city for those who enjoy Mediaeval architecture and rich history. We can explain this place as history meeting modern times, even though most of the UK cities follow the same idea. If you want to discover UK cities similar to London, you can set your starting point here. We can even say that Norwich is a tiny version of London but more vibrant and intimate.


Maybe you'll rarely find Norwich among the top UK cities to visit lists, but we suggest you not miss the chance to include it in your long distance road trip planner. There are 33 mediaeval churches and even more authentic castles. It's such a fairytale experience, and make sure you book your trip on time using our contact form.




If you are looking for a sustainable, eco-friendly, and modern city, Bristol is indeed a place to be. It's based near the river Avon, and it looks like it's out of this world. You'll have to take a 2-hour drive from London to Bristol (or back), but it's worth every minute you spend travelling there.


Also, young people love living there, because once it was named European Green Capital. And the city, in general, is more affordable compared to London. Even if you don't plan on moving there, it's worth visiting at least once in your life. And if you stay in London for more than a weekend, make sure you book your long-distance trip with Simber to make most of your plans come true.




Cardiff is pretty close to Bristol, so you can plan on visiting it too. Do you know that it's widely recognized as the city with the most castles, not just in the UK, but worldwide too? And people think it's one of the best cities to live in or just visit occasionally.


You can plan on visiting Cardiff Castle, which is 2,000 years old, or the International White Water in Cardiff Bay. You can't go wrong with the National Museum too, since many British cities are known for museums.


What Vehicles Work the Best for Long-Distance Destinations?


The main feature every vehicle must provide is a comfortable ride. That means the seats must be well-cushioned and the temperature adjusted just the way the client wants. No matter if you travel to Bristol, Norwich, or Belfast, you surely want to feel cosy and comfortable during the road trip.


So, what do you say about the Mercedes V Class Senzati Jet Class? It's the best vehicle if you travel with your spouse or with two or three friends. Or maybe the Mercedes Benz S Class 2022 comes with an incredible luxury experience for travellers? Travelling in new and comfortable cars seems like a nice idea, even when you have to go to Belfast or Cardiff.


What Does it Mean to Travel Long-Distance Comfortably?


You may ask why a chauffeur company is the best choice for long-distance trips. Imagine you need to travel for hours and not be able to stop for the toilet or a snack. Sure there are some advantages to using public transport solutions, but what if you have your pet with you? Many public vehicles won't let you in with your dog if not in a carrier, no matter how trained it is.


And you know that travelling with dogs in cars long distance can be quite a challenge. That's why you need someone who can handle the whole thing. You need a partner to rely on so both you and your dog feel comfortable. It's the same with cats too. You know that a cat travelling in car long distance is an even bigger challenge compared to dogs. Cats often are anxious while travelling, so they need to really feel comfortable doing that.


And we come to the most challenging of them all. That would be travelling with a baby, which easily happens when on a family trip. Babies usually sleep, but sometimes they can feel stressed because of travelling. So, the convenient car transport service you hire can be your support when you need to take a break to calm the baby, prepare food, or feed them while the driver waits for you.


Of course, there are many other situations when the chauffeur can be your best long-distance trip choice, like travelling with a disabled person or someone in a wheelchair. We described just a few situations when convenience is more important than price. Even if you travel alone and you want a high-level service, nothing can stop you from hiring a chauffeur to take you on your dream trip.


Final Words on Travelling Long-Distance in the UK


When researching transportation options, always ask questions or read reviews to get a sense of what to expect. There are many factors that may affect your comfort, so you must be aware of things like the trip duration, vehicle size, and provided amenities. By prioritising your well-being during the UK journey, you'll set yourself up for a more enjoyable trip outside of London. It doesn't matter if you choose some of the nearest top UK cities to visit or if you want to travel long-distance around - we are here to take you on your dream journey.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Need to move your precious belongings to the UK? Find out how to ease the process of moving to UK from EU following the most recent post-Brexit laws and rules.",metaTiltle:"EU to UK Moving Post-Brexit",date:new Date(2023,2,2),synopsis:"Need to move your precious belongings to the UK? Find out how to ease the process of moving to UK from EU following the most recent post-Brexit laws and rules.",slug:"moving to uk post brexit",titleFull:"Moving Post-Brexit: Can EU Citizens Adapt to the New UK Rules?",details:"\n

Moving from EU to UK is some of the most challenging things you can plan these days. Since the beginning of 2023, the UK has implemented many new immigration rules and laws, making the whole process very hard even for the EU citizens who need to move their personal belongings too.

\n \"Large\n

Additionally, people who move to the UK, no matter if they come from the EU or other countries, face updated visa and immigration requirements, edgy job market competition, the uncertainty of the whole process, and completely new regulations when it comes to moving belongings to the UK from an EU country. Also, the immigration process is now more expensive, including healthcare and education, which were previously regulated with other policies.


What we found more interesting is that EU people are more likely to hire a private long-distance chauffeur service to help them when moving to UK from EU together with their belongings, instead of standard moving companies.


But let's take a brief history lesson on why Brexit happened before talking more about your options when moving to the UK.


What's Brexit and How it Happened?


Brexit is a popular term that refers to the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. Many political, economic, and social factors influenced this decision. The UK wanted to have more control over sovereignty and internal affairs since many believed the EU had too much control over the members. Additionally, EU immigration laws applied to the UK too, which was a major factor that led to Brexit. British authorities believed that EU regulations were holding back the local economy, so they decided to take the trade issues into their hands.


Overall, it was a complex decision that led to a historical moment of Britain leaving the EU, being aware that it would have some implications in the future.


Are People in the UK Happy With Brexit?


We can't make a bold statement because the opinions are still divided on this topic. Many people are happy to finally leave the EU, but others face several challenges trying to handle businesses and opportunities outside the UK.


Challenges People Face When Moving from the EU to the UK


The UK spent December 31st, 2020, as the last day being a member of the EU, and started 2021 as an independent sovereign country. This way, UK authorities gained control over the borders. And then, the so-called Brexit horror stories started, as non-UK citizens reported they needed to fill up a lot of paperwork to move their belongings in and out of the United Kingdom. There was even a story about confiscating lunches people have with them, just because the trading deals related to dairy products and meat.


No one can ever tell if those stories were true or not, but we can see how the UK government issued completely new rules related to moving personal belongings from EU to UK after Brexit. So, let's take a look at the most common situations:


Arriving in the UK with Personal Goods


The EU citizens moving to UK after Brexit must be aware that they can bring some goods according to the personal allowance limits. When bringing them for personal use or as a gift, they don't have to pay UK taxes. Everything that goes above the personal allowances is a taxable matter, even when you shop duty-free.


What makes things even more complex is that different amounts of goods are allowed depending on where you're coming from and if you go to Great Britain or Northern Ireland. Let's say that you already have your permit to stay, visa, or even citizenship, and now you have to move most of your belongings to the UK. Moving companies work under strict import rules, and their expenses are growing significantly, especially after January 1st 2023.


When travelling to the UK, you should declare all the goods that go over the allowances and those banned or restricted according to UK laws. So, when moving from EU to UK, you have about five days to declare your goods online upon your arrival.


As moving companies charge a lot, you can find more convenient solutions using long-distance travel services to help you move your belongings. Just keep in mind that if you plan on breaking the rules, all included parties can be fined or prosecuted. So, using chauffeur services for moving long-distance is a great solution when all the belongings meet the laws and policies.


Bringing Food With You When Traveling to the UK


Food and animal products fall under a specific pack of rules that apply to England, Scotland, and Wales. So, every EU citizen or any other person travelling to the UK can't bring meat, dairy products, and unprocessed ingredients. So, it seems like the lunch stories we mentioned were probably true because according to the immigration rules, you can bring your sandwich as a snack but never fill it with meat or dairy products.


On the other hand, you are allowed to bring pre-packaged plant products, supplements with tiny amounts of animal products, bread, cakes without fresh cream, pasta, noodles, and packaged soups. It seems like you'll have to get used to the authentic British taste of food since you surely can't bring your homemade ham or sausages when moving.


The Brexit Impact On Moving Companies


All moving vehicles crossing the customs must provide a lot of paperwork and even experience extended vehicle checks and inspections. And we don't blame the drivers for being stressed about this. Even those who are moving personal belongings from UK to EU after Brexit may face some issues, high costs, and unreasonable waiting times to have their goods at home. Every party involved has a hard time explaining why they need to charge or pay more for a particular service, even when it comes to EU and UK citizens.


Sometimes, the tiniest paperwork issues can cause a huge delay, or even sending the moving vehicle back to the EU country to wait the recommended time before trying to move the belongings again.


Moving Your Belongings, Vehicles, and Pets to the UK


Let's talk more about the challenges an EU citizen moving to UK after Brexit has. Can you imagine importing a vehicle to the UK under the new regulations? Or your beloved pet? The perks of using a private transfer service for long-distance travel include handling most of the logistic documentation, so you can take care of the personal aspects.

\n \"Little\n

It's up to you to apply for a Transfer of Residence relief, usually named ToR, if you are moving to the UK to live, study, get married, or after getting married. If your plan is to make the UK your usual place of residence, the ToR application is a must. By filling up the form, you are expressing your plans for the UK to be your main home, which is another challenge when moving to the UK from the EU.


Of course, the claimed relief applies to:

  • Personal items
  • \n
  • Household items
  • \n
  • Furniture
  • \n
  • Equipment for personal use
  • \n
  • Vehicles
  • \n
  • Equipment you use for work
  • \n
  • Any personal item used within the household
  • \n
  • Your pets
  • \n

Surely, you can't bring alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or items you plan on trading. This way, you can plan the whole moving process and separate the belongings into two main groups: things you need immediately and things that may arrive later. The urgent ones can be transferred by chauffeur companies which extend their services to moving goods from EU to UK. Other groups can be handled by moving companies, even though it may take longer until you get them.


Seems like EU nationals moving to UK after Brexit have a lot to handle, especially when it comes to paperwork. Still, it's not impossible to organize the whole thing by combining chauffeur companies to help you with precious items and pets and moving companies with massive furniture.


Are You Eligible for ToR?


If you think it was enough headaches, we are here to prove you wrong. Do you know that in order to qualify for a transfer of residence relief, you must be resident outside the UK for at least 12 months? Also, you need to own the goods you want to transfer for at least six months before importing them to the UK. Surely, if you are moving for studies or for marriage, you are an exception to the 12-month rule about living outside the UK.


It's confusing, as it seems, especially when you aren't used to moving. That's why we recommend researching before making the final decision on moving from EU to UK, since it can be quite a challenge to meet all the policies and requirements in the short term.


Additionally, you must check on the visa requirements for EU citizens, together with your transfer of residence application. It's really challenging to plan life in the UK in the Brexit aftermath, but we are sure you can figure it out using the information in our blog post.


What to Do When You Don't Qualify for Relief?


When you don't qualify for any kind of relief when moving from EU to UK, you have to pay your taxes or duties you owe. Also, you will have to pay first and then collect your belongings. Customs duties are the payment rates applied to your goods. The price depends on the type of the items and their country of origin. The other way is to pay VAT at standard rates on the total value of goods, including shipping and insurance. Ensure you check on the VAT rates on different goods and services, so you can at least know what to expect when claiming your belongings.


How to Use Chauffeur Service to Support You in Moving From the EU to the UK?


Chauffeur services are here to provide exceptional direct transfers to their clients while taking care of their belongings, luggage, and even chauffeur driven pets from the EU to the UK. Chauffeur services such as SIMBER Chauffeur services based in London aren't the same as moving companies, so you can't rely on their ability to move furniture or vehicles. Still, you can combine their efficiency with your urgent items such as clothes, prescription medications, wheelchairs, and so on. Our chauffeur service also offers to move your pets, following the UK regulations for moving animals to Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


Still, you need to contact us and set the terms, get a quote, discuss dates and logistics and last but not least a price for the chauffeur driven service. With Simber a chauffeur service it\u2019s all about helping the people whether it\u2019s for a national long distance service, car service to Europe or even moving from EU to UK after Brexit, making the whole experience less stressful for everyone.


Final Thoughts on Moving to the UK From EU

\n \"Moving\n

People move to UK for many reasons. It's a highly developed country with so many historical and cultural values, offering a better future for everyone. No one has ever imagined how Brexit would affect moving from EU to UK, since the UK was part of the Union for so many years. And it seems obtaining a proper visa is much easier than packing your suitcases and finding a moving company to help you settle in your new forever home.


Still, you are not alone in this. You should take your time and organize the whole thing, find the right moving companies, and rely on convenient chauffeur services. We don't say it would be easy when moving to UK from EU after Brexit, but everyone needs some additional support during these challenging times. We are here to help, so don\u2019t hesitate to contact us.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Looking for the ultimate London perfume experience? Hire a chauffeur service to get most of it, no matter if you are a customer or a London fragrance brand.",metaTiltle:"Luxury London Perfume Experience",date:new Date(2023,2,1),synopsis:"Looking for the ultimate London perfume experience? Hire a chauffeur service to get most of it, no matter if you are a customer or a London fragrance brand.",slug:"perfume experience london",titleFull:"Luxury Perfume Experience in London: How to Get to your Favorite Shops? ",details:"\n

London is the home of many exclusive fragrance brands, which means perfume enthusiasts can have a great time extending their beautiful collections. You probably know about commercially successful houses like Burberry and Dunhill. But do you know that many niche brands based in London offer exclusive events for their loyal customers worldwide?

\n \"chelsea\n

It's time to explore this market, discover the fragrant events, and find the best options to create your bespoke London perfume at your favourite house. If you travel to London for the first time for this experience, you may have a challenging time finding your favourite store. That's why you can always count on the chauffeur services for events that provide exceptional convenience, discretion and confidence for their premium clients.


Owning a bottle of a London perfume is an experience for your nostrils because even modern perfume houses nurture the classical British way of composing the notes and combining fragrant oils to create a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the clients. London offers so many great perfume workshops, or you can spend your money on a custom experience with popular brands like Floris, Ormonde Jayne, or Penhaligons.


How to Get Ready for my Ultimate London Perfume Experience?


No matter if you live in London or you travel there for this adventure, we suggest planning your stay in advance. London can be pretty busy, and that won't work much on a tight schedule. That's why you should consider private transport for the event. Ensure you provide the exact London car service with details of your perfume experience, including the location and the duration. Additionally, let the company know about your specific needs like if you need refreshments for the journey, passengers' numbers or even if you'll have bags with you, any information provided is vital to ensuring the correct chauffeur-driven vehicle is dispatched.


We also suggest you book the return trip immediately, so you can return to the original pick-up spot or any other location you need to be after exploring the world of London perfumes. Chauffeur services can be your partner when looking for the most exclusive perfume shops in London. They always provide a convenient, stress-free, and enjoyable experience, as you will not have to worry about navigating London's busy streets and public transportation system. Furthermore, you are able to hire a chauffeur in London on an hourly basis, so you can have the flexibility of visiting multiple locations, keeping your belongings in the car and not worrying about how and when to get to your next destination.


Your chosen car service will have a chauffeur on standby in London. The chauffeur would be on an as-directed basis, wherever you decide to go in London, your chauffeur will be there to take you safely and comfortably. And now, let's see what options you have and what London perfume brands are worth considering:


The Oldest English Perfume Manufacturer

\n \"Parfume\n

Located on Jermyn Street, London, Floris is the oldest fragrance brand in London. The company is still owned by the same family for nine generations already. Floris London perfume house has an interesting history since the owners come from the Spanish island of Menorca. In 1730, the owner Juan Floris opened a barber shop, but inspired by the native Mediterranean aromas, he and his wife created their first fragrances.


If the name Floris sounds familiar to you, you are probably right since the house holds two royal warrants, one for Queen Elizabeth II and the second one for HRH The Prince of Wales (then prince Charles, now prince William).

\n \"Floris\n

If Floris is your choice, we are proud to take you to the two-hour scent experience as you work with the perfumers there, creating a signature scent. They can also offer a complete design service, which lasts about six months. During that time, we will gladly take you to the nose session as you get your own perfume, guided by the members of the Floris family.


The House That Worked for Queen Victoria


Queen Victoria had a personal perfumer named William Henry Penhaligon, who owned a barbershop. Back then, barbers created toiletries, skin care products and perfumes. The shop was next to a Turkish bath, so Penhaligon was intimidated by the beautiful aromas. That's why the first company's creation was named Hammam Bouquet, followed by great compositions Blenheim Bouquet, Elisabethan Rose, Bluebell, English Fern, and most recently, Legacy of Petra, Constantinople, and Cairo.

\n \"Floris\n

Penhaligon's is one of the oldest perfume manufacturers in London that also has a long history with royal collaborations. This brand has three royal warrants by Queen Alexandra, The Duke of Edinburgh, and then Prince Charles, now King Charles III. The former King Edward VIII was a fan of the Blenheim Bouquet and Hammam Bouquet, but he also owned a few Floris creations in the manner of a modern and stylish royal family member.


And suppose you need us to take you to this special fragrance shopping experience. In that case, we are delighted to take you to preferred Penhaligon's London perfume shop and even wait for you while choosing your favourite fragrance from their extended offer.


The Most Exclusive Scented Modern Journey


Have you heard about the niche brand named Ormonde Jayne? The house was founded in 2000 by a lady named Linda Pilkington, who was a scented candle enthusiast. Coming from Cheshire, she created beeswax candles at home and got the idea to make a business of it. Today, the brand offers fragrances and other scented products and two types of London perfume experiences.


The first one is an exclusive peek at perfume production. You pay for a six-month period, which means you'll have to visit the store often with our help anytime you need a chauffeur service to travel. During that period, you will have a few meetings with Linda personally, who will interview and create a mental portrait of your personality. You will work together on an exclusive scent, and they'll pack it in a crystal bottle for you.


The second option is a 90-minute consultation to choose one of their existing signature fragrances. You can choose an Extract or Intense concentration and choose a flacon to engrave your name on it. This experience is known as 'Your Scent, Your Strength, Your Style' and will cost you about \xa3200.


A \xa325,000 Bespoke Service With a Luxurious Perfume London Brand/h3>\n

Have you ever heard about the scent alchemist named Roja Dove? Do you want a scented journey that will satisfy your sophisticated olfactory senses? Together with Roja Dove, you can test raw materials, so he can create a profile that he named Odour Profiling experience. Your eyes will always be closed, so the raw scents can get to your deepest personality levels. That way, Roja Dove creates a completely individual smell for those who are ready to pay about \xa325,000 for a unique London perfume experience.


And we are sure you don't want to go there by bus. Arrive in style to this exclusive personal event using a private chauffeur service because the most exclusive fragrance in the world designed to your taste deserves that. Still, if you find this personalized experience too costly, you can shop some of his well-known creations like Enigma, Elysium, Danger, Innuendo, or Reckless.


A Complete Scented Three-Course Meal Experience or an Exclusive Fragrance Cocktail?


Jo Malone London is one of the most popular lifestyle brands in the world. As you suppose, Jo Malone was the founder of this brand, enhancing her concept of combining simple fragrances that create a unique smell for everyone. The perfumes are often unisex, mostly focused on one or two notes. That allows you to create layers and use the simplicity of quality notes to create exclusive scent profiles.


As the company was acquired, Jo Malone left the brand and created another one, known as Jo Loves, which is only available in the UK. So, we will focus on both brands since they offer different experiences.


If you prefer Jo Malone London, we are proud to take you to the 'Scent For You' experience that includes a consultation, glass of wine or prosecco, test products bag, and \xa3100 voucher you can use the very same day. The Japanese concept of three courses stands behind the lunch inspiration. Also, you can't use the voucher another day. So, you can plan the chauffeured trip for a day only, and the drivers can wait for you until you are done shopping at Jo Malone London perfume shop.


The second option is to visit the exclusive perfume factory London named Jo Loves. Even though Jo Malone keeps the concept of layering, she wants to make sure everyone knows the new brand is not the same as Jo Malone London. And we are sure you will like this one a lot. When you hire our chauffeur transfer, we know we'll take you to an exclusive spa experience. You are getting a specially mixed cocktail of bath cologne and cleanser, and employees will put it on your skin with a paintbrush. You can enjoy the luxurious candles and create your own signature scent.


And what we liked most was the fact you can book a bespoke event for a birthday, ladies' night, corporate party, or even with your partner. And our goal is to take you there and let you feel the exclusivity of the events.


For Perfume Brands


It is important to remember that brands require support too. Simber chauffeur services understand the importance of your logistics. If you require chauffeur services in London or a car service to cater your event, you can reach out to us. From luxurious fashion events to temporary vehicle branding, hire a company that offers fast transport, convenience, and exceptional comfort, no matter your preferred destination.


Simber Chauffeur services can provide multiple chauffeur-driven vehicles for events or even airport transfers over consecutive days. As a London car service, they have the option of bespoke chauffeur services, they are also able to carry out comprehensive booking requests. If you'd like to find out more about how you can collaborate or form a partnership with a leading chauffeur company in London, don't hesitate to get in touch.


Final Words About London Perfume Adventures


No matter if you want to make your own perfume or just visit a perfume making workshop London, Simber chauffeur service is here to take you on this unforgettable journey. The whole concept of fragrance shops London exploring is exciting for us too, and we are ready to help you discover the best one for sure.


So, ensure you book your private travel service to take you to one of the events we mentioned in this article. It's worth arriving in style, with no risk of commute-caused stress at all.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"London and UK castles are beautiful places to visit. Start your fairytale adventure using a comfortable ride to get the most out of this unique experience. ",metaTiltle:"Best Castles in London and Around the UK",date:new Date(2023,0,28),synopsis:"London and UK castles are beautiful witnesses of the UK's rich history, offering stunning views and unique experiences for visitors. Many tourists visit at least one beautiful castle while staying in London or book private tours around the city to discover even more London castles. This way, they can discover the best castles to visit in the UK, explore historic sites, and enjoy the spectacular views of the well-preserved British history.",slug:"best uk london castles",titleFull:"Fairytale Trip: Best Castles in London and Around the UK Worth Visiting",details:"\n

London and UK castles are beautiful witnesses of the UK's rich history, offering stunning views and unique experiences for visitors. Many tourists visit at least one beautiful castle while staying in London or book private tours around the city to discover even more London castles. This way, they can discover the best castles to visit in the UK, explore historic sites, and enjoy the spectacular views of the well-preserved British history.

\n \"Fairytale\n

When looking for a fairytale London experience, you can visit the most anticipated palaces and castles in London and then extend your trip with the best castles near London. You can rent a car and do all these things yourself, or you have the option to book private day tours out of London for an even more convenient experience. Take advantage of your chauffeur-driven tour around English castles, relax, and enjoy your time while Simber Chauffeur Services looks after you.


When visiting some of the UK castles, it's essential to know if you want to stick to London, visit some of the nearest locations, or you can let yourself enjoy long-distance castle excursions. That's why we decided to cover a few of all mentioned categories, to make your choice easier.


Best London Castles to Visit


What is the best castle in London to visit? Is it worth spending your vacation time exploring the city's beautiful gardens and majestic walls? In this section, we will talk more about popular castles in London, and later we will focus on the ones near or far from the city.


Tower of London


The Tower of London is a historical palace by the River Thames. It's located in central London, so you can take a walk and visit one of the best London castles, with a huge historical and tactical value. British monarchs loved this place because it was once a symbol of fear, bravery, dominance, and rebellion.

\n \"Tower\n

Royal family members used it in times of war, and today's owner, as you suppose, is King Charles III, the one in the right of the Crown. The Tower of London was built to demonstrate power and keep the city safe during the war. It's now under UNESCO's protection as a valuable historical heritage, and there are several regulations when it comes to tourist visits. You can explore it on your own or join a guided tour, but never bring dangerous items like knives or blades, pepper sprays, smoke bombs, or anything illegal to possess in the UK.


Kensington Palace


Kensington Palace is another relatively modern castle where the Prince and Princess of Wales live together with their children. It's another popular London location, just like everything else related to the Royal family. It belongs to the King on behalf of the nation.


Queen Victoria was the first one to open Kensington Palace, separating the State Apartments from exhibition sites. Today, only a part of the palace is open to the public in order to protect the privacy of The Prince and Princess of Wales.


Buckingham Palace


Buckingham Palace is the royal residence, one of the city's most stunning castles and the country in general. The palace is the site of the Changing of the Guard ceremony, which takes place daily during the summer and on alternate days during the winter.


This is the place where the monarch of the United Kingdom lives. For about 70 years, Queen Elizabeth II was the one who occupied this Royal Palace. Still, Buckingham Palace is not the private property of the royal family, even though for centuries the Sovereign lived there, and it would probably stay like that in the years that come.


Eltham Palace


Eltham Palace is located in southeast London, and it's quite a medieval building that served as a royal residence for centuries. It has enough space to accommodate up to 800 people. It was widely used in the Tudor era, and that's why visitors always want to see it from the outside. It's owned by the Crown Estate as part of the authentic English Heritage.


In the 1930s, an American couple rebuilt the site following the Art Deco style. Eltham Palace is now a museum, and visitors can take guided tours of the palace and its grounds, as it's a pretty popular tourist attraction.


Most Beautiful Castles Near London


In this section, we will highlight some of the best castles close to London you can visit using services like daily private tours or long-term chauffeur contracts. We hope you'll find something great for your daily trip.


Windsor Castle


We can't go on with this list without mentioning Windsor Castle, located in Berkshire, Windsor. It's located about 35 kilometres from London's centre, which means it's one of the most popular castles near London.


It is one of the oldest and largest occupied castles in the world and has been a royal home for over 900 years. Many people get confused when we say that the British monarchs live here because Buckingham Palace is the official home of the royal family.


The difference is very simple since Buckingham Palace is the royal home for formal occasions and working duties, while Windsor Castle is the official residence where the monarch lives. It's owned by King Charles III to the right of the Crown. That's the reason why the royal family's surname is Windsor. So, when planning your daily trips and lists of castles to visit near London, make sure you include this one. Chauffeur services like Simber will gladly take you on this unforgettable fairytale journey.


Leeds Castle, Kent


Leeds Castle is located in Kent, based on a small island in a lake. If you are looking for castles around London to visit, Leeds is a pretty obvious choice due to its popularity. This castle has a unique architectural style mix, such as Tudor and medieval, while the rooms are full of artworks, antiques, and beautiful decorations.


It's one of the castles near London open to the public, and tourists can visit it almost any time of the year. You shouldn't expect an authentic experience because the castle was renovated and redesigned a few times, even though the original bases are kept. So, if you are looking for medieval castles near London, we suggest you book your long-term chauffeur and go for a fairytale adventure.


Hever Castle, Kent


Hever Castle is the place where Anne Boleyn spent her childhood. It belonged to her family, and today is one of the most popular castles located about 50 kilometres from London. Boleyn's family lived there for almost a century, and people love this place for obvious reasons. Hever Castle grounds are sometimes closed due to different reasons, so you have to be patient trying to book your visit there. Knowing that it's one of the most beautiful castles around London, the demand is huge, and you have to act quickly to grab your tickets.


Warwick Castle, Warwickshire


Warwick Castle is surrounded by the River Avon. The water formed a cliff, and that's one of the reasons why tourists find Warwick one of the best castles near London to visit.


In the 19th century, Queen Victoria attended a few events in this castle, making it very important for UKs history. It's one of the protected national monuments and archaeological sites. Also, many other royal family members have visited this castle, making it one of the top 10 historic houses and monuments in the whole UK.


So, if you want an incredible and authentic historical experience in England, you shouldn't miss Warwick Castle, because it's worth the money and effort to travel there.


Alnwick Castle, Northumberland


If you want to visit castles near London, you shouldn't skip Alnwick Castle. Many movie scenes you love are taken there, including shoots from \"Harry Potter\" and the all-time classic \"Downton Abbey.\" Visitors say that they enjoy every moment of visiting Alnwick Castle, and all the prices are reasonable and worth the investment.


But, before you get there, ensure the property is not temporarily closed because of some restoration, maintenance activities, or out-of-the-season reasons. This season, you can book your tickets for the springtime since the castle opens its doors on March 31st 2023, for visitors.


Beautiful Castles Around the UK

\n \"Fountain\n

Let's get now to the most exciting part - castles outside of London. The UK is a large country consisting of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, which means you have so many options for your dream trip to the castles near London and those far away from it. Even though public transport works well, you can consider chauffeur services as one of the most convenient solutions for long-distance travelling.


So, what to visit next? Here are some suggestions:


Edinburgh Castle, Scotland


Edinburgh Castle is the most popular Scottish historical site, standing on Castle Rock. It's one of the oldest fortified castles in the UK and in Europe in general. It was used as a military base in the 17th century, but today it's a historical and tourist attraction.


Many believe that this exact castle was the inspiration for Harry Potter's popular Hogwarts school. Even though no one has confirmed that yet, we can see the similarities between the two buildings. So, if you are planning on a long-term tour around the palaces and castles near London and those far away, Edinburgh Castle is something you shouldn't miss.


Caernarfon Castle, Wales


Caernarfon Castle is the Welsh name for this beautiful medieval castle, and the anglicised version is Carnarvon Castle. It's a fortified castle built in the 13th century, today recognised as one of the greatest buildings of the Middle Ages.


The fortress looks complete from the outside, but according to historical sources, the interior was never finished. Also, we suggest visiting Caernarfon as a part of your long-term tour around the UK since it's the major tourist attraction in Wales. The castle is under UNESCO protection as one of the World Heritage Sites, showing us how important this place is to the UK. The building was owned by the Crown, and now the Welsh Government cares for the maintenance when needed.


Balmoral Castle, Scotland


You probably heard of Balmoral Castle in 2022 because of Queen Elizabeth II. This beautiful castle is still owned by the royal family, and the ownership goes from one monarch to another. So, the current owner is King Charles III, who acceded to the throne after his mother died in this particular castle in the autumn of 2022.


By the time of writing the blog, Balmoral Castle is closed, and it's expected to open in April 2023, before the King's coronation. Since it's located in a rural region, we suggest using your own vehicle or hiring a long-distance chauffeur service to arrive there comfortably. Balmoral Castle was the place where Prince Charles and Princess Diana were on a honeymoon, but also Princes William and Harry were there when they received the tragic news about their mother's tragic death.


Stirling Castle, Scotland


Stirling Castle is another scenic place built on a volcanic outcrop. Scots consider it a symbol of their independence and pride, as it's owned by the Historic Environment Scotland department in the Ministry of Defence. The castle is a unique combination of a few architectural styles, including gothic and Renaissance.


Many find similarities to Edinburgh Castle, which is quite understandable. But, we must note that they also have unique characteristics. Still, Stirling Castle is smaller than Edinburgh Castle, so you need less time to explore it.


And if this castle seems familiar, you are completely right because of Mel Gibson's \"Braveheart\" scenes. Also, some \"Game of Thrones\" scenes are filmed here, so you see the importance of this beautiful castle.


Cardiff Castle, Wales


In the city centre of Cardiff, you can visit the popular medieval Cardiff Castle. Sources say that it was built and opened in the 6th century, and since then, it has been renovated and rebuilt a few times. Probably the original building didn't look exactly like Cardiff Castle looks today, but it's one of the most worthy places to visit around the UK for sure.


Cardiff Castle has a rich history and even was home to the National College of Music and Drama at some point in its existence. Nowadays, it serves as a popular tourist attraction.


But why visit this castle?


The fact that it has existed for almost 2000 years is breathtaking already. Inside you can explore beautiful apartments and enjoy the great interior. Since this is not of the castles near London, you may have extended options for long-distance transport. Ensure you book our chauffeur service the same day you buy your Cardiff Castle tickets, so we can all adjust to the situation and plan the whole trip.


In Conclusion to Best Castles in the UK


As you can see, the UK offers so many beautiful castles as tourist attractions. By hiring a chauffeur service, you have a unique chance to visit some of the best castles around London, but also in other cities.


We listed quite a few exceptionally beautiful castles near London and some of the best around the UK. But you can always extend your research and find even more attractive places you can visit during your long-term stay in London. It doesn't mean you need to focus on castles only, but if you want the best fairytale experience, ensure you visit at least one of the mentioned sites.


Finally, make your trip even more comfortable, especially the long-distance destinations, by requesting a custom offer from Simber, so we can provide the best possible experience for you, a tailored chauffeur driven tour, with a car service you can trust to travel across london or the UK all according to your needs.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"It has never been easier to book private corporate transport and have the most comfortable business trip in London. Learn how to do that using our tips.",metaTiltle:"London Corporate Travel Tips",date:new Date(2023,0,28),synopsis:"Business trips are always more stressful compared to any type of travel around. But it doesn\u2019t need to be, there is plenty of support available to you and your team to make this easier. In these cases, you need to be time-efficient and show exceptional planning skills so you can get everywhere on time. No matter where you travel, you can surely use some transport flexibility while planning ahead, using a great business car service London.",slug:"london corporate travel tips",titleFull:"12 Tips for Comfortable London Corporate and Business Trips",details:"\n

Business trips are always more stressful compared to any type of travel around. But it doesn\u2019t need to be, there is plenty of support available to you and your team to make this easier. In these cases, you need to be time-efficient and show exceptional planning skills so you can get everywhere on time. No matter where you travel, you can surely use some transport flexibility while planning ahead, using a great business car service London.

\n \"Simber\n

What does it mean?


For example, if you travel to London, you have to think about the options for corporate transport services so you can be more efficient. Also, if you host this type of event in London, and you expect guests from other countries, you will probably have to provide some corporate transport solutions, especially when many people are coming. Corporate Chauffeur companies take the hassle out of the planning. Their business car service allows you or your guests to travel to meetings, corporate events, to the airport or even to long distance destinations. This is why successful businessmen and women rely on their services daily.


To assist you we can categorize the corporate transport requirements into two main categories:


1. People who travel abroad (London in this case) for business purposes
2. People who need corporate auto transport for their foreign clients, employees, and business guests


That's why we decided to share some essential tips on how to organize or have a comfortable and time-efficient London corporate trip, so you can avoid work-related stress while travelling.


1. Find Your Favorite Airline


Corporate travels require a high level of comfort and convenience. But it doesn't mean you need to spend all the planned money on luxurious flights. Instead, we recommend finding one that provides enough space and Wi-Fi access and can manage the delays properly.


When you travel to London, you will probably arrive at Heathrow or Gatwick, which is excellent because many London corporate transport companies offer airport transfers too.


2. Confirm All the Reservations


No matter if you are a business traveller or an employer who hosts a corporate event, you must confirm all reservations at least 48 hours before the trip. No matter if it's a flight, hotel, accommodation, event venue, or corporate passenger transport service, you must confirm it. If you do that on time, you won't have any unpleasant situations upon arrival. You must be responsible, no matter your role in this corporate trip.


Ensure you double-check arrival times, tickets, corporate chauffeur service reservations, car rental, train tickets, and hotel addresses. Even though you think reservations are enough, many services require confirmation before you arrive. This way, you can have comfortable travel from the beginning to the end, no matter if you organize the trip or you are an employee who travels for business.


3. Always Renew Your Travel Documents on Time


No matter the purpose of your trip, your documents must be renewed on time. Can you imagine travelling to London, just to see at the airport that your passport is not valid anymore? It's such an unpleasant situation that may cost you a lot of money due to flight and corporate transport solutions fees.


And it really doesn't cost much to always check on your documents, like your ID card, passport, visa, and other related documents. This way, you prevent emergency passport issuing, which is costly to do on short notice. Also, we are sure you don't want to cancel your essential corporate trip at the last minute because you were irresponsible in the first place.


4. Don't Waste Your Time on Huge Suitcases


You don't really need to pack plenty of things for your corporate travels. Experienced travellers pack only the basic things they need, so they won't bring too many clothes they won't need. We suggest creating a list and packing only those things you'll need during your London business stay.




Many people tend to overpack things, resulting in heavy suitcases, which also means paying more money at the airport. Also, you have to keep in mind that most corporate transport solutions will handle your luggage with care. Still, it doesn't mean you need to bring so many things you won't use, especially if you only stay for a few days.


5. Always Check on the Company's Travel Policy


It's not easy to plan a corporate trip, but the company's travel policy will surely help you figure out the easiest way out. Surely you have to be respectful of business etiquette and proper behaviour while travelling. Every travel policy contains essential information about how payments work and which expenses the company will cover for you.


Many travellers decide to skip some of the rules, so they can get more comfort while travelling, and corporate transport solutions are always a part of the process. Some companies will refund money to their employees, but others will only cover a limited amount of the price, depending on the policy. But, if you are looking for transport for London corporate events, it's surely better to rely on private services instead of public transportation. You deserve comfort, and time efficiency is one of the main benefits that come with these companies.


6. Great Options for Local Business Travellers


Sometimes, even if you live in London, you have to travel from one spot to another for business purposes. This way, you save time and money and arrive always on time. When hiring corporate car transport, you can schedule the exact pick-up time and arrive at corporate events in style.


Also, when taxi and bus solutions don't provide the needed convenience, you don't have many options left. The corporate travel solutions are great for London and long-distance business trips, and the best thing is that you can book your favorite corporate car service London on short notice.


7. Convenience and Efficiency for People Who Travel to London


Many international companies with London headquarters have foreign employees who occasionally need to travel to the UK. Sometimes, the company will organize the corporate vehicle transport using their own fleet, but more often, they hire london chauffeur services to adjust the expenses.


Travellers are the ones who have the most benefits from this since they need more comfort after a long flight. What's also important is that they won't get stressed over buses and expensive taxi services, especially during their jet lag phase.


The corporate transport London companies will always provide the best service to any client in need, whether they need a long-distance trip, airport pick-up, concierge service, or corporate events transport.


8. Always Have Some Cash with You


Knowing where you can exchange your money for the best rates is great. The United Kingdom uses the British Pound as its main currency, but you can easily exchange your Euros upon arrival. Maybe you think holding cash is not the best idea while travelling, but sometimes, you will need it. And often, it's the worst time, when there is no ATM around.


Holding small bills will help you tip the corporate transport drivers if you are satisfied with their service. Additionally, you may need some money to buy yourself a coffee or a snack once you arrive at the airport. We also suggest you learn the usual UK tip culture because it's not the same everywhere.


In general, you are allowed to leave up to 15% of the bill as a tip when at the restaurant or up to 10% for other services. The thing is, it's not mandatory as it's in the USA, so many US travellers are already confused when it comes to tipping. Still, it's a generous thing to do, even though British people won't add it to your bill.


9. Group Business Travels Were Never This Easy


Sometimes, employees need to travel in groups. For employers and companies, managers would be much easier if they find comfortable vehicles for groups, sometimes including exclusive minibuses.


The best thing about our service, Simber, is that we provide an excellent vehicle fleet, so business owners can choose the best option for their employees or clients.if you are not sure of the vehicle type or want to discuss a bespoke corporate service, simply contact us and speak to a member of the team.


Also, the complete service is discreet and safe, and very efficient when it comes to meeting the arrival deadlines. When you need great corporate travel solutions, you don't really have to look too far away because no matter if you need a single-traveller vehicle or a bigger one for a group, you will always find the right thing here with us.


10. Make Offline Copies of Every Important Document


We can be very thankful for technological development, but nothing will ever replace the physical copies of important documents. We suggest keeping both online and offline versions of your reservations and travel documents, as well as business transport confirmations. Sometimes, the Internet connection is pretty poor at airports, so you won't be able to retrieve your documents when you need them the most.


That's why we suggest keeping an electronic copy, as well as a printed one, for more security. Keep in mind that long travels may drain your phone battery, so you will have to bring your power charger with you. Still, holding the documents in your hands gives you a great layer of confidence and security, and it won't cost a lot to be prepared for any situation.


11. Always Keep Your Receipts


Business trips can drain your wallet, too, so you have to keep track of all expenses. We suggest you bring an empty envelope and keep the receipts there. Sometimes, companies will refund some of these expenses, especially when they are business-related. Even if you pay with your card or phone's wallet, always have a copy of the transaction proof or statement. You will be surprised how much money you can save if you keep the receipts on track.


12. Always Look for The Best

\n \"Chauffeur\n

No matter if you are a business traveller or corporate manager, it's good to know that everyone deserves the best. If you are a business owner or manager, don't expect that people travelling on your demand will accept uncomfortable solutions, including accommodations and vehicles. It's fair to always pay their expenses, according to the company's business travel policies. That means you need to find the most convenient solution, especially when your employees travel internationally.


On the other hand, as an employee, you have a complete right to ask for the best possible conditions. Even though it rarely happens, there are examples of entitled bosses who expect that international employees will cover their corporate travel expenses, from the flight to chauffeur services. And we are happy to know that these cases are pretty rare and even nonexistent these days.


Why is Corporate Travel Service Great for International Travellers?


Many people easily get stressed when travelling abroad, especially when they visit London for the first time. Even though the city is very safe for foreigners, the fear of the unknown is sometimes more powerful than any reason. But we shouldn't judge people because of this.


Furthermore, offering more than one corporate transport solution will help them gain trust and acceptance to travel to London again in the future. And yes, it's that easy to be polite and supportive of your international employees who travel on your requirement.


How do I Save Money on Corporate Transport?


Corporate transport solutions are not cheap, and that's completely understandable for everyone. Business travelling is stressful, and when you have more than one employee coming, we are sure you want to get the best deal for you and your company


Many chauffeur services provide better deals for returning customers or if you book more than one vehicle at a time. So, you need to calculate your expenses and see what you can do for the money. Or, even easier, feel free to contact us so we can send you an offer.


Final Thoughts


Even though it seems like a lot of work for both business managers and corporate travellers, it's not that difficult to get all these things right. We created a list of twelve useful tips on how to prepare for corporate events, meetings, and all forms of business trips you may have, so you can use it as a custom checklist.


Finally, when you travel, you should always look for comfort but don't overdo it because many company policies are pretty strict when it comes to refunds. Also, when you expect business guests on your invitation, it's fair to offer complete expense coverage, including the corporate chauffeur services you hire. If you are ready to do all these things, ensure you check on what we offer for our business clients and their guests, and contact us so we can set a deal together.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"Harry Potter London tours are the ultimate experience for any franchise fan who wants to explore the magical world. Here are a few tips on how to plan it.",metaTiltle:"Harry Potter Tour in London",date:new Date(2022,11,26),synopsis:"People who love Harry Potter and the movie franchise are so happy to learn that London offers an exciting tour for them. Do you think it's the right kind of adventure for you? Many say that it's one of the things worth seeing, even if you aren't a Harry Potter fan. The ultimate studio experience is based in London, but you can find similar tours in different cities. We highly recommend considering Scotland as an option, too, especially if you plan to stay in the UK for a few weeks or over a month.",slug:"harry potter tour london",titleFull:"How to plan a Harry Potter tour in London?",details:"\n

People who love Harry Potter and the movie franchise are so happy to learn that London offers an exciting tour for them. Do you think it's the right kind of adventure for you? Many say that it's one of the things worth seeing, even if you aren't a Harry Potter fan. The ultimate studio experience is based in London, but you can find similar tours in different cities. We highly recommend considering Scotland as an option, too, especially if you plan to stay in the UK for a few weeks or over a month.


If you want to extend your experience to the Harry Potter Scotland tour, you'll need to consider travelling long distances and having a comfortable arrival. Knowing that Harry Potter movies were filmed in the UK and Ireland, you have more than one location to visit. The most obvious one is the Warner Bros film studio in London, but many scenes were filmed in Wales, southern England, and the breathtaking nature of Scotland.


Warner Bros studio always suggests you book your tickets on time. The Harry Potter tour is always in high demand, and they must plan the schedule carefully. If you want to book on short notice, you may find the preferred dates sold out.

\n \"Harry\n

But is there a perfect way to plan a Harry Potter tour? Let's give you some tips on how to do that:


1. Visit the Warner Bros Studio for a Harry Potter Tour


Many movie scenes were filmed on sets in nature, but a significant part of the movie was made in this particular studio. So, the Harry Potter studio tour is the most natural way to start your experience, especially if you arrive in London.


What to expect in these studios?


The official name of the tour is Warner Bros Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter. It's practically an exhibition of all the anticipated movie scenes and everything that reminds us of Harry Potter, Ron, Hermione, other wizards, and even Muggles.


Once you enter the studio, you get a passport and receive stamps to prove you were on a Harry Potter tour to explore J.K. Rowling's fantasy world. Adults can easily explore the studio alone, using the premium digital guide, enter the Great Hall, and wait for the Hogwarts train at Platform 9 and 3/4.


Don't forget to wander around Diagon Alley, visit Dumbledore's Office, or even have some tea with the Umbridge's kitty ornaments. You will recognize so many scenes and even book details, while the polite stuff is always there to show you the next stage of your Harry Potter tour. Just a reminder of what we said at the beginning. Try to book your Harry Potter studio tour tickets as early as possible, so you can plan the whole experience on time.

\n \"Harry\n

2. Mix Yourself an Afternoon Tea


The wizarding world is known for different potions made under the eye of Severus Snape. Surely, no one can tell you how to make a Polyjuice Potion or Felix Felicis, but you can visit the Cutter & Squidge Potion Room for an ultimate potion lesson.


You don't need advanced chemistry to create an exceptional cup of tea, but the experience is on the highest level in this bar. And we are sure that a nice tea is exactly what you need after the Harry Potter studios tour, especially during the cold months.


The Cutter & Squidge bar is located in Soho, London, and you can choose if you want to reserve your spot at 12 pm, 3 pm, or 6 pm. Surely, you have to book in advance, because the number of spots is quite limited. And don't worry, you will get delicious pastries as an addition to your magical tea.


3. Check When \"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child\" Plays in Theatres

\n \"Harry\n

The \"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child\" happens 19 years after the original timeline. It's a popular theatre play, but the original cast doesn't play their recognizable roles. Instead, talented actors are hired to play our favourite characters. Many fans hope that this franchise addition will eventually motivate Warner Bros to film a new movie.


Even though it's not mandatory to attend the play during your Harry Potter London tour, you should at least consider planning it and see if you have time for that. Some fans don't approve of the \"Cursed Child\" part because it's outside the known Harry Potter universe, but we suggest watching the play anyway.


4. London Filming Locations

\n \"Harry\n

As we said, Harry Potter was filmed in many real-life locations around the UK. For your Harry Potter tour London experience, you can visit the Westminster Tube Station, the Lambeth Bridge, Millennium Bridge, and St Paul's Cathedral.


You can walk through the Leadenhall Market and even visit the Australia House. If you visit Claremont Square, you will get the impression you already know this place. And the King's Cross Station has a photographic spot between platforms 9 and 10, for obvious reasons.


We won't give you any hints about what's hidden in the mentioned locations. The real Wizarding World fans will recognize them immediately. So, get ready for a tour of Harry Potter world because London and the whole UK have plenty to offer.


5. Spend a Night in a Harry Potter Themed Hotel

\n \"Harry\n

The Georgian House Hotel Wizard Chambers is another way to enjoy your UK Harry Potter tour and make your London experience really special. When we say this hotel is magical, we mean that. Any chamber can fit two to six visitors. We recommend booking a bigger room for families. The rooms remind of Harry Potter chambers, and the hotel's interior mimics Hogwarts Castle.


The best thing is that the menu consists of classic meals and magical treats for the kids. But don't mind ordering them even if you are an adult. Everyone deserves a nice plate of wizard breakfast, no matter their age.


6. Add Scotland to Your Harry Potter Bucket List


We already mentioned that Scotland should be a part of your planned Harry Potter tour. You will need a bus, train or even a long-distance chauffeur service to get there. A flight can be the most convenient option for those on a short trip. We recommend using private chauffeuring because you can explore so many beautiful spots between London and Edinburgh. It's an almost 8-hour ride (by car), so ensure you split the trip into two parts. If you decide to take a train, that will shorten your travelling time by three hours. The flights will take you about one and a half hours, so ensure you plan the trip smartly.


What do you get in Edinburgh?


As a part of the Harry Potter Edinburgh tour, you can visit the popular filming location. There are 13 stops, a guide, and a map you can follow. This tour is also known as the Harry Potter Edinburgh trail, and if you want, you can get audio guidance and GPS instructions


The first spot is the Dog House, where you can order Butterbeer, and then you can head to the Spoon bar. This location was once owned by Rowling's brother. As you suppose, it's one of the places where she assembled the story of the boy who lived.

\n \"Scenery\n

The National Museum of Scotland is also important because Rowling got the inspiration for Ron's wizard chess there. The Elephant House is another bar where Rowling spent her time while writing. They consider themselves the birthplace of Harry Potter.


And if you visit the Greyfriars Kirkyard, you will find an interesting memorial stone belonging to Thomas Riddel. You see the similarities, right? You can even find memorials for the poet William McGonagall and a woman named Elizabeth Moodie. The Museum Context is dedicated to Harry Potter completely because Edinburgh is proud of its status as Harry's birthplace. You seem to have plenty of things to do during your Harry Potter Scotland tour, so ensure you plan it on time.


How Long is the Harry Potter Tour?


You aren't really limited on how long you can stay in one spot or another. Usually, you can complete the Harry Potter tour Edinburgh in a few hours, as well as the Warner Bros Harry Potter studio tour. You can even explore more options around the UK and stay as long as needed.


Can Everyone Enjoy the Harry Potter tour?


Every fan or Muggle can enjoy any Harry Potter UK experience. It's entertaining, and people even get inspired to watch movies or read books. You only have to book your tickets on time and respect the Warner Bros Studios schedule, so you won't miss any interesting spots.


If you aren't really a fan, we still recommend taking at least the studio's Harry Potter tour and seeing what London has to offer. We are sure you will change your mind (and heart) and give the Wizarding World a chance, no matter your current age.


Final Thoughts


If you plan on staying more than one month in the United Kingdom, you have enough time to plan a UK Harry Potter tour. You can use the ideas from this blog post or conduct your research and extend the overall experience to Wales and Ireland.


We suggest you also include the transfer service plans so you can adjust the expenses and plan your time wisely. This way, you won't miss any of the exciting Harry Potter tour spots around the UK. SIMBER Chauffeur Services can help you plan any complex travel requirements be it an airport transfer, a chauffeur for the day or even a tour, don\u2019t hesitate to get in touch.

\n "},{author:"Elena D.",metaDesc:"When travelling from the US to the UK, you need to always stay safe. We covered many travel safety aspects for you in our newest blog post for US tourists.",metaTiltle:"US to UK Travelling Safety Tips",date:new Date(2022,11,25),synopsis:"London, in general, is a safe place to travel, no matter where you come from. Still, you can use some tips on how to feel even safer when travelling from the US to the UK during holidays or outside the festive season. You only have to decide where to stay and which transport methods to use. If you compare London to most European cities, you will see that it's one of the safest cities in Europe, but that doesn't mean you don't have to be cautious of your surroundings.",slug:"us uk travel safety",titleFull:"Travelling from the US to UK: How to be safe during your London adventure?",details:'\n

London, in general, is a safe place to travel, no matter where you come from. Still, you can use some tips on how to feel even safer when travelling from the US to the UK during holidays or outside the festive season. You only have to decide where to stay and which transport methods to use. If you compare London to most European cities, you will see that it\'s one of the safest cities in Europe, but that doesn\'t mean you don\'t have to be cautious of your surroundings.


When it comes to travel safety, you always have to know where your documents are, keep them close to you, and book well-known hotels and accommodations. If you don\'t trust the public transport system, you can use a chauffeur service for your favourite long distance road trip or London sightseeing. Surely, we have some safety travel tips, including hotel stay tips, so you can feel safe while travelling from the US to any UK city.

\n Word map tagged with travel locations.\n

General Travel Safety Tips for US Travellers


The best London travel safety advice is to always be aware of your surroundings. Even when it seems there is no risk or danger around you, you will have to be careful, especially when you are alone.


But, if we have to create an ultimate short UK safe travel list, that would include:

  • Use only registered and certified taxi services
  • \n
  • Stay at well-known hotels close to the city\'s centre
  • \n
  • Share your travel information with someone you trust
  • \n
  • Get familiar with London, especially when you travel here for the first time
  • \n
  • Make a plan on what to do if you are in a risky situation
  • \n
  • Research the transportation options above public transport
  • \n
  • Always have your ID card with you, no matter where it was issued
  • \n
  • Download a map, so you won\'t get lost around
  • \n
  • Bring enough money with you
  • \n
  • Always have a plan on what to do if you get sick
  • \n
  • Learn the language differences (US and UK English are similar, but there are still tricky words)
  • \n

Some of these tips are easy to grasp, but we will explain some of them even deeper, so you can easily plan your US-to-London adventure. Let\'s dive deeper into this topic and discover what every US traveller has to do to ensure their travel to London safety and well-being.


Emergency Numbers in London


You can call 999 or 112 when in an emergency. They will connect you to the police, ambulance, or fire department. Before you go to London, ensure you know the number of the closest police station.


Additionally, you can call 101 to report a non-urgent crime. We hope that you won\'t need to call any of these numbers and you\'ll have a comfortable stay in London. But knowing what emergency numbers are must be at the top of your safe travel list.


Staying in Hotels

\n City of londol school.\n

Don\'t choose the first hotel that appears in the search results. Take your time and explore your options. Get familiar with the hotel surroundings, too, so you can know if there is a police station and ambulance near. Choose accessible hotels, so your private transfer services can easily pick you up when in need.


Check hotels\' websites to see what safety and security measures they offer. Check if they have fire exits and evacuation plans in case of an emergency. You don\'t need to stress out a lot, but it\'s always better to be prepared for any travel safety aspect instead of being surprised when something bad happens. Researching your hotel must be in the top 5 USA travel safety London priorities, so you can create a crisis plan on time.


Read the Updated COVID-19 Regulations


The pandemic, sadly, is not over, even though it\'s quite weak compared to the situation about two years ago. Even though the number of active cases is still small (at the moment we wrote this blog post), you still need to wear a face mask while using public transport, keep as much distance as possible, and follow the UK COVID-19 travel safety regulations.


Additionally, you\'ll have to get familiar with health safety and security within the UK travel and tourism system, which means knowing where hospitals are and which documents you need to get medical help.


Don\'t Let Yourself Become a Pickpocketing Target


Tourists often wear belt pouches, keeping their phones, money, and passports there. That makes you an easy target for thieves. Also, try to keep your wallet close to you when using an ATM to withdraw cash. Be cautious, especially when the same person appears around you all the time. Maybe that is a coincidence, or maybe you became a theft target.


The best thing you can do at this point is to stay on the busy streets and keep your belongings on the eye. Try to escape because you don\'t want anyone to follow you to the hotel. If things get too suspicious, call the police, or ask someone to assist you. That could be a pub guest, a store employee, or a person that seems trustworthy.


Learn More About Safe Neighbourhoods in London


In general, London is very safe, but you can explore the safest areas within the cities. When focused on your travel safety, you need to know what is the safest neighbourhood to be in. For example, we suggest Richmond, Notting Hill, Highbury, Bermondsey, and Hampstead, which are the areas with the lowest crime rates.


Is the neighbourhood too far from the city centre? Don\'t worry, because all parts of London are well-connected, and you still have private chauffeuring as an option for more convenient long and short-term UK trips.


Travel Safety While in Bars and Restaurants


London, or the UK in general, may not have the ultimate world gastronomy, but there are some quality restaurants worth visiting. But, the situation in pubs and bars can be different because of the crowd.


What you can do is always keep an eye on your belongings. Ensure your bag is safe and close to you. Don\'t expose your open bag to strangers, and keep the wallet in a deeper pocket. You always have to know where your wallet is if you want to travel safely in the UK, as well as your smartphone. If some of your valuables are stolen or lost, always contact your bank or phone provider in the USA. That\'s the least you can do to feel safe while in London.


How to be Even More Cautious?

\n Luggage left unattended in airport.\n

We don\'t suggest you be paranoid or stressed about your safety all the time. But, the least you can do is to download some emergency apps on your phone and install the free app citizenAID, available for Android and iOS devices. In a case of an accident, this app will give you direct instructions on what to do until the police arrive.


Additionally, you can learn more about London\'s Met Police and the way they offer help to tourists.


Always Check the UK Travel Requirements


Every country has different travel policies and requirements when it comes to travelling there. US citizens don\'t need a visa to travel to the UK since they are known as the world\'s non-visa nation. Still, you must have a valid passport to enter the UK. You can use the ePassport Gates upon your UK arrival, but only if you register with the UK\'s RTS (Registered Traveller Service). If you aren\'t registered, you\'ll have to use your regular passport. Ensure you save the contact information of the US Embassy in London, so you can reach out to them in case of emergency.


Stick to Well-Lit Streets


Another UK travel safety tip you need to always be aware of. If you don\'t have to, don\'t walk around the streets at night. If you need to go for a walk, stick to well-lit streets, and avoid hidden corners.


If you meet your friends, stay close to them to avoid any unpleasant situation. Don\'t accept rides from strangers. Find certified taxi companies or use Uber. It\'s not worth the risk of being kidnapped or assaulted while riding to the hotel with strangers. And, of course, on top of travel safety issues is letting strangers know where you stay and make yourself an easy target for them.


Note: Never wear headphones and listen to loud music while walking in the evening and at night. You must be aware of your surroundings, including the sounds.


Wrapped Up Travel Safety Tips for UK Tourists in London

\n Simber chauffeur inside car, driving.\n

We covered so many aspects of your safe stay in London, but these tips also apply to any UK city too. Always keep your travel documents close to you, and even make copies in case your purse is stolen. Be exceptionally cautious when you travel alone, and always update your person of trust where you are and what happened to you during the day.


Avoid dark and quiet areas, and use busy streets when possible. Book a convenient and certified hotel, so you won\'t have to worry about your safety while resting or sleeping at night. Mark your bags with your name and contact information, and always have a plan on what to do when something goes wrong. As a US tourist, you will have to keep all these things in mind, no matter how long you stay in London or the UK in general.




How safe is it to travel to London?


In general, the whole UK is safe, with London being among the safest European cities. As a US visitor, you always need to research the safest areas to stay and save the US Embassy phone number on your phone. No matter how safe any city is, including London, ensure you are really cautious all the time.


Is London safe to travel alone?


It would be great if you don\'t tell everyone you travel alone, for your safety\'s sake. Try not to look lonely in the big city, so you won\'t become an easy target to those who want to ruin your ultimate London adventure.


Is private transport safer than public?


Surely it\'s much safer because you get a tailored service just for you. You can choose between long-distance services, private tours, and even airport-to-hotel transfers when you need them.

\n '},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"Travelling to London for work during Christmas? Here are a few essential tips on how to make the whole experience more comfortable for you and your coworkers.",metaTiltle:"London Business Travel Tips During Christmas Time",date:new Date(2022,10,25),synopsis:"The end of the year can be pretty stressful for business travelling and corporate trips in foreign countries. But, as we know, international companies hire people worldwide, yet sometimes schedule meetings in any city they think it's suitable for end-of-the-year meetings. As many companies are based in London, a lot of people consider business trips regular, and they need to travel often to meet with their coworkers. At the same time, London is one of the European Christmas market must-sees, so during the Holiday season, it can get pretty crowded there. So, can you imagine a business trip to the UK with all those tourists who travel for shopping and fun? Sounds stressful, right? But it doesn't have to be. Do you know that there is a way to manage all your business trips during the festive season without being overwhelmed by everything happening around you?",slug:"london business travel tips during christmas time",titleFull:"Business Travel Tips for Travelling to London During Holidays",details:"\n

The end of the year can be pretty stressful for business travelling and corporate trips in foreign countries. But, as we know, international companies hire people worldwide, yet sometimes schedule meetings in any city they think it's suitable for end-of-the-year meetings. As many companies are based in London, a lot of people consider business trips regular, and they need to travel often to meet with their coworkers.


At the same time, London is one of the European Christmas market must-sees, so during the Holiday season, it can get pretty crowded there. So, can you imagine a business trip to the UK with all those tourists who travel for shopping and fun? Sounds stressful, right? But it doesn't have to be. Do you know that there is a way to manage all your business trips during the festive season without being overwhelmed by everything happening around you?


The simple solution you are looking for is known as corporate airport transfers for business users. What does it mean for you? When you arrive at some of the London airports, you get something like a meet and greet service, including an airport pickup, and take you to your hotel, accommodation, or any congress hall you need to be at. The Christmas period shouldn't be an issue, no matter how crowded the airport can be during holidays.


We are trying to say that you can have a nice business travel London experience if you know how to plan your time there. We all know that it can be pretty busy in London for Christmas, so you must take advantage of everything that will make the whole experience easier and less stressful.


So, here are a few tips on how to do that:


1. Avoid the Busy London Spots

\n \"London\n

No matter if you go on a long or short business trip to UK, you need to prepare in advance. Before you book your flight tickets, check if there is some Christmas event around you. We are sure you love the festive season, but London Christmas events can be too loud and crowded.


What makes the whole thing easier is that you can accommodate many calm spots and avoid the crowd. Also, it would be much easier for the chauffeur car service to pick you up and park as close as possible if you avoid the busy spots. They can even help you avoid the busy streets when going to a corporate event.


2. Beat the Jet Lag


Jet lag, tiredness, and Christmas lights in London don't really go well together. When you fly for hours, you probably can't wait to rest before your next corporate event. As we said, the business travel companies London can organise a complete service, from pickup to your hotel.


This is one of the easiest ways to beat jet lag and avoid the busy Christmas events during a business trip to the UK. We suggest arriving a day in advance, so you can have enough time to adjust to the time zone and climate. This way, you avoid stress and have a few hours to rest before your business meetings.


3. Respect the Company's Corporate Travel Policies (but Don't Stick to \u0422hem)

\n \"picadilly\n

Every company has travel policies, and you usually should stick to them. If you want something more, you'll have to pay for the service alone. What does it mean for you? Your company may have a long-term contract with some corporate chauffeur company, so you need to check if you like what they offer. You can always book another if you don't think their preferred company covers the service you need.


As you go on a business trip to UK during the Christmas events London busiest hours, you need a premium chauffeur experience. So, sometimes company policies may not be the most optimal solution for your Christmas business London stay. If they aren't that flexible, you can find the best business travel companies in London that will do their magic for you.


4. Confirm Your Reservations on Time


It's not enough just to book your tickets and think you are done with the travel plans. Things can get pretty messy if you need to go on a business trip to UK, but you haven't yet confirmed your flight and hotel, nor even the corporate chauffeur London company.


Here's what you need to do:

  • Confirm your flight a few weeks in advance
  • \n
  • Check on your visa (if needed) and passport
  • \n
  • Bring your ID documents with you
  • \n
  • Don't forget the travel allowance at home
  • \n
  • Keep all the vouchers printed and/or on your phone
  • \n
  • Confirm the hotel stay on time
  • \n

As we said, airports and hotels are pretty busy around Christmas, and you surely don't need double-booked seats or realise you haven't confirmed your chauffeur service at the moment you arrive. We know it's a lot to do, and stress makes the situation worse, but try to stay calm and confirm all your reservations before you start your business trip to UK during Christmas time.


5. Pack Your Essentials on Time


You have to do this immediately after you confirm your UK business trip. Keep in mind that London can be quite busy during holidays, so buying toiletries and medicines there can be challenging. Instead, pack your bag with all the essential things you need. That also includes your boarding passes, credit cards, wallets, corporate passes, and chauffeur company reservations.


We are sure you have a lot over your head, but business clothes, documents, and hygiene items are a must. You can survive without anything else, but travelling without your business and casual clothes, reservation documents, and medicines is unimaginable. London has many stores, pharmacies, and boutiques, but ensure you are well-prepared before arriving, especially if you tend to avoid crowds and loud music.


6. Bring Your Phone and Laptop Chargers


We may have the perfect electronic devices, but they tend to betray us when we need them most. So, always have a power charger in your bag, especially when you can't bring the phone charger. Considering that you will have a few meetings during your London corporate stay, you must also plan laptop charging.


Keep your phone battery always full because you don't know when someone may call you, or work-related issues will come up. Also, we suggest creating offline versions of your documents, like a USB drive, CD, or any other device that comes in handy. Cloud solutions are great, but sometimes, you may need to print an essential document because the Wi-Fi may not work at the airport lounge, and you won't be able to prove you have your reservation.


7. Give Yourself a Free Time

\n \"St.\n

Business trips can be pretty challenging, especially around the holiday period. But you don't need to only think about corporate events. Remember that you are in London, one of the greatest Christmas experiences you may have in your life.


Don't skip your business meetings, but give yourself some time to enjoy the city's Christmas spirit. You can explore the commercial spots in the evenings and enjoy delicious food at the Christmas market. Then, you can visit some of the most beautiful shopping locations and choose if you want a luxurious or affordable experience. We know work is your priority, but everyone deserves some spare time, especially while in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.


8. Don't Stress About the Current Situation


The festive season should be entertaining for everyone, but it's not always possible. Business trips to foreign countries during holidays are often messy and stressful because so many people travel somewhere. And when you are in such a situation, you don't have much choice but to let things go as they need to be.


Let's take a look at the positive side of the events. You travel to London, which is the ultimate European Christmas experience. Yes, it's a busy city, but you have a unique chance to manage your expenses since your company covers some of them. That gives you enough freedom to explore the London attractions and hidden gems and even adjust the planned money accordingly.


Surely, a business trip to UK is quite an experience, and you have a lot to think about and plan, but you can still have a great time there. Just ensure you claim the reservations and find the best chauffeur London companies for airport pickups. That's the easiest way to have a comfortable stay without even worrying about public transport and busy streets. Most London chauffeur companies can assist you with planning your chauffeur driver days and even work with your itinerary to advise on best times to leave, saving you the hassle and the stress. Build a relationship with your chauffeur company in London, for airport transfers or long distance journeys they can advise you best.


Final Thoughts


There are many ways to make your business trip less stressful. If you follow these tips, you'll have a less stressful time, no matter what time of year you travel. Christmas days are indeed busy everywhere, so commuting can be frustrating.


However, there are wonderful solutions to make it all happen faster, more comfortably, and for a more optimal price. Therefore, think carefully about booking a private chauffeur London shopping tour or even your long distance rides and then plan all your business and private activities such as shopping on New Bond Street, Bicester village chauffeur driven or even a guided tour in London accompanied by a chauffeur. We are sure you will find a way to get the most out of this trip and combine the meetings with some shopping in the afternoon and good entertainment in the evening.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"Visit as many London Christmas shopping locations as possible, using the most convenient chauffeur companies for that. Don't miss any hot spots this season.",metaTiltle:"London Chauffeur Transfers for Christmas Shopping",date:new Date(2022,10,25),synopsis:"Christmas time is near, and people are already getting excited about travelling around Europe. If you decide to visit London this year, do not miss the vibrant Christmas markets, and plan your shopping days ahead. And we must say it sounds like an exceptional idea to spend a few days in London during the Holiday season. This city is exceptional, and it gets even more beautiful during Christmas. While locals know the city pretty well, tourists may need some assistance, especially if coming for the first time. If you travel by plane, you will probably arrive at some of the London airports, like Heathrow or Gatwick. It depends on where you come from and how your city is connected to London. But what to do after you arrive?",slug:"london chauffeur transfers for christmas shopping",titleFull:"Benefits of Using London Airport Chauffeur Transfers This Christmas",details:"\n

Christmas time is near, and people are already getting excited about travelling around Europe. If you decide to visit London this year, do not miss the vibrant Christmas markets, and plan your shopping days ahead. And we must say it sounds like an exceptional idea to spend a few days in London during the Holiday season.


This city is exceptional, and it gets even more beautiful during Christmas. While locals know the city pretty well, tourists may need some assistance, especially if coming for the first time. If you travel by plane, you will probably arrive at some of the London airports, like Heathrow or Gatwick. It depends on where you come from and how your city is connected to London. But what to do after you arrive?

\n \"Christmas\n

Probably the first thing that pops into your mind is using a taxi or public transport. But we have a better solution for you, to enhance the festive mood. Can you imagine a luxury airport transfer solution, meeting you at the terminal? You can plan your arrival and stay from day one until you leave London. The private transfers may also come in handy when you plan on your Christmas shopping in London. You have so many places to visit, and relying on public transport may not be the most convenient solution.


After you decide where to go Christmas shopping in London, you have to plan the whole thing and see how close are the stores you want to visit. That's the only way to feel the festive magic without being stressed due to buses being late or taxis not arriving on time.


We all know how easy it is to ruin someone's Christmas, and you don't want to end up in that situation. That's why you need a strong partner, which would be an airport chauffeur service to take you from one spot to another.


This way, you won't miss any precious minute of your Christmas London time, and you surely will visit as many stores and markets as possible. With a great London chauffeur company by your side, you can squeeze in more activities in a day because there won't be delays of any kind.


And now that we have resolved the transport issue, let's see what are the best places to go Christmas shopping in London:


1. Liberty


Liberty is one of the most incredible shops in London during the whole year, not just at Christmas time. You can buy so many house decor items and haute couture pieces while wandering around the colourful building.


This shopping centre was opened in 1875 and looks much different than today. But if you visit Liberty this year, you will find an intimate, cosy corner with so many shopping options for visitors. You can find outstanding gifts for your friends and family, from home decor brands to cosmetics and fashion.


2. Covent Garden


When in London for Christmas, you must visit Covent Garden. You can take exceptional Instagram photos here and find the country's most giant Christmas tree. When we say London is magical during the holidays, we indeed think about Covent Gardens and all those shiny chandeliers. But what to shop for there?


You can find so many drugstores and premium brands in the beauty corner. You can buy yourself a fragrance or get an excellent deal for the makeup set you have been looking at for days. Covent Garden is located in London's West End, so probably you'll need a transfer service you trust. And the best thing is that you can plan your whole time here because your pickup is already scheduled. Can you imagine a more convenient way to experience the ultimate London Christmas spirit?


3. Knightsbridge London


We suggest visiting the Knightsbridge area if you want a dash of glamour during your Christmas shopping in London. It's an exclusive place where you can find so many luxurious brands, clothes, and cosmetics. Also, the food corner is full of tasty foods, making your Christmas experience even more special. Just be careful because this is not a place for those on a budget. But if you are not afraid of this year's Christmas shopping offers in London, then Knightsbridge must be on your bucket list.


4. Penhaligon's Fragrant Experience


Penhaligon's is the most anticipated luxury fragrance house from England. They were creating perfumes for Queen Victoria and many other royalties. Today, this is a popular niche brand, but the experience is available for every customer, even though the brand holds two Royal Warrants.


Can you imagine arriving at their store with your chauffeur company's car, and choosing an excellent fragrance for yourself? And do you know what's even better? You can book a night in the Dukes London Hotel and try some of Penhaligon's products before you decide what to buy. We can assure you that this unique shop is one of the best places for Christmas shopping in London, and every perfume is worth the money.


5. London Christmas Markets


This is the ultimate outdoor Christmas experience. When we say London is a fairytale during the festive season, we really think that. Can you imagine one of the most beautiful cities in the world full of Christmas lights, food, decorations, and happy people around?


The London Christmas market is one of the best holiday experiences you can have in your life. Apart from luxurious shopping centres and boutiques, the Market is open to everyone. That means you can find many affordable items and surprise your friends and relatives when you get home.

\n \"London\n

Or maybe you'll want to stay in England forever, so you won't miss any of the further Christmas shopping breaks in London. No matter how many days you stay in London, don't miss the Christmas Market. At least you will have so many beautiful photos for your Instagram feed, many will be jealous of them.


6. Carnaby


Carnaby is a vibrant London location with so many colourful Christmas decorations. It's perfect for walking alone or together with your friends. The street is attractive for both locals and visitors, and we must say that the lights make the whole experience of your Christmas shopping extraordinary.


If you aren't into shopping, you can surely find some beautiful restaurants or cosy coffee places to spend your afternoon there. And don't miss out on the music and comedy shows, especially if you want to have fun, whether alone or together with someone else.


7. Old Spitalfields Market


This is a vintage and spiritual market for your out-of-the-box idea for the ultimate Christmas shopping in London. This is the right place for you if you love vintage and handcrafted clothes and decor items. We can't say it's the most luxurious London experience, but it indeed is quite unique and, of course, very attractive for your social media feed.


8. Oxford Street


While in London, you don't want to miss the Oxford Street Christmas shopping experience. This street is accessible through many means, including private and public transport vehicles. It's up to you to choose what kind of experience you want at this point.


And while many of the described places are high-end and quite expensive, Oxford street offers so many affordable shops for everyone. It's one of the places you must visit during Christmas shopping in London, and at least take a photo of the breathtaking lighting over your head.


9. Coal Drops Yard near King's Cross


King's Cross is a well-known place in London. It's the train station you've seen in \"Harry Potter\" movies. While you don't need to cross brick walls to enter the magical world, you will surely experience something similar.


The Coal Drops Yard is full of top-notch shops and offers entertaining activities for every visitor. You only have to be careful about the opening hours, because, during winter, it works from 10 am to 7 pm during the working days and Saturday, while on Sunday you will have to wait until noon to open and leave before 6 pm. Even though it seems like the time slot is pretty tight, you can easily resolve this with a great chauffeur company and arrive everywhere on time.


10. Columbia Road Flower Market


This is an exceptional place if you want to skip the busy locations. The flower market is literally magical during the holiday season. You can find many houseplants and fresh bouquets but enjoy the vintage shopping experience.


The Columbia Road Flower Market features plenty of nice and cosy spots to have your lunch or drink a cup of tea. Even though it's not the most adventurous place to visit during the festive season, you will surely want to experience something more unique from your London trip.


When to Visit London for Christmas Shopping?

\n \"London\n

The Christmas spirit comes to London at the beginning of November. All brands, stores, malls, and restaurants are getting ready for the upcoming festive season. Many of them need to organise and host events, so it becomes quite challenging to avoid the crowd. Tourists usually arrive in the second half of November. Until New Year, London is full of visitors who want to feel the magic of this city during Christmas.


Our suggestion is to book your plane tickets and airport pickup chauffeur service on time. It can get jam-packed as Christmas approaches, and you may miss your chance to have the time of your life in London.


We can't decide which is the best place for Christmas shopping in London, but we know you will need a London airport chauffeur to get to your hotel. And maybe the transfer company will have interesting suggestions for your holiday experience. These can range from daily chauffeur driven tours, visits to historical sites Stonehenge, Bath, Windsor chauffeur driven with a tour guide upon request or even a chauffeur driven shopping tour around London. You only have to ask them, and they may plan a route for you, which is even better than doing it yourself.


Interesting London Christmas Shopping Tips


The best thing about travelling to London for Christmas is that you don't really have to spend a lot of money. Many activities are for free or will cost you just a few pounds. For example, you can visit Selfridges, even if you don't buy anything from the stores. It's enough just to feel the magnificent Christmas spirit or even maybe take a few photos for your social media profiles.


Another exciting thing you can do is the royal display and Christmas lights honouring the late Queen Elizabeth. She passed away earlier his year, so we expect that this year's Christmas will honour her in so many ways.


And if you don't feel like shopping, you can always take short walks through the busiest London streets, or even find some calm corners to enjoy there. You can't do anything wrong, no matter if you want a calm or shiny and luxurious experience. It's up to you to decide what you want to visit and then plan your Christmas London trip.


Our Final Thoughts


When you plan Christmas shopping in London, you must be aware that the city can be quite crowded. So, if your idea of London is a shiny and calm place, you probably have to find another part of the year to visit it. Keep in mind that things can get really busy during the holiday season, just like every other place on Earth.


On the other hand, if you want to get the most out of your London shopping experience, you have to plan the whole time ahead. But it's so easy to do that nowadays. You have so many listings and suggestions, useful tips, and of course, an option to hire a private chauffeur company with a personal driver in london, short or long term chauffeur hire in London, don't miss any London Christmas spots this year.


Anyway, don't forget to have at least one Royal experience, drink a refreshing tea in the afternoon, and spend quality hours in the brightest shopping malls. London is one of those places you always want to come back to. And we are sure you will have plenty of chances for that. Until that moment, you need to prepare for the best and most unique shopping experience you may have during Christmas.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"The best pet-friendly London chauffeur service. Book a ride, and make sure your pet is always comfortable while travelling. Available for long-term trips too.",metaTiltle:"Travelling With Pets Using London Chauffeur Services",date:new Date(2022,9,31),synopsis:"Travelling with pets is challenging and unpredictable, so planning ahead is recommended. Sometimes, no matter how long and hard we plan these things, issues happen, and we must deal with them immediately. That's why many pet owners consider hiring private transfer services to ensure comfortable and convenient travel. If you need to bring your pet to the UK, you have to meet a few requirements. The pet must be microchipped, vaccinated, and don't forget to bring their passport or health certificate. Depending on where you come from, you may need to meet different rules and requirements. Make sure you check on the rules and laws before you enter the UK.",slug:"travelling with pets using london chauffeur services",titleFull:"Travelling with Pets Abroad: How to Ensure the Most Comfortable Travel of Your Furry Friends",details:"\n

Travelling with pets is challenging and unpredictable, so planning ahead is recommended. Sometimes, no matter how long and hard we plan these things, issues happen, and we must deal with them immediately. That's why many pet owners consider hiring private transfer services to ensure comfortable and convenient travel.

\n \"Dog\n

If you need to bring your pet to the UK, you have to meet a few requirements. The pet must be microchipped, vaccinated, and don't forget to bring their passport or health certificate. Depending on where you come from, you may need to meet different rules and requirements. Make sure you check on the rules and laws before you enter the UK.


When travelling with pets abroad, you must take care of their comfort first. If you have all the documents needed for the trip, you need to research how you can transport your cat, dog, or any other pet you own. Then, check if the travel company is pet friendly. Sometimes, pet owners struggle with this one and decide to hire long distance chauffeur services. It's a better and more convenient way than public transport solutions. If you need to go on a trip together with your fluffy friend, and you are stressed and anxious about that, we have a few suggestions on how to reduce that feeling.


What Do You Need to Know About Travelling With Your Pets?


Laws about travelling with your pets vary from one country to another. In general, travelling with pets to Europe is regulated by EU policies, but every country may have different laws. For your long-distance trips to the UK, you must check which countries you will enter and how they regulate travelling with pets.


If you travel by plane, you need to learn about the airports and flying companies' pet travelling rules. If you decide to take the Eurotunnel Shuttle, you have to check on the travelling with pets' Eurotunnel regulations. For example, even if you travel to the UK, which is not a part of the European Union, you still need an EU Pet Passport to enter the shuttle. The rules about microchips, vaccinations against rabies, and detailed veterinarian checks apply here too. Dogs must get a tapeworm treatment 1-5 days before the trip.


Are All Pets Allowed to Enter the UK Following the Main Rules?


In general, all the rules we mentioned are about cats, dogs, and ferrets. But many people own birds, rodents, exotic pets, or even reptiles. In that case, the owner needs an import permit for travelling with pets to Europe.

\n \"Dog\n

Also, if you travel from the UK to another European country or Northern Ireland, you need a valid travel document for the pet. To avoid messing with something, you need to check every rule that applies to pet transports, depending on where you come from or where you go.


Why Can Private Chauffeur Services be a Good Choice?


When travelling with your pet, you must pay attention to their comfort. They need to have access to food and water, even though a transporter is recommended. Some exceptions may apply depending on the breed.


The London-based chauffeur services offer pet transfers throughout the UK and outside of it. Additionally, here are a few tips on how to make the whole experience even more comfortable for you and your pet:


1. Make Copies of All The Important Documents


We mentioned a lot of documents, and having copies results in so much paper inside your bag. But that's what you need in order to make the trip more secure. Before you start the trip, make a copy of the health certificate, vaccination document, and passport. Put them in a bag, and always have the files handy in case you lose the originals.


2. Make Your Pet Comfortable


Travelling with pets to Europe can be a real struggle for them. We all know cats dislike driving in a car, so putting them in a transporter is a must. Dogs may enjoy flying and driving, but sometimes they get too excited about it. Ferrets often sleep for hours, but they may be playful when awake.


Chauffeur services are convenient and offer the best conditions for your pet. Knowing that flying with your four-legged pal can be exhausting, maybe it's better to give a chance to private transfers instead of using public buses or taxis for that purpose.


3. Look For Companies That Offer Pet Transfers


Some transport companies have strong policies against travelling with pets, so owners need to give up on the idea of taking their friends with them or use some other solution. Luckily, some chauffeur services saw the advantage of offering pet transfers in the UK and Europe. Every company comes with rules and policies that pet owners must respect.


This type of service makes many things easier. As a client, you only need to provide the needed information and tell them that you travel with a pet. After that, you will receive a quote and book your complete chauffeur service.


4. You Don't Need to Leave Your Pal's Side


Pets find travelling pretty stressful. Sometimes, planes have separate cabins for them. It results in sad and disturbed pets, which we don't really want to happen. Many people choose flights that allow pets in the cabin when they are in a transporter or properly tied close to the owner.


Having the pet by your side is less stressful for you both. You can comfort them when they feel bad, or they can do the same for you. Private travel hire services ensure you get to the location safely with your four-legged friends.


5. Always Use a Transporter

\n \"Simber\n

Whether you travel with pets to Europe or locally, you should use a transporter for them. Regarding cats and ferrets, things are pretty easy because they fit even in the smallest one. On the other hand, dogs may need pretty big transporters or additional measures like wearing a harness or a mask over their snout.


Why do you Need to do This?

\n \"Dog\n

Cats want stable ground, and travelling is disturbing for them. We are sure you don't want your pet to escape. Ferrets are always playful, but they are also flexible enough to release themselves and also escape. Dogs usually love travelling, but some breeds or mixed breeds tend to jump a lot, eventually hurting themselves.


This is another reason to use a transporter or cage, even if you've booked a private chauffeur service. When it comes to exotic pets, rodents, reptiles, and birds, you need to follow the general rules and policies about travelling and provide all needed documents. Even when you use private transfers, you must keep them safe and ensure they are always comfortable with their surroundings.


Final Thoughts


Pets are our family, and we must take care of them while travelling, the same way we do at home. Travelling with pets to Europe can be challenging, difficult, and complicated, but in the end, it's worth all the struggle and effort. Try to think of it as making core memories and creating unique experiences for them.


And the only way to do that is to provide comfort, safe and reliable transfers. Check the rules about travelling with pets, and make sure you book a pet-friendly chauffeur service on time. If you have any questions regarding long distance pet travel, travelling abroad with your pet, using a chauffeur driven services for eurotunnel pet travel please contact Simber Chauffeur Services who will be happy to talk to you through the process.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"If you book a full day chauffeur service while in London, you get plenty of chances to explore the whole city or visit beautiful places outside of it.",metaTiltle:"Things to do in London with a Chauffeur By Your Side",date:new Date(2022,9,25),synopsis:"If you are travelling for the first time to London, you may want to discover all the available transport options, besides the well-known buses and the taxi service. Can you imagine a whole day of adventures accompanied by a chauffeur? London has always been famous for its red buses to its iconic black cabs, the capital of England offers something for everyone. The streets of London are often packed with tourists from around the globe, as well as locals looking for their next adventure.",slug:"everything you can do with a full day chauffeur by your side in london",titleFull:"Everything You Can Do with a Full Day Chauffeur by Your Side in London",details:"\n

If you are travelling for the first time to London, you may want to discover all the available transport options, besides the well-known buses and the taxi service. Can you imagine a whole day of adventures accompanied by a chauffeur?


London has always been famous for its red buses to its iconic black cabs, the capital of England offers something for everyone. The streets of London are often packed with tourists from around the globe, as well as locals looking for their next adventure.

\n \"Autumn\n

Booking a long term chauffeur is one of the most popular ways to explore this city. There are several reasons why booking a car with a professional driver is better than travelling alone or with friends, like:

  • You get access to exclusive areas of London
  • \n
  • You don't have to worry about parking or traffic
  • \n
  • Enjoy a comfortable ride to and from airports and railway stations
  • \n
  • Have peace of mind knowing that everything is taken care of
  • \n
  • Save money by avoiding expensive taxis and paid parking lots
  • \n
  • Avoid crowds and enjoy a stress-free journey
  • \n
  • Feel safe and secure
  • \n

When looking for full day chauffeur hire, you must know that it's crucial to book the service as early as possible, so you can get precisely what you need. London has always been one of the top tourist destinations, but not everyone loves the busy public transport.


Also, private chauffeur companies can take you on any all-day-long adventure you love and even stop for you if you want to visit something before you arrive at your preferred destination. Hiring a full-time driver will give you access to luxury services, such as private tours, sightseeing, shopping, dinner reservations, etc.


Is the idea of hiring a full day chauffeur appealing to you? If yes, we have a list of things you can do that way:


1. Getting a Luxurious Chauffeured Experience


There is nothing better than a long and comfortable trip. This way, you won't care if it rains or it's cold. When booking a chauffeur car service, you hope to enjoy the luxury of having a driver taking care of everything while you have the time of your life.

\n \"Simber\n

If you're visiting London for business, getting a full day chauffeur hire allows you to explore the city and the surroundings. Also, the drivers are trained to provide the best service to all the customers. Another thing about hiring a chauffeur car is that they have a variety of vehicles to choose from. Do you love limousines, town cars, SUVs, vans, or classic cars?


2. Go Sightseeing

\n \"London\n

If you want to explore London without worrying about traffic jams and parking issues, then using a full day chauffeur hire is probably your best option. A chauffeur car makes exploring the city more effortless than ever before.


You can hop inside a private vehicle and travel wherever you wish. Sometimes you can even visit places that are usually out of reach by bus. At this point, you can plan a whole-day excursion around the city. Make sure you visit the British Museum and see antiquities from all around the world, and then move to the Tower of London and see why this mediaeval castle is loved by many.


Don't miss Buckingham Palace, which is now even more popular as we have a King for the first time in 70 years. Indeed, the London Eye is a must, just like the Natural History Museum and the well-known St. Paul's Cathedral.


If you want more royal-related visits, you can go to Victoria and Albert Museum and then visit the National Gallery. The Tower Bridge is another witness of the Victorian Era and probably the most iconic part of the whole city. These and many other things are available to you with just a few clicks, and a personal chauffeur is provided.


3. You Won't Miss Any Major Event


When planning a vacation to London, it is important to check if there are some events during your stay. Some of them only occur once a year, making them impossible to attend unless you live in the area. But if you take advantage of this one, you can easily find out which events will happen while you stay in London.


For example, if you travel in August, you don't want to miss Notting Hill Carnival. But, if you are more of a winter person, you can visit the Hogwarts in the Snow experience at Warner Bros. Studio from mid-November to Mid January. During the same period, you will find exceptional Christmas markets all around the city, but you also have an adventure in the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park.


If you travel at the end of October, you can attend many Halloween-related parties in London. Every day, you can see the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. Still, you need to wait for the following summer for the Palace to open for tourists.


If January is your choice, you can use your chauffeur transfer to attend a few Chinese New Year parties in London. There are so many events you can attend. You only need to combine your trip with a full day chauffeur hire to get the most out of it.

\n \"London\n

4. Excursions Outside the City


If you love day trips and long rides, you can take advantage of some of these suggestions:


Windsor Castle

\n \"Flowering\n

An excellent way for a more royal experience, It's just about 30 kilometres from London city centre, and it was one of the castles the late Queen loved so much. This castle has belonged to the Royal Family for more than 900 years. The St George's Chapel is close to Windsor Castle. That's the place where the Queen was buried, together with her closest family.



\n \"Stonehenge.\"/\n

This mystical place is one of the tourists' favourites. It's estimated that it was built more than 5,000 years ago. No one knows the original purpose, but still, people love these stone circles and their size. To visit Stonehenge, you can take a bus, or we even suggest a full day chauffeur hire. That way, you have enough time to combine it with the Windsor experience and even go to Oxford to extend the pleasure.




You can't go to the UK without even checking on Oxford. This is a popular university town, but it also offers many other popular restaurants, churches, cathedrals, landmarks, and great architecture. While here, go to Hertford Bridge, which reminds you of Venice's Bridge of Sighs. You can combine it with the Windsor and Stonehenge visits in one day, with a chauffeur service by your side.


We also suggest visiting Stratford-upon-Avon (the birthplace of Shakespeare), then Hampton Court Palace, Cambridge and its surroundings, Canterbury Cathedral, and Blenheim Palace. Bear in mind that companies such as Simber Chauffeur Services organise tour guides to travel with you and the chauffeur in the vehicle if requested. This experience of history can\u2019t be topped.


5. Travel Safe all-day Long


While travelling, safety must be your number one priority. Hiring a chauffeur means that you no longer need to worry about crossing roads, walking down dark alleys, or navigating busy streets. Daily life in busy cities can be pretty stressful, but when you have a private chauffeur by your side, all those things are more straightforward.


While driving, professional chauffeurs pay attention to what is happening around them, giving you peace of mind. During that time, you can check on the closest places to visit, plan the rest of the day, or even try to plan what you will do tomorrow in London.


6. Arrive on Time Everywhere you go


If you need to attend some event or corporate meeting, you don't want to be late for that. The best about chauffeur car hire is that you are free to choose the start point and get taken to the exact location you need to visit. This way, you won't be late or miss something important. Having a full day chauffeur hire available, you can surely use all the benefits of balancing between activities and have more time to relax and rest.


7. Have Fun all the Time


If you need to wait for the bus or spend hours at train stations, you indeed won't have much fun. It's an exciting experience, but it's not for short visits. Leave that adventure for the next time, when you have more time to explore the public transport options.


The last thing you want to do while travelling is spend all day sitting in a cramped train station or bus terminal. Fortunately, hiring a chauffeur lets you avoid those unpleasant situations. We just suggest you book the chauffeur service on time, so you can have the convenience and flexibility of planning your trip the way you want.


The Bottom Line


With chauffeur services, you can plan your days in advance. No matter if you prefer the ultimate London sightseeing experience or visiting the surroundings, you are getting the complete service you pay for. We are here to ensure you have all the activities included in your daily trips but also to suggest to you where to go and what to visit during your daily journey. When you have a chauffeur by your side, there is no London spot inaccessible to you. The only thing you need to take care of is to relax in the comfortable seats while we handle the rest for you.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"If you are in doubt about what to do in London in Autumn, we have some nice suggestions for you. Don't forget to book a chauffeur service to get most of it.",metaTiltle:"What to do in London in Autumn Using Chauffeur Service?",date:new Date(2022,9,20),synopsis:"London is often called the city of cities. And it has a reputation for being the epicentre of culture, fashion, art, music, food, and nightlife. In addition, it's the most important financial centre in Europe and home to the headquarters of some of the biggest companies in the world. London is full of cultural attractions and historical landmarks. The city is also known for its diverse cuisine, vibrant arts scene, and thriving nightlife. So, if you are planning to stay in London this autumn, make sure you book some of the best hotel concierge services to take you from the airport. You can even plan a tourist trip to the UK in the next few months since there are so many things to do.",slug:"things to do in london in autumn with a chauffeur service",titleFull:"What to do in London in Autumn: 10 Places to Visit Using a Chauffeur Service",details:"\n

If you love to experience the changing seasons, then visiting London during autumn is ideal. The weather is usually pleasant, there are fewer crowds, and some of the city's famous attractions are open until late at night.


London is often called the city of cities. And it has a reputation for being the epicentre of culture, fashion, art, music, food, and nightlife. In addition, it's the most important financial centre in Europe and home to the headquarters of some of the biggest companies in the world.


London is full of cultural attractions and historical landmarks. The city is also known for its diverse cuisine, vibrant arts scene, and thriving nightlife. It also has an incredible array of festivals and events throughout the year. If you don't get enough opportunities to enjoy them during the warmer months, then autumn is definitely the time to experience them.


The weather starts cooling off, allowing you to explore outdoor activities such as walking, hiking, cycling, and even wine tasting. If you prefer staying indoors, then it's also the perfect season to go see live theatre performances or attend music concerts at some of the city's renowned venues.


So, if you are planning to stay in London this autumn, make sure you book some of the best hotel concierge services to take you from the airport. You can even plan a tourist trip to the UK in the next few months since there are so many things to do. Those who have been there will claim that London is a great city to visit every time of the year, even during the rainy season. When you use London airport chauffeur services, a little rain won't be a problem for sure. So, if you are asking what to do in London in autumn, we have some suggestions for you.


1. Visit Kew Gardens


Kew Gardens are also known as Royal Botanic Gardens, with an impressive 250-year long tradition of existence. Many royal family members adored the gardens, including King George III. There is a beautiful glasshouse that was completely renovated in 2018.


The Gardens include examples of some of the earliest cultivated plants, such as apple trees and camellias. Many other plantings are rare or endangered, so it's worth paying a visit if you are a botanic enthusiast.


It's a great place to visit during autumn since many of the species are at their best. It's estimated that about 12 million visitors come every year to visit the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew.


2. Attend London Cocktail Week


London Cocktail Week was first established in 2010 as an event for many cocktail makers and bartenders. But, it's also open to the usual visitors who enjoy drinking them. The event is scheduled for mid-October. So, you have plenty of time to plan the trip and discover the nearest accommodations to stay in. If you are asking what to do in London in autumn, and you enjoy delicious cocktails at the same time, this is the right event to visit.


During London Cocktail Week, you can buy a festival wristband, which you can use in more than 200 bars across the city. All these bars attend the event, and with the wristband, you can order some of their signature \xa37 cocktails and enjoy your night.


3. Enjoy the Surroundings of the Richmond Park


Richmond Park is recommended by many who have already visited this exceptional place. It's the largest of the Royal Parks, and the deers roam freely around. They live an extraordinary life now, knowing that this park was where Henry VIII had deer hunting parties. Things got better for the deers since then.


Today it's one of the most important wildlife conservation sites in the United Kingdom, following Charles I idea to create a natural and safe surrounding for the deers. Also, this park turns into an autumn colour splash, which makes the place even more colourful and dreamlike. We can say that you will feel like you are in a magical dreamlike land, almost feeling like a fairytale. Just make sure you keep a safe distance from the deers.


At this point, we must note that the entrance is free, but if you use the car, parking is not. Many visitors decide to use the private chauffeur services for a more comfortable and convenient Richmond Park visit.


4. Attend a Play by the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre


This is an open-air type of theatre, and it's available until October. You can see Shakespearean dramas performed by a professional team of actors. You only have to book the tickets on time and enjoy the old tales brought to life with an authentic interpretation.


You can learn a lot about the history of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, located on Bankside by the river of Thames. Depending on the area you stay in, you can choose to get there by train, taxi, bus, a long walk, or a chauffeur service you can book in advance.


5. Regent's Canal Cruise


If you feel extra romantic, especially if you want to experience a luxury honeymoon in London, you can consider the almost-Venice experience a great option. Regent's Canal connects the place known as Little Venice with Camden.


You have an option to hop up on a boat with your partner or cycle on the side path. The whole experience is exceptional, and the scenery is like it came out of a Disney movie. So, take that Regents Canal Boat Tour for a unique glimpse into London life at its finest. The boat offers guided tours, or you can hire your own private guide. It also provides a good view of the capital's famous sights and plenty of photo opportunities.


6. Learn More About Black History Month 2022 in London


We gave you a few great options, but if you still don't know what to do in London in Autumn, pay attention to this one. This year, October is all about Black communities' culture and history appreciation. It's dedicated to the impact the Black people have made in London and the whole country. You can visit the Museum of London Docklands to learn more about the sugar trade or learn the straight-out facts about Nigerian independence.


It's an appreciation of how things have changed for Black people throughout history and how far we are today. The festival was first established in 1987, and it features educational events, shows, memorial services, exhibitions, and talks that raise awareness.


7. Take Your Time in Greenwich Park


Greenwich Park is one of London's most famous parks and one of Britain's oldest royal parks. There are three lakes, playing fields, and plenty of wildlife to see, such as swans, rabbits, squirrels, deer, and birds like owls, blackbirds, and blue tits.


Autumn is a great time to visit Greenwich Park, but make sure you take a jacket with you because the climate conditions can be unpredictable. There are many ways to explore the beauty of Greenwich Park, whether you want to hike, run, ride a bike or simply stroll through the lush greenery. You can also enjoy the distant scent of chestnut threes. It's close to Deer Park, so don't be afraid if you see a deer close to you.


Additionally, you can find beautiful and cosy bars and enjoy the breathtaking views from there.


8. Ten Days of Cinema during the BFI London Film Festival


For film lovers, we have an exciting event to offer. During October, there is a 10-day film festival for everyone who enjoys this type of art. The festival features gala events, special presentations, and even premieres of some new movies. You can learn a lot about new TV shows and attend the LFF Awards to appreciate the worldwide movie industry.


In 2022, it would be held between 5-16 October.


9. Nunhead Cemetery


The Nunhead Cemetery is so ancient that it is almost taken over by nature and its surroundings. Still, it's great for those who enjoy the spooky season. Nunhead Cemetery has over 40,000 graves dating back from 1848. The burial ground was initially established by St Pancras Church in 1845 and later became part of the Victorian London Borough of Camden.


Visitors often leave messages of love and sympathy for their dead loved ones, hoping that the message will be delivered to them. This can be a creepy way to enjoy London during autumn days for some of you. But, knowing that Halloween spooky days will come soon, it's one of the best answers to the question of what to do in London in autumn.


10. Shop at the Borough Market


For those who enjoy delicious food and love to cook, Borough Market is most colourful during the autumn months. Even if you are not a great chef, you can still buy some vegetables and prepare warm soup for the rainy autumn days.


The Borough Market area was originally established as a fruit and vegetable market in the mid-19th century. Today, Borough Market is a bustling destination where visitors can enjoy quality gardening products and delicious street food.


Visiting Borough Market is a great way to experience London's vibrant culinary scene. From locally produced meat and cheese to artisan bread and chutneys, the range of treats is unparalleled. Also, the historical setting makes for a truly immersive dining experience. Schedule a private chauffeur drive as early as possible, so you won't miss the calm moments while you drink the delicious cup of coffee.


Why is a Chauffeur Service the Best way to Explore London During Autumn?


We all love travelling around the city during autumn, especially if we want to see some of England's stunning architecture. One thing that isn't often considered is the weather in London. But, it doesn't necessarily mean it will rain all the time. Even if it rains, there are many elegant solutions to stay dry and still visit the hidden corners and best places around.


London is known for its strong public transport network and many options to commute through the city. But, private chauffeur services are great during autumn because you can see incredible places you can't access by train or bus.


If you are still looking for more chauffeur service benefits, here are some of them:


You can use the Traveling Time to Relax


Instead of staying in a hotel room, or even using public transport you have the advantage of being driven through the city and enjoying the sights.


You Don't Worry About the Traffic


It's simple, someone else is taking care of it while you enjoy your time exploring London's gems.


Quality Time Spent in London


Tourists don't have much time to explore London properly. But chauffeur services can be pretty helpful with that. For those who don't know what to do in London in autumn, and even for those who exactly know what they want, chauffeur services and an drivers recommendation are an exceptional way to save time and get most of your trip.


Planning the Trip on Time


By booking your chauffeur transport, you can easily plan what to do and where to go. You can assign the service the exact pick-up time without worrying you will be late.


It's a convenient way to travel from the airport to the hotel and from the hotel to the most beautiful autumn locations. It may cost more than the usual public transport, but it's worth the experience!


No Traffic-Related Stress


When you're feeling stressed, you might start be rattled behind the wheel. Having a chauffeur means you can relax and enjoy your trip, knowing that someone else will handle any problems that arise. Also, you are not limited with the luggage you take, so there you go.


Final Thoughts


London is surely one of the destinations you would like to visit this fall. Even if you don't want to go to the events, the walks themselves are lovely and will fill you with energy and enthusiasm.


Using chauffeur services will only make your stay easier. You will manage to discover wonderful places that are generally not available to you. You may even decide to visit locations outside of the city, long distance travel, tours to Bath or Stonehenge even. Take advantage of this benefit and plan an autumn visit to one of the most beautiful European cities, remember for any transportation requirements you may have don\u2019t hesitate to contact Simber Chauffeur Services.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"Flying to London from Asian countries may include connected flights and airport transfers. Plan the trip ahead, so you can book everything you need on time.",metaTiltle:"Flying to London from Asia has Never Been This Easy",date:new Date(2022,9,10),synopsis:"London is accessible from many places around the world, mostly by plane. If you are in Asia and you plan a trip to London, there are a few ways to have it all settled on time. First, you need to check if your city or other cities in your country are directly connected to London. If yes, it's easy to check the available flights, compare the prices, and decide which one to take. Also, we need to know that some countries are parts of Europe and Asia, and also Armenia and Cyprus are politically parts of Europe, while geographically, they belong to Asia. Some cities in Turkey are geographically in Asia. Also, we need to note that countries like Azerbaijan and Georgia also belong to Europe and Asia. In general, more prominent and economically strong countries like China, Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong are easily connected to the United Kingdom, and travellers can land in London using one flight or connecting flights if needed.",slug:"flying to london from asia everything you need to know",titleFull:"Flying to London from Asian Countries: Your A-Z Landing and Travel Guide",details:"\n

London is accessible from many places around the world, mostly by plane. If you are in Asia and you plan a trip to London, there are a few ways to have it all settled on time. First, you need to check if your city or other cities in your country are directly connected to London. If yes, it's easy to check the available flights, compare the prices, and decide which one to take. Also, we need to know that some countries are parts of Europe and Asia, and also Armenia and Cyprus are politically parts of Europe, while geographically, they belong to Asia. Some cities in Turkey are geographically in Asia. Also, we need to note that countries like Azerbaijan and Georgia also belong to Europe and Asia.


In general, more prominent and economically strong countries like China, Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong are easily connected to the United Kingdom, and travellers can land in London using one flight or connecting flights if needed.


London AirportsLondon has a few main airports, but also smaller ones. But, in general, most commercial flights arrive at:

  • Heathrow Airport
  • \n
  • London City Airport
  • \n
  • Luton Airport
  • \n
  • Gatwick Airport
  • \n
  • Stansted Airport
  • \n
  • Farnborough Airport
  • \n
  • Biggin Hill
  • \n

Travellers mostly choose the most affordable or the quickest flights. But, knowing that Asian countries are distant, all these flights may last for hours. Still, flying to London is not as difficult as it seems because the city is connected with direct flights to many destinations worldwide.


Some of the airports we mentioned are not close to London's centre, so you may need additional transfers to your hotel or preferred destination. You can always book a train or hire an executive transfer. Sometimes travellers take a taxi, or book meet-and-greet services, depending on what they can afford at that moment.


That's why we are giving this ultimate flying to London guide to all Asian passengers who may need next-level chauffeur transfers from the airport to their hotel or accommodation.




When travelling from Beijing, China, to the United Kingdom, you have options to arrive directly at London City Airport, Heathrow, or Stansted. Also, you have additional options to arrive at Luton or Gatwick and then take a train or use London executive airport transfers to get you to your hotel or accommodation.


The price of the flight depends on the time of the year and the airport arriving. On the other hand, the cost of your luxury ride London is often fixed. There can be some exceptions if you arrive in other British cities like Manchester, Leeds, Edinburgh, etc., and you need a chauffeur service to London.


There is a direct flight from Wuhan to London Heathrow too, and also from Xinyang Minggang to Heathrow. You can travel from Chongqing to Heathrow, London City Airport, Gatwick, and Luton, and from Chengdu to Heathrow and Gatwick.


So, it's up to you to estimate the closest airport and see which price fits your requirements too. Flying to London has never been easier, knowing that you have available chauffeur services there.




When travelling from Japan to the United Kingdom, you have a few options for departure and arrival. In general, Tokyo is well connected to London and other bigger British cities. Your trip can start from Tokyo Haneda or Tokyo Narita. There is also one line from Chubu Centrair to London City Airport.


If you travel from Tokyo Haneda, you can get to Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted. Also, you can choose to arrive in Manchester or Birmingham and then use some of the London airport chauffeur services for long-distance travelling.


If Tokyo Narita is the one closest to your location, you can arrive at London Heathrow or at London City Airport. Indeed, flights are available from Osaka to London and Yokohama. Even though Japan is an island country, it offers many options to those who want to visit England and have an enjoyable time there. Knowing all these things, you can easily plan your trip on time without delays or missed trains and buses.


Hong Kong


Hong Kong travellers have a few options for flying to London. They can choose the Hong Kong International Airport as starting point or even Shenzhen Baoan Airport. Both of them are directly connected to Heathrow. Additionally, the Hong Kong International Airport has flights to London City Airport, Gatwick, and Luton.


Make sure you check the connected flights to know what to expect from your trip. That also makes flying to London much easier, because you know what you need to do immediately after your arrival.




We all know about the popular Changi airport in Singapore. It's one of the most beautiful places in the world, offering many options for private and commercial flights. The second well-known airport is Seletar, which is not as popular as Changi. Most of the options for flying to London are Changi Airport, which offers flights to Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton, and London City Airport.


Depending on your arrival, you can make plans for airport transfers and public transport options. Many travellers decide to take a longer route with connected flights or arrive in other British cities than using executive transfers, so they can save some money. Asian flights to Europe are not really affordable, so travellers must plan every step, including their comfort as they arrive.




Malaysia has a few airports, too, with many flights available worldwide. You can start your trip in Kuala Lumpur or George Town. Also, many Malaysian travellers go to Singapore by bus, so they can start the journey from Changi Airport. It's usually about a few hours trip, but many find it more convenient to travel from Singapore since it's close to Malaysia. Surely, that option is more time-consuming, and there can be changes in the transfer and unexpected connections.


Luckily, Kuala Lumpur Airport covers most of the London airports, so travellers don't need to worry about anything. It's only essential to book the flight on time because London is a pretty popular destination. Upon your arrival, you have to decide which transportation options you will use there, so you won't have to wait for a taxi or bus. Many people choose direct airport chauffeur transfers to have a comfortable trip all around London and the UK.


South Korea


South Korea has a few commercial airports, but Incheon International Airport is the most popular and well-connected one. It's close to the city of Incheon. There is also another international airport named Gimpo, which is based in Seoul. Gimhae Airport is also an option if you live in or near Busan.


Flying to London has never been easier, having all these direct and connected flights. It's up to you to decide which way works better for you. Also, check on the London transfer options because you can book meet-and-greet services or an airport shuttle bus to take you to your destination.




India is also well-connected to the rest of the world. You can choose to start your trip from Delhi Airport but also from Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Mumbai, or Hyderabad. Some of these flights are shorter, others are connected and cheaper, and the choice depends on what you exactly need from your trip There are regular daily flights, so flying to London from India has never been easier and more convenient.


Just like every other option, you can choose to arrive in a city other than London and explore the surroundings. You can go on an adventure using the public transport option or hire private airport transfers to get you to the wished destination.




Israel is relatively closer than the other destinations we mentioned before. Most of the flights to London start from Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport, the country's major one. There is also another commercial airport which is known as Ramon Airport. The whole name is Ilan and Asaf Ramon Airport, and it was opened in 2019. There are not many flights to Europe there, so we suggest using the Tel Aviv airport for your London trip.


Just like the other options, you can book your airport bus shuttle or private chauffeur service to take you to your accommodation.


Reasons to use Airport Executive Transfers When Flying to London from Asian Countries


Everyone wants a comfortable trip, especially when they can afford luxurious and private transfer services. London has many airports, but not all are close to the city's centre. That's why travellers decide to use executive transportation and chauffeur services for more convenient and comfortable commuting.


Executive airport transfers have become quite common these days. There are many reasons to choose them, including:


Enjoy a Comfortable Ride


Airport transfers offer premium vehicles for hire. Each vehicle is equipped with air-conditioning and everything a tired passenger needs until they arrive at the hotel. That way, you can stay comfortable and relaxed the entire time you travel.


Experience Something new


If you're looking for the best way to explore a place, then consider booking an airport transfer. Not only will you get to experience the city, but you'll also get to meet locals who live there. Most trips include local guides who speak the language and give you tips on where to eat, drink, shop, and play.


Saves a lot of time


Travelling from Asian countries to London can be exhausting. Planes are undoubtedly comfortable, but flying to London may take a whole day until you arrive, depending on where you come from. Most passengers are more likely to choose executive transfers, so they can save a lot of time upon arrival.


You Won't Miss Anything


With an executive airport transfer, you don't have to worry about missing out on any important dates or events. You'll enjoy the comfort of a vehicle instead of sitting in traffic while you wait to leave. Plus, parking is no worry since it will already be taken care of.


Convenience is key


No matter what time you leave to catch your flight back home, you can rely on your driver to be ready when you are. In addition, you don't have to worry about whether or not your luggage will fit in the trunk. Even if it doesn't, the driver will ensure you travel comfortably by bringing extra room for your bags.


When booking an airport transfer service, don't forget to check whether they provide baggage handling and security clearance. It's not the key factor to decide who to hire, but it's good to be aware of your options.


Comfort is Guaranteed


While travelling in a car isn't exactly relaxing for all, but your chauffeur can try to make it as relaxing as possible. It is certainly a lot easier to sit back and relax in a nice plush seat compared to a cramped-in space in a train or bus. Once you board your private vehicle, you'll feel right at home.


No Stress and Tiredness


Many people don't even sleep the night before the flight. For Asian travellers, that can be an exhausting thing to do because of how long the flight lasts. Taking an airport transfer will allow you to rest comfortably and avoid jet lag.


Also, when you fly, you're always worried about whether you forgot something at home or if you'll make it to your destination on time. An airport transfer takes away that anxiety, letting you focus on enjoying your trip instead of worrying about how you're going to get there.


Final Words


Airport transfers were often overlooked as part of a comprehensive travel package, but things changed for them recently. They offer a convenient way to get to and from airports, hotels, and other destinations without worrying about driving or public transport. When booking an executive transfer when flying to London from Asia, you need to know what services it includes. You may think about it as a private car waiting for you, but it's much more.


These include executive chauffeur hire, airport pick-ups, long distance travel, limousine service as some would say and can even be linked with tours around the United Kingdom. For any type of trip, whether domestic or international, you can count on Simber Chauffeur Services to provide a reliable and professional service. They also provide comfortable vehicles for your comfort and convenience and offer competitive rates. Get in touch for more information.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"A standard sightseeing tour in London, consisting of a group of tourists with a predetermined schedule, is not the best option for tourists who are interested in having an authentic experience while visiting London or the United Kingdom. We can arrange private chauffeur tours jam-packed with activities, where your personal chauffeur accompanied with a tour guide can show you around the city while providing views of the most important landmarks and attractions. Any VIP tour London is truly the pinnacle of opulence for vacationers who crave a little bit of pampering during their time away from home.",metaTiltle:"What Does a Perfect VIP Tour London Wide Include?",date:new Date(2022,7,2),synopsis:"A standard sightseeing tour in London, consisting of a group of tourists with a predetermined schedule, is not the best option for tourists who are interested in having an authentic experience while visiting London or the United Kingdom. We can arrange private chauffeur tours jam-packed with activities, where your personal chauffeur accompanied with a tour guide can show you around the city while providing views of the most important landmarks and attractions. Any VIP tour London is truly the pinnacle of opulence for vacationers who crave a little bit of pampering during their time away from home.",slug:"what does a perfect vip tour london wide include",titleFull:"What Does a Perfect VIP Tour London Wide Include?",details:"\n

A standard sightseeing tour in London, consisting of a group of tourists with a predetermined schedule, is not the best option for tourists who are interested in having an authentic experience while visiting London or the United Kingdom.


We can arrange arrange private chauffeur tours jam-packed with activities, where your personal chauffeur accompanied with a tour guide can show you around the city while providing views of the most important landmarks and attractions.

\n \"London\n

Any VIP tour London is truly the pinnacle of opulence for vacationers who crave a little bit of pampering during their time away from home.


Why are private tours an excellent option?


Private tour on your way


You have the power to plan and personalize your experience when you go on a private tour. You can select a route and itinerary from the variety of available options, choose the length of the tour, and choose the starting and ending points according to your preferences.


Keep it in the family


If you want to have a more personal experience and discover a city with the people you care about at your own pace and in your own style, Simber can make that happen for you. Because you, your friends, and/or your family are the only people that take part in a private tour, you are certain to walk away from the event with an abundance of memorable anecdotes.


In addition, the excellent chauffeurs who accompany you on the personalized tour are there to answer any and all questions that you might have. Your chauffeur as well as your tour guide should you decide to go for one, will be available to answer any inquiries and provide information on any and all subjects that you have an interest in learning more about. You will be given a vast number of recommendations and pointers that are geared to cater to your particular passions and ensure that you get the most out of your trip.


Tailor-made tours


A tour that lasts for three hours can be boring for children, and it can be stressful for their parents to have to take care of them during that time. However, when you go on a private tour, you get to decide the length of time you want to spend there as well as the route you want to take. This allows you to tailor the experience to the needs and interests of your children while also giving their parents the opportunity to make the trip as enjoyable and memorable as possible for themselves.


Also, if there is someone in your group who has trouble moving around, whether they need crutches, a wheelchair, or a stroller, you won't have to worry about the tour program if you go on a private excursion. When you book a private tour, you will have the opportunity to provide prior notice of any particular requirements that your family or group of friends may have, and the tour guide will then craft an itinerary that is tailored to meet those needs in an exemplary manner.




You have complete control over how you spend your time and how quickly the tour moves when you go on a private tour. It won't be an issue at all if you come across a breathtaking scene and decide you want to take a few pictures there.


You choose your departure time


Another significant benefit of going on a private tour is being able to answer the question, \"When? \" in your own time. When you feel like it is the correct response! Because travelers on private tours are typically limited to those in their own family or friend group, it is possible to begin the journey on any day that is most convenient for you or according to the schedules of the airlines and hotels at which you will be staying.


The perfect gift


And the fact of the matter is that in this day and age, there is no better gift than the gift of knowledge, and if you invite someone you care about on a private tour, you are giving the person exactly that! Why settle for just a piece of the experience when you can have it all?




One of the most significant benefits available right now is the assurance provided by an exclusive group tour, which prevents random individuals from joining your trip. The level of personalization is at its maximum and includes all of the biosecurity precautions necessary to protect against coronavirus. Simber will pay special attention to your worries and modify the tour to meet your requirements if you let us know about anything that does not make you feel safe.


Some unique ideas for your VIP tour London wide itinerary


If you are traveling to London or the United Kingdom, make that travel very special and unique. Here are some examples of private tours that you can go to and see even the hidden places of the country. Simber offers you a spectacular experience!


London Full-Day Tour

\n \"London\n

London is everything you could desire from a city and more. It is a melting pot of cuisine, culture, art, and entertainment. The list of things to visit in London with a VIP tour London is as lengthy as the London Underground system itself.London is home to some of the best museums and theme parks in the world, as well as West End theaters, gorgeous royal palaces, quirky street art, and more bars and restaurants than any traveler could count.


Those who enjoy going shopping will find that London is the perfect destination to go to. The offer is really generous. From the most well-known brands to the most obscure ones sold at flea markets. One of the best places to engage in this activity is along Oxford Street. You will come across shopping centers as well as areas to quietly meander around. Bond Street is the place to go if you are interested in finding bargains at reasonable costs. You can also visit markets such as Camden Town, Portobello, or Convent Garden and immerse yourself in the commotion and activity of the surrounding streets.


You cannot leave without first visiting Big Ben, which is often considered to be the city's most recognizable landmark. Built in 1840, this building is notable for its gothic architecture and the precise clocks that dot the London skyline. You'll be able to obtain a bird's-eye view of the city from the top of the world-famous London Eye Ferris wheel, which is located nearby.


An example of a great VIP tour London, starting from:

  • Borough Market
  • \n
  • Tower Bridge
  • \n
  • Tower of London
  • \n
  • Millenium Bridge
  • \n
  • Covent Garden
  • \n
  • China Town
  • \n
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • \n
  • Primerose Hill
  • \n
  • Trafalgar Square
  • \n
  • Buckingham Palace
  • \n
  • Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster
  • \n
  • London Eye
  • \n

Windsor and Oxford Day Tour


Windsor is a wonderful place to go for a day tour due to its rich history, majestic atmosphere, and abundance of beautiful architecture. Here you can visit Windsor Castle which is often regarded as one of the most significant royal properties.


The ancient fortress, which dates back to the 11th century, has played host to a number of extremely significant royal weddings, including the one between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, as well as the wedding between Princess Margaret and her first husband, the photographer Anthony Armstrong-Jones.


Queen Elizabeth utilizes Windsor Castle as both a safe haven during trying times like the current outbreak of the coronavirus and a tranquil retreat when things are going well for her and the country. However, there was a time when it served as the residence of a number of other royal families.

\n \"National\n

From here, the tour can take you to Oxford. Oxford is a city of many characteristics, perhaps best known for its world-famous university and deeply rooted in the culture and history of the United Kingdom. One of the most famous cities in England, Oxford is known as \"The City of Dreaming Spires\" because of its impressive architecture and illustrious history, both of which have earned it this endearing nickname.


Canterbury and Dover Day Tour


When visiting the south of England, or even just taking a day trip from London, many tourists include Canterbury on their itinerary as one of the destinations that they feel compelled to visit. St. Peter's Street is the primary commercial avenue in Canterbury and is home to a wide variety of eateries and retail establishments. It would be a shame to miss the view that can be had from the bridge that is located near Old Weavers House.


There are many things you can see here, and after that, your chauffeur can take you to Dover. Dover is a town in the county of Kent in the southeast of England. It is a great place to go sightseeing because of its location. As a result of its location, it is the English city that is situated the closest to the continent of Europe. It is only 34 kilometers away from the city of Calais, which is located in France.


It is the most famous port on the English Channel because of its white cliffs and castle, which you will see if you go there, which is the largest port on the English Channel. Also, besides a private tour, you can hire a seaport chauffeur to take you there, from where you can embark on your family cruise holiday.


The Cotswolds and Blenheim Palace Day Tour


The Cotswolds are widely considered to be one of the most beautiful regions in all of the United Kingdom. This region comprises rolling stone hills and quaint villages that are speckled with well-maintained architecture. Starting your memorable adventure through the English countryside with a private chauffeur is the simplest and most convenient method to do it. Along the road, you will make pit stops in quaint villages, ancient monuments, and magnificent views to behold.


A perfect combination of this countryside trip can be the Blenheim Palace. Because of its stunning appearance, Blenheim Palace has been the subject of numerous films and television productions. Cinderella, Gulliver's Travels, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix are the three productions that are considered to be the most recent. If you are going with your kids, be sure that this day will be filled with magic for them!


Stratford and Warwick Castle Day Tour

\n \"Stratford\n

A lot more can be said about the English village of Stratford-upon-Avon than merely the fact that it was where William Shakespeare was born. Due to the fact that many of the homes here are over 500 years old, the enchantment of the Tudor period has been preserved. But in addition to that, it is an attractive location that is great for going for a stroll, understanding more about the history of England, and exploring the canals. It is highly recommended that you pay a visit to the house where the most influential dramatist in British literature was born and raised.


You may still walk on the same level that William Shakespeare walked on, view the family dining room, or the rooms where he spent the first five years of his marriage to Anne Hathaway today, even though the house has been open to the public for the past 250 years. From here, your private day tour can continue to Warwick Castle. The core of England's medieval history may be found at Warwick Castle, which is located in the county of Warwickshire, right close to the River Avon.


It has a history that goes back more than a thousand years, making it an excellent destination for a trip with family or friends. You are welcome to explore the exterior elements of the property, such as the mill, the stables, the greenhouse, and the gardens. Inside, you will find one of the most significant armories in the nation, in addition to chambers that still have their original furniture and artifacts from the era. In addition, the castle hosts a variety of events, including a display of bird flight, archery, and the use of catapults.


The Bottom Line


The above tours depending on your location will have some long distance chauffeur driven aspect attached to the same. However, because of the nature of private tours, you are able to tailor the pace and atmosphere of the excursion to the requirements of each individual group, making the experience more unique. You decide if you want a VIP tour London or a tour outside of London.


Check our availability, feel free to enquire and we will provide you with a private chauffeur as well as a tour guide if you will, they\u2019ll both start your VIP tour London wide at the door of your hotel and take you through all those fascinating places that you always wanted to visit.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"Do you think that you and your little tribe would enjoy going on a family cruise holiday together during your next vacation? Do you have younger children as well as older adolescents in your family? The leading cruise companies have considered this. In order to make the most of your time spent on their ships, they are competing with one another to come up with innovative ways to boost your enjoyment of your family cruise holiday. And of course, to make it all even easier, you can also hire a seaport transfer and have it all under control.",metaTiltle:"How to Prepare for a Family Cruise Holiday in the UK?",date:new Date(2022,6,29),synopsis:"Do you think that you and your little tribe would enjoy going on a family cruise holiday together during your next vacation? Do you have younger children as well as older adolescents in your family? The leading cruise companies have considered this. In order to make the most of your time spent on their ships, they are competing with one another to come up with innovative ways to boost your enjoyment of your family cruise holiday. And of course, to make it all even easier, you can also hire a seaport transfer and have it all under control.",slug:"how to prepare for a family cruise holiday in the uk",titleFull:"How to Prepare for a Family Cruise Holiday in the UK?",details:"\n

Do you think that you and your little tribe would enjoy going on a family cruise holiday together during your next vacation? Do you have younger children as well as older adolescents in your family? The leading cruise companies have considered this. In order to make the most of your time spent on their ships, they are competing with one another to come up with innovative ways to boost your enjoyment of your family cruise holiday. And of course, to make it all even easier, you can also hire a seaport transfer and have it all under control.


Everything, from the activities and the catering to the comfort of the cabins, has been meticulously planned out, and nothing has been left to chance. Because of this, we will provide you with a number of pointers in this piece on why to go on a family cruise holiday and how to have a successful holiday with your children. Let's start!


Travel comfortably without stress


Although you will be going to a number of different places, you will only need to unpack your bags once.


We don't know what else could make a trip more ideal than this one, but we can't see anything else being better. It will never feel like home, but you won't have to worry about losing or forgetting any of the necessary luggage if you don't have to switch hotel rooms while you're away with the whole family. Also, while transferring to the cruise, your chauffeur will help you with the luggage, and you will feel safe.


A better travel budget


The majority of family cruise holiday packages that are all-inclusive can be found on cruise ships. This means that the cost of your transportation, lodging, meals, and activities will all be covered by the cruise line once you make your reservation.


When compared to the cost of an all-inclusive family holiday cruise, a trip to the beach or the mountains with the family on land is difficult to recommend. Perform the necessary calculations and tally up the total prices of reserving hotels, restaurants for lunch and dinner, and entertainment tickets.


A gastronomic trip


When we travel, one of the best parts of the experience is surely trying new foods. However, taking the whole family can throw a wrench into our plans and cause our trip budget to become unbalanced.


When we go on a family cruise holiday, the cost of the food served on board is already included in the fare, so we don't have to worry about spending extra money on meals while we're away. Instead, we may splurge at one of the specialised restaurants on board or at a restaurant in one of the ports we visit.


You will find meals from virtually every culture and cuisine imaginable while dining on board, which is a gastronomic adventure in and of itself. Simply make your way through the buffet, and you will come across foods representing more than ten distinct nations.


Fun for the whole family

\n \"Cruise\n

On a family cruise holiday, every detail will be taken care of. You will always find something to do, regardless of whether you have a food allergy or are a gastronomic sybarite, whether you like to watch movies on the big screen, read quietly, swim or relax in the Jacuzzi, and regardless of whether you want to watch movies on the big screen, read quietly, swim or relax in the Jacuzzi.


In addition, keeping the rest of the family in mind, the younger members of the family have their very own fun clubs where they may socialise with other children and teenagers while having their needs attended to by trained professionals who are not there with you.


If you are also travelling with older people, you can rest assured that they will discover a wide variety of ways to fill their leisure time. t sounds like a fantastic vacation when every family member can let loose and have fun to the fullest while being aware that they are travelling together on the same ship. You will make it a point to spend quality time together as a family every night at the same time for dinner.


Your children will have the unique experience of travelling


Younger members of the family have the fantastic opportunity to see a variety of different locations during the course of a family cruise holiday trip while remaining in a secure setting. Your family will not only be able to take advantage of all the amenities that cruise ships have to offer, but they will also have the opportunity to meet and engage with people from all over the world.


Tips before going on a family cruise holiday


Choose a cruise to suit everyone


The number of available cruises is growing. As a result, picking the one that is suitable for the whole family is one of the most brilliant things to do.It is even possible to locate ships that provide specialised activities for children, have a particular theme, or have distinct areas designated for children of varying ages.Some companies offer specialised cruises for children and teenagers. These cruises typically feature a wide variety of free activities on board, such as competitions, shows, musical performances, magic acts, and more.


They are typically segmented according to age groups, consist of more than one pass, and are carried out in several different tongues. In addition, children can engage in social interaction with people less difficultly and more frequently than they would be able to do on a land journey.In addition, there are themed cruises where children can meet characters from their favourite cartoons or movies as other passengers.

\n \"Cruise\n

In addition to these activities, family cruises typically provide specialised services for children, such as babysitters or nannies, nurseries accessible during port stops or excursions, and areas specifically designed for children's enjoyment.


Take into account the accommodation


On the other hand, when you have selected the cruise that will meet your family's requirements most effectively, lodging is an additional aspect to consider to get the most out of your vacation. When you make your reservation plenty of time in advance, you will have a selection of cabins from which to choose. This will allow you to reserve a cabin in the area of the boat that best suits your needs while still ensuring that you are relatively close to one another. A further advantage of booking promptly is the increased likelihood of securing a triple or quadruple cabin, which are generally the first to be taken when a ship is entire.


Check the food menu


When going on a family holiday cruise with your family, this is another essential consideration to bear in mind. If your kids are of an appropriate age, you have nothing to be concerned about. On board larger ships, passengers have a wide variety of eating options. Some of the restaurants on board may be able to create purees for more minor children. However, it is better to inquire about this in advance to avoid unpleasant shocks. Certain cruise lines allow passengers to bring baby food into their staterooms.


Milk and diapers are items that the passenger is responsible for providing, even if the infant consumes nothing but breast milk or is only beginning to branch out in their eating habits. It is essential to check that you have enough to last for the duration of the journey. When you reach a stopover, you will have the opportunity to purchase additional supplies in case you run out. Forget about using a travel warmer to prepare baby bottles on board the cruise because doing so is against the rules.


Seaport transfer


Transportation to the cruise terminal is also essential, whether it be only the transfer from the airport or train station to the ports or the flight from your city to the city where the cruise will be departing from.


If you have a large group, it may be more cost-effective to hire a private transfer service or a minibus service rather than purchasing individual bus or rail tickets to get to your ship from the airport or train station, as this will allow you to get to the port without waiting in line.


When you arrive at the airport, Simber, for example, can be there waiting for you with a sign bearing your name to pick you up and transport you to the location where your cruise will be departing.


The Bottom Line


If you are in the process of organising your summer vacations, you have probably already become aware of the vast number of possibilities that are available to you. Organising a vacation on a cruise ship with your family is a fantastic option if you want to shake things up a bit this year and try something new. For you to get the most out of the trip, we hope our advice will inspire you to go on another family cruise holiday of this kind in the future.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"You already know that it is possible to travel with family, friends or workmates in a number of different ways, for example, we could take a car, an airplane, or even a boat if the journey called for it. However, as a big group taking a minibus is undeniably one of the most convenient ways to do so, and especially when your choice is some of our luxurious Simber vehicles.",metaTiltle:"All the Reasons Why Hiring a Chauffeur Driven Minibus Is an Excellent Idea",date:new Date(2022,5,29),synopsis:"You already know that it is possible to travel with family, friends or workmates in a number of different ways, for example, we could take a car, an airplane, or even a boat if the journey called for it. However, as a big group taking a minibus is undeniably one of the most convenient ways to do so, and especially when your choice is some of our luxurious Simber vehicles.",slug:"all the reasons why hiring a chauffeur driven minibus is an excellent idea",titleFull:"All the Reasons Why Hiring a Chauffeur Driven Minibus Is an Excellent Idea",details:"\n

If you ended up on our website, welcome! We are your number one chauffeur service that can provide you with the best vehicles for your trips around London, United Kingdom or abroad!


You already know that it is possible to travel with family, friends or workmates in a number of different ways, for example, we could take a car, an airplane, or even a boat if the journey called for it. However, as a big group taking a minibus is undeniably one of the most convenient ways to do so, and especially when your choice is some of our luxurious Simber vehicles.


Are you wondering about the cost of how much to hire a minibus? Short or long distance, hourly, daily or weekly hire? Get in contact with us and we will answer all your questions. Now, let\u2019s take a look at all the advantages that hiring a minibus has and for which occasion it can be a great idea!


Advantages of hiring a chauffeur driven minibus

\n \"Mercedes\n

Alternative modes of transportation for groups


One of the first things to take into consideration is the fact that we have a variety of vehicle choices to select from depending on the number of passengers. We have minibuses that can fit up to 8, 12, 16 or 19 passengers which is enough for a smaller or larger groups.


Those individuals who are looking for minibus companies will find that the vehicles offered by us are fully stocked with everything that is required to have a pleasurable journey. Our vehicles are equipped with entertainment systems and we have all of the necessary amenities to make our trip as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.




We are considerably flexible with our clients in terms of the itinerary. You can choose to travel to locations that are at greater distance from London for a full day, multiple days or the entire week.


Also, the fact that your group will all travel together, there won\u2019t be issues when it comes to agreeing with multiple cars, worry if a car is lost from the route, or there is incompatibility between the schedules of different people. As a london based chauffeur company, Simber Chauffeur Services are here to assist with your enquiry anyway we can.


No worrying about finding parking lots


How many times have you travelled to a new place and you got stuck there because you couldn\u2019t find a parking lot and your GPS took you to another direction? Well, with a chauffeur driven minibus you don\u2019t have to worry about this issue. You can only enjoy ultimate luxury while getting to your destination.


For each and every conceivable circumstance


There are a lot of circumstances in which you could benefit from hiring a chauffeur driven minibus. You may need to hire a minibus for your special day i.e your wedding, or another type of event that involves a large number of people. This service can be also used to transport employees of a company to some business event or take them abroad.


Better organisation and planning


When several people are involved in the planning of a trip, there is always the significant challenge of reaching an agreement and arriving on time. In addition, if you want to go to a large city with a big group, driving there in multiple cars will result in additional parking difficulties as well as fines for driving in lanes that are designated as being special or protected.


All of these things, which make it more difficult to organise the trip and add to the stress level of both the trip organisers and the drivers, are eliminated when small groups hire chauffeur driven minibuses. Our vehicles can find parking lots that allow us to park right at the destination, which makes it easier for our drivers to transport the luggage of the passengers. Now you may wonder how much to hire a minibus, but we assure you that we have the best prices!


It ensure that passenger will enjoy and be safe at the same time

\n \"Mercedes\n

A chauffeur driven minibus is not only the safest mode of transportation available when travelling by road. It also enables the passengers to enjoy their various social events, such as weddings, baptisms, communiorns, or other parties without having to worry about anything, neither putting their lives nor the lives of the rest of the group in danger if for example they happen to be consuming alcohol.


Sustainable travel

\n \"Mercedes\n

Beside taking care of our clients, Simber also likes to take care of our planet Earth. Instead of hiring multiple cars, you can just get on a minibus with your group and in this way we reduce our carbon footprint.


We also cooperate with Ecologi, which means that for every journey we provide, we plant a tree! Are you ready to contribute to the preservation of our beautiful planet?


Occasions for which a minibus hire is a great idea


Business travel


If they are not planned and executed effectively, business trips have the potential to be a major hassle. However, we are sure that engaging services of chauffeur driven vehicles have the potential to not only make this circumstance more bearable but also considerably more reassuring.


If you let us drive you, not only you will receive premium chauffeur driven service, but you will also experience a high level of comfort and you will travel without worrying that you will be late at any training or other business events you and your group should arrive. Allow Simber to look after your Corporate Chauffeur Hire.


Family/friends trip


Group travel brings many positive elements to all the people included. Especially when it is a path that passes through regions that have breathtaking scenery and are rich in experiences and excitements.


When you travel with a large group of people, be it your family or friends, you share experiences that bring you closer together and create memories that will stay with you forever.


There are a lot of different activities that could be done during a trip, and the group might want to think about doing things like going to museums, taking part in events, hiking in each region, or going to typical sites.


In the context of this discussion, customised roadmaps call for careful attention to detail as well as in-depth knowledge in order to define the best possible options. And, Simber can help you with that.


Private tour in London


London is a city that is home to a large number of places of interest, including green parks, museums, exhibition halls, and of course plenty of places to visit and take photographs. You can hire a private chauffeur who will answer your questions on local sites, why not also allow us to organise a tourguide to join? The chauffeur will also be able to give you his or her tips on, what to visit in London, where to eat, etc. Your private tour can be organised according to your needs and you won\u2019t miss a thing from the magical city of London.


Bachelor/Bachelorette party


A bachelor or a bachelorette party is always a reason to get together with friends, have a good time and celebrate in style. If you don\u2019t want to forget the last moment of your single life, then you should do the celebration in the right way.


It is true that the farewell party will be remembered with a sense of nostalgia as long as the best friends are present. However, Simber can easily get along with any kind of party and type of people, so why not hire us and include us in this experience and get safely to your party destination and then to your home?


Wedding day


The moment you open your eyes on your wedding day, you will be met with a variety of feelings. The preparations, having friends and family by your side to assist you with everything you require, and finally, one of the most exciting moments of the day, which is when it is time to leave for the ceremony.


You will experience some very memorable moments while riding in the minibus that you have hired specifically for this occasion. You can share these small moments with your closest ones, while you are waiting to arrive at the church or at the location you have chosen for this experience.


Airport transfers


For Simber it is not a problem to pick you up at any airport in London. Are you arriving with your family? A group of friends? Or perhaps you have a very important business meeting in which you should arrive well-rested? We can arrange for you a chauffeur driven minibus that will wait for you right when you land, and it can take you to your hotel where you can relax before your other plans.


The Bottom Line


We all adore stress-free travelling, and that\u2019s why chauffeur driven minibuses were invented. The good side of this is also that you are not alone, but with a group and in this way your time on the road will pass quickly, and you won\u2019t get bored.


Instead, you can chat with the others, get to know each other (if you are workmates who couldn\u2019t have the chance to meet better yet), or simply share childhood memories with your family and talk about the funniest moments you all lived together. How much to hire a minibus won\u2019t be a concern for you, if you are ready to embark on a safe trip and enjoy it at its fullest!

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"You could spend your entire life exploring London, and you would never stop being amazed by what you find here. The various boroughs of London, such as Camden and Kensington, each have their own distinct identities, but they are united by the dynamic perspective.",metaTiltle:"All the Occasions Where You Need a Long Term Chauffeur While in London",date:new Date(2022,5,25),synopsis:"You could spend your entire life exploring London, and you would never stop being amazed by what you find here. The various boroughs of London, such as Camden and Kensington, each have their own distinct identities, but they are united by the dynamic perspective.",slug:"all the occasions where you need a long term chauffeur while in london",titleFull:"All the Occasions Where You Need a Long Term Chauffeur While in London",details:"\n

You could spend your entire life exploring London, and you would never stop being amazed by what you find here. The various boroughs of London, such as Camden and Kensington, each have their own distinct identities, but they are united by the dynamic perspective.


People from all over the world are drawn to the city of London because of its reputation for being as international as it is British. Because of its many different cultures and backgrounds, London has become a city of limitless opportunities.That's one of the reasons why many tourists already book a long stay in London, to explore the beauties and authentic British experience there.

\n \"london\n

A french movie theatre, an authentic dinner in a Mongolian restaurant after a brunch in a Nordic bakery - you have different options. Diversity has not only benefited London in terms of food, but it has also helped spur creativity over the years, which has made the capital a global benchmark in a number of fields.


Since the city is not small, if you are staying in London for a week, you could hire a long term chauffeur that can help you with any occasion and visit some exclusive events, magnificent places such as the Royal Opera House or get you on time for your business meetings.


How long should you stay in London? Many say that a week is enough to see and do many things, and in continuation we want to recommend you the best places and events in which you can fully enjoy with the help of a private chauffeur.


Staying in London: Places To Visit


Museum of The Home


The museum of the home or previously known as the Geffrye, was established in 1914, and it is housed in a historic structure that dates back to the 18th century. The museum\u2019s mission is to investigate the evolution of London\u2019s middle-class housing over the course of several centuries. Because it is separated into several time periods, you can take advantage of guided tours to visit residences from the 17th century, Georgian and Victorian mansions, and even homes from the 29th century.


In addition, there are numerous displays and historical gardens to explore while staying in London. You can also have a good meal in the restaurant or you can go to the gift shop to pick up some handcrafts to take back home with you. Don\u2019t worry about buying so many things, because your personal chauffeur will be glad to help you with the bags, take you to your accommodation and provide you with the best VIP treatment.


Royal Opera House

\n \"royal\n

The stunning Royal Opera House is one of the most well-known and elegant buildings in London. It is the home of two of the most prestigious performing arts companies in the world: The Royal Opera and The Royal Ballet.


The Royal Opera House Orchestra also regularly gives performances there. Whether you choose to take in a concert of classical music or simply tour the wonderful buildings, you will find yourself completely absorbed in the city\u2019s stunning aesthetics and rich historical legacy.


When it was first constructed in 1732, the building in Covent Garden was given the name Theatre Royal. It later became known as an opera house and the primary venue for performing arts in the area. It was one of only two theatres in London at the time that were permitted to perform dramas, and it was in direct competition with the Drury Lane Theatre Royal.




The famous Harrods department store in London can be found on Brompton Road in the Knightsbridge neighbourhood of the city. It is situated in close proximity to Hyde Park and the area surrounding the London museums.


With a total retail space of 90,000 square metres, Harrods is not only the most well-known and prestigious luxury shopping destination in the city, but also the largest store in the entire country of the United Kingdom.


A butcher, a chocolatier, a store that sells coffee and tea, a florist, and homemade cuisine may all be found among the many food halls. We must confess we already plan on a long term stay in London, imagining the taste of chocolates and refreshing afternoon tea. In addition, while strolling around these places, you will come across a large number of restaurants and bars, many of which have seating areas and serve alcoholic beverages.


A selection of coffee or tea packaged in tins adorned with the Harrods logo, as well as chocolate or cookies, are among the most conventional presents that you can purchase there. In addition to the standard assortment of food products, customers now have the option of purchasing a teddy bear or a bad bearing the Harrods brand name.


The Shard

\n \"the\n

If you are planning to propose to your partner, it is best to keep your trip to The Shard a secret until the very last minute. The Shard has been presented with a sufficient number of propolas, and it even provides what it calls a \u2018\u2019proposal package\u2019\u2019. Even if you already proposed, you can enjoy a great honeymoon in London and go to the Shard for a spectacular view of the sunset or sunrise over the city.


When you go to the Shard you will find out that it is the ideal location for a drink late at night. We can\u2019t stop about romance because this place is really full of it, and if you are looking for a romantic restaurant with a more private nature of sitting, you can definitely choose Hutong.


There you can find tables for two, each of which has its own floor-to-ceiling glass window. Perhaps, Simber can plan the transport to your romantic date, the proposal or celebration of your anniversary. Don\u2019t you think that\u2019s a great idea?


Staying in London: Exclusive Events During Summer 2022


Staying in London during the summer can be an amazing experience as the city offers different exclusive events that are a must! The locations might not be close to each other or to your accommodation, though your long term chauffeur can take you wherever you want to go and wait you there until the event ends.


Let\u2019s see what London has to offer this summer of 2022!


Wimbledon Tennis Event


Wimbledon is both the most prestigious and the oldest of all the tennis tournaments held throughout the world. The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in Wimbledon, United Kingdom, is credited with organising the very first game of what would become this tournament on July 9, 1877. Since then, every year, beginning at the end of June and continuing until the beginning of July, this event is played out over the course of two weeks.

  • Date: 27th June - 10th July 2022
  • \n
  • Location: Church Road SW19 5AE, Wimbledon, London, United Kingdom
  • \n

London Concours


Are you into classic and vintage cars? Even if you are not, you will adore this VIP show. After all the sightseeings while staying in London, this is a great opportunity to do something unusual and enjoy a great garden party while admiring the cars\u2019 show. Ferraris, Lamborghinis and much more!

  • Date: 28th - 30th June 2022
  • \n
  • Location: The Honourable Artillery Company, Armoury House, City Rd, London EC1Y 2BQ, United Kingdom
  • \n

Henley Royal Regatta


The Henley Royal Regatta, sometimes known simply as the Henley Regatta prior to receiving royal patronage, is an annual rowing competition that takes place on the River Thames in the town of Henley-on-Thames in the country of England. On March 26, 1839 it was first put into operation.


Each of the three other regattas that are held on roughly the same course as this one, the Henley Women\u2019s Regatta, the Henley Masters Regatta, and the Henley Town and Visitors\u2019 Regatta, are quite different from this one. You can definitely have an exclusive day out with a good drink in your hand and rowing down the river. How amazing is this?

  • Date: 228th June - 3rd July 2022
  • \n
  • Location: Henley-on-Thames RG9 2LY, United Kingdom
  • \n

Greenwich + Docklands International Festival


August and September are the months when we end the summer, and if you are staying in London during these two months, you can\u2019t miss this festival! Even if you are not a big fan of circus tricks, or dances and other veritable spectacle of performances, you will definitely adore the magic of this experience! This festival normally lasts 9 days and it\u2019s growing each year with many different attractions. Are you up for it?

  • Date: August - September 2022, TBC
  • \n
  • Location: East and South East London, United Kingdom
  • \n

The Bottom Line


A trip to London is an excellent choice for either a vacation or a weekend getaway. This city is widely regarded as either one of the most important cities in the world due to the progress it has made in terms of its economy and finance, cultural significance, and structural development from an architectural point of view.


London has a hundred of ways to capture your attention, whether it be with expensive and luxurious clubs or hotels where you can stay and spend your night, entertaining and diverse parks and squares to spend time with the family, and without giving less importance to its amazing history behind each building or work built in a climate that is perfect for construction.


As you suppose, Simber is here to support your London long term stay, no matter how long you'll stay here. Ensure you check on the offer, and feel free to contact us for a custom offer specially tailored to your needs.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:'Are you making plans to be married soon? Congratulations! After spending weeks planning the wedding, trying on outfits to find the "perfect one," deciding who will attend, arranging your wedding chauffeur, sending out invites, and selecting the music played during the ceremony, you will end up worn out. Then the only thing you will want to do to commemorate that you have finally achieved your lifelong goal of getting married is to go on a relaxing vacation and continue celebrating the love on a honeymoon in London.',metaTiltle:"The Ultimate Guide for Having a Luxury Honeymoon in London",date:new Date(2022,5,2),synopsis:'Are you making plans to be married soon? Congratulations! After spending weeks planning the wedding, trying on outfits to find the "perfect one," deciding who will attend, arranging your wedding chauffeur, sending out invites, and selecting the music played during the ceremony, you will end up worn out. Then the only thing you will want to do to commemorate that you have finally achieved your lifelong goal of getting married is to go on a relaxing vacation and continue celebrating the love on a honeymoon in London.',slug:"the ultimate guide for having a luxury honeymoon in london",titleFull:"The Ultimate Guide for Having a Luxury Honeymoon in London",details:"\n

Are you making plans to be married soon? Congratulations! After spending weeks planning the wedding, trying on outfits to find the \"perfect one,\" deciding who will attend, arranging your wedding chauffeur, sending out invites, and selecting the music played during the ceremony, you will end up worn out.


Then the only thing you will want to do to commemorate that you have finally achieved your lifelong goal of getting married is to go on a relaxing vacation and continue celebrating the love on a honeymoon in London.

\n \"honeymoon\n

Put London on your list of places to visit if you are the type of traveller who enjoys going to areas where there is always plenty to do, and there is never a dull moment.If you and your partner are not concerned about missing the heat and the beach on this first trip as a married couple, you will find everything else you could want in London.


Architecture in various styles, museums housing some of the world's most important works of art, upscale stores, time-honoured customs, magnificent parks, a global rhythm, the coexistence of hundreds of different ethnicities, and a vibrant nightlife.


This blog post will go over everything that you must do throughout your honeymoon in London. It's possible that listening to British love music may motivate you to get ready for your trip! And, don't worry about not having time for everything and arriving exhausted. You can always count on the best executive airport transfers that can wait for you and take you to your accommodation quickly and safely.


Honeymoon in London: Places where you can celebrate love


Finding exciting things to do in London as a couple does not require a lot of creative thinking due to the city's enormous size. There are a lot of choices, though we have made a list of places to visit and activities you can enjoy while on a honeymoon in London. Because all you need is love, and love is all you need!


London Eye

\n \"honeymoon\n

This observation wheel is home to one of the world's highest continuously moving observation decks. Because it is 135 metres high, it provides a breathtaking view of the sunset and is the ideal vantage point to see the city's principal bridges and even Big Ben with the person you plan to spend the rest of your life with.


How about recreating the moment with the ring next to the London Eye?


Buckingham Palace and Tower of London


The members of the royal family make their home in Buckingham Palace. Even though you can see a significant portion of the palace, the changing of the guard is the one event that you must not miss because it is such a remarkable show.

\n \"honeymoon\n

The Tower of London is another palace and stronghold that visitors to the city should not miss. During other times, it functioned as a prison, and it was in this building, the execution of Queen Anne Boleyn took place almost 500 years ago. Being so close to the city's fabled drawbridge has helped make this structure become one of the most recognizable symbols of the British capital in modern times.




The Palace of Westminster is a World Heritage Site, but that is not the only reason it is considered among the most well-known locations. In addition to being the location of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, it is also open to the public for tours. On one side, you will see the tower of Big Ben, which will be patiently waiting for you to take the required photograph.


And on the opposite side, there is Westminster Abbey, an impressive church not only because of the Anglican Gothic architecture that it possesses but also due to the notable individuals who are interred there, such as Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Charles Dickens.


This is a magical place where you can take more wedding photos, and for that, you can also use the help of a wedding transport Westminster. Make your honeymoon in London spectacular!


Paul's Cathedral area


One of the places in London is the rooftop of the One New Change retail complex, which is right adjacent to St. Paul's Cathedral. From there, you can get some fantastic views of the city.


There is a restaurant where you can have some snacks, and there is also a bar where you can get some cocktails. After that, we strongly suggest that you cross the river using the Millennium Bridge with its blue lights, which will direct you to the Shakespeare Globe and the Tate Modern upon arrival in the Southbank neighbourhood.


Little Venice


Little Venice is a neighbourhood in London that is well-known for the charming waterways and unique coffee shops that can be found there. It isn't easy to think that such a tranquil nook can be located so close to bustling neighbourhoods like Camden and Paddington. This place is like an oasis of peace and quiet in the middle of a metropolis that can get very chaotic at times.


For this reason, it is also the ideal location for a leisurely stroll in the company of your significant other, during which you can daydream about what life must be like in the stately homes that flank the river.


Imagine going on a boat cruise at a leisurely pace, absorbing the moment and having a conversation with no interruptions. Sounds good, doesn't it? To top it off you can skip the use of public transport by engaging a daily chauffeur for chauffeur driven tours around London.


Activities for couples in London

\n \"honeymoon\n

Thames Rockets


Are you and your significant other looking to kick off the honeymoon in London with some exciting activities? Experience one of London's most popular tourist attractions by going for a speedboat trip down the River Thames. As you race through the Docklands and past attractions such as the Tower Bridge and the O2, make sure you hold on tight (to each other!).


Deer watching in Richmond Park


A stroll through the park is an excellent option for anyone looking for romantic things to do in London. You can't go wrong with it! Even though Richmond Park is located in south London, which is a bit further out from the city centre, with a luxury honeymoon transport you\u2019ll come to an ideal location for a stroll with your significant other in the afternoon, and your personal driver in London won't have a problem waiting for you while you celebrate your love.


This park is well-known for the wild deer that walk freely throughout the area, and anybody can observe these stunning animals.


A romantic walk in Kew Gardens


You want to get away from the noise and bustle of the city, but you still want to have a honeymoon in London, and you're looking for some romantic spots to go - here is the perfect recommendation.


Take your significant other for a romantic walk through the stunning Kew Gardens hand in hand. Admire the vibrant and one-of-a-kind landscape that blooms with a diverse assortment of plants and flowers throughout the entire year. The setting of a romantic date at Kew Gardens is just what you're looking for!


See a spectacle


It's well known that London is the best city in the world to experience the variety of available performing arts. Because there are so many performances to choose from in this city, you really can't go wrong with them!


Get yourself to the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden if you count ballet as one of your many interests. The Royal Dance is the most well-known and prestigious ballet company globally, and it is the largest ballet company in the United Kingdom. If it starts to rain on your date, go to the Piazza and enjoy the live entertainment provided by the street performers there.


Love whispers


Visit the whispering gallery at St. Paul's Cathedral for a one-of-a-kind acoustic experience: the gallery is located beneath a dome. The sound travels along the circular wall. If you whisper to each other and listen along the wall, you will be able to hear each other no matter where you are in the gallery. How romantic and unique this is!


Watch the stars


When it comes to love, the sky's the limit! If you want to take your significant other on an adventure into the night sky and beyond, take them to the planetarium at the Royal Observatory. Go through the cosmos together and think about the constellations in the night sky!


Evenings and good wineIt's time to make plans for the evening now that you've spent the better part of the day engaging in different activities. What should you do? For your honeymoon in London, we highly recommend visiting Gordon's Wine Bar since it is the city's oldest wine bar, and it has a collection of wines that have won awards.


The wine is poured directly from the wooden barrels stored in the bar's pantry, giving each glass an unmistakably unique flavour. The Gordon's Wine Bar features a patio outside where you and your date may relax and have a wonderful time together, or perhaps continue the night enjoying a luxury ride London and indulge in the spectacular evening lights of the city.


Day trips from London

\n \"honeymoon\n

If you want to add even more sprinkles of love to your honeymoon in London, you can do that by going on day trips and making your honeymoon more diverse. Simber chauffeur services offer the best long distance cars complimented with London chauffeurs that can take you to places by your choice. Your itinerary with their professional london drivers. However, here are our recommendations.


Bath and its thermal baths


Couples looking for a place to relax and unwind after spending or during their honeymoon in London can consider travelling to Bath, which is widely regarded as the most beautiful of the UK's many charming little cities.


The Romans constructed the first buildings on this site, including the magnificent Roman Baths, which have remained virtually intact since the first people from all over the world came to make use of the curative waters.


It is still feasible to participate in the same rituals as these ancient bathers are the most excellent part for couples. After exploring the historic Roman baths and their associated pump house, make your way to the Thermae Bath Spa, which is the Roman baths' contemporary successor.


In this facility, which is located just around the corner, you will have the opportunity to soak your toes (well, your whole body) in these same warm waters, either in the facility's breathtaking rooftop pool, which is ideal for use during sunset or in either of the two thermal baths that are located within the facility.


Brighton and its seaside


This picturesque seaside town that looks out over the English Channel has undergone gentrification in recent years, which has resulted in the town gaining a new reputation as an upscale destination that is ideal for spending time with a significant other.


It is without a doubt a picture-perfect setting, complete with a picturesque old pier, a wonderful promenade, and lots of beaches on which to laze around and take up some rays of sunshine. In addition to taking a stroll along its promenade, visitors should make a point of venturing a little deeper into the city centre and the areas that surround it.


You will be rewarded by the townhouses that date back to the Regency period, the multitude of retailers located in the famous pedestrian area known as The Lanes, and the multitude of dining options that range from informal to gourmet dining.


The Bottom Line


English poets of the 16th century described the first month of marriage as a magical moment for newlyweds and people who had just lately found love. Thus, the term \"honeymoon\" continued to represent the blissful condition of lovers at least until the second part of the last century in Anglo-Saxon countries, and this was the case regardless of whether or not there was travel involved.


However, one should never walk away from the powerful combination of travel and love, meaning that a honeymoon in London is an original and an excellent pick. There are numerous enchanted hidden secrets and romantic spots that are perfect for couples who are eager to celebrate their love. If you ask yourself what \u2018\u2019enjoy while you can meaning\u2019\u2019 is, it\u2019s about escape and breathing the air of new places together.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"Because of its distinct and international nature, London, which serves as the political and economic capital of the United Kingdom, is consistently ranked among the top cities in the world in terms of the number of tourists and business people it attracts. It is impossible to describe London through written words adequately. Still, the only way to truly get to know the city is to go there in person and immerse oneself in its culture, allowing us to be swept away by the unique allure of the city and the warmth of its people. If you are on some of the planes landing in London today, tomorrow, or next week, you should plan your trip. It would be best to start with suitcase preparation, booking executive airport transfers, and London's best places to stay.",metaTiltle:"Landing in London: Everything You Need to Have Taken Care of Before Arriving in London",date:new Date(2022,4,24),synopsis:"Because of its distinct and international nature, London, which serves as the political and economic capital of the United Kingdom, is consistently ranked among the top cities in the world in terms of the number of tourists and business people it attracts. It is impossible to describe London through written words adequately. Still, the only way to truly get to know the city is to go there in person and immerse oneself in its culture, allowing us to be swept away by the unique allure of the city and the warmth of its people. If you are on some of the planes landing in London today, tomorrow, or next week, you should plan your trip. It would be best to start with suitcase preparation, booking executive airport transfers, and London's best places to stay.",slug:"landing in london everything you need to have taken care of before arriving in london",titleFull:"Landing in London: Everything You Need to Have Taken Care of Before Arriving in London",details:"\n

Because of its distinct and international nature, London, which serves as the political and economic capital of the United Kingdom, is consistently ranked among the top cities in the world in terms of the number of tourists and business people it attracts.

\n \"London\n

It is impossible to describe London through written words adequately. Still, the only way to truly get to know the city is to go there in person and immerse oneself in its culture, allowing us to be swept away by the unique allure of the city and the warmth of its people. If you are on some of the planes landing in London today, tomorrow, or next week, you should plan your trip. It would be best to start with suitcase preparation, booking executive airport transfers, and London's best places to stay.


Let's start and plan your landing in London!


Before departure


Prepare your luggage


When planning a trip to London for the first time, one of the most valuable pieces of advice is to keep in mind that, depending on the season, you should bring a type of luggage that is appropriate for the weather conditions, as this will make travelling more comfortable. It is essential to bring a variety of warm gear, including jackets, coats, waterproof clothing, sweaters, scarves, caps, and gloves, particularly during the winter season. Don't forget to take a warm coat for some cold and fresh nights during summer.




Temperatures rarely go above 30 degrees Celsius and often range between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius. June, July, and August are the months that make up the summer season. It is not unheard of to experience a chilly and wet day, even though it is the middle of summer.




At this time of the year, temperatures might fluctuate anywhere from 11 to 15 degrees Celsius. September through November make up this season, which is known for its pleasant temperatures and plentiful sunshine. Many people believe that this time of year is the best time to admire the vibrant colours that the parks and gardens have to offer.




Even though the winters in London are not particularly severe due to the temperatures, which average between 4 and 6 degrees Celsius, you will still need to bring warm gear.




The average high and low temperatures are almost the same as in autumn, between 11-15 degrees Celsius. Since the gardens are at their most beautiful during this time of year (during autumn as well), it is widely considered to be the ideal time to visit London. March marks the beginning of spring in the UK, which continues into May.


Documents needed


Identification card, passport, visa, medical insurance card, European Health Insurance Card (or something equivalent if you are travelling from outside of Europe), and boarding pass for a flight are required. It is of the utmost importance that you make sure that you prepare the required papers considering that you are of a particular nationality.




London Heathrow Airport, Gatwick Airport, Stansted Airport, Luton, London City Airport, and Southend Airport are the six airports with planes landing in London today and any other day and time that are convenient for you. In addition Biggin Hill Airport and Farnborough Airport handle Private Jet arrivals into London. From whatever airport you are coming from, no matter if it\u2019s IHR arrivals, New York, or Dubai, and whichever airport you choose to arrive in, we highly recommend that you book a London airport transfer / car service in advance.

\n \"Airport\n

Heathrow Airport


Heathrow Airport is both the largest and most well-known airport in the entire country of England. It is estimated that more than 80 million passengers passed through this airport in 2018, making it the busiest airport in all of Europe. These statistics are from official data provided by the Civil Aviation Authority.


The flight arrivals Heathrow location is situated 27 kilometres to the west of London and is connected to the highways M4 and M25, all of which are considered part of London's ring road. In order to reach the city centre, your accommodation, or any other place in London, you can use the services of the best airport transfers and enjoy a peaceful transfer. Of course, a Heathrow airport Longford ride or from this airport and any other airport, a Airport Chauffeur can pick you up and assist you in anything.


Gatwick Airport


London-Gatwick Airport is not only the second largest airport in London but also the second largest airport in the entire country in terms of passenger traffic. Gatwick Airport is located around 48 kilometres south of London and is linked to the city by the M23 expressway.


It is a good alternative for travel to the capital. It is also an excellent airport for excursions to cities in the south of England, such as Brighton, Southampton, or Bournemouth. In addition, it is a good option for travel to the south of England with executive airport transfers.


Stansted Airport


London Stansted Airport has one main passenger terminal near the village of Stansted Mountfitchet. An air bridge links the main terminal to a satellite terminal, while the Stansted Airport Transit System people mover connects the other two satellite terminals. York, Leeds, and Cambridge are the metropolitan areas that are most convenient to reach this airport from or where you can go for sightseeing before going back to London.


If you are at some of the planes landing in London today, and you are worried about how to reach the city, stay relaxed because Simber will wait for you at the exact place and take you safely to your chosen spot in London.


Luton Airport


Luton Airport, which was initially established as a military facility for combat aircraft, can be found approximately 48 kilometres away from the heart of London. In terms of size, it is the fourth largest airport globally, trailing after Heathrow arrivals, Gatwick, and Stansted.


This airport is situated approximately 50 kilometres away from London and features a single terminal for passengers. The cities of Sheffield, Oxford, Milton Keynes, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Nottingham, and Birmingham are the ones that are located the closest to this airport. If your professional engagement occurs in one of these cities, you don't need to be concerned because an airport transfer will be made available to you and take you anywhere on time.


London City Airport


The London City Airport is the airport that is located the closest to the heart of the city, and it is also the fifth busiest airport in London. It is around 14 kilometres away from the heart of London and is home to a wide variety of oddities.


The airport just has one terminal, and its runway isn't very long, so planes landing in London today at this airport are incredibly uncommon. Because of the limited space available on the tarmac, pilots who wish to land their aircraft there must first get a specialised certification. And as we mentioned above, this is the primary reason why when you write on Google \"planes landing in London today at London City Airport,\" you might see no daily flights operating out of it.


Southend Airport


Southend Airport, which has roughly one million passengers per year and is located around 70 kilometres from the city centre, handles international and domestic flights. In addition, the airport is home to its very own train station.


Although this airport has been in operation for a considerable amount of time, the year 2012 marked the beginning of its return to its former status as a London airport, even though it is located 67 kilometres to the east of the city. This has been feasible due to EasyJet establishing a base in that location.


Biggin Hill Airport


Biggin Hill, which is located just outside of London is best known for its annual air show. However, the airport is also a favourite of business aviation due to its location, fantastic facilities, and reputation for providing an excellent service.


Additionally, London Biggin Hill Airport is recognized as a busy private airport. You can have your private plane, organise your time, and even take your pets with you. When you arrive at your departure point, you can be greeted by your hired chauffeur from Simber who will assist you in getting to your final destination. How does it sound to you?


Farnborough Airport


There is no need to walk through the typical passenger terminals because everything can be completed at Farnborough Airport very quickly. This makes the airport incredibly convenient. If you charter a private jet, you will be able to experience flying in the most opulent and adaptable manner possible. You have complete control over the flight itinerary, the type of aircraft you would want to use, the personalised meals and refreshments, the in-flight entertainment, and many other aspects.


Where To Stay in London?

\n \"Buisnessman.\"/\n

Covent Garden


Covent Garden is a vibrant neighbourhood to stay in if this is your first trip to London and your primary goal is to sightsee, as it is located in the heart of the city's tourist district. It is in the heart of the city and only a short distance away on foot from some of London's most famous tourist destinations, including Big Ben, the London Eye, the National Gallery, and the Houses of Parliament.


Westminster and St.James


London's Westminster area is located in the city's heart, between the Thames, Mayfair, Belgravia, and Soho. However, there are fewer hotels and restaurants in the area surrounding it, even though many of its most popular tourist destinations are clustered in this section of the city.


These include the Palace of Westminster, the Houses of Parliament, three of the best art galleries in London, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, the Ferris wheel, and the well-known Big Ben.


Soho and Leicester Square


The district of Soho in London is known for having the city's most vibrant nightlife due to the abundance of bars, clubs, and restaurants found there. In addition to being the epicentre of London's LGBT community, Soho is also home to some of the city's most acclaimed independent fashion boutiques and record shops.


It is also the lively Chinatown area and the popular tourist destination of Leicester Square, which is well-known for the movie premieres and nightclubs that can be found there. Buckingham Palace and Piccadilly Circus are both within reach if you choose to stay in this location.


South Kensington and Marylebone


Both beautiful neighbourhoods especially If you are visiting London with your family, South Kensington is one of the neighbourhoods that you should consider staying in. The area is not too loud, with two museums nearby providing plenty of hands-on exhibits that are appropriate for people of all ages.


The delightfully mischievous squirrels of Hyde Park can be found just to the north of here. Another excellent neighbourhood choice, Marylebone places attractions like Hyde Park, London Zoo, and Madame Tussauds within easy reach.


Oxford Street and Mayfair


Whether your plane landing Heathrow airport or any other was delayed, you can always relax by visiting Oxford Street. It is widely considered to be one of the busiest shopping routes in the world. Merchandise stores specialising in the sale of clothing can be seen lining both sides of the street.


Mayfair is a district comprising a web of streets bordered by trees and contains five-star hotels, high end stores, antique shops, and the most reputable places in the city that sell men's clothing. One of the world's most famous shopping streets, Savile Row, is also located nearby. Mayfair is definitely one of the finest neighbourhoods in London to stay in, it is also known as the playground to the elite.


Luxury Nights in London

\n \"Oxford\n

West End


After a long day of exhausting business events, you can enjoy a luxury ride London and pay a visit to the urban neighbourhood of the West End, which is located within the borough of Westminster in London and is an absolute must.


A one-of-a-kind area that is bustling with activity throughout the day and night and is home to one of the most recognisable landmarks in the city, the world-famous Piccadilly Circus square. This square is located at an intersection of streets where visitors can find a variety of tourist attractions, restaurants, and many other places.


In addition, the core of the British capital is home to other hidden jewels, such as Trafalgar Square, which is a location that should not be missed. Trafalgar Square is home to several historical landmarks, including the British Parliament and Westminster Abbey.


Due to the enormous number of performances that can be seen in this part of the city, the West End neighbourhood is also known as Theatreland. A diverse selection of performances, including some of the most well-known musicals in the world, such as Mamma Mia, Chicago, or Les Miserables.


A locality in which the nightlife is renowned for being one of the most exciting aspects of any trip to the city. Despite this, there will always be the opportunity to unwind and indulge in luxury at some of the most luxurious hotels in London.


The Bottom Line


Planning a trip to London is always quite significant, no matter if your planes\u2019 landing Heathrow or any other airport, but it is even more so if you do it all by yourself, from the very beginning to the very end. And, if this is your first time in London (or even if it isn't), we hope that this guide was helpful and that you have already booked your flight for some of the planes landing in London today, or if you have already picked another date.


Whatever is the case, we hope you have already chosen your airport transfer or London car service, the place to stay, and you are ready to go on a great business trip accompanied by exceptional evenings of relaxation and luxury.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"We provide a high-end vehicle and a competent chauffeur for any transfer to any city in the UK, Europe (or beyond). We are available for consultation prior to any transfer, to discuss your every need, stops you\u2019d like to take or even hotels to stay in. Our chauffeurs as always will take care of your luggage, provide complimentary water and wifi for the journey and of course assist with any requirements you may have along the way.",metaTiltle:"Road Trip Destinations UK Wide with Long Distance Chauffeur Service",date:new Date(2022,3,30),synopsis:"If we close our eyes and ask ourselves what makes us happy, many of the same things will likely come up for the majority of us. Love, relationships, friends, and family members are likely to be at the top of the list and hobbies. Some will be able to include their jobs, and it is pretty reasonable that many will consider travelling to be a privileged experience on the list. Whether you need or want to travel abroad or to another city in your country, be it for work or just pleasure, you always search for the best experience and the best way to reach the destination, right? For your convenience, Simber provides long distance transportation with a long distance chauffeur to make your trip to nationwide locations or European destinations more enjoyable.",slug:"road trip destinations uk wide with long distance chauffeur service",titleFull:"Road Trip Destinations UK Wide with Long Distance Chauffeur Service",details:"\n

If we close our eyes and ask ourselves what makes us happy, many of the same things will likely come up for the majority of us. Love, relationships, friends, and family members are likely to be at the top of the list and hobbies. Some will be able to include their jobs, and it is pretty reasonable that many will consider travelling to be a privileged experience on the list.


Whether you need or want to travel abroad or to another city in your country, be it for work or just pleasure, you always search for the best experience and the best way to reach the destination, right? For your convenience, Simber provides long distance transportation with a long distance chauffeur to make your trip to nationwide locations or European destinations more enjoyable.

\n \"Long\n

We provide a high-end vehicle and a competent chauffeur for any transfer to any city in the UK, Europe (or beyond). We are available for consultation prior to any transfer, to discuss your every need, stops you\u2019d like to take or even hotels to stay in. Our chauffeurs as always will take care of your luggage, provide complimentary water and wifi for the journey and of course assist with any requirements you may have along the way.


Engaging a long distance chauffeur is the best option if you have to go on road trip destinations nationwide or travel a greater distance to another country such as France or Belgium and want to enjoy the convenience of not having to worry about public transportation timetables, travel to airports or train stations, unexplained delays, and the dreadful long lines at passport controls.


But you don't need to focus only on outside-the-UK long-distance trips. As you know, we provide all-around-the-UK travelling. You can find many cool road trip destinations around the United Kingdom or even in London surroundings to spend your free time or vacation.


Our vehicles are suitable for long distance travelling


The most well-prepared fleet of vehicles for long distance transportation services is available at our company. Excellent quality, the best active and passive safety systems, elegance and sophistication, power and its brilliance are all features of the following vehicles.

\n \"Simber\n

Mercedes S-Class or similar; Audi A8 or BMW 7 Series

  • Passengers: 3
  • \n
  • Checked luggage: 1
  • \n
  • Hand luggage: 2
  • \n

Mercedes V-Class

  • Passengers: 7
  • \n
  • Checked luggage: 5
  • \n
  • Hand luggage: 4
  • \n

Range Rover Autobiography

  • Passengers: 3
  • \n
  • Checked luggage: 2
  • \n
  • Hand luggage: 3
  • \n

Rolls Royce Ghost

  • Passengers: 3
  • \n
  • Checked luggage: 1
  • \n
  • Hand luggage: 2
  • \n
\n \"Simber\n

Travel with Simber


Once you\u2019ve decided on your long distance destination we are happy to come up with some suggestions on things to do or see that are exclusive, experiential, or unique on your route or within your chosen destination. So if nothing comes to mind we\u2019d be delighted to recommend a restaurant, meeting place, sightseeing locations, a place of interest or even some hotel recommendations. Either way we are here to fulfil your wishes and our drivers are tasked to get to your end destination safely and comfortably.


We can help you plan UK road trip or help you reach out to some of the most popular European locations. That's why we have a few UK road trip ideas and tips on how to travel a long distance from the UK to Europe.

\n \"Road\n

Let's see what options you have:


Travelling to Oxford from London


Travelling to Oxford, which is only an hour away from London, will allow you to experience a city that combines the advantages of a little town with the ambience of a large city. You can quickly get around on your own, but we would be delighted to make your trip easier by assisting you in going from one location to another city location, or even chauffeuring you to Bicester Village for a great shopping experience.


Oxford is known for its prominent university, historical sites, and gorgeous architecture, Oxford has long been one of the most popular tourist road trip destinations uk. This historic city is home to such picturesque landmarks as the Hertford Bridge, which locals have dubbed the \"Bridge of Sighs,\" St. Mary's University Church, and the world's oldest museum. There are also cobblestone streets and the iconic \"dreaming spires\" that dot the skyline.


Oxford is also home to some of the country's hippest clubs and music venues, and its dark, stately streets have served as a source of inspiration for filmmakers and authors for decades. Your chauffeur can wait for you without any problems while you enjoy a night of relaxation before starting the next day or before getting back to London. So, whether you're searching for a family holiday spot, an escape to relax from business events or a romantic getaway, this is a fantastic city to consider as part of your UK road trip..


Travelling to Manchester from London


Manchester is one of the best UK road trip destinations, and it takes less than 5 hours to get there. Some of the activities you may enjoy in Manchester include having a drink in Deansgate, shopping in Market Street, attending a sporting event at Old Trafford, or seeing a musical at the Palace Theatre. Also, several museums have been established to preserve the culture and traditions of the city that was the birthplace of the industrial revolution.


An example is the Museum of Industry and Science which serves as a time capsule of society's development since the Industrial Revolution. The development of transportation and daily life, beginning with the first locomotives, radios, televisions, and looms, and ending with the environments of how people's homes used to be.


If you need a break from the hustle and bustle of city life, Manchester is well located for those seeking a getaway to the heart of the English countryside. With only a 20 minutes ride, your chauffeur can take you to the Peak District, which features lovely rolling hills and rocky moors. Also, there is The Lake District, which is located a short distance away and is a natural wonderland of dazzling lakes and quiet villages.


Travelling to Scotland from London


The magnificent castle of Edinburgh and the famed Royal Mile can be found in the upper section of the capital city of Scotland. When travelling to Edinburgh from London, you can ask your long distance chauffeur to take you to the Highlands, which are a site of many legends, deep-rooted customs, clans, and lush green scenery. This is perfect for a weekend trip, and that's why Scotland is always a part of the best road trip destinations UK recommendations.


If you are a fan of Harry Potter or Outlander, you will definitely adore the trips across Scotland, where you can take in the lush green view of the Highlands and the ruins of ancient Scottish fortifications. You can also visit St Andrews, where you can see the oldest university in the country, a distillery in Pitlochry, and sail across Loch Ness to Urquhart Castle. Scotland is also considered to be among the most famous road trip destinations uk.


Our chauffeurs are well-educated individuals who can engage you in a cheerful conversation with a cultural twist, making your journey more pleasant. Empathy is contagious in them, and they have been trained not only to drive but also to provide exceptional customer service. This road trip UK is more in demand and becoming increasingly rare, so make sure you book us on time.


Travelling to Dublin from London


With live music, great stories, and a beer that has travelled the world over, this lovely city is always bustling with activity. It is the ideal place for individuals who want to visit a tiny city with a plethora of entertainment opportunities. It is possible to discover the most interesting buildings, monuments, and museums in Dublin simply by roaming around the city or taking advantage of the services of your long distance chauffeur, who will assist you in planning your day and getting to every place on time. There are at least a number of stops that should not be missed if you want your vacation to Dublin to be complete.


The Guinness Storehouse brewery is one of these establishments. If you are on a planned trip to Dublin, this stop will most likely be included; nevertheless, if you are not, you must make an effort to see this place dedicated to those who enjoy the most famous dark beer in the world. In addition, the views from the Gravity Bar, which is located at the top of the tower, are some of the most spectacular in the city.


Kilmainham Jail is yet another stop that must be made. In addition to learning about Ireland's struggle for independence from the United Kingdom, you will be able to walk along the same halls that Daniel Day-Lewis walked while filming his famous movie \"In the Name of the Father\" while you are there.


Travelling to Paris from London


Oh l\xe0 l\xe0, Paris! The city of the Seine is full of traps and enchantments. This is a trip we\u2019ve undertaken countless times chauffeuring clients from London or the UK to Paris. It is a must-see destination on every traveller's itinerary, and the best time to visit seems to be whenever the traveller feels like it. Simber is also in for becoming your best company for a beautiful and safe trip to this bustling metropolis if you feel like it right now.


From the Eiffel Tower, the city's icon, to the Notre Dame Cathedral, with its beautiful rose window, and on to the Arc de Triomphe or the Louvre Museum, which is one of the world's most important art collections, there is something for everyone.


Historically significant neighbourhoods such as Montmartre - home to the world-famous cabaret Moulin Rouge, or the cosmopolitan Le Marais, which is brimming with palaces, and avenues such as the Champs Elysees, which are brimming with imposing and valuable buildings, appeal to nostalgia and romanticism and invite you to wander through its streets with the calm that claims to have been contemplated the great treasures.


A trip to Paris with the best cars for long distance travel will allow you to discover the rich heritage of Paris most comfortably and conveniently. If you think that the trip will be long and boring, we suggest you learn some basic phrases on the way, so you can understand the locals better and truly immerse yourself in French culture! Furthermore if you really want to go the whole yard with a tour, why not organise a chauffeur driven tour to one of many vineyards or to the South of France.


In addition to driving, your chauffeur can bring you a drink or a newspaper, and, of course, they can assist you with your belongings if necessary. Our clients fall in love with us because of the attention to detail we provide on their road trip destinations uk or abroad.


Travelling from London to Spain


Is this your first trip to Spain? Do you want to see the most authentic parts of the country? Are you travelling with your family or with your friends? Is it a particular event that you're celebrating? Fall head over heels in love with Spain, where food, friends, family, and good times are the way to authentic living. Whether you want to walk in the footsteps of royalty in Madrid, relax by the sea in Barcelona, or tame a ferocious bull in mythological Andalusia, excitement is waiting for you at every corner in this fascinating country.


Especially famous in Spain is Marbella. Marbella is the most sought-after destination for discerning travellers seeking luxury and exclusivity, thanks to its luxurious hotels, premium stores, golf courses, beaches that are regarded among the most beautiful in Spain, and untouched natural surroundings.


However, because it boasts the highest concentration of golf courses in Spain, Marbella is also a popular destination for golf enthusiasts. It is estimated that the municipality is home to 14 golf courses, including eight 18-hole golf clubs, one 27-hole course, two 18-hole courses, and 39-hole courses. The outstanding gastronomy of this region is also something that captures one's imagination. So much so that it boasts three Michelin-starred restaurants as well as hundreds of other establishments serving delectable and enticing cuisine.


As this is a long distance trip, our chauffeurs drive without you recognising that the vehicle is moving, and they are well-versed in how to respond in an unexpected situation. This results in a great deal of tranquillity, first and foremost for the chauffeur and of course, for the passengers. Planning is key so routes are to be confirmed prior to travel, regular stops to be taken and overnight arrangements to be made beforehand.


Travelling to Switzerland from London


Switzerland is a destination where nature abounds under the watchful gaze of the Alps and the Jura mountain range, and where one definitely goes to marvel at its landscapes. A road trip to Switzerland offers the opportunity to see cities and villages that look like they belong in a fairy tale, as well as the splendour of the region's forests, rivers, and lakes, and places where history coexists with the present and the past.


The Swiss alps will always have something to offer, regardless of whether it is winter or summer and whether you are seeking skiing, climbing, hiking, trekking, or bicycling activities. Furthermore, our services are available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you never have to be concerned about how to get there.


If we're talking about the national symbols of Switzerland, we can't leave out chocolate. Although there are some people who do not enjoy sweets, we must agree that the majority of people on our planet have a sweet tooth, and especially children.


Cheese enthusiasts, on the other hand, can get pleasure out of one of the country's most famous dishes: the fondue. Watch enthusiasts have the opportunity of seeing some of the best watchmakers in one place.


With its valleys, waterfalls, lakes formed by water currents flowing from Alps, and steep mountains that encircle your view, we are convinced that you will never forget the spectacular sights of Switzerland once you return home. And, we don\u2019t mind helping you out with taking home as much chocolate (and other gifts) as you want!


For exceptional comfort and travelling satisfaction, you can go for the chauffeur driven V Class Switzerland offers. This is a pretty convenient choice when travelling alone or together with two more people. But, when travelling to Switzerland for corporate events and business trips with up to six people more, we suggest choosing the premium chauffeur driven S Class Switzerland offer.


Travelling With Your Pets


If you are looking for your next adventure, travelling by road with your pet can be a wonderful alternative. A trip provides the ideal opportunity to get away from your troubles and create lasting memories with your loved ones, including your furry friend. Or even just transporting your pet from one city or country to another because of reasons other than adventuring, our services are at your disposal.


The most important thing before embarking on a trip with pets is safety, both for people and for the animal itself. With a long distance chauffeur service, you can travel with your pet and be more aware of its health and well-being throughout the trip. There is no danger to either you or your pet in this manner, and you can enjoy a safe and relaxed travelling.


Before your trip, we recommend that you consult your veterinarian to ensure that everything is good. Check to see that the vaccines are up to date, that the appropriate deworming has been performed (this is especially important in the summer), and a product to prevent motion sickness can also be purchased. This may be beneficial if your pet has suffered from motion sickness on past journeys.


The Bottom Line


There was a day when we suddenly stopped travelling, and we postponed trips with the assurance that we would be able to resume such a delightful adventure as soon as possible. And, because the moment has arrived and most of the restrictions are down, we want you to take the opportunity to go on those trips, attend those business events abroad, and enjoy that family vacation you have been planning for a while.


And, Simber wants to travel with you. To Oxford, with its cobblestone streets, historic confectioneries, and stunning examples of British design. To Scotland, a country which once has taken hold of you, it will be tough to free yourself, and even if you don't return for years, you will discover that the spark has never died.


To Dublin, a city that evokes images of history, green hills, charming lanes and endless mugs of Guinness. To Manchester, a city that evokes images of the industrial revolution and glorious sporting history. To Paris, a destination you've promised yourself for years. To Spain, where people constantly share their lives, time, and food with each other. To Switzerland, a country that makes you fall in love with its dreamline landscapes and chocolate worth every single calorie.


We mentioned some great road trip destinations, so you can choose where to go. No matter if you prefer a road trip around the UK or in Europe, we are here to provide comfort, convenience and support for you.


So, what do you think? Are you coming on a road trip with us?

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"Travelling with the help of a corporate chauffeur service can be more appealing than driving on your own, regardless of the type of business event you are going to attend. The usefulness of this service is significantly influenced by the sort of business we operate in. It would be of little service to us if we had a chauffeur-driven car to take us to a fish market. Take nothing we say about it wrong: it can be beneficial, definitely, but only when applied consistently, which is the approach we wish to take today.",metaTiltle:"What to Expect from a Corporate Chauffeur Service",date:new Date(2022,3,29),synopsis:"Travelling with the help of a corporate chauffeur service can be more appealing than driving on your own, regardless of the type of business event you are going to attend. The usefulness of this service is significantly influenced by the sort of business we operate in. It would be of little service to us if we had a chauffeur-driven car to take us to a fish market. Take nothing we say about it wrong: it can be beneficial, definitely, but only when applied consistently, which is the approach we wish to take today.",slug:"what to expect from a corporate chauffeur service",titleFull:"What to Expect from a Corporate Chauffeur Service",details:"\n

Travelling with the help of a chauffeur service for corporate events can be more appealing than driving on your own, regardless of the type of business event you are going to attend. The usefulness of this service is significantly influenced by the sort of business we operate in. It would be of little service to us if we had a chauffeur-driven car to take us to a fish market. Take nothing we say about it wrong: it can be beneficial, definitely, but only when applied consistently, which is the approach we wish to take today.


However, giant multinational corporations, event planning and production organisations, and enterprises that constantly collaborate with partners are just a few of the businesses that might benefit from a private car and luxury chauffeur service and reap the rewards.


We have previously explained why you need to hire a corporate chauffeur for your next event, we are confident that you will be able to develop numerous business concepts in which you may utilise this service.


Top 3 reasons to hire a corporate chauffeur service




It is possible to enjoy and benefit from driving a car; nevertheless, it demands a high level of attention and the elimination of all distractions, which is why those who drive prefer to enjoy the ride only to a limited extent.

\n \"A\n

Furthermore, upon arrival at the destination, the persons behind the wheel are frequently weary, making it difficult to appreciate and enjoy the location's attractions fully. It is advisable to utilise a London VIP chauffeur service to avoid these problems and ensure that the entire vacation, including the journey and the destination, is truly unforgettable.


Relaxation and resting


As can be seen from the examples above, driving a vehicle demands a significant amount of energy and concentration, which can lead to fatigue, particularly when travelling long distances. This can be dangerous since tiredness can make it easier to lose track of where you are driving for a brief period of time and cause an accident.


Aside from that, there are instances in which insomnia has happened the night before, which increases the risk of or delays the journey in question. Using a chauffeur service within London to multiple meetings is important, but more so a long distance chauffeur service for VIP or executives wIth an experienced and professional chauffeur behind the wheel helps prevent weariness, allows passengers to work or relax in complete comfort while sitting in reclining and comfy seats.


Spending time together


While on the road with a professional chauffeur, passengers may spend more time together and discuss forthcoming events and activities when the unit is in skilled hands, this is a valuable feature of any sort of journey. Still, it is especially significant when travelling on business. Bonds are strengthened as a result, and there is more to remember about the company as a result.


Having said that, you will almost certainly find it more advantageous to use a London VIP chauffeur service rather than driving on your own to your destination. If you require the assistance of the most qualified drivers and vehicles in the best possible condition, please do not hesitate to contact the Simber Chauffeur Services team.


Business events where you need a VIP chauffeur service


Financial Roadshows


While travelling to meet with investors in a foreign country or even on your own, you require a reputable ground transportation service that can handle all of your needs. There is no doubt that our years of experience and professionalism in dealing with complex and demanding schedules will help you benefit from attending or organising financial roadshows. For us, your business and schedules are just like our own, and we promise that your Financial Roadshow Chauffeur will treat them as such. To discuss your Financial Roadshow London Chauffeur requirement, please contact us.



\n \"Conference.\"/\n

Are you putting together a gathering of exceptional professionals, companies from a particular industry, perhaps hosting an event for people who share a shared interest in a specific topic? Conferences are formal occasions in which the speakers deliver a concept according to a predetermined subject matter.


Due to the fact that they are focused on presenting an idea, the difficulty with this type of event is that it does not allow for in-depth dialogue or conversation with the participants. Therefore, the presenters must be completely concentrated, if not even more so. So, instead of taking public transportation or driving their car to their conference, why not take a break and rest on the way there?




In this situation, as opposed to the previous one, the goal is to elicit a discourse between the audience and the speaker, which is usually for educational purposes. The speakers need to be well-rested for this discussion and prepared to answer even the most demanding questions.


Congresses and conventions


Suppose it's already time for a meeting of various company members to discuss issues pertaining to the company as a whole, define new objectives, and identify solutions to enhance a specific sector within the company. Why not take advantage of a VIP chauffeur service and get you and or your employees to meetings on time or anything in between?


At the same time, attendees will come with the positive energy that they gathered during the ride while enjoying the beautiful sights of magical London out of a chauffeur-driven Mercedes v-class.




In most cases, fairs are held for commercial goals, such as to display a company's latest products or services. Organising such large-scale events that take place over several days requires a significant financial investment, not only in terms of logistics but also in terms of planning and administration.


In order to better organise the fair, you can use the help of a corporate chauffeur service or an event chauffeur service that will assist you in transferring your guests or even some boxes with materials that you might need. Such a relief, right?


Ceremonies and awards


These are very formal, black-tie affairs, and the dress code is strictly enforced, and a VIP chauffeur service is a must here! They are used to commemorate or honour the company or individual for a specific cause, such as celebrating or giving a prize that has been won by one of its employees. The event's goal is to provide entertainment through speeches delivered by the attendees.


They are occasionally attended by media members, as they are typically events that have a significant media impact. Besides the speeches, the glitz and the glamour, the cherry on top of the cake for media members is seeing business executives arriving at the ceremony with the best vehicles for corporate transfer.


Product or service launches


This type of event aims to introduce a new product or service to the general public and officially launch it into the market. It is critical to demonstrate all of the benefits and characteristics of the product or service so that the participants are left with no questions or concerns.


However, that might not be enough. Besides just showing your product, you should think of your most essential guests or your potential clients and how you can attract them better. You can offer your most valued attendees to reach the venue using a london based chauffeur service. We assure you that it will provoke positive feelings and they may well be even more inclined to invest or take part in your venture.


Day off among business days? Enjoy the outskirts of London with the help of a VIP chauffeur service


If you happen to be in London for business and have a day off, you should also enjoy and explore a bit. London might be crowded, but you can always escape, and we recommend some places in the outskirts. Thinking of how to reach them? When hiring a professional VIP chauffeur service, you should also expect some offers for day trips or you can choose the place yourself. This is a good way to enjoy the fresh air and recharge for your next business meeting.


Surrey Hills


The Surrey Hills are a natural wonderland with breathtaking scenery. Its diverse environment, which includes chalky meadows, tree-covered hills, and wildflowers in a rainbow of colours, will make you imagine you are thousands of miles away from London's traffic and congestion, noise, and bustle.


If you have one day, we recommend hiking Box Hill, which has spectacular views of the surrounding area and is a great place to spend the afternoon. On the way down, you can take the Stepping Stones to walk, which is a stone path that crosses the River Mole. Wine enthusiasts can visit Denbies Wine Estate, while history buffs can see Polesden Lacey. In this historic Edwardian estate, Margaret Greville gave parties to members of the upper crust of society.


Chiltern Hills


The Chiltern Hills, located northeast of London, is another of the country's most beautiful natural regions to explore. When you arrive, you will be surrounded by stunning green landscapes, lovely villages, and a vast array of estates and stately mansions.


Tring is a small community with everything you could possibly need for the day. Travelling down High Street, don't forget to stop at the city's Natural History Museum, where you can see more than 4,000 specimens, including three-toed tapirs and the extinct Tasmanian tiger. Before entering the majestic mediaeval church of St Peter and St Paul, wander around Tring Park to see butterflies and other wildlife.




A typical southern English village located midway between the counties of Surrey and Hampshire, Farnham is a popular destination for tourists. There is a lot of history in this Georgian-era town: it is home to a 12th-century castle, Britain's first Cistercian monastery (Waverley Abbey), and remnants dating back to the Stone Age, Roman, and Saxon periods. Because it has been a prosperous trading town since the Middle Ages, it is a good idea to visit on the fourth Sunday of the month to view the farmers' market that takes place.


The Bottom Line


Companies and individuals alike organise events, conferences, and anniversaries where they must ensure the safe transfer of themselves and their assigned staff. One of the most effective ways to maintain consistency in arrival time is through the use of a VIP chauffeur service. This corporate chauffeur service offers you really great opportunities as we mentioned above, and we hope you will consider taking advantage of them.

\n \"CEO\n

When not used for business events, weddings are a regular occurrence on this sort of service, as well as graduations, birthday parties, private meetings, day trips and long-distance chauffeur driven trips are all included in the list of occasions where a corporate chauffeur service present is required. If you\u2019d like to find out more about how Simber Chauffeur Service can help you, or your business for the long term, please don\u2019t hesitate to contact us.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"The most distinguishing characteristic of the world's most wanted luxury vehicles is that, regardless of the type of vehicle they are (SUV, saloon, or coupe), all of them provide to their passengers quality, design, modern technologies and comfort, which are among the most important things that executives look for when choosing the best vehicles for corporate transport. Traveling with any of them becomes a genuine pleasure.",metaTiltle:"Best Vehicles for Corporate Transfers: Which Ones Do the Business Executives Love Being Driven?",date:new Date(2022,2,31),synopsis:"The most distinguishing characteristic of the world's most wanted luxury vehicles is that, regardless of the type of vehicle they are (SUV, saloon, or coupe), all of them provide to their passengers quality, design, modern technologies and comfort, which are among the most important things that executives look for when choosing the best vehicles for corporate transport. Traveling with any of them becomes a genuine pleasure.",slug:"best vehicles for corporate transfers",titleFull:"Best Vehicles for Corporate Transfers: Which Ones Do the Business Executives Love Being Driven?",details:"\n

We live in a culture that is always on the move and available 24 hours a day. To keep up with everything that is expected of us, between our jobs, business meetings, personal errands, and family obligations, it is quite exhausting.


Because of this reason, luxury vehicles are attracting an increasing number of business people because of their intimidating presence, exclusivity, and ability to generate maximum sensations.


In addition to being remarkable vehicles with a corporate chauffeur, they are also distinguished by having a distinctive and futuristic design.


The best vehicles for corporate transport have been created to appeal to the most discriminating tastes while also providing power and comfort in a manner that is both stylish and distinguished.This is the destination of choice for executives in positions of authority who know how to enjoy themselves without boundaries.


For a variety of reasons, companies frequently use corporate vehicles, including meeting specific mobility needs within the scope of their job responsibilities. Corporate companies and or hotels that use the best vehicles for corporate transport have done extensive calculations, and the reason they choose this solution is that it compensates them both in terms of the work completed and in terms of the contentment and well-being of the executives.


What should a corporate chauffeur driven car have?

\n \"S\n

For a vehicle to be considered a member of the best vehicles for corporate transport, it must have specific characteristics that go beyond opulent appearances.




Luxury vehicles gain in value as a result of their guaranteed premium finishes, intricately crafted materials, comfort , safety and eye-catching looks. Every aspect is important and contributes to a visual setup that generates an environment of delight while also providing unrivaled functionality.




A modern and futuristic aesthetic that has been perfectly adapted to a style that transcends fashion. This is an important consideration in high-end automobiles. The design must be useful without sacrificing its aesthetic appeal.


Modern technology


Ideally, the best vehicles for corporate transport should have complete connection, integrated services that make your travel more comfortable, and be equipped with the most up-to-date technology available. Clear displays for controlling temperature in the front and rear of vehicles, reclining seats which in most vehicles are heated and ventilated, cabin heating systems, among other things, are typical of the industry. Infotainment is another feature.


Furthermore, this technology is employed wisely to improve the safety and performance of the gear in question. Everything has been engineered to keep executives and or their family safe while also delivering excellent performance on any route.




Executives spend almost as much time at the office as they do in the car, owing to the fact that their agendas and meetings need them to travel about continuously throughout the day. Therefore, people hunt for vehicles that provide more space and comfort than their current vehicles. A few more millimeters between people, the quality of the seats' material, and the availability of portable amenities all make a difference.


Best vehicles for corporate transport


The most distinguishing characteristic of the world's most wanted luxury vehicles is that, regardless of the type of vehicle they are (SUV, saloon, or coupe), all of them provide to their passengers quality, design, modern technologies and comfort, which are among the most important things that executives look for when choosing the best vehicles for corporate transport. Traveling with any of them becomes a genuine pleasure.


It should come as no surprise that they are the mode of transportation of choice for world leaders, athletes, and celebrities on their daily commute, as well as for executives and professional drivers who perceive in them a true sign of social status. Beside that, executives always check the most attractive models, which we will list below.


Mercedes S-Class


Mercedes S-Class is often ranked as one of the top vehicles in its segment. Frequently known as the king of the road, in particular when it comes to luxury chauffeur driven journeys. In addition to being a technological demonstration of the newest innovations achieved, this car model has always been praised for its meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail which makes it among the best vehicles for corporate transport. The Mercedes S-Class is often seen around the heart of London, on long distance journeys mainly driven by professional chauffeurs.


BMW 7 Series

\n \"BMW\n

Since the introduction of the very first generation in 1997, the BMW 7 Series has gone through a total of six significant generational changes. The most recent one is significant for offering hybrid powertrain options as well as being the first high-performance 7 Series in history with the M760i variant featuring a twin-turbo V12 engine and all-wheel drive being the most powerful version available. The 7 Series continues to impress from a chauffeur driven aspect, often used for luxury airport journeys due to it\u2019s deep boot space, but also often seen attending luxury events - driven by professional chauffeurs in London.

\n \"BMW\n

Audi A8


The largest sedans from the major German manufacturers are indispensable in any ranking of the top luxury vehicles that corporations want to hire. And, among them is the Audi A8, which in this most recent iteration, owing to its advanced driving aides, is paving the route towards fully autonomous driving while maintaining a luxurious interior. In the corporate sector we often see the Audi A8 as a popular choice for corporate companies who like to keep a low profile.


Range Rover

\n \"Range\n

Since its debut in 1970, the Range Rover has established itself as the most luxurious and competent SUV on the planet, according to many. And, despite the fact that the world has changed significantly since then, these traits remain true. The Range Rover Autobiography is often used by corporate executives who want to travel in style but usually rare especially around London. The Range Rover is therefore mainly seen on the red carpet or even on New Bond Street chauffeuring celebrities or high profile individuals in what is one of the most British vehicles.

\n \"Range\n

Mercedes V-Class


While the quality of the V-Class is evident in the features of the vehicle that we can touch, it is also evident in the aspects of the vehicle that we can see, and one of the aspects of the vehicle that people particularly appreciate is the interior illumination.


The use of LED lighting in a variety of colors in both the front and back areas, which is seamlessly blended into an environment of excellent comfort when traveling at night, is also recommended. Also noticeable is the amount of space available in the two front seats, with both the driver (or chauffeur) and passenger enjoying a generous amount of legroom. This vehicle allows for families to have room to grow, executives have meetings to conduct and adventurers have stories to tell.


Rolls-Royce Phantom


The Rolls-Royce Phantom has been known by this name since the mid-1920s, and throughout the eight generations of vehicles that have been produced since then, it has consistently been regarded as one of the most opulent, expensive, and exclusive automobiles available on the market today hence why it is used by extremely wealthy and successful CEOs worldwide.


Rolls Royce Ghost


It is the first time that the Rolls-Royce Ghost has been produced by the British luxury brand, which had previously only produced one model, the Rolls-Royce Phantom, until 2009. (albeit with a convertible version called Drophead Coupe).


With Porsche's permission, the Ghost's external design is based on the same vintage Rolls-Royce line, which is considered to be one of the best maintained in the automotive world, and is reminiscent of the Phantom.


Advantages of using the best vehicles for corporate transport


Image is everything


The first thing that offers status and image to an employee of the company or executives is the availability of a private chauffeur service. And you are well aware that maintaining a professional appearance for both your employees and your clients is critical in these difficult economic times.


Transfers to The Houses of Parliament, exclusive events, meetings, and other forms of meetings for businesses must be clearly labeled with the top of the company that is responsible for them.


Additional services


Corporate transfers come with a number of additional benefits, such as the ability to provide advice, an opinion, or assistance with any issue, because chauffeurs are people with greater education, people skills, and experience.




When you hire a chauffeur for corporate purposes, you should know that they will be able to pick up a box or letter while you are in your meeting, or even pick up and drop off your children at school.


Their mission is to relieve you of any concerns you may have about transportation, vacation planning, or schedule. Even if it means minimizing your own personal concerns to the greatest extent possible. It's not that they're psychologists, but they know how to listen well.


Saving money


A chauffeur-driven car for corporations, executives, or senior executives does not have to be expensive to be effective. If you compare their quality-price-service ratio to that of other modes of transportation, you will find that they are unrivaled.


You are their direct customer, and your happiness is the most important thing. Then, if you are satisfied with the best vehicles for corporate transport, you are likely to use it again, which is both their reward and their goal at the same time.


Characteristics of a corporate chauffeur


Corporate chauffeurs are experts that have a lot of capacity and a lot of particular abilities to offer. Which are important to be aware of. A chauffeur must be in possession of the necessary documentation. This is in addition to meeting the standards for minimum age and driving experience. Any reputable firm will be pleased to provide you with documentation demonstrating the qualifications of their drivers.


Furthermore, the driver's driving record must be unblemished. Every driver bears the obligation of safeguarding the safety of all passengers, and that responsibility begins with maintaining a clean driving history. When you use an executive service, you will observe chauffeurs dressed appropriately. It is important for a chauffeur to be professionally clothed; the classic black and white uniform is always appropriate.


The executive chauffeur is always on time, arriving 15-20 minutes early at the pick-up location without fail, and there are never any exceptions. That is why the chauffeur will plan all routes in advance, taking into consideration road or weather-related delays as well as peak hour traffic.


Another trait you can rely on from your corporate chauffeur is that they will maintain complete discretion. A chauffeur is acutely aware of all of the significant events that occur in their clients' personal and professional lives. A good chauffeur maintains the highest levels of secrecy, etiquette, and confidentiality at all times.


The Bottom Line


Everything about the best vehicles for corporate transport, from their outside design to their ability to meet your demands, has been engineered to give an experience on a different level. They are a technologically advanced mode of transportation that cannot be compared to a conventional automobile. You have a variety of options for a thrilling adventure, a leisurely ride through the city or to your next business event - all of which are delivered in the most fashionable manner.


You are well aware that in huge and hierarchical organizations such as your corporation, scheduling and planning are critical factors in success. So, a corporate chauffeured car for businesses is therefore a pleasant convenience that allows you to concentrate on the things that are really important in your company.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"24 hours a day, 365 days a year, our chauffeur-driven fleet is available to you and your clients no matter if it\u2019s for VIP concierge service Gatwick type of service or anything else regarding transportation needs. You can provide the most excellent possible service while also taking the utmost care to maintain your professional image.",metaTiltle:"Best Hotel Concierge Services in London for a VIP Treatment",date:new Date(2022,2,19),synopsis:'Did you know that the word "concierge" comes from the French "comte des cierges", which translates as "keeper of the sails"? Old-school concierges provided assistance to the mediaeval high elite as they travelled from castle to castle around Europe. Nowadays, VIP concierge services London are necessary since VIP guests don\'t stay in castles; instead they stay in lovely hotels, both modern and new. In most instances they may require a luxury chauffeur driven vehicle to transport them from say London Heathrow airport to your hotel or to the airport from your hotel. In this case, you can rely on the specific airport-hotel transfer service, in which a professional chauffeur will come to pick your guests up at the agreed-upon location and transport them to the desired destination in one of our high-end vehicles, allowing them to forget about their worries and enjoy a journey filled with comfort and convenience offered by the best hotel concierge services.',slug:"best hotel concierge services",titleFull:"Best Hotel Concierge Services in London for a VIP Treatment",details:"\n

Did you know that the word \"concierge\" comes from the French \"comte des cierges\", which translates as \"keeper of the sails\"? Old-school concierges provided assistance to the mediaeval high elite as they travelled from castle to castle around Europe.


Nowadays, VIP concierge services London are necessary since VIP guests don't stay in castles; instead they stay in lovely hotels, both modern and new. In most instances they may require a luxury chauffeur driven vehicle to transport them from say London Heathrow airport to your hotel or to the airport from your hotel.

\n \"Hotel\n

In this case, you can rely on the specific airport-hotel transfer service, in which a professional chauffeur will come to pick your guests up at the agreed-upon location and transport them to the desired destination in one of our high-end vehicles, allowing them to forget about their worries and enjoy a journey filled with comfort and convenience offered by the best hotel concierge services.


A VIP concierge Heathrow or a VIP concierge Gatwick type of service is on their mind even before they land in London. So, for the duration of their stay in London, they can take advantage of our transportation services to and from various locations throughout the city using hourly and daily chauffeur hire or chauffeur driver tours. All of these services are driven by a professional chauffeur who will accompany them wherever they need to go, whether it's to the hotel, to a conference, restaurant, to the airport, or elsewhere.


At hotel transport with Simber chauffeur services, we have a diverse fleet of luxury vehicles that have been certified and customised to meet your and your guests' requirements. The benefits of collaboration with a chauffeur hire company are enormous. We can adapt your service concept and consider ourselves a member of the hotel team as the chauffeur service adds to the entire value of the stay at the hotel.

\n \"A\n

24 hours a day, 365 days a year, our chauffeur-driven fleet is available to you and your clients no matter if it\u2019s for VIP concierge service Gatwick type of service or anything else regarding transportation needs. You can provide the most excellent possible service while also taking the utmost care to maintain your professional image.


A frequently asked question in London is where to stay and which neighbourhoods and hotels are the best. Other frequently asked questions include the best way to get around the city. Since the majority of tourist attractions in London and business event areas, as in many other major cities around the world, are dispersed throughout the city, we believe that the most important thing to look for in a hotel in London along with great service and comfortable accommodation is if they collaborate with a chauffeur company. This will certainly make your life as a guest easier, having the option of getting to and from the hotel accommodation in a comfortable, safe and reliable chauffeur driven vehicle.


Due to the constant evolution of the hotel industry and the fierce rivalry, hotel chains and owners are forced to constantly reinvent themselves and seek new business concierge services, realising that it is no longer enough to simply sell rooms with a good design and a lot of facilities.


Choosing luxury concierge services indicates that the consumer is looking for a unique experience in terms of service, sensations, and security. As personal assistants to their clients, concierges play an increasingly important role in their lives.


These arguments drive us to wonder whether a premium hotel is really possible without a concierge service in place. The answer is, without a doubt, no. Hotels such as London Marriott Hotel County Hall, The Resident Covent Garden, Novotel London Canary Wharf, Leonardo Royal London Tower Bridge, Karma Sanctum Soho are favourites among some guests staying in London, with excellent services, locations and accommodations.


And, the list goes even further with other amazing hotels like The Connaught, Montcalm Hotel, Rosewood Hotels, 11 Cadogan Gardens, The Beaumont which in order to make their services even better for their guests, these hotels like many more have adapted to offering the best hotel concierge services from booking theatre tickets, restaurants, events and premium chauffeur vehicles for their guests.


If you are a hotel owner considering a collaboration with Simber Chauffeur Services or a guest who\u2019d like to enquire about our services please contact us.


Opportunities that the best hotel concierge services offer


Airport Transfers

\n \"People\n

Make sure that your VIP guests' initial impression of your London concierge services is in line with your expectations by checking in early. An experienced chauffeur will accompany your clients on their transfers from the hotel to the airport, ensuring that both you and they are delighted with the service.


Visits and excursions


Cultural trips, sightseeing and gastronomy excursions, and shopping tours. A diverse choice of options that can be tailored to meet each client's specific requirements. Make certain that your hotel's image is maintained at the most outstanding possible level in order to receive an additional return.


Comprehensive partnerships


When using our chauffeur services, you can benefit from our years of experience and our ingenuity in designing customised services, so together we can create a VIP airport concierge service Gatwick or any other for your hotel that are suited to your specific needs and customer expectations.


The Bottom Line


London is an ever-expanding metropolis that serves as a cultural epicentre for the entire world, so a client concierge service Gatwick or an VIP airport concierge service Heathrow to your hotel is more than necessary to impress guests.


It's practically hard to keep track of the most significant locations to eat, drink, and relax because of the number of new restaurants, bars, and clubs springing up each week.


It will be easier for your guests to reach their favourite places for eating, enjoying, or even going to their business event, with a little bit of help provided by their favourite hotel that offers an excellent hotel concierge services list.


Most of the time, guests seek guidance and want to invest their money in items and services that they truly desire and will be helpful for them. Because of this reason, they will for sure search for the best hotel concierge services in London instead of only a place to accommodate themselves.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"If you want to provide the best stay experience for your hotel guests, collaborating with top chauffeur companies London might be the solution to that!",metaTiltle:"Benefits of a Collaboration between Hotel & Chauffeur Hire Company",date:new Date(2022,1,28),synopsis:"Collaboration and partnership have been popular in the travel industry for quite some time, and businesses must put the client at the heart of their company plan in order to be successful. Brands are under increasing pressure to meet the needs of their customers on a personal level, whether it's ensuring a seamless booking process, offering particularly tailored auxiliary items or a smooth travel experience. Business collaboration is critical to providing the quality of service that customers expect, and only by working together can businesses give this comprehensive, individualised service.",slug:"benefits of a collaboration",titleFull:"Benefits of a Collaboration between Hotel & Chauffeur Hire Company",details:"\n

Collaboration and partnership have been popular in the travel industry for quite some time, and businesses must put the client at the heart of their company plan in order to be successful. Brands are under increasing pressure to meet the needs of their customers on a personal level, whether it's ensuring a seamless booking process, offering particularly tailored auxiliary items or a smooth travel experience. Business collaboration is critical to providing the quality of service that customers expect, and only by working together can businesses give this comprehensive, individualised service.


Have you ever considered collaborating with other businesses in order to gain new customers? If you haven't already, we recommend that you do so because it represents a completely new source of users.

\n \"Luxury\n

Recently, in order to give a better customer experience, more hotel owners are considering hiring a chauffeur company to help them out with providing a safe stay for their guests. Besides having a safe and excellent stay, there are other benefits that hiring a chauffeur company has to offer, such as transferring the guests from the airport to their chosen hotel, helping them explore the city through city tours, enjoying good shopping exceptional chauffeur hire day trips and excursions or visiting outstanding restaurants without having the stress of driving or planning for public transportation.


We're assuming that you're familiar with the general appearance of your typical client. So, let's say that tourists are among your target audiences. They are staying at your hotel and require a day trip to a place of interest, so they come to the front desk and inquire about availability. At the end of the journey, the price of the trip is provided by the chauffeur company to you, the hotel. Once the journey is complete the price is added to the guests room rate whilst the chauffeur company which you have engaged such as Simber Chauffeur Services invoices you on a weekly or monthly basis. Sounds good, right?


And, it is not only about day trips, but your guests often go to nightclubs, restaurants, museums, and fly to your country to experience the culture and explore everything on offer. Almost everyone requires transportation at the very least an airport transfer, and almost everyone relies on local staff to arrange for transport services, services that you and your staff can rely on.


Why Do Hotels Need a London Chauffeur Company to Collaborate with?


In modern times, business people who travel for work, especially in big cities such as London, often rely on choosing the top chauffeur companies London has to offer such as Simber, which allows them to focus more on their work rather than being distracted by traffic jams, finding parking spaces or worrying if they have made any mistakes while on the road. Even if it's just a family trip, people in general prefer to have everything prepared and planned for them in advance so that they can enjoy their stay at its maximum.

\n \"Hotel\n

London, often recognised as one of the world's most fascinating, diverse, and recognisable cities, is a metropolis that requires no introduction. Whether your guest is visiting as a tourist or on business, choosing the top chauffeur companies London to collaborate with your hotel is the perfect solution for getting them to their desired destination as quickly and effectively as possible. If you book in advance for your guests' arrival or city tour, your hotel customer service can ensure that they have an excellent first impression of the city, your hotel services and crucially a safe and timely arrival . This will benefit both your guests and your company's bottom line.


Standby Chauffeur Driven Hotel Car Offer


An additional incredible service that you can provide to your guests if you work with the top chauffeur companies London is the use of a standby car. Your guests can utilize the professional chauffeur driven standby vehicle for whatever destination they choose (subject to your terms and conditions). Companies such as Simber Chauffeur Services, a London based Chauffeur company can offer you a bespoke contract for 6 or 12 months all according to your needs and requirements. This vehicle in most cases is used by many of its hotel guests in the main free of charge to take them to destinations not too far away such as short shopping trips, restaurants, meetings or places of interest. The use of a chauffeur driven hotel car be for a specific time period, such as between 12:00 and 22:00, furthermore the vehicle and its London chauffeur assigned would act as an extension of your hotel. This is a great way of improving the overall customer service that your clients receive from start to finish. We can assure you that our guests would be more than thrilled to be complimented on a luxury chauffeur driven journey by your hotel.

\n \"Simber\n

Transfers from Hotels to Airports And Vice Versa


\n London is a hectic city, and travelling from point A to point B can be a nuisance at times, especially for those who are unfamiliar with the area. While getting lost in a new place can be a lot of fun, it can also be quite frustrating if it results in missing a flight or failing to arrive at a meeting on time. A premium London private hotel airport transfer service by the top chauffeur companies London is your ticket to providing complete peace of mind to everyone who stays at your hotel while they are in London.


Most of the people who travel to London for work or casual travels would choose a hotel that offers airport pickups because it gives them peace of mind and security and they can start their trip in a good way. A private transfer provides a more personalised service that makes it a pleasant experience from start to finish, which means that when your guests arrive, they will be in a good mood, ready to seize the day.


Your hotel guests will be able to travel in style and comfort when a chauffeur picks them up at the airport in a private air-conditioned car from any of London's main airports. The hassle and congestion of public transit, the expense of last-minute taxis, and the uncertainty of navigating a foreign city will be avoided by using a transportation service that is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This one really comes in handy during the Holiday season, when many tourists or business travellers come to London for their winter vacation or corporate events and meetings. They often stay in hotels and need airport pickup to get there.


Your guests may rest assured that all mandatory social distancing protocols, such as limiting vehicle loading, disinfecting before and after each trip, and wearing face masks, are adhered to on all local partner trips. Drivers upon your request can also be requested to wear gloves and will only touch bags if they are specifically asked to do so by guests.


In addition to greeting your guests with a sign bearing their name, the chauffeur representative will assist them with luggages and will then be escorted to the car by the driver. Our hospitality chauffeur services ensure that your guests will then have a pleasant and safe trip to their destination hotel.


Shopping at Bicester Village


Perhaps the last time you had guests at your hotel, they asked you how they could get to Bicester Village for a day tour, and if you offer a driven tour from the hotel to there. If your answer was not very positive on these questions, next time you might consider collaborating with top chauffeur companies London wide which will definitely improve your hotel customer service, and you will always have a positive answer to give to your guests.


Bicester village is quite famous for tourists in London and sometimes they want to escape the city and take themselves to the best shopping experience. In Bicester village, more than 160 fashion stores with prices reduced by up to 60% are concentrated in a single open-air avenue that serves as an extension of the Champs-\xc9lys\xe9es. Luxury brands such as Balenciaga and Dior are represented, as are Maje and Sandro, as well as more affordable brands such as Levi's and New Balance. The most recent expansion has recently been opened, adding 30 new companies to the village, bringing the total number of businesses in the village to 130, making it the second most visited area in England after London.

\n \"Chauffeur\n

When your guests arrive in London, they can meet the chauffeur at their choice London destination, such as your hotel address, and then depart in a luxury vehicle. When they arrive at Bicester Village, they will have several hours to explore at their leisure before returning to London and getting a good night's sleep at your hotel, where you will be able to greet them with a smile and wish them a restful night's sleep after a hard day of retail therapy.


What else attracts tourists to Bicester Village?


Bicester golf Club


Amongst shopping at Bicester Village, guests like to enjoy Bicester Golf Club in Oxfordshire which is a popular destination for tourists who want to enjoy a beautiful day outside of London and a few open hours on the moderate course. The par-71 course, which is 134 acres, is an excellent test that includes 11 lakes, unforgiving bunkers, and sloping greens that can bring out the best in players. A driving range with ten bays, practice bunkers, a chipping area, and a putting green are all available at the club.


Even though Bicester Golf Club is connected to a hotel, guests do not need to be members or guests of the hotel to play a round of golf or dine at the 19th Hole restaurant.


Pond Wond Island


As part of their Chauffeur Driven tour your guests may enjoy a nature walk at this Woodland Trust area on the eastern outskirts of Bicester without having to travel far from their accommodation.


Island Pond Wood, located on low, damp ground, is a relatively recent location, having been planted in 1999 with species that are tolerant of recurrent floods. The wood contains alders, willows, ash, and black poplars, and it also includes a pond that is used for fishing by the locals.


San Edburg Church


St. Eadburgha's Church, located in the heart of Bicester's historic district, was founded as a Saxon minster and is dedicated to the local saint, Eadburh of Bicester, who lived in the 7th century. The surviving structure was constructed by the Normans in the early 12th century and expanded over the course of 300 years following that.


The earliest stonework can be found at the crossroads, in the shape of round Romanesque arches that date back to the early 12th century and may have been constructed to support a central tower. Visitors with keen eyes will notice a subtle but intriguing variation between the arches on the south and north sides of the nave on the south side.


Due to the fact that the south side is older, it has early English grouped columns from the mid-13th century. Still, the north aisle, which was added around a century later, is separated by stronger octagonal columns from the 14th century.


Many monuments commemorate prominent local figures, including the Cokers, who served as Lords of the Manor of the Late Kings, and the Page-Turners. They were wealthy landowners and benefactors to the cathedral.


Historical walk through the center of Bicester


After a successful shopping day, you may inform your hotel guests that the best way to become acquainted with downtown Bicester is to download the Historic Town Trail created by the Bicester Local Historical Society and explore the area. This 18-stop stroll takes them to a variety of small items of interest in the area.


Visits will include the town lock-up, a small 17th-century prison where prisoners were held overnight before being taken to court, Bicester's oldest house, a 1500s vicarage, as well as a 17th-century pigeon house, a 16th-century farmhouse, a reconstructed structure from the late Bicester Priory and the town lock-up. In this small 17th-century prison, prisoners were held overnight before being taken to court.


They can finish with a cup of coffee in the pedestrian Sheep Street, which was transformed into an overgrown livestock market in the 18th century when the main market area grew too congested.


City Tours within London or Outside (Windsor, Bath, Oxford)


City Tours in London


London is perfect for chauffeur services since it\u2019s a city full of iconic buildings and attractions, both architectural and cultural, ranging from the double-decker bus to Big Ben and the London Eye, as well as the Tower of London and its Beefeater security guards. In addition to Buckingham Palace, which serves as the Queen's official residence, the city is home to the world-renowned department stores Harrods and Fortnum & Mason, which help to make London one of the most recognisable capitals in the world.

\n \"Simber\n

When tourists to London are planning their vacation, they want to make sure that they see and experience everything that the city has to offer, which includes more than just finding suitable accommodation. The convenience of staying in a hotel that provides city tours is a huge benefit. Once they have booked your accommodation, they will be able to make an appointment with one of our chauffeurs for a chauffeur driven sightseeing tour of the city. In the event of business meetings, it is possible that they will need to take a break in between sessions and explore a bit in order to relax.


London Chauffeur companies such as Simber Chauffeur services offer hourly chauffeur driven tours around London for your guests to explore a range of city attractions, such as the Tower of London, Westminster Palace, St Paul's Cathedral or Kew Gardens. You will be able to plan everything for your guests and create a route that allows them to stop whenever and wherever they like while their professional driver waits for them while they take in the sights of the city.


After a night out enjoying the city's nightlife and noteworthy eateries, they may merely require premium transportation back to the hotel. Then all they have to do is plan a chauffeur ride with a private car service in London and return to your hotel, where they can rest during the evening with good hotel service.


Chauffeur Driven Tours Outside of London


It is unquestionably worthwhile to take a tour of the surrounding area and discover some of the most important towns, cities, and monuments in the country, even if we are sometimes absorbed by the dynamism and magnetism of London and its most visited places.


Apart from offering city tours in and around London, the best chauffeur companies in the city also provide the option of taking trips outside of the city. For example, planned tours to beautiful and famous places such as Windsor, Bath, and Oxford, as well as other destinations that your guests may request, can be available.




Oxford is a famous destination, and it's only a short journey from central London to the medieval city of Oxford, which has an abundance of historical treasures. With ease, even if your guests only have a short amount of time available, they can go to the renowned university city on a private day trip that includes round-trip transportation in a superb vehicle. When they book a private trip, they will have the freedom to tailor the itinerary to their own interests, making it the ideal choice for families and first-time tourists.


People usually want to visit Oxford because its ancient core has several attractive streets where you may meander about and seek gifts in the various shops that line the streets. Our favorite street in the city is Holywell Street, which has been compared to the old houses with colorful facades in the neighborhood of Notting Hill in London and has become, for us, another of the places to visit in Oxford that is a must. The pedestrian Conmarket and High Street are among the most important shopping streets in the city, and they are home to many colleges and historic pubs.




Many attractive towns line the path of the River Thames. Still, Windsor is unquestionably the most interesting because of its elegance and the millennia-old history that revolves around its castle. Furthermore, it is only 35 kilometers from the center of London, making it a convenient destination for those traveling from the English metropolis by top chauffeur companies London.


A truly \"British\" town, where you can breathe elegance and history, surrounded by vast parks and filled with historic tea rooms, and where the locals have an intense devotion to the British royal family, this is the place to visit. In fact, flags and a slew of images and trinkets relating to the monarchy can be found almost everywhere you go.


Visitors to Windsor go to have a fun-filled family outing at the nearby theme park, theater, and park, as well as taking in some of the most historic and impressive landmarks in Britain.


With its 11th-century Windsor castle, magnificent chapel, and rolling countryside, Windsor is a popular weekend destination for members of the royal family and their guests. This community is located close to Windsor Bridge, which spans the River Thames and is directly across the street from the prestigious Eton College. It boasts a lovely main street and several vast natural spaces. Why not give your hotel guests the best experience of their stay in the UK?




Roman Baths - the place where one can observe how the Romans relaxed thousands of years ago in these hot springs. While the baths, which are located in the old town, date back to the ninth century BC when they were built by the Celtic civilization, it was not until centuries later, with the invasion of the Romans, that the baths gained a significant amount of space and were divided into three distinct areas: hot water, warm water, and cold water.


Since Roman times, the baths have been abandoned and have not been used for healing until they were restored in the twelfth century by the Bishop of Bath, who used them to treat the sick. It was not until later, in the eighteenth century, that the architect John Wood and his son created the design that is still in use today, which made the baths a very popular destination for Bath's bourgeoisie at the time.


During their chauffeur driven tour, your hotel guests visit the baths, they will be able to see the famous neoclassical style tea room known as the Pump Room, the Sacred Spring where they can see how the water flows at 46 degrees, a museum with mosaics of an ancient Roman temple, and the spectacular Great Bath, a rectangular arcaded pool filled with hot water flowing from the spring and which they can see from the magnificent terrace that surrounds it. It's a pleasant experience that every foreigner or even local will enjoy even more because of the luxury chauffeur service. Finding a Bath chauffeur company can be challenging and quite limited, but our long-distance London service is here for you. Be sure to check out the Simber Chauffeur Services website for more information and guide pricing on Private Tours.


The Bottom Line


Every stage of the service process, from the time the client leaves their home to the time they set foot into your hotel, contributes to creating an exceptional guest experience.


When your hotel hires a professional chauffeur company to work alongside you and your team, you can be rest assured that your guests' trips will be safe, enjoyable, less stressful, and more comfortable overall. As a result, when they arrive at their desired destination, they won't have to worry or stress about anything. The many chauffeur hire benefits include driving, parking, or figuring out which streets are less congested or the most appropriate ones. The professional chauffeurs will take care of everything, allowing them to relax and enjoy their trip to the fullest extent.


When you are about to identify partners, check for the top chauffeur companies in London, send them a message, agree on the terms of cooperation, and you're all set! With the help of a fantastic new source, you may start gaining additional clients right away! Your collaboration has the potential to result in mutual success and satisfied passengers.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"The majority of entrepreneurs are just concerned with making a profit; few, if any, are willing to invest in new ideas that will actually help them make more profits, probably due to a fear of taking risks in that specific stage of their business. The truth is, research has shown that it is, in fact, the new ideas that help fuel the growth of entrepreneurship even more. One of these new ideas is to take some burden off your entrepreneur's shoulders by letting a professional company take care of the business travels. We are talking about hiring a corporate chauffeur service which consists of having a private chauffeur for getting to all of your business events. Let\u2019s see how this can help you.",metaTiltle:"Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Corporate Chauffeur for Your Next Event",date:new Date(2022,1,9),synopsis:"The majority of entrepreneurs are just concerned with making a profit; few, if any, are willing to invest in new ideas that will actually help them make more profits, probably due to a fear of taking risks in that specific stage of their business. The truth is, research has shown that it is, in fact, the new ideas that help fuel the growth of entrepreneurship even more. One of these new ideas is to take some burden off your entrepreneur's shoulders by letting a professional company take care of the business travels. We are talking about hiring a corporate chauffeur service which consists of having a private chauffeur for getting to all of your business events. Let\u2019s see how this can help you.",slug:"reasons why you need to hire a corporate chauffeur",titleFull:"Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Corporate Chauffeur for Your Next Event",details:"\n

The majority of entrepreneurs are just concerned with making a profit; few, if any, are willing to invest in new ideas that will actually help them make more profits, probably due to a fear of taking risks in that specific stage of their business. The truth is, research has shown that it is, in fact, the new ideas that help fuel the growth of entrepreneurship even more.


One of these new ideas is to take some burden off your entrepreneur's shoulders by letting a professional company take care of the business travels. We are talking about hiring a corporate chauffeur service which consists of having a private chauffeur for getting to all of your business events. Let\u2019s see how this can help you.


The importance of hiring a corporate chauffeur


It is important to note that once a company has established a positive reputation, it is crucial that it does everything in its power to maintain that status. In order to accomplish so, you must make investments in techniques that will assist you in meeting your objectives and achieving your desired outcome.


London is one of the busiest cities in Europe, with a population of about 8 million people. Additionally, in addition to traffic delays, drivers in England must contend with the fact that they must travel on the left-hand side of the road.

\n \"Simber\n

The fact that chauffeur-driven car rentals are more popular than self-drive car rentals is one of the reasons for this. It is, however, far from being the only one.


It is important for business travellers or residents to get as many moments of peace of mind as possible when on the road. As a result, for them, knowing that a professional driver will be waiting for them at the airport, will take care of their luggage promptly, and will transport them to their ultimate destination via the most efficient route is a significant added value to their trip.


London is a bustling capital city with a plethora of events places, not all of which are concentrated in the city centre.


A chauffeur can take you to places as far apart as London Bridge to the East of London and then onto Hammersmith, where you may find London's oldest pub to the West with the assistance of a local chauffeur you or your entaurange can relax after a long distance ride.


What does a corporate chauffeur do?


A corporate chauffeur is someone who takes business people or dignitaries to and from meetings, social events, restaurants, and other locations. Some chauffeurs are self-employed, while others are hired by private limousine firms or transportation organizations. Other responsibilities of a corporate chauffeur service may include running errands, aiding clients with their luggage, and maintaining a car clean and in good operating order, among others.


Some luxury car rental companies such as Simber Chauffeur Services may be able to provide chauffeurs that are fluent in more than one language in order to help foreign dignitaries or international business leaders who are in need of ground transportation. Don\u2019t be hesitant to ask when requesting a quote or speaking to one of the team.


A corporate chauffeur may also work exclusively for a single company or a corporate company may have a contract with a London based chauffeur company who provides them with that said chauffeur who is tasked to provide transportation for the company's top executives. A regular service provided by the driver is to deliver executives to the airport and pick them up when they return, provide chauffeur driven services to meetings or even be on standby at the office for anything a personal assistant may ask him/her to do.


The corporate chauffeur gives similar services to clients who come to the office on business travels as well. An airport vehicle with a chauffeur may be utilized to take clients from the airport to their hotel if they are arriving for business purposes in small or even big groups.


For insurance purposes, most UK chauffeur companies only recruit chauffeurs who are over a particular age. It is customary for them to check driving records for accidents and traffic offences in order to maintain public safety and undertake criminal record checks.


Some chauffeur hire firms require staff to submit to drug testing and to complete driving training. Additional examinations and qualifications may be required in order to earn a chauffeur's position in government organizations.


Corporate chauffeurs must have excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with a diverse range of individuals. They must be courteous and capable of maintaining their composure when driving in heavy traffic or under pressure.


On-time arrival for meetings or conferences is a crucial characteristic for professional drivers who are responsible for bringing executives to their destinations. Patience is also a virtue, as chauffeurs may be required to wait for extended periods of time while the client attends to business.


Advantages of corporate chauffeur hire


The benefits of using a corporate chauffeur London service are numerous; nevertheless, we will highlight a few of them in this blog post and we hope that the information provided will be of great use to you in making your choice.




The fact that this type of service is prompt is unquestionably one of the benefits of using their services. Travelling on public transportation and travelling with a private chauffeur is not the same thing. The latter ensures that you will get to your location on time, which is the primary concern of the customer.


Fortunately, we have competent drivers behind the wheel in our situation. Obviously, this does not imply that they can perform incredible maneuvers or drive at the speed of light. This means that they are entirely responsible for your physical well-being and are committed to maintaining it at all times.


In addition, make sure to take all essential preparations to deal with any unexpected incidents that may occur while driving. For example, road obstructions, traffic congestion, and unfavourable weather conditions are all possible scenarios. Keep in mind that being on time is a plus for the company's reputation.




Another significant component for the company is that by hiring a chauffeur for your office or organisation, you can ensure that your employees receive individualised attention from the driver. Furthermore, they will not be required to wait for the vehicle to arrive because the chauffeur will almost certainly be waiting for them at the door when they arrive.


It goes without saying that when you have this type of service, your organisation demonstrates a high level of professionalism and, most all, elegance. This may allow you to form new alliances or close more business as a result of your efforts.


You save time


Let's start with the time that is most commonly overlooked, but which is also the most irritating: mental time. Mental time is the time spent thinking about something. It is the amount of time we spend thinking about how we will get from one place to another, such as deciding which streets are closed or under construction, becoming overwhelmed when you check the time and realize you have forgotten to call the driver and aren't sure if you will be able to find one in time, the anguished wait (with all of the turns you make), and so on.


Furthermore, we suffer when we travel by bus and witness how it operates - very correctly - stop to stop, and we lose time when we witness how the driver has become stuck in traffic jams.


When you use a private transportation service, your driver will be at your door or at the office at the appointed time of departure, with the route planned and up to date on traffic jams and other unforeseen events in the city, so that if your usual route is complicated, another alternative route will have been mapped out before you get into the vehicle, ensuring that your journey is not disrupted in any way.


Knowledge about the area


Looking for corporate chauffeur service near me is beneficial since local services for your staff or clients can be a time and stress saver for all parties involved. Local chauffeurs know all the ins and outs of their area, whether it's a rural location or only a few blocks away.


If you want to impress your customers, make sure your driver understands the area. Because they are local, they will be able to point them in the direction of the best bars, restaurants, and other sights.


Stress-free experience


We understand that the lives of business owners and employees who travel with us are hectic, filled with meetings, travel, paperwork, and to-do lists from the day before. We are dedicated to providing a stress-free environment in which our clients may relax in comfort, peace and tranquility while still feeling protected and secure.


The fact that we offer spacious vehicles will allow you to work in peace and quiet without having to worry about being late for the airport or the next meeting, or being stressed out trying to find a parking space in difficult to reach areas.

\n \"Simber\n

During this period, you can use the extra time to prepare for your meeting, catch up on phone calls or emails, read the newspaper, or simply rest and think creatively.




We conduct ourselves in a professional manner and are conscious of the sensitivity of the talks that take place in our vehicles. Our drivers are aware that this is privileged information and that no words should be spoken outside of the vehicle.


Improves the company's image


Companies that use personal car services for their employees and clients benefit from the prestige that comes with hiring a car service for their business.


Personal chauffeur to pick up and drop off clients at the airport and transport them to their hotel are available. In addition, they will be transported from the hotel to the event place.


With this small detail, you can significantly boost the impression of your company's brand. You will exude a feeling of professionalism, punctuality, and elegance to everyone around you.


Apart from that, chauffeur services not only ensure punctuality and the safe transfer of employees or clients, but they also provide other services to their passengers, such as advice, opinions, and assistance on any subject matter.


The Bottom Line


The transportation of your corporate event attendees is a very important and serious responsibility. Therefore, when you hear the words in your head \u2013 hire chauffeur, you should know that it must be chosen with great care and after careful consideration of a variety of criteria that contribute to the reduction of risks while maintaining the appropriate level of quality in this service.


Car and driver hire for corporate events with pro chauffeur are a win-win situation for any organisation because they provide the most comfortable, safe, discreet, and speedy method to navigate around the city, while also providing you with the assurance that you will always arrive on time to your scheduled appointments.


The company considers them to be a trustworthy individual because they can transport you to any event in London or wherever you require, while always guaranteeing personalized service, on-time arrival, an exclusive service with no time restrictions, and travelling in the comfort provided by a luxury vehicle.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"From the moment you wake up on your wedding day, you will be overwhelmed with emotions. When it comes to the preparations, having family and friends by your side to assist you with whatever you require and, ultimately, one of the most memorable moments of the day, when it is time to go for the ceremony. You will have some unique experiences while traveling in the wedding car you have reserved for the event.",metaTiltle:"Your Guide For the Perfect Wedding in London With a Wedding Chauffeur",date:new Date(2022,0,24),synopsis:"From the moment you wake up on your wedding day, you will be overwhelmed with emotions. When it comes to the preparations, having family and friends by your side to assist you with whatever you require and, ultimately, one of the most memorable moments of the day, when it is time to go for the ceremony. You will have some unique experiences while traveling in the wedding car you have reserved for the event.",slug:"perfect wedding in london with a wedding chauffeur",titleFull:"Your Guide For the Perfect Wedding in London With a Wedding Chauffeur",details:"\n

From the moment you wake up on your wedding day, you will be overwhelmed with emotions. When it comes to the preparations, having family and friends by your side to assist you with whatever you require and, ultimately, one of the most memorable moments of the day, when it is time to go for the ceremony. You will have some unique experiences while traveling in the wedding car you have reserved for the event.


You deserve the most excellent company for such unforgettable occasions as your wedding day: a professional wedding chauffeur who will transport you to the church, registry or other location where you will eventually say the magical words.

\n \"Wedding.\"\n

Choosing wedding chauffeur cars is one of those aspects that we constantly forget about until the last minute, but it is one of the most crucial things that you should be able to bank on for one of the most important days of your life. In addition to transporting the bride to the location of the ceremony, it will also carry the couple to the reception and, eventually, to the hotel or lodging where they will spend the rest of their beautiful wedding day and night together.

\n \"Simber\n

Like all other important parts of a wedding, the bride and groom's car must fulfill our requirements and be in keeping with the overall theme and style of the event planned.


In this blog article, we will provide you with some suggestions to assist you in selecting the most appropriate wedding chauffeur car, as well as a section for listing the most beautiful wedding venues in London.


When is it necessary to have a wedding chauffeur?


Whenever the couple has to travel in the wedding car on several occasions. In most cases, there will be two or three. You'll take the first one, which will take you from your house or from where you are getting ready to the ceremony location. The second option is to go from that location to the location of the celebration, where it is most common that you will also participate in a picture session as a pair. Alternatively, if this is not the case, the second ride will be from the location of the \"yes, I do\" to the location of the picture session, and the third ride will be from there to the wedding venue and or back home. Crucially it is important to have a chauffeur on standby to carry out necessary tasks in between!


What to take into account when choosing a wedding chauffeur?


When selecting a wedding chauffeur in London, make sure that they are up to the occasion, professional & attentive, that they drive safely, are punctual when picking you up, and that they have a clear itinerary to follow in each case, as well as an alternate itinerary in case of traffic jams or road closures due to construction, for example. A London chauffeur company focusing on luxury car service of all times, experienced in providing a luxury chauffeur driven wedding car such as Simber will be very well placed to assist in the planning and execution on your wedding day.


Whenever feasible, it is preferable to hire professional chauffeur wedding cars to transport guests. An experienced driver who understands how to react to unexpected events and maintain their composure at all times, as well as someone who will open and lock the car door for you and remain inconspicuous.


And also, don't be afraid to spell out the timetables and alternative routes so that there are no misunderstandings on the big day itself.


How to choose the best chauffeur wedding cars?


You always have the option of driving your own car or borrowing one on the big day and having someone you trust or the car's owner drive it, but there's nothing quite like a chauffeured wedding car hire to get about the big day. Why?


Because it will be wonderful to treat yourself on such a nice day and not have to worry about who will be driving you there and back. Everyone should be relaxed, making memories and having fun. Consequently, you may choose your favourite model of Simber fleet of cars and delegate the driving to a private and professional wedding chauffeur.


Make certain that, whether you pick a classic car or any other more specialized vehicle, it has all of the necessary licenses and permissions to be driven on public roadways.


It is essential that the rear of the car has enough space so that both the wedding dress and the veil, as well as any other accessories, do not become wrinkled or damaged during transportation. Simber can assist you with all of the details so that everything is flawless!


Other things to consider before choosing wedding chauffeur cars


Read reviews


We recommend, first and foremost, that you read reviews, and that you request two or three estimates with the wedding schedule clearly outlined, as well as making a few phone calls. There's nothing quite like a first impression to get a sense of how a company makes you feel and how they treat you in those crucial first few seconds.


You should always inquire as to whether any optional extra arrangements of the chauffeured car or the relocation of other individuals by the vehicle are included in the overall budget or cost of the trip. The more tightly packed everything is in wedding chauffeur cars, the more secure the vehicle.




This is inextricably tied to the car's model since both must be in keeping with the wedding's aesthetic. It is advised that the bride and groom use a third party to handle these matters rather than handling them themselves on their wedding day. Both the bride and groom already have a lot on their plates; thus, if at all possible, assign specialists to alleviate some of the pressure on the key protagonists.


Also advised is that the car decoration not be overbearing; simply adding a few accents to the car will be sufficient to communicate elegance and refinement. Complimentary decorations come as standard with any advance wedding bookings carried out by Simber Chauffeur services. Don\u2019t hesitate to get in touch and request ribbon colours of your choice.


Make the service contract earlier


Avoid leaving the selection of your wedding car till the very last minute at all costs. When compared to other aspects of planning a wedding, it may be a straightforward chore, and the sooner you \"check it off the wedding list,\" the better.


It is recommended that you book your wedding car rental between six and three months in advance. When you confirm the booking, double-check that all of the information is right, including the date, day, model, and itinerary, which should be clearly indicated and in writing.


Instead of being in charge of this management, you should delegate and assign responsibility to a trustworthy friend, family member or visitor who will be in charge of receiving and arranging the service. On that day, all you have to do is enjoy yourself and live in the moment.


The Best Wedding Places in London


Hampton Court Palace


If you are planning your wedding in London, you can hire wedding chauffeur cars that can, with pleasure, drive you to Hampton Court Palace which is regarded as one of the most beautiful wedding locations in the United Kingdom. Beautifully situated on acres of lush grounds, the majestic Tudor Palace makes for an unforgettable wedding venue, whether it's a traditional ceremony or something a little different, at any time of the day or night, where of course, your wedding chauffeur can wait until the end.


There, the Garden Room is spacious, bright, and breezy, making it an excellent choice for summer and spring weddings, or even an autumn gathering or a magical winter wedding celebration.


Its other venues, such as the Little Banqueting House and State Apartments, may be used in combination with this 1920s-style conservatory, which provides room for live music and dancing and has spectacular vistas. The room's French windows look out into a walled garden that has been allocated exclusively for the bride and groom and their invited guests, who will arrive with the best wedding chauffeur cars.


Even though styles and trends come and go, the eternal elegance of Hampton Court will never be out of favour. For more than 500 years, England's most renowned kings and queens, ranging from Henry VIII and his six wives to William III and Mary II, have stunned their visitors at Hampton Court with the romance and spectacle of the country's estate.


However, if Tudor architecture is not your thing, the palace's back is built in the beautiful Baroque style, and the gardens are really magnificent. There are various different spaces to select from for your ceremony or reception in this enormous mansion. It doesn't matter if you're inside or outside.


Central Hall Westminster


It is the largest conference hall in central London and is Grade II listed. It is located just across the street from Westminster Abbey and close to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, making it a popular location for meetings and events.


There is an impressive selection of customizable daylight and blackout event venues for corporate, public, and private events available at the site. Conferences, meetings, concerts, event broadcasts, exhibits, parties, and romantic weddings are all possible with this system. In addition, it is a favourite filmmaking site.


The Royal Horticultural Halls


In addition to having two lovely settings in downtown London, the Royal Horticultural Halls have a great deal to offer visitors. Both of their venues, Lindley Hall and Lawrence Hall, are a contemporary interpretation of a classic space. Both are appropriate for a variety of occasions, most notably wedding receptions.


With a wheelchair lift and restrooms on-site, this location is entirely wheelchair accessible for all guests. It may be great for every guest at your wedding, and you will undoubtedly have a wonderful time on your big day. There are also parking lots around where the wedding chauffeur cars can wait for you and your beloved ones.




The Honourable Artillery Company (HAC) is the oldest regiment in the British Army, and it is based at the HAC. The Armory House, built in the Georgian style in the 18th century, has a lengthy and intriguing history that is worth exploring.


They have a beautiful five-acre garden, which allows them to host events such as beverages on the lawn or even fireworks in the evening. Liverpool Street station, Moorgate, and Old Street are all easily accessible through public transportation from this central London location.


The HAC is an extraordinary venue, providing the atmosphere and exclusivity of a great country home in the heart of downtown London while maintaining its central London location. Taking a professional and personal approach to every element of your day allows you to rest knowing that you are in the best possible hands.


The Long Room is a beautiful and historical venue that can accommodate up to 150 guests for dinner or 180 people in theatrical seating. There's a minstrel's gallery, stone fireplaces, and expansive windows that frame spectacular views of the artillery garden and the city beyond in this lavishly adorned oak-paneled salon.


Events of a more intimate nature such as weddings are held in smaller spaces such as the Queen's Room and the Ante Room, and your wedding chauffeur will definitely take you there without any problems and come back to take you home after the celebration.


In addition, the HAC is surrounded by the beautiful Artillery Garden, which spans six acres. It is a one-of-a-kind feature that distinguishes the HAC as a magnificent hidden gem, whether it is used for a champagne wedding reception, major outdoor activities on the grass, or simply for the spectacular views it provides from the inside of the building.


The Wonderful London Eye


The great London Ferris wheel, which stands 135 meters tall and provides a spectacular 360-degree perspective of the city, is a must-see attraction. During your 40-minute ride on the Ferris wheel, you will be able to see fifty of London's most iconic landmarks, including Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, and Westminster Abbey. This visit will take you by surprise, especially if you go up at night when the entire capital is lit up. Of course, after your wedding day has finished, you can hire your wedding chauffeur for a bit longer, and they can take you to this beautiful location.


The Bottom Line

\n \"Simber\n

Following these easy guidelines, we believe that you will have no trouble selecting a wedding chauffeur and a car for your special day. A professional who will accompany you during some of the most critical moments of your wedding day and in whom you can rest your faith when going between the many locations where the ceremony will take place.


You should be aware of the importance of this component of wedding planning. Basic services such as wedding chauffeur cars will surely be quite beneficial and offer a touch of elegance to the wedding reception.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"Taking a road trip is an enjoyable, thrilling, and flexible way to travel. Many people type distance from here to London online both for business or pleasure. Whichever reason you have to go on a long distance trip, it is always a great idea to leave the worries of the transport to an experienced professional while you are focusing on the reasons for traveling.",metaTiltle:"Travelling Long Distance? Here Is How to Prepare",date:new Date(2022,0,4),synopsis:"Taking a road trip is an enjoyable, thrilling, and flexible way to travel. Many people type distance from here to London online both for business or pleasure. Whichever reason you have to go on a long distance trip, it is always a great idea to leave the worries of the transport to an experienced professional while you are focusing on the reasons for traveling.",slug:"travelling long distance",titleFull:"Travelling Long Distance? Here Is How to Prepare",details:'\n

Taking a road trip is an enjoyable, thrilling, and flexible way to travel. Many people type distance from here to London online both for business or pleasure. Whichever reason you have to go on a long distance trip, it is always a great idea to leave the worries of the transport to an experienced professional while you are focusing on the reasons for traveling.

\n Chauffeur driven car interior.\n

Instead of driving by yourself, hiring a professional long distance chauffeur is our strongest recommendation. A long distance chauffeur car can take you anywhere you want to go, whether it\'s home, a hotel, a holiday spot, a place of business or a hotel for where there is a Chauffeur Driven Hotel Car Offer. These kinds of services are 100% reliable and can get you to your destination on time and as punctual as possible, making any necessary stops along the way.


You can even choose from a wide range of vehicles driven by a long distance chauffeur who is well-versed in local roads. While your chauffeur drives you to your destination, you can unwind, work, listen to your favorite music, or even watch a movie. With a private chauffeur, you don\'t have to worry about boarding lines, delays, baggage claims, misplaced luggage, or rushing to the airport at the last minute to prevent missing the plane. Since your car is already waiting for you at the gate, there is no need to worry.


What happens on a long-distance drive with a professional chauffeur?

  • Picking you up from your desired location
  • \n
  • Custom-made itinerary for your journey
  • \n
  • No unnecessary delays
  • \n
  • A sense of security and well-being
  • \n

As part of your daily routine, you can get assistance as you prepare by the chauffeur since their service is available around the clock, 365 days a year, without exception, so that you can always count on.


Tips for how to prepare for a long distance trip


Here is a list with some things to keep in mind when traveling long distances or for an extended period of time. A trip that involves at least one flight to another continent, lasting around 8 hours, is considered a long distance by plane. Traveling through the United Kingdom such as from London to Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham or even Edinburgh are considered long distance trips.


As with every vacation or business trip, there are numerous factors to consider, such as what to bring, how to pack your suitcase, and how to arrange your itinerary, among others. Even though they appear to be common sense, the truth is that we frequently neglect them.


Make an informed decision about what you will pack in your carry-on luggage


If you anticipate spending a significant amount of time traveling, it is essential to pack items that will keep you entertained, such as a good book, crossword puzzles, a tablet computer, or a device that allows you to listen to music as you travel.


Choose the appropriate clothing for your travels


Obviously, the most important thing is to dress comfortably, in clothes that are loose-fitting and do not restrict circulation, and that you can quickly take off and put on.


Do not abuse prescription medications


If you are concerned about long-distance travel, you can take tablets to help you relax. However, do not overuse these medications since if you spend many hours asleep, you will not be able to move as much as is recommended.


Keep yourself hydrated


It is critical to maintain proper hydration throughout the long distance trip, especially if you are travelling with children, even with excellent cars for long distance driving. On long distance trips, the services provide complimentary beverages and snacks, and if you require additional items, you can always purchase them or request them prior to your booking with Simber Chauffeur Services. Avoid drinking tea, coffee, or alcoholic beverages, as they will cause your body to dry more quickly.


Sleeping kit


Some travelers have a remarkable ability to fall asleep almost everywhere they go. If you are a light sleeper, we recommend that you bring a sleep aid kit with you to help you fall asleep faster. It will include a pillow for the head, which will prevent bad posture and neck pain when you arrive at your destination, but our vehicles are the best cars for sleeping in UK anyway.


Always take your indispensable digital companion


Long-distance travels or excursions require a reliable phone that can become an inseparable companion and make our lives much easier. You can also download a currency converter (Xe), audio guides, podcasts, novels, or even a movie or series for your chauffeur-driven vehicle, in addition to your preferred music.


If you\'re traveling on a business trip, you\'ll most likely bring your laptop along with you, as well as your camera and video camera, wherever you go. And, the best advice we can give you is to pack all of your electronics in your carry-on suitcase.


Remember that everything you did on your outbound trip will need to be repeated on your return trip, as this will help you avoid not just sleep problems and exhaustion, but also other probable symptoms such as stomach problems, confusion, anger, and apathy, among others.


What is the best way to travel long distances, especially when it is a business trip?

\n Woman with a suitcase.\n

If you need to travel long distance to and from the city or a series of trips between meetings, please do not hesitate to make use of elegant services. Long term chauffeur services are the appropriate solution for individuals who like to conduct business with the assistance of a private chauffeur on call. Those who would want a more personalised tour of the city might use these chauffeur services as well. After selecting some of the best cars for long distance driving and route, you will be asked to provide us with any additional information you would like your chauffeur to know in order to make your trip run as smoothly as possible. This information could include your flight number, special requests such as car seats (for children) or the best car carrier for long distance travel options, among other things.


Reasons to hire our best car carrier for long distance travel


People who need to travel over large distances, notably business professionals, often find it challenging to travel by car over such distances. As a result, many people opt to employ a long distance personal driver for long road trips, such as a private driver who is well-versed in long-distance driving and has accumulated a lot of experience. And here are some reasons why you need to hire a long distance chauffeur.


Safe long-distance travel with an expert driver


Experience, endurance, and the ability to drive in adverse weather conditions are all necessary for long-distance driving travel from and to any destination. Long-distance driving is beyond the capabilities of the vast majority of people. Extensive driving experience and training are the best ways to ensure a safe driving experience on the road. Most car accidents, including those that end in severe injury or death, can be traced back to a driver error. If you\'re planning a trip, consider hiring some of our best cars for long distance travel. You can relax or enjoy yourself while a trained driver takes you to your destination.


Best cars for long distance travel in a group


It is expensive and inconvenient to travel by flight with a large group. A good illustration of this is getting everyone to the airport on time and through security in a hurry. Because of this, this is a bad way to begin a holiday. Many people would rather take a road vacation with their loved ones instead of flying with their company. Long-distance group travel by road can be made more comfortable and inexpensive by renting a vehicle. You can have a great time on your trip if you rent one of these automobiles. These vehicles are spacious and can fit a vast number of people for long distance travels. It\'s also important to note that driving these vehicles demands a certain amount of expertise and experience. Renting a car with a driver can save you money, make your trip less stressful, and keep you and your passengers safe.


Hire the best cars for long distance travel to avoid stress and tiredness


The inability to drive long distances due to traffic congestion, road construction and roadblocks can make a long distance traveller exhausted. Getting into a poor mood before a holiday or business trip is not something you want to happen to you. Even if hiring a personal driver can make the journey more enjoyable, it is not the only alternative. You arrive at your location in a good attitude and are eager to have a great time with friends or have a productive business meeting with your colleagues.


Best cars for long distance travel


The question what is the best Mercedes for long distance is one of the most frequent ones, but there are other vehicles that are fantastic for long distance:

  • Luxury:\n Mercedes S-Class or similar; Audi A8 or BMW 7 Series
  • \n
  • Premium MPV:\n Mercedes V-Class
  • \n
  • Range Rover Autobiography
  • \n
  • Rolls Royce Ghost
  • \n
  • 8 to 16 seater Premium MPV
  • \n

Here you have the best long distance cars that our service also provides.


Information for London tourists


On the occasion that you are traveling to London and would also like to see some of the sights in the United Kingdom, professional, knowledgeable, and friendly chauffeurs can take you and your family anywhere you want, making stops along the way for sightseeing, lunch, or to take beautiful photographs of the attractions. With professional chauffeur, you may create a personalized route to and via historical landmarks and locations. Their goal is for you, your family, and your friends to have the best family vehicle for long distance travel and the best possible time during your visit.


A number of clients necessitate travelling long distance with cats, travelling with dogs in cars long distance, and other pets as well; therefore, if you want to avoid the lengthy restrictions process at airports, contact a professional chauffeur company to arrange your transportation for cat travelling in car long distance or any other pet. That\u2019s how you and your pet can enjoy the luxurious ride you deserve in one of their premium chauffeured cars.




When traveling within the United Kingdom and need a long distance service, or when traveling to a destination in France, Belgium, or another European country, a long distance chauffeur will ensure that you reach your destination safely and on time. All you have to do is email them the information about your trip and then sit back and relax while they take care of the rest. They will get you to your destination, no matter where you are going.


As you have seen, hiring a personal chauffeur and choosing the best cars for long distance travel for a business trip provides several advantages from which you can gain. Keep this in mind while planning your next business trip, and make use of this long distance travelling service while you\'re there. Of course, you will not be disappointed, and you will almost certainly wind yourself doing it again.




What is considered a long distance drive?


The duration of a long distance trip can range between 3 and 10 hours, depending on the destination, and in some situations, you may need to spend up more than 12 hours or more if you are traveling to a more distant location.


What is the best time to drive long distance?


While it is generally advisable to travel throughout the day, it is especially advisable to avoid traveling between entry and exit hours of the working day to prevent traffic congestion (07:00 - 09:00 & 16:30 - 18:30). It is always crucial to discuss times with the team, they will be able to provide a good perspective of the traffic situation from experience.


What should I look for when driving long distances?


Keep some necessary items in your car at all times, just in case you need them in a hurry. Particularly helpful for traveling long distances. First aid kits, flashlights, information on insurance and breakdown coverage, as well as a map, should be carried at all times.Finally, even if you are familiar with the route, using a GPS will keep you from having to spend any more time in the car than is absolutely necessary. It will divert you away from traffic congestion or accidents on the road automatically. Having said that, we all get tired, so it\'s important to schedule regular breaks to keep yourself refreshed. Have a good time and make sure to stop at scenic areas along the way and in places you\'ve never been before.


Can you hire someone to drive you around?


The use of a long distance chauffeur is the most comfortable, dependable, and elegant mode of transportation available. Whatever your transportation requirements, entrust your journey to a skilled chauffeur and enjoy the benefits of a luxurious service. Once you have decided on a location, hire a chauffeur to transport you to your destination. Don\'t be afraid to ask your driver, who is a local expert, for advice and ideas so that you may learn about the best ways to spend your time there.

\n '},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"All of your transportation needs can be met by our wide range of services. To speed up our transition to a more sustainable future, we also contribute to the funding of climate initiatives of the highest quality by planting trees for every ride we take. We'd like to show you the vehicles we have available to make your trip to London more convenient and comfortable.",metaTiltle:"A Fleet of Vehicles for Your Luxury and Comfort",date:new Date(2021,11,10),synopsis:"All of your transportation needs can be met by our wide range of services. To speed up our transition to a more sustainable future, we also contribute to the funding of climate initiatives of the highest quality by planting trees for every ride we take. We'd like to show you the vehicles we have available to make your trip to London more convenient and comfortable.",slug:"a fleet of vehicles for your luxury and comfort",titleFull:"Simber Presents: A Fleet of Vehicles for Your Luxury and Comfort",details:"\n

With an inexhaustible cultural and leisure offer, museums with unfathomable collections, street markets where you can get lost, beautiful green spaces, and charming neighborhoods, London is a city suitable for a weekend escape or a more extended stay with no potential of becoming bored at any time.

\n \"Big\n

While visiting all of London's tourist attractions and shopping in some of the city's busiest areas, you can taste the best cuisines from around the world at some of the finest restaurants.


London is one of the busiest cities in Europe, and in addition to traffic delays, drivers in England must contend with the fact that they must travel on the left-hand side of the road. The fact that chauffeur driven car hires are more popular than self-drive car rentals is one of the reasons for this. It is, however, far from being the only one. It is critical for business travelers to get as many moments of peace of mind as possible when on the road.


As a result, for them, knowing that a professional driver will be waiting for them at the airport, will take care of their luggage promptly, and will transport them to their ultimate destination, for example their hotel as we have a hotel collaboration that will make your trip easier.. The same is true for leisure travelers who wish to be free of stress and enjoy their time away from home without having to worry about traffic or reading map directions.


Richard Bransons, a British business magnate, once said: \"When exploring London, you will come across lots of excitement by chance, so try to take everything in rather than just rushing around to all of the major tourist haunts.\" and we at Simber couldn't agree more. Rushing in London won't give you the chance to see the true beauty of the city, but with the help of a chauffeur driven car you will have the opportunity to explore every corner, get to your business conference on time and have the best experience of London private tours.


All of your transportation needs can be met by our wide range of services. To speed up our transition to a more sustainable future, we also contribute to the funding of climate initiatives of the highest quality by planting trees for every ride we take. We'd like to show you the luxury vehicles list we have available to make your trip to London more convenient and comfortable.




Mercedes S-Class or similar; Audi A8 or BMW 7 Series


The Mercedes S-Class, BMW 7 Series and Audi A8 provide luxury in a modestly attractive package. This luxury and chauffeur driven car continues to be the preferred mode of transportation for VIPs from every place of the world, particularly popular for long-distance travel, special events, corporate chauffeuring, or a London airport transfer.

  • Passengers: 3
  • \n
  • Checked luggage: 1
  • \n
  • Hand luggage: 2
  • \n

Premium MPV


Mercedes V-Class


The Mercedes V-Class is the most iconic luxury people carrier since it has a variety of seating options. Up to seven passengers may enjoy utmost safety and comfort thanks to its distinctly beautiful appearance packed with cutting-edge technology. This vehicle is ideal whether it's a business trip or conference on the go, a tour around London, a vehicle to a concert or party or even a trip to the airport.

  • Passengers: 7
  • \n
  • Checked luggage: 5
  • \n
  • Hand luggage: 4
  • \n

Range Rover Autobiography


Elegant, subtle, and trendy at the same time, this is a classic British look. Those who like a car with much legroom in their backs are increasingly opting for the Range Rover Autobiography. You can use this chauffeur driven car to get to your private jet, go shopping in London, or attend an elevated event.

  • Passengers: 3
  • \n
  • Checked luggage: 2
  • \n
  • Hand luggage: 3
  • \n

Rolls Royce Ghost


Delivering an unforgettable chauffeur-driven experience, the Rolls Royce Ghost is a truly luxurious vehicle. The look and interior of this automobile are equally remarkable. It is frequently the vehicle of choice for special occasions such as weddings or extravagant celebrations.

  • Passengers: 3
  • \n
  • Checked luggage: 1
  • \n
  • Hand luggage: 2
  • \n

8 to 16 seater Premium MPV


A variety of Mercedes-Benz executive minibuses, ranging from 8 to 16 passengers, are available for hire through Simber Transportation. Group transportation throughout the United Kingdom is ideal for business or social events, financial roadshows, tourist tours, and other special events. Minibusses driven by a Mercedes chauffeur are packed with entertainment systems and plush leather seats, making them an attractive and spacious option for transporting friends, family, and business acquaintances.

  • Passengers: 8-16
  • \n

Our services


Airport transfers


A hassle-free VIP meet and greet service is provided by Simber, ensuring that your airport arrival or departure goes off without a hitch.


Our luxury performance vehicles and executive airport chauffeur services are available at all London and United Kingdom airports - whether you are arriving or departing from London City Airport, Gatwick, Heathrow, Stansted, Biggin Hill, Farnborough, or London Luton, you can be confident that Simber will surely make the most challenging part of your trip pleasant. Before you arrive, you might also want to check all the information about London airports.


Long term chauffeuring


When visiting London or any other city in the United Kingdom, it's always nice to have a driver accessible for a few hours, days, or even weeks in advance.


Transportation to and from conferences, family activities, and lunches, as well as sightseeing excursions of London are all included in Simber's offerings, and a chauffeur is always on-call to cater to your specific requirements. You can request additional services, such as delivering essential documents and files, making restaurant or shopping center reservations, or executing any other flexible activities that you choose.


Long distance chauffeuring


On a Simber journey, you can focus on your business tasks, relax watching a movie or listen to music and enjoy the view through the car window, and take in the scenery as you travel. Even if the days are long, you'll have a great time working through them.


There is no need to worry if you're traveling within the United Kingdom and require long-distance service since Simber can bring you to any city in France, Belgium, or any other European country with ease and security.


Corporate chauffeur


Running a business and needing a chauffeur for meetings, conferences, PR events, airport transfers, or other sophisticated transportation needs? Contact Simber to acquire contracts with the best possible terms.


It's easy to book a corporate chauffeur through our automated booking form on the website's homepage. Once you've entered your pick-up and drop-off locations, select a car based on your needs, complete your payment, and you're done! Emails will be sent to confirm the driver's contact information details once this process is completed.


Event chauffeuring


When it comes to providing a high-quality chauffeur driven car for events in London or the United Kingdom, Simber takes excellent satisfaction in its ability. As a participant or organizer of an event, you can count on Simber to provide you and your visitors with the ultimate pleasurable and worry-free transportation experience.




Sit back, relax, and let Simber take care of all of your wedding day transportation needs. We have a wide variety of luxury vehicles to choose from, and your chauffeur will guarantee that you travel in style and comfort on your most important day.


We can arrange for multiple chauffeur-driven vehicles to transport your entire family or group. The number of persons traveling in our chauffeur driven cars should be noted on the reservation form so that we can ensure that you have an unforgettable experience filled with first-rate chauffeur services.


Private tours


When you first arrive in London, you may feel slightly daunted by the sheer number of historical sites and architectural gems to explore. Moreover, it is a massive metropolis. However, don't worry. With our experienced and skilled chauffeurs, as well as our fleet of company vehicles, you can make most of your time in London or any other UK city, by arranging a private chauffeur-driven tour.

\n \"Mobile\n

Simber will plan your trip such that it includes all of the stops you want to make. Providing you with a luxury chauffeur driven car service is only part of our mission.


Cruise port transfers


All of the major UK ports and cruise terminals are covered by Simber's seaport chauffeur services. Your seaport transport will be smooth, quick, and luxurious when you use Simber. From Dover to Harwich and all other UK ports in between, you will arrive at your destination in a state of complete relaxation.


The Bottom Line


In various instances, not only is it more cost-effective to hire a chauffeur driven car than driving your own vehicle from our home but it gives you the peace of mind that there is a dedicated chauffeur on hand regardless of your request.


Furthermore, when you travel in a chauffeur driven car, you can be confident that you will arrive securely, comfortably, and without having to be concerned about other issues that are unrelated to your interests.


It makes no difference whatever vehicle you choose or where the journey begins; you can be certain that while you relax and take in the scenery, Simber will look after your every need and guarantee that you reach safely, on schedule and visit London in style.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"London has 6 major airports, not all are the same, and not all are used by the same type of travellers. Here is a closer look at the list of London airports that are most popular.",metaTiltle:"Landing in London in Luxury",date:new Date(2021,10,18),synopsis:"London is one of the biggest cities in the world, which also means that it is a city with an enormous amount of travellers every day. The main arrival for most of them are the airports from which they can go to their desired destinations. London has 6 major airports, not all are the same, and not all are used by the same type of travellers. Here is a closer look at the list of London airports that are most popular.",slug:"landing in london in luxury",titleFull:"Top London Airports: Landing in London in Luxury",details:'\n

London is one of the biggest cities in the world, which also means that it is a city with an enormous amount of travellers every day. The main arrival for most of them are the airports from which they can go to their desired destinations.

\n British Airways plane taking off.\n

London has 6 major airports, not all are the same, and not all are used by the same type of travellers. Here is a closer look at the list of London airports that are most popular and with a chauffeur driven hotel car offer you can easily reach your hotel from any of those airports..


Heathrow Airport

\n A chauffeur putting luggage in a vehicle.\n

London airports list is impressive, and Heathrow is probably the best and most certainly one of the busiest airports in the world. Before the pandemic, more than 80 million passengers were coming through Heathrow.


This airport is located in West London, the exact address is Longford TW6, and the range from Heathrow to the centre of London is around 16 miles. You can contact the airport through their phone number services +44 844 335 1801 or their website heathrow.com where you will get all the necessary information. It is a public type airport that is owned by Heathrow Airport Holdings and has been operating since 1946. It has 5 terminals, and you also have the privilege to pick public transport or VIP services.


In essence, luxury airport transfers London -wide provide many advantages, for example, if you pick Simber, you can visit London in style by travelling in one of the impressive vehicles. Coming from Heathrow to the heart of London such as Mayfair, you can pick a luxurious Mercedes Benz S-Class and travel together with up to 3 passengers, driven by a professional chauffeur. With room for 1 checked luggage & 2 hand luggage for approximately \xa3120 GBP for the entire service! Furthermore, Simber Chauffeur Services offer a great option even if you travel with friends or family since you can use a Premium MPV in particular the Mercedes Benz V-Class, which accommodates up to 7 passengers with 4 hand luggage and 5 checked luggage for the same price.


Farnborough Airport


Another crucial part of the London airports list is definitely Farnborough Airport. It is different from Heathrow since it is the most popular private jet airport in Europe. It has an outstanding stylish interior with beautiful decor and impressive VIP facilities. It mainly is a business general aviation airport located in Farnborough in Hampshire, owned by Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA). The best thing is that it is located only an hour or so from London if you travel by car, which of course, it is highly convenient for business trips. You can find the most important information you need about this private airport on their website farnboroughairport.com, or contact the airport through their official phone number +44 1252 379000.


The list of airports in London United Kingdom can\u2019t be made without mentioning Farnborough Airport since it is as good as it can get because of its VIP advantages. A London Airport transfer is extremely important, especially for business travellers, since you most likely want to get to your desired destination as quickly as possible with very little hassle. Regardless of the end destination whether it may be the Langham Hotel, lunch at one of the Shard restaurants, business meeting in St James or any other location, we know time is precious when on a business trip. The very same goes even if you travel on a vacation since no one likes to waste time at the airport.


If you want to get from Farnborough Airport to London safely, driven by a professional chauffeur, you can use Simber as your chauffeur service provider. If you are alone or with your partner, you have the privilege of using a Mercedes S Class, with a personal meet and greet by our chauffeur in front of the private Jet, ready to whisk you away to your desired destination. This includes assisting with luggage, a set of essentials like water, mints, wi-fi, etc., and a one-hour complimentary wait. From Farnborough to Piccadilly Circus as an example for approximately \xa3205, regardless of the quote received from the website, please always bear in mind that all quotes provided are fixed and include tolls and parking fees up to one hour.


Gatwick Airport

\n Luxury ride from Simber.\n

Yet another important airport on the London airports list is Gatwick, which is one of the biggest ones located near Crawley in West Essex, around 29.5 miles south of Central London. The operator is Gatwick Airport Limited, and VINCI acquired 50.01% by the middle of 2019. The company has a friendly official website, gatwickairport.com, where you can inform yourself of anything you want or reach them directly through their phone number +44 344 892 0322.


Gatwick Airport is a public type airport, but it also has an impressive VIP lounge which travelers can upgrade to. You will get free wi-fi, table service, plush surroundings, a wide range of magazines and newspapers, and plenty of self-service snacks. So, in essence, even though it is a public airport where millions of people travel constantly, it also provides convenient privileges if you want a VIP treatment.


As mentioned above, even though it is near Central London, you still have to travel to get there. If you want to feel the city\u2019s vibe right after stepping off the plane, we suggest having a London private tour to visit the charming attractions of this beautiful city.


But before that, in order to get to London, you can use a Simber professional chauffeur who will bring you to your destination safely in a luxurious vehicle. If you are on vacation with beloved friends or family, perhaps staying in the ever so popular South Kensington, you can hire a Premium MPV (Mercedes Benz V-Class) for up to 7 passengers for approximately \xa3165. If you are alone, you can enjoy the back seat of a luxurious Mercedes S Class for the same price. Of course, this includes accommodating your luggage too. For clients wanting to try something totally different and special you can request a quote for a Range Rover or a Rolls Royce Ghost.


Luton Airport


Last but not least on the London airports list of the best airports is Luton. It was previously called the Luton International Airport, which is located around 1.5 miles from Luton town, and 28 miles north of Central London. It is a public transport type owned by London Luton Airport Ltd. This airport is also one with many years of experience since it was opened back in 1938.


The London airports list is definitely an impressive one, and Luton is one of the airports that raises the quality standard at a higher level. One of the reasons being so is that it is convenient for VIP lovers since it has the impressive paid-entry Aspire Lounge that offers reclining \u201cSnoozePods\'\' and additional spirits, snacks, wi-fi, and coffee. Aspire Lounge is available to all travelers using the main terminal, it is definitely a luxurious one, with stylish decor and beautiful service. You can get more information on their website, london-luton.co.uk, or by dialling their official phone number +44 1582 405100.


Luton Airport is not only popular for a huge number of daily flights to Europe, recently Luton has become a hotspot for Football Players, Celebrities and the International Elite. This is all due to its various private Jet Flight operators such as Harrods Aviation and Signature which operate from separate hangars but all use the same runway as the public terminal.


In order to visit all the outstanding attractions London has to offer as quickly as possible, you can use the previously mentioned Simber services. The best part is that you don\u2019t have to worry about anything, you just have to enjoy the ride, your professional chauffeur will take care of everything else. Your Chauffeur will meet you within the airport terminal right after your baggage claim and look after you until you get to London, all you need to do is to relax and enjoy the safe driving of the chauffeur. In addition, you get luggage assistance, a smooth ride, and a set of essentials like water or wi-fi, and even antibacterial gel that is extremely important nowadays.


For example, if you want to get from Luton to The London Eye, with a smooth drive by a professional chauffeur from Simber, in a Mercedes S Class, it will cost you just over \xa3200. It is definitely the way to start the incredible journey to London right from the airport or even the stairs of the private jet.




Here you have the London airports list with some of the best airports where millions of people travel constantly, and they are still perfectly organized with various services to assist you. So you will have the chance to arrive luxuriously in London and start your wonderful journey of experiencing the London delights.


Getting to London from these airports and taking part in various private tours is a privilege that Simber Chauffeur Services would certainly love to give to you once you pick some of the best destinations. The city is classy, filled with history but also with a modern touch, you are stylish, you care about discretion and safety. Complemented with one of Simbers premium vehicles, you will most definitely arrive on time but also in style. So don\u2019t waste any more time, and pick some beautiful destinations as quickly as possible, Simber looks forward to having you on board!




How do transfers work at airports?


Transfers from airports are pre-arranged for travellers from the airport to their desired destination, whether it is a cruise port, hotel, or any other desired destination.


Where at the airport will I meet the chauffeur?


The professional chauffeur will wait for you at the arrivals hall with a name board, and you can even choose to be picked up from a specific location for which you have to inform the company before the flight.


How can I book an airport transfer to London?


You can book the transfer by filling out the booking from the home page. You will enter the picking up and drop off location, pick the vehicle you want, and you will proceed to payment. After this, you will get one email with confirmation and another one before the flight to confirm the contact details of the assigned chauffeur.


Which vehicles can I choose from?


You can choose from various vehicles along with a luggage list, and the vehicles are top-rated ones like Mercedes S Class, Mercedes V Class, or a Range Rover, Rolls Royce, etc.


Can I book an airport transfer for someone else?


Yes, you can book a transfer on behalf of your friends, family, business associates, or other clients. You will only have to add the lead passenger\u2019s details and a contact number. Then, when they arrive at the airport, the professional chauffeur will greet them with a name board.

\n '},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"These are the top five reasons to hire a chauffeur for Christmas shopping from Simber Chauffeur services during the holidays",metaTiltle:"Top 5 reasons for hiring a chauffeur for christmas shopping.",date:new Date(2021,10,4),synopsis:"Holiday shopping is a lot more fun when you can combine luxury with Christmas shopping. Festivities such as dinners, dances, and other social events are appropriate during this time of year. Days spent strolling and shopping, nights spent smelling nice and wearing pretty dresses. This city has it all\u2014shows, lively sidewalks, and an air of mystery about it. The whites and reds, in particular, have a slight sheen to them due to the glimmering light. Yet, from within, a distinct, unique, warm glow of life emanates.",slug:"chauffeur hire for christmas shopping",titleFull:"Top 5 Reasons, Chauffeur Hire for Christmas Shopping",details:"\n

Holiday shopping is a lot more fun when you can combine luxury with Christmas shopping. Festivities such as dinners, dances, and other social events are appropriate during this time of year. Days spent strolling and shopping, nights spent smelling nice and wearing pretty dresses. This city has it all\u2014shows, lively sidewalks, and an air of mystery about it. The whites and reds, in particular, have a slight sheen to them due to the glimmering light. Yet, from within, a distinct, unique, warm glow of life emanates.


Elegant gifts, well-known brands, and the glitz and glam of unique and one-of-a-kind occasions are all things we appreciate. Window displays to die for, wide boulevards to stroll down, and companies in all their radiance. This is the pinnacle of opulence.

\n \"Person's\n

London is a huge city with a wide range of cultural, architectural, and recreational opportunities, enjoyment, and luxury to be found. A private chauffeured vehicle hired from a London chauffeur company is an excellent way to take in the spectacle of a city ablaze with Christmas lights, color, and flavor and feel the luxury through all the gifts that you can find around its streets.


London is a tranquil haven for luxury shoppers from around the world. Winter in the United Kingdom brings a dazzling display of garlands, perfectly decorated Christmas trees, shopping street invasions by animated robots, and an abundance of lights in various shapes and sizes. There are a variety of reasons why shopping for holiday gifts in London is a particularly enjoyable experience.


Shopping trips to London


As we are slowly approaching the Christmas season we are becoming aware of all the festivities that will take place. It is a time to have fun, spend time with the people you care about, give lots of hugs, and indulge in delectable cuisine. However, it is also a time when your routine shifts and you abandon your healthy habits: you stay awake longer, you stop exercising, and you consume more calories than you should be consuming.


The holiday season is a shopping money-spinner for consumers who take advantage of the sales to purchase Christmas gifts or products they will enjoy while spending time with family and friends. Sometimes it can be hard to get your Christmas shopping in London done because of all the traffic that may be annoying, but luxury chauffeur service London can make everything easy.


These days, taking a leisurely stroll through the streets of London has a certain allure to it. Everyone and everything is decked out in Christmas decorations, and there are special Christmas event chauffeur services that can give you the opportunity to celebrate the holiday season.


Suppose you want to visit London in style and take a tour of the streets of London that are becoming more and more noticeable for their Christmas decorations with each passing year. In that case, you should include the following on your itinerary: Oxford Street, Regent Street, and Bond Street. Getting chauffeured around and exploring while enjoying the magic of Christmas and finding the best Christmas gifts is an experience that can never be forgotten.


Oxford Street and Regent Street - This pair of streets are thronged with shoppers all year round, but they are illuminated with dazzling Christmas lights during the winter months, making it the ideal place to go Christmas shopping. Selfridges on Oxford Street has some of the most beautiful Christmas window displays in the capital, and this massive department store will not let you down when it comes to holiday gift-buying. Following that, you'll find approximately 300 additional stores to investigate, including Debenhams and John Lewis, a discount department store.


Oxford Street is an area with more than 300 stores spread over 1.5 kilometers, including a diverse range of establishments ranging from Zara to Channel, which is located in this area. Get up close and personal with the incredible windows of the Selfridges department store, which are a visual feast for the eyes as you walk between stores. Also, don't forget to look up to see the spectacular Christmas lights that are strung across the sky.

\n \"Christmas\n

Additionally, you can venture off the beaten path by wandering down any nearby streets, such as St Christopher's Place and Berwick Street, where you'll come across some real gems. Regent Street is also a great place to look for gift ideas for top sales performers or everyone else because it is home to some of the city's oldest and most famous stores, including Hamleys and Liberty, as well as The Apple Store.


Christmas shopping in London, especially around the holidays, can be a draining experience. A chauffeur-driven vehicle can assist you in managing your time and conserving energy. Consider how convenient it would be if your chauffeur were waiting to pick you up from your location, load your shopping into the trunk, and drive you to your next destination.


In this article, we would like to share some reasons you need to hire a driver for your Christmas shopping during your yearly shopping trips to London.


Reasons to hire a chauffeur for Christmas shopping


No wasting time for finding a parking place


The best way to spend a day is to visit some of Central London's best gift shops, such as Harrod's, Westfield, and the Mayfair and Bond Street areas. Finding parking or hailing a cab is the most challenging task to complete during this time of year. If you're going to places like Harrod's or Westfield shopping center, the chauffeur service understands how difficult it can be to find your way there from your location. Instead, you can take your time browsing through the shops, secure in the knowledge that they will be there to pick you up and drop you off with all of your purchases whenever you require them.


Help with your shopping bags


London is full of unique products and especially during the Christmas season. The choices are huge, and we know that you won't be able to choose only one gift for your best friend or parent, but you bought anything you thought they might adore. And, if your shopping bags become too heavy, your private chauffeur can pass by and take them from you, safe in the knowledge that they will be in good hands until you have finished shopping. If you find yourself at Covent Garden, you can enjoy anything from the charming cobblestones of Seven Dials to the iconic Christmas baubles that line the Piazza and surround the Piazza itself. The main square is decorated with one of the largest Christmas trees in London, and street performers brave the bitter cold to provide entertainment for holiday shoppers in the vicinity. Here you can find a plethora of big-name stores, ranging from Apple to Whistles.


Exploring while shopping

\n \"Christmas\n

London is a massive city with a wide range of cultural, architectural, and recreational opportunities and enjoyment to be found. As a result, renting a car with a private chauffeur allows you to take in even more of the spectacle of a city ablaze with Christmas lights, color, and flavor while shopping for gifts for friends and family. When it comes to Christmas shopping, having a chauffeur-driven car makes all the difference - with stops at the most important squares and cafes accompanied by a glass of champagne, music, and whatever else you desire for an enjoyable tour and shopping at the same time. Shopping trips to London during Christmas time are definitely something worth experiencing.


Easy and quick transfers


Moreover, suppose you are forced to work from home on several days during the Christmas holidays. In that case, the chauffeur services can provide you with the most cost-effective executive car rental with driver service available on the market today. This can make your shopping easier, faster and you can get transferred to your accommodation very quickly.


So, whether you want to enjoy yourself, work, get a little more organized, save time or money, our high-end vehicle service with chauffeurs is available to you during these particular dates.


Get reliable information


Since you are new in London, you might want to know what to buy and where to go. Hiring a chauffeur not only gets you to the best Christmas shopping places. Still, it can also give you reliable information on the most luxurious gifts that you should buy, where to find them, and provide you with advice on some top elegant restaurants to grab your dinner. A private chauffeur will make your shopping trips to London spectacular.


The Bottom Line


A chauffeur will make you feel like a VIP from the moment you step into the vehicle. So whether you're starting a Christmas party or planning some of your London private tours, these services can come in handy. And they're not just for holiday shopping trips around town. A chauffeured vehicle will get you where you're going in comfort and style for Christmas and New Year's Eve, whether you're going to a retail store or a restaurant or bar.


The most important thing is to take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy yourself. In fact, according to one study, people who spent their time participating in spiritual, family, or gastronomic activities during the holiday season had a higher perception of happiness than those who spent their time participating in other activities during the season. And, going for Christmas shopping trips to London can make this time even more magical.

\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"Airport transfers London are always available to help you reach your desired destination in the city, and it doesn't matter which airport you are arriving at.",metaTiltle:"All About Airport Transfer When Flying to London",date:new Date(2021,9,21),synopsis:"Here is everything you want to know about a London chauffeur airport transfer!",slug:"why you should book a london airport transfer",titleFull:"Reasons Why You Should Book a London Airport Transfer",details:'\n

How many airports does London have? Multiple airports are common in big cities. International flights use the larger airport, while domestic flights use the smaller airport.


There are six official airports in London because the city is so big. These airports are spread out all over the city, serving various purposes and providing a wide range of flight options to multiple locations. That\'s why tourists may often need London airport transfer services as they arrive, so they can get to their hotel or accommodation.

\n London airport.\n

Heathrow Airport is the most likely place to arrive if you\'re flying into London from another country (or perhaps Gatwick). Many countries in continental Europe have flights from four or more London airports; whether you\'re looking for an affordable flight or flying first class, your options will be more excellent. Heathrow airport chauffeur services, airport tour operators services Gatwick, and the City airport, offer more luxurious passenger experiences, whereas Stansted, Luton, and Southend offer more affordable travel options.


Your choice of the airport should be influenced by where you\'re going (or coming from) in central London (if you have the option, that is). For example, if your nearest airport is less than a half-hour away, it might make sense to fly into a less-premium airport with an airline you don\'t usually fly with if it saves you time getting there. Since Heathrow is the most commercial airport choice, it\'s not even surprising that many airport tour operator services Heathrow are present there. If you travel to London, but also to Feltham, Harlington, Sipson, etc., you can always book airport transfer and get to where you need to go.


Regardless of the airline or terminal, choosing the closest and most accessible airport makes a lot of sense. You won\'t spend more time travelling to or from any of these airports than you will on your flight. However, if you are arriving at an airport that is a bit far, you can use airport transfers London - wide, click here for more info. How about coffee as well? Here you go. Newspapers? Upon request we will have them on board for you. These services are available to help you reach your desired destination in the city and have a relaxing time while reaching it.


What is an airport transfer?


Travellers can use airport transfers to get from the airport to their final destination, a hotel, cruise ship port, or other local attraction or a hotel and use the chauffeur driven hotel car offers. They can be reserved and paid in advance through a reservation service, a travel agent, or a tour operator, or they can be provided for free, such as hotel shuttles.


Why is it a great option for you as a tourist?


When you have your pre-booked London airport chauffeur, you get exceptional personalized service according to your requirements. This way, your airport private transfer is the most comfortable experience you will have since you avoid the crowds and won\'t lose precious time waiting in lines if in a hurry.


What is a VIP airport transfer?


When you and your traveling companions use pre-arranged transportation to get to your destination from the airport, this is called VIP transfers or private transport. In most cases, a chauffeur will be waiting for you at the airport to pick you up (chauffeurs are the people you see with name signs outside the baggage claim area). For those travelling for business or pleasure, you have the option of booking private cars, limousines, or even shuttle buses to transport large groups of people around in comfort. In addition, most tour operators and cruise lines offer transportation from the airport to the meeting point or the port of departure.

\n london by night and a private transfer.\n

You will not have to worry about navigating a taxi or hauling your heavy suitcase around on public transportation if you use this service, which is a bonus. When arriving at their destination airport, many passengers, particularly those coming from long-distance flights, appreciate having all of their transportation (including payment) arranged before they arrive at the airport. London chauffeur airport transfer will also keep tabs on the progress of their passengers\' flights to make any necessary adjustments to the pick-up time schedule. VIP airport transfer will definitely allow you to visit London in style.


Airport transfer in times of Covid-19


As of October 4, the United Kingdom\'s government has simplified travel restrictions related to the coronavirus. As a result, beginning on that date, travellers from low-risk countries will no longer be required to undergo a pre-entry test in order to enter the United Kingdom, as requested by airlines and the tourism industry.


Why will London chauffeur airport transfer help you make the most of your travel?


Hiring the services of a private driver or chauffeur with superpowers, Transporter style, is needed at least on some occasion in our lives, the reality is that, rather than hiring a kind of "escort" behind the wheel to take us around the "dangers" through the streets of the city, what we need in our day to day, is to make things easier for us. Nothing more, nothing less. And that is a rare luxury, given the "mechanization" of these massive chauffeur-driven car rental services. This means that you will save time, money, gain satisfaction and in return you receive the best airport transfer experience.


Here are the main reasons why you need airport transfer services.


Personalised attention


A private transfer service will provide you with a more personalized service because the London chauffeur airport transfer will be right there with you the entire time. Would you like us to provide you with an illustration? So, for example, when you arrive at the airport, your chauffeur will hold a sign welcoming you and assist with your luggage to the vehicle. This is the least any chauffeur airport transfer service can do for clients, including us. We want to provide London\'s finest chauffeur airport transfer for anyone willing to visit our beautiful city or the UK in general.


You have a choice of vehicle types


When booking private cars London company, never forget that you have such a great vehicle choice. The fact that you can choose the vehicle for the transfer service you want, whether it\'s a 4-seater Saloon or a 70-seater bus, may seem unbelievable to you. You can even choose a vehicle with customised features when hiring an airport pivoting transfer service.


Furthermore, you have the option of a classic, modern, or high-end vehicle. Of course, you can also use these high-end vehicles to travel to formal events like weddings or conferences.


On-time arrival and departure from the airports are guaranteed


Can you imagine missing your flight on the way to the airport to go home or to a business event? When you\'re on a business trip, the last thing you want to happen is to get stuck in a strange place. Traffic, parking, and hasty travel to the airport are not the best ways to save time. You can lose any time advantage you had even if your plane lands on time in the busy city traffic. That is why Simber Chauffeur Services plan your route ahead of time and advise on estimated arrival times, your London chauffeur airport transfer will never fail to impress!


Values that are provided by the service


Chauffeur services not only ensure that clients arrive on time and are transported, but they also provide additional benefits to their passengers, such as advice, opinions, and assistance with any issues that may arise.


Is there anything more your Airport Transfers company can offer? You guess we can.


If a client wishes to go sightseeing, chauffeurs can provide excellent services because they are familiar with the city they are driving through and can plan a sightseeing route for them.


When is airport transfer especially recommended?


Airport transfers are a huge convenience, they provide peace of mind and comfort in familiar surroundings. Airport transfers are used by clients with busy schedules, having a driver on hand to whisk you away to the airport just after a meeting and your time is tight. They are highly recommended, for VIP travelers, Celebrities, Diplomats or High Networth Individuals. Furthermore Airport Transfers are frequently by travellers with medical conditions. With Simber Chauffeur Services a London chauffeur airport transfer will provide the travellers with any support during the ride, even if it is your first time in London, you will never feel alone.




London is a beautiful and historic city that offers something for everyone, from charming architecture and world-renowned museums to restaurants and expansive parks and green spaces. It is possible to have a private chauffeur service in Heathrow and London at your disposal to transport you to your hotel or other destination on time. Whatever the reason for your visit, whether it\'s for business or pleasure, you\'ll undoubtedly want to make the most of your time here. In any case, you can rely on carefully selected chauffeurs who are well-versed in the area, regardless of the vehicle category you prefer.

\n London airport.\n

Chauffeurs in London are constantly striving to meet and exceed your expectations in terms of style, comfort, and dependability. So if you want to see some of the sights that London has to offer, you can book a car by the hour and have a chauffeur available for as long as you need them during your stay, and enjoy great London private tours.




How to recognize the chauffeur?


When you arrive at the airport, the driver will be waiting for you at the arrivals exit, holding a sign that will read "Your Name" (or the name you provided on the booking form): it will be straightforward to identify him.


Do I have to pay more if the flight is delayed?


No. Simber Chauffeur Services and their chauffeurs electronically monitor the flight situation to predict possible delays. Therefore, the cost of the transfer remains unchanged even if the plane is late.


How to make the payment?


Payments are made prior to your booking, on our website. We have invested in a booking system which calculates the price for you, at the time of booking, depending on the type of transfer requested. You are also able to add additional requests such as a child seat, baby seat, newspapers etc! Our booking system is the quickest and most secure method. For questions about alternative payment methods, you should contact Customer Service.


How long does it take to reach London from Heathrow?


A vehicle can travel from Heathrow to London (and vice versa) in approximately 60 minutes (or less) in normal traffic conditions. If traffic is light, such as during the hours of 22:00 and 5:00 p.m. each day, or on Saturdays and Sundays, a vehicle from Heathrow to London will take less than 40-60 minutes to reach its destination.


How long does it take to reach London from Stansted?


A vehicle will take between 90 and 120 minutes to travel from Stansted to London (and the other way around) in normal traffic conditions. However, it takes less than 90 minutes to drive from Stansted to London in light traffic, such as during 22:00 to 5:00 each day, or on Saturdays and Sundays if there is little traffic.


How long does it take to reach London from Gatwick?


In normal traffic conditions, from Gatwick to London (and vice versa), a vehicle takes between 90 and 120 minutes. If traffic is light, as in the hours between 22:00 and 5:00 each day, or on Saturdays and Sundays, a vehicle from Gatwick to London takes less than 90 minutes.


How long does it take to reach London from Luton?


In normal traffic conditions, a vehicle will take between 90 and 120 minutes to travel from Luton to London (and vice versa). However, it takes less than 90 minutes to drive from Luton to London if there is little traffic, such as between 22:00 and 5:00 p.m. every day, or on Saturdays and Sundays if there is little traffic.

\n '},{author:"Ivana M.",date:new Date(2021,9,11),metaDesc:"Experience the Luxury of London Through London Private Tours.",metaTiltle:"Unveil the splendor of London like never before with our bespoke private tours, designed to envelop you in a world of luxury and exclusivity",synopsis:"London is the city that pays homage to creativity, and it has been the home of many creative persons for centuries. London has inspired the best of the art world, and it also inspired William Shakespeare, Jimi Hendrix, and J. K. Rowling, among others. It still attracts top talent in music, art, acting, and great contemporary comedians and writers.",slug:"london private tours",titleFull:"Experience the Luxury of London Through London Private Tours",details:'\n

London is the city that pays homage to creativity, and it has been the home of many creative persons for centuries. London has inspired the best of the art world, and it also inspired William Shakespeare, Jimi Hendrix, and J. K. Rowling, among others. It still attracts top talent in music, art, acting, and great contemporary comedians and writers.


Nowadays, London\'s long-term growth potential as a luxury destination is greater than that of other cosmopolitan cities such as New York and Hong Kong in terms of retail ownership and breadth of international luxury brands. In 2020 London got up four places from 2019\'s ranking, and now it still ranks 19th in the most expensive cities to live in. The list, produced annually by the American firm Mercer, includes 209 capitals from around the world. Among all of them, the capital of the United Kingdom has been placed in the top 20 as one of the most expensive to live in or visit, and people are especially quite interested in London private tours experiences.


Today, all these things are possible using the London private tours options and planning your individual car or group minibus tours before arriving.

\n Birds flying and on the back is the big ben.\n

London is known for its history, culture, arts, and diversity in its architecture. Every year trips to the English capital increase as there is no doubt its tourist importance in its 2,000 years of history. There are many opportunities that the city of luxury brings, and a chauffeur company London - based might be a great way to experience this extravagant lifestyle by being part of a London private tour which takes you to unique places.


The Wealthiest Neighbourhoods in London


Kensington & Chelsea


Kensington & Chelsea is the wealthiest area in the UK. The residents of Kensington & Chelsea earn three times more than the national average. The income in this district, where Elton John or the Beckhams live, is 64,868 pounds per year per person. More than three times higher compared to the national average of 19,514 pounds a year. In second place in the City of London, residents earn an average of \xa3 57,259 annually, according to the latest government data.


Kensington is one of the favorite neighborhoods for foreign investors. More than half of the properties sold in the last year went to international buyers. Its location in the city center, with shops, bars and private gardens to enjoy, plays in its favor. Here is the most expensive street in the whole of the United Kingdom, Kensington Palace Gardens, where the average price of its mansions amounts to 36 million pounds (40 million euros). This street, known as "the street of the billionaires," houses imposing buildings and embassies, such as that of Israel. Some of the world\'s great fortunes live here, such as Roman Abramovich, owner of the Chelsea football club.


The part of Chelsea, the neighboring neighborhood, is even more exclusive for its stately air and its historic buildings. Here lives the soccer player Fernando Torres, a Chelsea player. The house that Roman Abramovich is building in Cheyne walk, valued at 100 million pounds (116 million euros), consists of an 18th-century mansion and two adjacent houses, which the tycoon intends to unite in a work that will last three years. On the same street, overlooking the River Thames, Mick Jagger, the singer of the Rolling Stones, and Keith Richards, the guitarist.


The Boltons, Chelsea


Kensington & Chelsea is the wealthiest area in the UK. The residents of Kensington & Chelsea earn three times more than the national average. The income in this district, where Elton John or the Beckhams live, is 64,868 pounds per year per person. More than three times higher compared to the national average of 19,514 pounds a year. In second place in the City of London, residents earn an average of \xa3 57,259 annually, according to the latest government data.


It was the street chosen by the singer Madonna to live during her London stage. The Boltons are two crescent-shaped streets where imposing white single-family houses rise (in almost all cases) that reveal the utmost luxury.


All have their garden of suitable dimensions, considering that the street is located in the heart of the Chelsea neighborhood. According to real estate experts, 10% of all super-prime transactions made in London this year have occurred in this exclusive area. However, the median home price is 33 million pounds, and only super specialist agents can find houses for sale on this street. Therefore, experts recommend that their millionaire clients be patient since the homes for sale in this enclave come out sporadically.


Manresa Road


Manresa Road is located in the Chelsea neighborhood and links the charming Chelsea Square with King\'s Road, one of the city\'s best-known commercial thoroughfares. With an average price of \xa3 13.2 million, it has had illustrious neighbors such as Bernie Ecclestone, the Formula 1 mogul, who bought a \xa3 6.8 million house in 2006 and sold it in 2011 for 14 million.


Ilchester Place


The supremacy of West London, especially the Kensington neighborhood, is shown again on this street, Ilchester Place, next to the charming Holland Park. Its best houses face the park directly, which increases its exclusivity. The opening of the Design Museum, located a few meters away, has increased the attractiveness of this area, already highly sought after.


Places to Visit in London for an Unforgettable Experience

\n Car and london tour bus in the form of a boat with tourists.\n

London attracts international visitors, with more than a hundred 5-star hotels, heritage stores, and 65 Michelin-starred restaurants. This circumstance invites us to enter the magical streets of the city of the Thames to discover places of this city that itself is an overflow of elegance and style, which has been reconverted many times, preserving its genuine genes. It has also managed to rise to the forefront to become the figurehead of the modern world in all imaginable ranges. Culture, gastronomic experience, theater, museums, literature, architecture. The possibilities are so many that it is overwhelming.


The Tower of London

\n Tower bridge on a sunset.\n

What do you say about the private tours of Tower of London and the sightseeing surroundings? Maybe it would take at least three hours to explore it because it\'s one of the most prominent London locations. What to do? Take a look at the crown jewels and the Bloody Tower, where Richard III was locked up, and perhaps the little Prince Edward V and Richard murdered. You can also enjoy a tower of London private tour, which will make your experience elite! You have so many reasons to consider private tours Tower of London a must during your stay.


It is located on the banks of the Thames next to another well-known monument, London Bridge, another of the city\'s symbols. It was the first drawbridge that was built with the idea of not interrupting river traffic and connecting the two banks of the river after the significant expansion of the city.


Of all the buildings that can be visited inside the castle, the White Tower stands out, located in the center of the architectural complex. The oldest of those built served as an armory and royal residence; today, it houses a collection of armor, the Royal Chapel, and several exhibitions that explain the history and the different uses that the Tower had.


Wilton\'s Music Hall


The Wilton is the oldest Grand Music Hall in the world. From a Victorian Sailors Pub to a derelict warehouse, the building has undergone many changes over the past 300 years. In this place you can enjoy a fancy night, have a drink, watch a movie, or attend a concert.


Sherlock Holmes London


In addition, private tours in London can take you on a tour of Sherlock Holmes\' favorite haunts. You will definitely enjoy this spectacular experience! So go ahead and live this experience! Explore the locations featured in the books, the actual sites that inspired Arthur Conan Doyle, and the highlights from the various film and television adaptations of the detective\'s great adventures.


National Portrait Gallery


This place is the jewel of the museums in the city, everyone who travels to London should take a short tour of its corridors. The museum has an extensive gallery of works of art from different periods of history, created by various international artists and focused on portraits of the most influential figures in history.


The American Bar at the Hotel Savoy


The true meaning of the word cocktail resides within the walls of London\'s luxurious Hotel Savoy. Precisely, at the American Bar. Its five stars are made within mixes with an ancient historical tradition. The place offers the authentic American recipe as reflected in The Savoy Cocktail Book, a book written in 1930 and considered a true encyclopedia in the sector. The Savoy was the best Cocktail Bar in Europe (second in the world) in 2016.


Hyde Park


In 1985, a family decided to market handmade shoes in the wealthy Chelsea neighborhood. Thus was born Sukies, a unisex shoe store with the exclusivity by a flag, since it only produces 6 to 8 pairs of each copy. The Italian influence is noticeable in their designs, made with top-quality leather from this Mediterranean country. An urban style with a chic touch that makes you fall in love with every step.




The place that we all know more recently for having been the residence of Amy Winehouse, but it would be false to say that it is a new neighborhood since its fame dates back a long time thanks to its street market and the alternative culture of the place.




As a part of your London luxury tours plan, you can consider adding Kensington as a must-visit place for all Harry Potter lovers. You may ask why? You have a unique chance to see JK Rowling house Kensington location and discover the place where she created the wizarding world we all love.


Kenwood house


Although this place is unknown, it does not enjoy the tourist prestige that other corners of London have. Here you can visit a fantastic park in an old neighborhood full of trees and a pleasant climate. And in the midst of that beautiful setting, a beautiful and spacious palace, the Kenwood House. Don\'t miss it, in the heart of Hampstead.


Covent Garden


The houses at Covent Garden have no more and no less than 30 million tourists annually, of which very few suspect that this site was an orchard in its beginnings. An interesting area to visit and to stay.


The Andaz Liverpool Street Hotel


The Andaz Liverpool Street hotel offers its customers its five stars within East London. It was built in 1884 by the same architect as the one of the Parliament of the capital, and Gothic-English inspiration with red brick walls, Victorian style, is one of its strengths.


The British Museum


The British Museum is one of the largest and richest museums in the world. It maintains the history and culture of two million years ago in time. Its collections cover periods of Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. The museum has 10 sections and the British Library.



\n London eye on an early evening.\n

Soho, formerly famous for its sex shops, is today the center of culture and nightlife. In contrast to the quieter Paddington neighborhood. Here is the famous shopping street Carnaby Street. The road was built in 1682 and took its name from Karnaby House, the first house built there. Around 1720 a fresh produce market was opened, later called Carnaby Market. One of the oldest buildings is the Shakespearean Public House from 1735, which still exists at Carnaby Street and Foubert\'s Place. The first pub was installed in 1910, and in the 1950s, the first clothing stores appeared. Currently, Carnaby Street comprises 13 streets with more than 100 stores, designer clothes and top brands, and 60 restaurants and bars.


COMO The Halkin Hotel


This place gives you an appointment with haute cuisine to enjoy dishes that are almost artistic canvases, such as Iberian prey or lobster with white oil. It has been recognized as a Michelin star since 2013 and is one of the must-see places in London.


Buckingham PalaceThe Palace is closed when the queen lives there, but when she leaves for her summer vacation, Buckingham Palace is open to the public. One detail is that if the royal flag is hoisted above the Palace, then you can explore the 19 rooms, including the Throne Room and the Ballroom. The Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a beautiful, world-famous ceremony at 11:30 am. During May and July the ceremony takes place daily. Without being a museum or an art gallery, the Buckingham Palace art collection is one of the largest in the world. The Queen\'s Gallery was built forty years ago, on the ruins of the private chapel, which was destroyed in the war. There are temporary exhibitions of the works of the Royal Collection.


With the London private tours you can visit this fantastic place, make sure that you don\'t take photos inside the Palace, but only in the gardens. The use of mobile phones is not allowed either. You can\'t enter with food or drinks, and you can\'t enter with any kind of sharp object (scissors, penknives, knives of any kind).


London Private Tours For Families


London private tours for families can be an enriching experience for everyone travelling to this vibrant city. These tours can transform the usual sightseeing into an engaging adventure for the whole family. Choose activities with kid-friendly narratives while exploring historic neighbourhoods and well-known London spots for fun.


Take your time to get to know more about British history while creating lasting memories with the people you love most.


Is London Good for Families


Even though it may come as a surprise, London is indeed an excellent destination for family trips. It offers a diverse range of activities and attractions, from museums and iconic landmarks to modern cultural experiences.


So, while there, don\'t miss out on the London Zoo, Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, and all those attractive outdoor spots for picnics and plays. Surely, you can check on some theatre shows or explore the vibrant London markets. With all these options, you can surely have memorable family time.


Family Friendly Places to Stay in London


The decision of where to stay in London depends on your preferences only. Since you\'re travelling with family, make sure you find the perfect combination of comfort, convenience, and price range you can afford. Check on the hotels and apartments near the places you plan on visiting and ensure you book the dates on time.


London\'s Best Attractions for Families


London offers so many interesting attractions that sometimes get you confused about what to choose. But surely, you can start with a magical adventure on the Harry Potter tour in Warner Bros. Studio, then head to the Tower of London or visit the well-known Science Museum. After that, you can focus on London Zoo or SEA LIFE London Aquarium.


No matter what you choose, make sure you spend quality time with your family and enjoy the time of togetherness.




In addition to being one of the most visited cities globally, London has many other tricks up its exquisite old manga when it comes to woo visitors. London, a giant of innovative art, music, writing, poetry, architecture, design, and creative, is deservedly known as the world\'s cultural and most luxurious capital. The highly cosmopolitan city is home to one of the most beautiful museums and galleries in the world. You can focus on hiring a chauffeur minibus if you are together with your friends and family, so you won\'t have to split during your luxury London tours and excursions. In addition, many pubs, bars, and restaurants offering a diversity of cuisines are spread throughout the city due to its cosmopolitan nature, and London private tours are the perfect opportunity to enjoy a luxury visit.




How many days do you need to spend in London?


The optimal number of days to travel to London depends on what you want to do. If you are only interested in knowing the most important places in the city, in about four days, you will be fine. But, if you want to explore it more thoroughly with London private tours and even visit the surroundings, the ideal would be about 10 or 15 days.


Is London a good vacation destination with extravagant places for the wealthy?


Yes, London is a diverse city and ideal for all types of travelers, especially for people enjoying a luxury life. In it, you can visit theaters, museums, picturesque streets and take highly entertaining walks or private tours.


When to travel to London for the best experience?


The best time to travel to London is in spring or summer because they are the warmest times and activities and festivals take place. In our section on the weather in London, you can find more information about the best months to spend in the UK. However, if you want to travel to London to spend as little money as possible, the best time is winter.


Is it a good option to travel with children to London?


Yes, it is an extraordinary idea. London is a city fully prepared to receive the little ones. There are endless activities to do with children, and there are many parks where the little ones can run and play.


What dishes to eat during a trip to London? Is English cuisine rich?


Yes, you will find a great variety of dishes very different from what you may be used to eating. London is home to the best Curry Houses, Traditional Fish and Chips as well as Steak Pies are not to be missed. Regardless of where you are in London, be sure to ask your chauffeur for a top tip, they can help discover authentic and tasty gastronomy that are hidden from tourists!


What are the advantages of London private tours?


London is after Bangkok, the second most visited city in the world with 16 million annual tourists and who knows, maybe it will even win Bangkok with the visitors as recently it is becoming more and more famous. Icons as prominent as Big Ben, the red telephone boxes, the Tower of London, or its magnificent palaces and royal parks make this destination one of the most desired in the world. It is clear that it is one of the most recommended cities, and taking a London private tour is undoubtedly the best option. You will not have the inconvenience of a large and impersonal group.

\n '},{author:"Ivana M.",date:new Date(2021,9,2),metaDesc:"Discover the epitome of sophistication and elegance with our comprehensive guide to visiting London in style.",metaTiltle:"Visiting London in Style: Luxury Travel Guide",synopsis:"Hiring a personal chauffeur is a must nowadays, especially for the elite. Individuals that have many personal obligations get a huge time benefit when someone else is driving them because they can communicate on a mobile phone, use their laptop if needed, and also have the chance to feel the city while traveling to various places.",slug:"visiting london in style",titleFull:"Visiting London in Style: How to Hire Your Personal Chauffeur?",details:"\n

Hiring a personal chauffeur is a must nowadays, especially for the elite. Individuals that have many personal obligations get a huge time benefit when someone else is driving them because they can communicate on a mobile phone, use their laptop if needed, and also have the chance to feel the city while traveling to various places.


It doesn't matter if it is a business trip or just visiting a different city. In both cases, a personal chauffeur is a huge advantage, and also, no matter the city from Paris to Los Angeles, or a smaller city, still, individuals hire private transportation chauffeurs to relax and enjoy the ride. Affluent individuals hire personal drivers, especially for enormous cities like Moscow, because it saves them a lot of time, they can visit different places faster, they can work if they have to while traveling, and also it is a lot safer since a big city by default means areas which are not very safe to visit.

\n \"Visit\n

One of the world's most beautiful cities is London, and since it is so big and many people travel every day, it is almost impossible to visit all the important places without transportation. An excellent chauffeur service London experience would make the visiting process a lot more personal.


In the beginning, let's see why London is a great place to visit.


London is a Great Place to Visit - Why?


London is one of the oldest cities and most incredible ones in the world. Near Vauxhall Bridge in 1993, remains from the Bronze Age were found, establishing London as a city filled with long cultural history. It was settled by the Romans by the name of \"Londinium\" back in AD 47, and to this day, it has had many transformations that make this city even more beautiful.


The biggest reason why London is a great place to visit is because of its contrast. London is one of, or maybe the only city globally, with a high-level history in various categories from the punk and rock and roll scene, through its glorious, excellent theatres, to Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives. It has everything.


This city will provide you with the experience of any history and of any type of modern-day privileges. Even if you are not interested in the old towers and buildings, you have the opportunity to watch plays with the best theatre actors in the best theatres in the world, go to some of the best nightclubs, visit museums and art galleries that set new trends in the art scene globally. London has it all. The city is also beautiful for sightseeing and has the river Thames where you can also take beautiful boat rides and enjoy the sunset.


Last but not least, London will provide you with the best pubs, restaurants, and it is also a dynamic city which by itself calls for a London chauffeur car hire to have the ability to travel faster and see more places.


But before you get your chauffeur service' London option, let's see what a personal chauffeur is.


What Is a Personal Chauffeur?


The name itself shows that a personal chauffeur is a driver who picks up and drives a person or people in a vehicle from one place to another, regardless if it is for business obligations or personal ones. One would say that it is the same as a cab driver, but that is not true. A personal chauffeur can be a whole day experience; these drivers are extremely professional and will drive you to locations and wait for you to finish whatever obligations or tourist goals you have.

\n \"Travel\n

A personal chauffeur may have a set schedule or perform driving duties on an on-call basis. You can also pick up other people, friends, family, or whoever is along the ride. Personal chauffeurs must keep the car extremely clean, and they must know how to navigate through the city area and the whole region that surrounds the city.


An excellent personal chauffeur must have a driver's license and, in the case of London, they must all have a Private Hire Licence provided by Transport for London. In order to obtain this a topographical test as well as a criminal background check is also conducted. For an excellent driver service London, these drivers need to have previous driving experience. One of the most important parts is that a professional chauffeur has to know how to perform basic upkeep tasks on the car and have great navigation skills to choose the best routes to the needed destinations.


So before you hire a luxury car service' London company, let's get into all the benefits you will get from hiring a personal chauffeur.


Benefits From Hiring a Personal Chauffeur


There are many reasons why it is a great decision to not drive yourself through a huge city like London, and a London chauffeur hire will provide you with some good benefits. Here we will see the top 5 benefits from hiring a personal driver:


Safety Comes First


Driving in an enormous city like London means a lot of traffic jams, areas that are not familiar to you, numerous bad drivers, change of routes because of rebuilding parts, etc. However, all these problems will not be of concern to you if you contact a chauffeur service London company which will take care of all these issues.


A professional driver knows the best routes to arrive at your desired destination, knows how to get away from traffic jams, and most importantly, the driving's security and safety are at a huge high level. A sense of professionalism gives you a comfortable ride, and the best thing is that you won't have to deal with frustration and stress while traveling.




When you are visiting a new city, the last thing you want to worry about is punctuality. That is why a chauffeur company London experience will provide you with the chance to be punctual all the time. This is valuable because punctuality means that you respect other people's time. A professional chauffeur will make sure to get you to the desired place on time and knows that it is important that schedules must be met. They know which are the best routes to travel fast and get on time everywhere. You just have to relax, sit back, enjoy the ride, and do whatever you want.


Get Things Done While Traveling


One of the best benefits of hiring a personal chauffeur London is that you will be able to get things done while travelling. It is the same if you are visiting for a business trip or a vacation. No matter the reason why you need to use your mobile phone, laptop, check important emails, read something, or even take a little nap. You can't do any of these things if you drive.


By having a luxury chauffeur service London ride, you can really do whatever you want while driving because the chauffeur will take care of the driving process and best driving routes and get you to the desired place. You will be able to get things done while driving from one place to another.


No Parking Problems


If there is one thing that everyone doesn't like, it is to find a place to park the car. Well, with a personal chauffeur, you don't have to worry about it. Your parking problems are eliminated right away, and a huge benefit is that the chauffeur will leave you where you want, find a parking spot, and come back to pick you up at the arranged time from the same place. You don't have to worry about driving in an urban jungle like London since it can be difficult itself, but finding a parking place can be even harder sometimes. So getting a chauffeur definitely solves all the parking problems.


Enjoy the City While Driving


You can not enjoy the many views of a huge city like London if you are driving yourself. In a city that has traffic jams and millions of people driving every day, it is impossible to relax while traveling from one destination to another. You will have to be completely focused on the road to drive safely.


By having a professional chauffeur, you can enjoy the city while the chauffeur is driving you, and watch all the beautiful sites and different views that a visit to a place like London allows you to experience.


These are the top 5 benefits of having a chauffeur service London experience, making your trip a lot more fun and easier. And not only that you have significant benefits, but there are also various types of services a chauffeur company can give you.


Different Types of Services a Chauffeur Company Can Give You


Chauffeur companies can provide you with different types of services for various occasions you may need to attend or an opportunity to decide what kind of experience you would like to have. A good chauffeur service London company gives you the chance to pick the needed service. Here are some of the best ones you can use:


Luxury Airport Transfers


This type of transfer allows you to meet and greet with the chauffeur right after you arrive at the airport, and the chauffeur will pick you up to drive you to the desired destination. This should include services for all airports from Heathrow to Farnborough with assistance with your luggage, smooth ride, and set of essentials like water, wifi, tissues, etc.


This includes private jet airport services with a friendly chauffeur that will transfer you to a hotel, visit places, or business meetings.


Of course, it is the same with departing from the airport with the privilege to be picked up by a preferred location, luggage assistance, set of essentials provided in the car, and additional stops to say goodbye or pick up family members, friends, or anyone else.


Long Term and Long Distance


Long term and long-distance services also include most of the luxurious privileges we saw above in the text. Long-term services are more suitable for families, delegations, tourists, production teams, event organizers, etc., while long-distance chauffeur services can give you the opportunity to go out of the city if you need, or even to another country and return you safely. You can watch movies, listen to music, relax and enjoy. The company will also give you the freedom to make stops and breaks according to your needs.


Event Services


Event services are one of the most interesting because they allow you to visit corporate or sports events on time and not worry about getting there. You won't have to bother to look into maps online or find the desired place. Instead, the chauffeur will get you to the event while you can finish other obligations while driving or just take a nap if you want. That is the beauty of hiring a professional company; you don't have to worry about anything.


Whether you want to watch tennis at Wimbledon, have an experience of seeing a Formula 1 race at Silverstone, or football at Wembley Stadium, it doesn't matter, you will be there on time.




London is a great place to have your wedding. And on the day of your wedding, the least of your problems should be driving from one place to another. A wedding chauffeur Buckingham service or any other will be there for you not only for a wedding day service but also for a honeymoon. The bride and groom can get champagne while driving and luggage assistance, of course.


Also, if you need, you can hire more than one wedding car for some of your friends and family and have an enjoyable wedding day without anyone bothering with driving on one of the most important days of your life.


Private Tour Service


For visiting London, this is the best type of service. Chauffeur companies will give you the chance to see the most beautiful places in this city, and here you will also have all the benefits and set essentials listed above.


There are various types of private tours with a private driver London; you can choose the one you like from a 5-hour tour, 10-hour tour, or a complete full-day tour to visit London's beautiful sites and places. It is also valuable to mention that you can purchase seaport transfers if you want to have a cruising experience.


All these different types of chauffeur services will make every day of your visit much more relaxing, enjoyable and give you the luxury to arrive safely and on time at any place you desire to visit. And there are many interesting places one should see in London.


Three Must-Visit Places in London


The rich London history provides individuals who come to London with numerous places to visit since it is a city of various opportunities. But, sometimes it is wise to pick several sites from a different category to have a more complete and mixed experience of what London represents. And this also means that only a professional chauffeur can provide you with such experience because you will thoroughly enjoy every moment without bothering about all the traveling responsibilities. So, here you will see three different places you can visit in the largest city and capital of the United Kingdom.


Buckingham Palace


It would be kind of strange to visit London and not visit Buckingham Palace. After all, it is the place where the Queen lives. Since 1993 during the summer, it is also open for public visits, and you can walk through the garden where Elizabeth II has the annual parties held


Visiting such a place can bring great excitement to anyone, and that is why it is crucial to hire a professional chauffeur to drive you through the day and pick you up afterward because you will just want to relax and have the best time ever. You don't visit royalty every day.


British Museum


Located in the Bloomsbury area of London you will find the legendary British Museum. One of the best museums in the world which will give you the experience of a lifetime. It was established in 1753 by King George II, and it has numerous departments, beautiful galleries, and some of the best artworks of all time.


If you hire a chauffeur, you can plan other activities before and after visiting the museum and have a day filled with various activities because before and after the visit of the museum, you will be able to visit other places.


Hyde Park


Last but not least, to have a different outside experience you can visit Hyde Park. It is the largest of all Royal Parks, and its creation dates back to 1637. It's an area of 350 acres and filled with beautiful nature, long walking trails, and it is excellent for spending time alone or with someone else and just relaxing.


Here you have three different London places you can visit and not bother driving from one place to another and relax to enjoy the experience completely. It is wise to hire a personal driver UK that will take care of all your travelling issues.


Best Private Tours in London


Discover London through the lens of exclusive private tours and uncover the city's hidden gems and historic landmarks. You can enjoy different culinary expeditions and visit iconic places guided by your chauffeur for the day. Whether you want to visit Buckingham Palace or experience the quiet charm of hidden alleyways, make sure you rely on a trusted partner, as Simber is, to create lasting memories.


How Long Does Tower of London Tour Take


It takes about 2 or 3 hours to explore the Tower of London, although it may vary based on your exploration level. Knowing that this historical site offers so many exciting things to see, you can take as much time as you need to learn more about the legends, tales, and royal origins.


How Long Does Madame Tussauds Tour Take


Depending on your interests, a visit to the Museum may last up to three hours. It's a renowned and well-known wax museum letting visitors take photos with their favourite celebrities, historical persons, and cultural icons. If you're having fun, you may stay there for more than three hours. So, take your time to explore any wax figure you want, analyze the details, and simply enjoy the new experience.


How Long Does London Dungeon Take


A London Dungeon typically takes about two hours, but surely, the duration may vary depending on your individual preferences. It's one of the darkest attractions in London, but still, many people are interested to learn more about the history behind it. Visitors can navigate through various themed rooms, encountering notorious characters and events from the city's past.


The whole experience is exciting and a little frightening, but surely one of the best you can have in London, especially if you're intrigued by old tales and dark historical moments.


How Long Does London Aquarium Tour Take


You'll need about two hours to explore London Aquarium, but again, it may vary depending on your exploration level. No matter how long you stay, you'll see mesmerizing and diverse marine life, including sharks, jellyfish, and rays, accompanied by interactive experiences. It's a great way to spend your time in London, no matter if you simply love aquariums or want some educational adventure while there.


Arrive In StyleOne of the best things about having a chauffeur service London experience is that it will also give you the ability to arrive in style at your destination. This can be important, especially when arriving at event gatherings, corporate meetings, or your personal wedding.


A good chauffeur company will have various types of vehicles from S-Class Mercedes, BMW 7 series, Audi 8, to Mercedes V-Class, Range Rover, Rolls Royce, etc. There will also be vehicles for more than three individuals, and even vehicles for up to 16 passengers if you want to go somewhere with your friends and family and still arrive in style with a nice Mercedes or some other beautiful minibus. Of course, you also have the privilege of bringing luggage.


It is a great opportunity to leave a good impression if going somewhere important, but it's also good for tourist experiences. These most reliable luxury cars will make you feel secure, arrive in style, and, most importantly, arrive on time.




There is almost not a single reason not to hire a professional chauffeur. These types of companies will allow you to have fun while traveling, enjoy a comfortable ride, not worry about parking or any other issue and arrive at your desired destination on time and safely.


You can do whatever you want, from working on your laptop to taking a nap while getting to the desired place. A professional chauffeur will leave or pick you up from anywhere you want and at any time. It is a great solution, especially for an enormous and beautiful city like London. So don't hesitate and waste any time; hire a professional and enjoy the trip.




How much is a chauffeur for a day in the UK?


A chauffeur driven vehicle starts at \xa354 per hour with a minimum booking of three hours. The price also depends on what vehicle is hired. You can get different types, from Mercedes S-Class to a Rolls-Royce Phantom.


Does a chauffeur need a hire License?


The procedure of becoming a chauffeur in London is governed by PCO, which is the Public Carriage Office. Therefore, you will need to obtain a PCO private hire license.


What do private chauffeurs do?


A personal chauffeur is a skilled driver who uses a luxury vehicle to transport their employee or anyone that hires them to different locations. They must be polite, well organized, professional, discrete, and great drivers.

\n "}],ft=[{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"From the moment you wake up on your wedding day, you will be overwhelmed with emotions. When it comes to the preparations, having family and friends by your side to assist you with whatever you require and, ultimately, one of the most memorable moments of the day, when it is time to go for the ceremony. You will have some unique experiences while traveling in the wedding car you have reserved for the event.",metaTiltle:"Your Guide For the Perfect Wedding in London With a Wedding Chauffeur",date:new Date(2022,0,24),synopsis:"From the moment you wake up on your wedding day, you will be overwhelmed with emotions. When it comes to the preparations, having family and friends by your side to assist you with whatever you require and, ultimately, one of the most memorable moments of the day, when it is time to go for the ceremony. You will have some unique experiences while traveling in the wedding car you have reserved for the event.",slug:"perfect wedding in london with a wedding chauffeur",titleFull:"Your Guide For the Perfect Wedding in London With a Wedding Chauffeur",details:"\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"Migration and relocating are thought to be a hereditary inclination, but there are also ideas that suggest that traveling is a response to the individual's dissatisfaction with their current circumstance and a desire to escape that situation. According to some, travel causes the release of endorphins, the well-known happy hormone, and that is why we feel so happy even after taking a trip.",metaTiltle:"Omicron and Travel Plans: How to Travel Safe with a Long Distance Chauffeur",date:new Date(2022,0,14),synopsis:"Migration and relocating are thought to be a hereditary inclination, but there are also ideas that suggest that traveling is a response to the individual's dissatisfaction with their current circumstance and a desire to escape that situation. According to some, travel causes the release of endorphins, the well-known happy hormone, and that is why we feel so happy even after taking a trip.",slug:"omicron and travel plans",titleFull:"Omicron and Travel Plans: How to Travel Safe with a Long Distance Chauffeur",details:"\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"All of your transportation needs can be met by our wide range of services. To speed up our transition to a more sustainable future, we also contribute to the funding of climate initiatives of the highest quality by planting trees for every ride we take. We'd like to show you the vehicles we have available to make your trip to London more convenient and comfortable.",metaTiltle:"A Fleet of Vehicles for Your Luxury and Comfort",date:new Date(2021,11,10),synopsis:"All of your transportation needs can be met by our wide range of services. To speed up our transition to a more sustainable future, we also contribute to the funding of climate initiatives of the highest quality by planting trees for every ride we take. We'd like to show you the vehicles we have available to make your trip to London more convenient and comfortable.",slug:"a fleet of vehicles for your luxury and comfort",titleFull:"Simber Presents: A Fleet of Vehicles for Your Luxury and Comfort",details:"\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"London has 6 major airports, not all are the same, and not all are used by the same type of travellers. Here is a closer look at the list of London airports that are most popular.",metaTiltle:"Landing in London in Luxury",date:new Date(2021,10,18),synopsis:"London is one of the biggest cities in the world, which also means that it is a city with an enormous amount of travellers every day. The main arrival for most of them are the airports from which they can go to their desired destinations. London has 6 major airports, not all are the same, and not all are used by the same type of travellers. Here is a closer look at the list of London airports that are most popular.",slug:"landing in london in luxury",titleFull:"Top London Airports: Landing in London in Luxury",details:"\n "},{author:"Ivana M.",metaDesc:"",metaTiltle:"",date:new Date(2021,9,21),synopsis:"Here is everything you want to know about a London chauffeur airport transfer!",slug:"why you should book a london airport transfer",titleFull:"Reasons Why You Should Book a London Airport Transfer",details:""},{author:"Ivana M.",date:new Date(2021,10,4),metaDesc:"",metaTiltle:"",synopsis:"Holiday shopping is a lot more fun when you can combine luxury with Christmas shopping. Festivities such as dinners, dances, and other social events are appropriate during this time of year. Days spent strolling and shopping, nights spent smelling nice and wearing pretty dresses. This city has it all\u2014shows, lively sidewalks, and an air of mystery about it. The whites and reds, in particular, have a slight sheen to them due to the glimmering light. Yet, from within, a distinct, unique, warm glow of life emanates.",slug:"chauffeur hire for christmas shopping",titleFull:"Chauffeur Hire for Christmas Shopping",details:""},{author:"Ivana M.",date:new Date(2021,9,11),metaDesc:"",metaTiltle:"",synopsis:"London is the city that pays homage to creativity, and it has been the home of many creative persons for centuries. London has inspired the best of the art world, and it also inspired William Shakespeare, Jimi Hendrix, and J. K. Rowling, among others. It still attracts top talent in music, art, acting, and great contemporary comedians and writers.",slug:"london private tours",titleFull:"London Private Tours",details:""}],yt=[];a(791);function gt(){var e,t,o=Object(i.useState)(""),n=Object(q.a)(o,2),r=n[0],l=n[1],c=Object(i.useState)(""),u=Object(q.a)(c,2),h=u[0],d=u[1],p=Object(i.useState)(""),m=Object(q.a)(p,2),f=m[0],y=m[1],g=Object(i.useState)(),w=Object(q.a)(g,2),v=w[0],b=w[1];window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:"smooth"}),Object(i.useEffect)((function(){var e=window.location.href.split("/"),t=e[e.length-1],a=t.split("-");a.length<3&&t.includes("_")?d(t.split("_").join("-").toLowerCase()):(b(mt.find((function(e){return e.slug==a.join(" ")}))),""!=r&&l(""),""!=h&&d(""))}));var k=function(e,t){var a=new Array(t),o=e.length,n=new Array(o);if(t>o)throw new RangeError("getRandom: more elements taken than available");for(;t--;){var r=Math.floor(Math.random()*o);a[t]=e[r in n?n[r]:r],n[r]=--o in n?n[o]:o}return 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",s.a.createElement("a",{onClick:function(){C(!0),B(!1)}},"Send again"))))),s.a.createElement(Ce.a,{open:w,onClose:function(){return v(!w)}},s.a.createElement(Le.a,{onClose:function(){return v(!w)},severity:"error"},E)),s.a.createElement(Ce.a,{open:U,onClose:function(){return K(!1)}},s.a.createElement(Le.a,{onClose:function(){return K(!1)},severity:"success"},s.a.createElement("span",null,"Email confirmation email sent!"))),s.a.createElement(ee,null),s.a.createElement(V.a,{open:R,className:"email-confirm-dialog"},s.a.createElement(G.a,null,s.a.createElement(Ye.a,null,s.a.createElement("span",null,"You have to confirm your email address in order to log in!"),s.a.createElement("span",null,"Can't find your confirmation email?"))),s.a.createElement(Ve.a,null,s.a.createElement(M.a,{onClick:function(){P.post("user/confirmEmail/generate?email="+c).then((function(e){F(!1),K(!0)})).catch((function(e){var t,a;if(419===(null===(t=e.response)||void 0===t?void 0:t.status))return 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email."}),s.a.createElement(Lt.a,{className:"eighteen",control:s.a.createElement(We.a,{className:"checkbox",checked:G,onChange:function(){return z(!G)}}),label:"I am 18 years or older."}))),s.a.createElement(M.a,{type:"submit",fullWidth:!0,variant:"contained",color:"secondary",onClick:function(e){return function(e){e.preventDefault();var t="";if(new RegExp("^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+.[a-z]{2,4}$").test(h)||(t+="Invalid email format.\n"),""===r&&(t+="Name is required.\n"),h!==f&&(t+="Email and confirmation doesn't match.\n"),v!==x&&(t+="Password and confirmation doesn't match.\n"),G||(t+="You must be 18 on older to use our services."),""!==t)return _(t),void j(!0);var a={Email:h,EmailRe:f,Password:v,AllowSpam:B,Name:r,PasswordRe:x,Phone:C};P.post("user/register",a).then((function(e){K(!0)})).catch((function(e){var t;if(404===(null===(t=e.response)||void 0===t?void 0:t.status))_("Unknown error occured");else{var a;if(419===e.status)return localStorage.clear(),void(window.location.href="/");void 0!==(null===(a=e.response)||void 0===a?void 0:a.data)?_(e.response.data.message):_("Cannot reach server")}j(!0)}))}(e)}},"Sign Up"),s.a.createElement("div",null,s.a.createElement(Ze.a,{item:!0},s.a.createElement("span",null,"Already have an account? ",s.a.createElement(Xt.a,{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/login"},"Sign in"))))))),s.a.createElement(Se.a,{className:"feature-card-header",component:"h1",variant:"h5"},"We are here for you."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"features-card"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"feaute"},s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feature-header"},"Always there"),s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feautre-text"},"We are on hand to assist with any special requests or complex transportation requirements. Tailor made journeys for you.")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"feaute"},s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feature-header"},"Transparent pricing"),s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feautre-text"},"At SIMBER our rates are transparent, the price provided and confirmed relevant to your service includes tolls, fees and parking charges.")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"feaute"},s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feature-header"},"Trusted Service"),s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feautre-text"},"Our team including our chauffeurs are professional, attentive, discrete and welcoming. We strive to ensure you receive a service that is second to none.")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"feaute"},s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feature-header"},"Seamless Service"),s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feautre-text"},"Our team including our chauffeurs are professional, reliable, attentive and discrete . With a well-presented fleet of vehicles we strive to ensure you always receive a service that is second to none. ")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"feaute"},s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feature-header"},"Complimentary waiting times"),s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feautre-text"},"Take the time you need, our bookings include complimentary waiting times. Airport transfers include 60 minutes of complimentary wait time, 15 minutes on all other journeys. Additional waiting time if required will be charged in 15 minute intervals.")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"feaute"},s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feature-header"},"Peace of Mind"),s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feautre-text"},"Relax and enjoy your journey! At SIMBER we track our clients' flight, regardless of whether you are landing early or delayed we will always have a chauffeur and an immaculate vehicle waiting for you. ")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"feaute"},s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feature-header"},"Booking Confirmations"),s.a.createElement("span",{className:"feautre-text"},"Once your journey is booked you receive an instant confirmation email. Prior to the journey another email will follow confirming your chauffeurs details.")))),s.a.createElement(Ce.a,{open:F,onClose:function(){return j(!F)}},s.a.createElement(Le.a,{onClose:function(){return j(!F)},severity:"error",className:"error-dialog"},X)),s.a.createElement(ee,null))}a(877);function ea(){return s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"Simber offers a strategic partnership to hoteliers in order to extend their services for hotel guests related to transfers and private tours across London."}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"Become Simber's Partner and Expand Your Outstanding Services | Simber"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/strategic-partnerships-hotel-transport"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Hotel Transfers",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/strategic-partnerships-hotel-transport"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"hotel-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",null,"Strategic Partnerships: Hotel Transport with Simber Chauffeur Services"),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"With Simber as Your Strategic Partner You Make Sure Your Guests Will Get Everywhere on Time Safely"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Over the past few years, the way of travelling has changed immensely; therefore, one needs a trustworthy transportation partner. Travellers are planning their itineraries to the latest detail before starting their trip in order to decrease the chances of inconvenience or unsafe travel, especially in times of pandemics. In the same way, hotel owners want to help their guests feel safe at all times and that is why they are offering more than accommodation. Besides excellent, clean and comfortable stay, hoteliers are now offering chauffeuring services to their guests so that they can move around the city without any worries. "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"If you are part of the hotelier industry in London and looking to upgrade your services by offering hotel chauffeur transfer services to your guests, Simber industries is the strategic partner you need."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact"},"Find out why!")),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"First Class Chauffeur Services for Hotel Guests"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Your guests deserve the best service they can get. That is why they have chosen your hotel for their stay. To make sure you extend the quality of your service, you can offer them first class chauffeurs to get them wherever they need to go: a sightseeing trip around London, premium chauffeur transfer to and from events, chauffeur driven trips outside London, and transfers from and to airports or seaports across the United Kingdom."),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Treat VIP guests to complimentary airport rides in exclusive fleet of Simber chauffeur driven cars"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Offer your guests private chauffeur driven tours around London using our Simber services"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Count on a trusted partner in Simber whose expertise and experience has elevated the travelling experience of hundreds of clients")),s.a.createElement("p",null,"In essence, there is no value that can measure the importance of first class partnerships for you and your guests!"),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("a",{className:"primary-button",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk"},"book now")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"How to Partner with Simber?"),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact"},"Get in touch with our team")," and discuss possible agreements of collaboration. You can choose any of our recommended offers or we can come up with an agreement that will be custom made for you and your clients needs."),s.a.createElement("img",{className:"large-image",src:a(594),alt:"Simber vehicles by a hotel."}),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"margin-top-sm"},"This is how our partnership can look like: "),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Your guests can use our hospitality chauffeur services and the fare can be handled by the hotel internally, whilst Simber invoices the hotel on a weekly or monthly basis."),s.a.createElement("li",null,"You will be allocated an account manager within Simber Chauffeur Services which you can have direct communication with for bookings or queries you may have."),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Your guests will experience an elevated service, focusing on their transportation needs whilst being surrounded by chauffeurs which are attentive and professional."),s.a.createElement("li",null,"As one of our partnership hotels, your hotel and respective staff will build a long term relationship not only with our office team but also with our chauffeurs."),s.a.createElement("li",null,"We can personalise our airport name boards to display your hotel name along with the guests when taking care of transfers from airports to your hotel."),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Simber Chauffeur Services can act as an extension of your hotel, this can become especially effective when a Simber chauffeur and vehicle is allocated to your hotel and is on standby only for your guests use.")),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("a",{className:"primary-button",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk"},"book now")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Dedicated Vehicle For Your Hotel"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"With Simber Chauffeur Services the hotel has the option to have a ",s.a.createElement("span",{className:"gold-s"},"dedicated vehicle on standby"),", for a contracted length of time with a minimum term of 6 months."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"With this bespoke service you will have a Simber vehicle as well as one of our professional chauffeurs at your disposal for hotel transport to be used by your guests."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Most hotels offer this service complimentary to their guests - to take them to destinations a mile or two from their hotel within London."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("span",{className:"gold-s"},"Important:")," How the hotel or your guests use the vehicle will be outlined in the terms we agree. The terms of use will be dictated by you and agreed with Simber Chauffeur Services."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Simber is flexible and can discuss the various options associated with the use of this service. Regardless of the conditions of use that are set, it is important to remember that during this period the chauffeur and the vehicle will represent your hotel in the best possible way. Each of our drivers knew how to become a professional chauffeur, and they are trained to represent a high level of professionalism."),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Benefits of Partnering with Simber"),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Excellent representation of your hotel with luxury and personalised chauffeur driven services."),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Maximum comfort and safety for your guests following all mandatory Covid-19 protocols."),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Upgrading the overall travel experience of your guests by minimising their transport worries while in London."),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Dedicated points of contact within Simber to assist you and your guests best we can."),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Regular meetings to review and discuss the efficiency of the service. ")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"picture-section small-text"},s.a.createElement("img",{className:"img-s",src:a(595),alt:"Watching youtube on a laptop while being driven in a car."}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("p",null,"We\u2019d love the opportunity to discuss a collaboration with you as soon as possible. So, the next time you see a pictogramme chauffeur or think about chauffeur services, please ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact"},"contact us")," and arrange a meeting with one of our team! "))),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("a",{className:"primary-button",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk"},"book now"))))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))}a(878);function ta(){return s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"A luxury minibus hire is the perfect combination for your trip in London so you can experience the city's magic with your family or friends. Contact Simber now."}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"Looking for Luxury Minibus Hire in London | Simber Chauffeur Services"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/luxury-minibus-hire"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Luxury Minibus Hire in London",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/luxury-minibus-hire"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("img",{onClick:function(){return window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:"smooth"})},className:"top-img",src:a(47)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"longterm-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",null,"Luxury Minibus Hire in London"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"offset-text-before-title"},s.a.createElement("p",null,"Luxury minibuses are the most convenient choice for group trips. No matter if you travel with your friends, family, or colleagues, an exclusive minibus can surely enhance your London experience."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"But what does it take to hire a chauffeured minibus? Let's get there:")),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Hire a Minibus from Simber for Your Ultimate Comfort While in London"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"If you need a minibus hire, you have come to the right place. Our minibus chauffeur service will provide you with comfort, luxury, and safety on the road to your desired destination. Whether travelling around London, or the rest of the United Kingdom, you can relax since you are in the hands of a licensed professional chauffeur."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact"},"Contact Us.")),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Private Tour in London"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"To hire a chauffeur-driven minibus means you're ready to discover all the beauties the UK capital has to offer. You will have the chance to travel together as a team with your family and friends. Furthermore, a minibus and driver hire is the perfect combination to visit all the exhibition halls, green parks, museums, and many other tourist attractions. Also, once you hire minibus, you can get a professional chauffeur who will answer your questions on local sites and give you local tips about places you can\u2019t easily find online."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Visit Sports and Corporate Events"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"When hiring a minibus with a driver in London, you can expect a stress-free journey while preparing for your favourite sports event."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Travel together as a group no matter if you want to take part in Horse Racing at Royal Ascot in Windsor, Formula One at Silverstone Circuit, Tennis at Wimbledon, London Fashion Week, or travel to live shows in premium luxury."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"And the same goes for corporate events of any kind. Whether you need a minibus hire London for you and your colleagues, or you are organising transport for guests, an enterprise minibus hire is the perfect solution."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Airport Transfers with VIP Minibus"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Simber\u2019s minibus rentals are also excellent for airport transfers since we can pick you up at any airport. Whether you arrive with your family, friends, or any other group of people, we can arrange you an executive minibus hire that will wait for you right when you land, and it will take you to your booked accommodation or any other place you want."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Also, the same rules apply if you need to get to any airport on time. An affordable minibus hire with driver is the perfect combination for not just not being late, but it\u2019s also a great option since it\u2019s not advisable for you yourself to drive in such an enormous city like London, especially when you are in a rush!"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Your Wedding Day"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"All the different feelings, preparations, and various other challenges on your wedding day will instantly motivate you to search for a minibus hire near me. And that\u2019s okay!"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Why?"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Because you and your loved one already have too many things to take care of, so why bother about transportation when you can use a luxury minibus with a professional chauffeur for your family and friends who will be able to enjoy the ride. With a wedding minibus hire you along with your family and friends will experience many memorable moments while riding, furthermore it\u2019s suitable for guests coming from other cities or countries as well. You can arrange a London minibus hire both for you and your guests for your special day! Don\u2019t hesitate to reach out for a tailor made quote."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Find out more about how to partner with us ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact"},"here"),"."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Hire a Minibus Chauffeur for a Bachelor/Bachelorette Party"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"In order to have a fantastic bachelor or bachelorette party, you have to get together with your friends in a perfectly planned schedule. And what better way to get together than in a 16 seater minibus hire riding to your desired destination."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"You will be excited, you will have a lot of fun, and it is certainly best to hire a professional chauffeur to avoid driving yourself. This party should be one of the best of your life, so relax and leave the driving part to our professionals."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Of course, if you need to hire a minibus with driver for any other occasion, Simber is here to provide you with the best chauffeur services! "),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Vip Minibus Hire Benefits"),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"italic"},"VIP minibuses offer a wide array of benefits to elevate your overall travel experience with the highest level of comfort and convenience. Minibuses, as expected, provide space, plush seating, and luxurious setting for group travels."),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"italic"},"At the same time, expert chauffeurs guarantee a smooth ride, allowing every passenger to relax. No matter if you travel for corporate events, special occasions, or family activities, you can enjoy in:"),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Cost Savings"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Ease"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Luxury Travel"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Seeing The Country"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Keeping Stress At Bay"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Safety"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"Comfort")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Luxury Minivan vs Luxury Minibus: What's the Difference?"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"While minivans and minibuses seem similar, it's important to note that they're quite different."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"In general, remember that a minivan's interior is more similar to a car with more cargo space, while a minibus can carry more passengers, typically more than 12 at a time."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Luxury minivans are often referred to as bigger and more comfortable family vehicles, while minibuses are great for commercial transport."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Finding the best luxury minivan depends on your specific needs and travel requirements. Still, when compared to minibuses, we can say that the difference can be narrowed down to:"),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"Not so spacious luxury minivan interior"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"It\u2019s similar to car, not a minibus"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"It carries fewer passengers compared to the chauffeur minibuses")),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"faq-section-header"},"LIST OF FAQ"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"faq-wrapper",itemScope:!0,itemType:"https://schema.org/FAQPage"},s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Where can I hire a minibus?",answer:"You can hire a minibus travel through our Simber services. We can provide you a trained and professional chauffeur from and to any place in London and the surrounding areas. Comfort, safety, and luxury are only some of the many reasons we are the best possible choice."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What licence do I need to drive a minibus for hire and reward?",answer:"One can drive a minibus for hire with a minibus driving test with a category D1 licence, or a bus driving test and a category D licence. But considering the high-quality of our professional chauffeur service in London, you will be in safe hands with our chauffeurs since their number one priority is to keep you safe and provide you with a comfortable ride."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How much to hire a minibus?",answer:"It is more than worth it to hire a Simber minibus considering the professional services you will get for your money. Our minibus hire prices are dependent on locations and starting points, so it is always best to get in touch for a tailor made quote. The minibus hire cost includes complete professionalism, luxurious ride, safe transportation, and high-level punctuality. "}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Will the chauffeur wait for me at my location?",answer:"Yes, our chauffeur will wait for you at your desired location, no matter if it\u2019s a London airport, your hotel, etc. A minibus rental with driver is the perfect solution for you and the group of people you are travelling with since you will always be on time, or be able to leave your belongings in the vehicle while you are sightseeing. Remember your chauffeur is on standby, or as directed by you, feel free to let them know what you\u2019d like to do! "}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Will the chauffeur respect my confidentiality and privacy?",answer:"The chauffeur will respect your privacy at all times. Simber chauffeurs are also able to sign a non-disclosure agreement, so any conversation in the vehicle will stay in the vehicle. Either way, you don\u2019t have to worry, our strong beliefs on privacy and discretion are our top priority."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Do you provide car seats for children?",answer:"We provide various types of child seats for children such as booster seats, child seats, and baby seats. Just please add your child\u2019s age or the type of child seat you need before you confirm your booking."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"Can I book the same driver for other Simber services?",answer:"Of course, if you are satisfied with the service received, you can request the same professional chauffeur for any other service, as long as the chauffeur is available and not requested by another client. "}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What's the difference between a minibus and a minivan?",answer:"Minibus vs. Minivan: Minibuses are larger, like smaller buses with more than 12 individual seats. On the other hand, minivans can accommodate up to 8 passengers on the bench seats."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What's the difference between a minibus and a microbus?",answer:"Minibus vs. Microbus: The difference between these two is the commercial use. While minibuses are more for commercial use, group travel, and organized tours, microbuses are used more for personal purposes."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How to spot the best chauffeur-driven minibus hire service?",answer:"It's simple, like reading and comparing reviews and testimonials to narrow down your choice. Simber can be the answer to your question as we offer convenient minibus hire with a driver in London for every client."}))))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))}a(879);function aa(){return s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"Experience the epitome of luxury with a premium airport transfer to Heathrow. Book a comfortable and stylish journey with Simber for the ultimate experience."}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"Luxury Airport Transfer to Heathrow | Simber"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/airport-transfers/heathrow"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Airport Transfers",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/airport-transfers"},{description:"Luxury Airport Transfer to Heathrow",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/airport-transfers/heathrow"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"heathrow-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",null,"Exceptional Luxury Airport Transfer Heathrow with Simber"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Heathrow is the most famous commercial airport in London, but also throughout the UK. Very often, flights from other countries are directly to this airport. Do you also arrive at Heathrow or need to depart from there? Find out how chauffeur service can help you have a comfortable and stress-free experience:"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"How do Airport Transfers Work?"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"As a service, airport transfers are similar to meet-and-greet, but in a more luxurious way. Our team arranges a stress-free pick-up from Heathrow, leaving you free to focus on your journey ahead. We can do the same if you need to travel from Heathrow to another destination, as you'll need efficient transportation."),s.a.createElement("h3",null," Seamless and Stress-Free Transportation"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"We prioritize comfort and convenience when it comes to any kind of ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/airport-transfers"},"luxury airport transfer")," to Heathrow airport. From the moment you book with Simber, our trained and dedicated staff is ready to provide exceptional service so you can reach your destination with ease."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Luxury Transfer to Heathrow Airport"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"How to experience the epitome of style and comfort with our luxury transfer service to Heathrow? We provide elegant and comfortable vehicles driven by professionally trained chauffeurs. Our transportation experience exceeds your expectations, ensuring you travel in luxury from the moment we pick you up until you reach your destination."),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Indulge in Unparalleled Style and Comfort"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Imagine having time to relax once you arrive at Heathrow without worrying about your luggage and personal belongings. Our professional chauffeurs will take care of every detail, ensuring your journey is not only luxurious but also efficient. And you have only a few simple things to do - sit back and enjoy a first-class airport transfer experience."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Transfers from Hotel to Airport"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Leave the hassle of getting to the airport from your hotel in our hands. As we can pick you up from Heathrow, we also do the same from the hotel or accommodation to the airport."),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Effortless Departures from Your Accommodation"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our tailored hotel-to-airport service lets you leave the stress of arranging transportation out of your plans. Our chauffeurs will arrive promptly at your accommodation, assist with your luggage, and ensure a smooth and timely transfer to the airport. Simber's goal is to make your arrival and departure as effortless as possible, so book your transfer now to elevate your journey.")))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))}a(880);function oa(){return s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"Enjoy the seamless and personalized ride specially tailored for every client who needs luxury Gatwick airport transfers. Book your exclusive experience now."}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"Luxury Gatwick Airport Transfers | Simber"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/airport-transfers/gatwick"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Airport Transfers",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/airport-transfers"},{description:"Luxury Gatwick Airport Transfers",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/airport-transfers/gatwick"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"gatwick-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",null,"Gatwick Airport Transfers: Personalized Pick-ups and Drop-offs"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our top Gatwick airport transfers are designed to make your journey perfect. From the moment you step off the plane, you'll be greeted by your chauffeur, who is responsible for providing the highest level of service. It's the same when you need to go to Gatwick airport."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"It's up to you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the opulence, as we've already taken care of every detail that makes your trip comfortable and stylish."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Gatwick Airport Private Transfers to Indulge in Unparalleled Luxury"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Are you ready to step into a world of unparalleled luxury using our Gatwick airport transfers? Designed only for you, our service offers a level of exclusivity that surely goes beyond expectations. From the moment you arrive, your assigned driver will help you with the luggage, ensuring you're comfortable all the time."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"It's time to experience the convenience of the seamless and personalized journey tailored to your preferences. We are committed to delivering that for you, making your trip nothing less than extraordinary."),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"The Ultimate VIP Experience to Arrive in Style"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"One thing is for sure! You must get ready to ",s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/airport-transfers"},"receive VIP airport transfers")," from us. Our team of experienced chauffeurs is well-versed in providing the highest level of service, ensuring your every need is met."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"It's on you to let us greet you with a warm welcome and provide a smooth and comfortable ride to your preferred destination. Our goal is to make your arrival at Gatwick truly unforgettable, as well as the ride to your hotel, accommodation, or home."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Transfers to Gatwick Airport: Convenient and Luxurious Transportation"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Whether you're heading to catch a flight or welcome someone you love, we are here to provide the most convenient luxurious transportation. The result is a stress-free journey, no matter if you travel alone or with a friend, partner, or a family member."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Additionally, our fleet of luxury vehicles offers the utmost comfort and sophistication, ensuring that your transfer is a delightful experience from start to finish."),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Effortless Journey with Transfers to Gatwick"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Why choose Simber? Because with us, you leave the hassles of heavy traffic and parking behind you. Also, we can plan the whole ride for you, considering traffic conditions and flight schedules."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"With our commitment to these details, you will surely receive a smooth ride to Gatwick. You only need to focus on the one thing that truly matters - enjoying your trip."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Airport Transfers from Gatwick: First-Class Service to Your Destination"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our professional chauffeurs are here if you need to travel to or from Gatwick. You know how it's done - you sit back and relax, and we take care of navigating the roads and dealing with the traffic."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our commitment to excellence means you can expect a smooth and comfortable journey, arriving at your destination feeling refreshed and ready to embark on your next adventure."),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Unwind and Relax with Our Transfers from Gatwick"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"When travelling, you deserve the best possible experience. Flights can be tiring, so the trip from the airport to home shouldn't be an additional challenge for you."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Instead, you can let us deal with your luggage and guide you to your elegant vehicle. Experience the epitome of luxury and relaxation with our airport transfers from Gatwick.")))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))}a(881);var na=function(){return Object(i.useEffect)((function(){he()(document).ready((function(){he()(".fadeHover").hover((function(){he()(".fadeHover").not(this).fadeTo("fast",.3)}),(function(){he()(".fadeHover").fadeTo("fast",1)}))}))})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-background-wrapper"},s.a.createElement(ae.a,null,s.a.createElement("meta",{name:"description",content:"Executive chauffeur services for corporate C-suite roles and officials within a company or organization with immaculate vehicles and professional drivers."}),s.a.createElement("title",null,"Executive Chauffeur Service | Simber"),s.a.createElement("link",{rel:"canonical",href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/executive-transfers"})),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"service-page-wrapper"},s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content-wrapper"}),s.a.createElement($,null),s.a.createElement("main",null,s.a.createElement(oe,{breadcrumbList:[{description:"Services",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services",dontNavigate:!0},{description:"Executive Chauffeur Service",url:"https://www.simber.co.uk/services/executive-transfers"}]}),s.a.createElement(re.a,{maxWidth:"md",className:"container"},s.a.createElement("img",{onClick:function(){return window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:"smooth"})},className:"top-img",src:a(47)}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"corporate-wrapper service-picture"}),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"content"},s.a.createElement("h1",{className:"details-header"},"London\u2019s Best Executive Chauffeur Service"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Time is money, especially in the business and corporate world. "),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our executive chauffeur services are made for busy executives and high-level roles in companies and organizations. No more battling traffic or navigating unfamiliar streets. Focus on what matters most - preparing for your next business success."),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Discretion Guaranteed: Professional Chauffeur Experience for Executives"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"At Simber, we cater to corporate C-suite roles and officials with impeccable vehicles and skilled drivers."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Our trained chauffeurs are committed to providing exceptional service to any client. They anticipate your needs and provide complete privacy to handle some business meetings."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Experience luxury travel with our executive chauffeur hire in London."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("button",{className:"primary-button",onClick:function(){return window.location.href="https://www.simber.co.uk"}},"Book Now")),s.a.createElement("h3",null,"Why Choose Simber's Executive Chauffeur Service in London?"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"From great vehicles to building trustworthy partnerships, Simber ensures you arrive at your destination in elegance and sophistication."),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("strong",null,"Why hire us?")),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Based in the heart of London, our executive chauffeur service offers unparalleled convenience and accessibility, as well as:"),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,s.a.createElement("strong",null,"Perfectly Clean Vehicles")," - A fleet of professionally maintained luxury cars for a comfortable and stylish ride."),s.a.createElement("li",null,s.a.createElement("strong",null,"Professional Chauffeurs")," - Experienced, discreet, and highly-trained drivers dedicated to your comfort and privacy."),s.a.createElement("li",null,s.a.createElement("strong",null,"Punctuality Guaranteed")," - Never miss an important meeting or appointment again. We get you where you need to be on time, every time."),s.a.createElement("li",null,s.a.createElement("strong",null,"Easy and Intuitive Booking Process")," - Book your chauffeur service quickly and easily online or by phone."),s.a.createElement("li",null,s.a.createElement("strong",null,"24/7 Availability")," - We are available for transfers at any time, day or night, on your request.")),s.a.createElement("p",{className:"gold-text"},s.a.createElement("strong",null,"Experience the Difference with Simber's Executive Chauffeur Services!")),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("a",{href:"https://www.simber.co.uk/contact",rel:"nofollow"},"Contact us")," today and request personalized executive transfers for your upcoming business trip."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",null,"Hire London\u2019s Most Experienced Executive Chauffeurs!"),s.a.createElement("p",null,"Your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities. That's why we staff our service with experienced and highly trained drivers."),s.a.createElement("p",null,"What sets us apart?"),s.a.createElement("ul",null,s.a.createElement("li",null,"We hire only the best chauffeurs who have the needed licenses and a clean background"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"We ensure you arrive anywhere in a safe and comfortable manner"),s.a.createElement("li",null,"We navigate London's streets professionally, so you can always arrive on time")),s.a.createElement("p",null,s.a.createElement("strong",null,"Ride with confidence:")," Hire Simber for your next executive transfer."),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"devider"}),s.a.createElement("h2",{className:"faq-section-header"},"FAQs"),s.a.createElement("div",{className:"faq-wrapper",itemScope:!0,itemType:"https://schema.org/FAQPage"},s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"What is an executive chauffeur?",answer:"The executive chauffeur is the person who drives a company executive (CEO, owner, C-suite employee) in a luxury car, prioritizing comfort and discretion and following the business timeline as requested."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"When do I need an executive chauffeur?",answer:"Hire an executive chauffeur when you need a stress-free and productive journey. This is an ideal option for airport transfers, important meetings, and stylish event arrivals."}),s.a.createElement(ce,{question:"How do you hire the best executive chauffeur service company?",answer:"Always look for a company with well-maintained vehicles and experienced chauffeurs known for their punctuality and discretion. Read testimonials and reviews, and make the right choice."}))))),s.a.createElement(ee,null)))};function ra(){return s.a.createElement(Q.e,null,s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/",component:Ut}),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/home",component:Ut}),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/paymentsuccess"},s.a.createElement(Jt,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/paymentcanceled"},s.a.createElement(Zt,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/login"},s.a.createElement(_t,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/confirmEmail"},s.a.createElement(ht,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/resetPass"},s.a.createElement(Ne,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/register"},s.a.createElement($t,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/profile/data"},s.a.createElement(Be,{initTab:Ie.Profile},s.a.createElement(Pe,null))),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/profile/bookings"},s.a.createElement(Be,{initTab:Ie.MyBookings},s.a.createElement(Ue,null))),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/profile/bookings/:id"},s.a.createElement(Be,{initTab:Ie.BookingDetails},s.a.createElement($e,null))),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/profile/payment"},s.a.createElement(Be,{initTab:Ie.Payment},s.a.createElement(qe,null))),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/profile/settings"},s.a.createElement(Be,{initTab:Ie.Settings},s.a.createElement(Je,null))),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/summary",component:Qt}),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/vehicles"},s.a.createElement(ne,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/blog"},s.a.createElement(xt,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/blog/:id"},s.a.createElement(gt,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/about"},s.a.createElement(pe,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/contact"},s.a.createElement(lt,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/covid19"},s.a.createElement(ct,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/airport-transfers"},s.a.createElement(me,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/airport-transfers/heathrow"},s.a.createElement(aa,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/airport-transfers/gatwick"},s.a.createElement(oa,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/corporate-chauffeur"},s.a.createElement(de,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/executive-transfers"},s.a.createElement(na,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/events-chauffeurs"},s.a.createElement(ye,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/wedding-chauffeur"},s.a.createElement(we,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/private-tours"},s.a.createElement(ve,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/seaport-transfers"},s.a.createElement(be,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/long-distance-chauffeur"},s.a.createElement(fe,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/long-term-chauffeur"},s.a.createElement(ge,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/strategic-partnerships-hotel-transport"},s.a.createElement(ea,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/services/luxury-minibus-hire"},s.a.createElement(ta,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/terms/general"},s.a.createElement(tt,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/terms/service"},s.a.createElement(ot,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/terms/policy"},s.a.createElement(dt,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.c,{exact:!0,path:"/gallery"},s.a.createElement(xe,null)),s.a.createElement(Q.b,{to:"/"}),s.a.createElement(Q.a,{initialEntries:["/blog"],initialIndex:0},s.a.createElement(Q.e,null,s.a.createElement(Q.c,{path:"/blog/*",children:s.a.createElement(xt,null)}))))}var ia=a(52),sa=Object(ia.a)();a(606);a(1104).config(),a(606),c.a.render(s.a.createElement(u.a,{store:j},s.a.createElement(s.a.StrictMode,null,s.a.createElement(Q.d,{history:sa},s.a.createElement(ra,null)),j.getState().user.cookie&&s.a.createElement("div",{className:"cookie"},s.a.createElement("span",null,"By using our website you accept that the third party applications such as google used by our website may use cookies to track information."),s.a.createElement(M.a,{onClick:function(){j.dispatch({type:"ACCEPT_COOKIE"}),window.location.reload()}},"confirm")))),document.getElementById("root"))}],[[716,1,2]]]); //# sourceMappingURL=main.095e0a4f.chunk.js.map